What seemed like hours had pasted as we continued down the path. the cart slowed to a stop, I looked over to where Kaiden was.
"What's the matter? Why have we stopped." Right as I followed where the Change-ling was gawking at.
Up the road laid two lifeless horses. A few buzzards circled them overhead.
Kaiden frozen in fear, let out the smallest of whispers. "Goblins…" Oriana being confused hollered. "WHAT?!"
"GOBLINS!" Kaiden roared as three ugly creatures suddenly popped out of the woods armed at the ready. The world around us seemed to spiraled as we immediately grabbed our weapons.
Xenneth barked an order. "PROTECT THE CART!" as she took flight with her massive wings.
Oriana was the first to rush the monsters and as she did the first one swung it's sword dealing a direct hit. "Ow! You son of a bitch!" I raised my bow as Xenneth ran to her aid. I released my arrow instantly killing the goblin that struck her but everything was moving too fast for us and a second goblin closed in on Xenneth. She took out her staff and to defend her dear friend Oriana striking him hard enough for him to fall dead at her feet. Xenneth dragged Oriana behind one of the dead horses, but not without tripping and knocking herself out on her own staff.
I rolled my eyes and quickly grabbed for another arrow as the last goblin closed in on them. "Guide me father." And without further delay I release my arrow, sending it straight into its heart. The last of the goblins fell to its knees yelping in distress before it too laid lifeless.
I placed my bow back onto my back and stepped towards to two demons. "Now how on Earth did this happen?" Luckily I knew of a powerful healing spell and since Xenneth was knocked out cold I used it on her.
As she came too she sat up. "Did we win?" I walked away and headed back to the cart passing Oriana who then started feasting on one of the horses to gain back what blood she had lost in the battle. I guess she saw the discussed look on my face. "Best be lucky it's not you."
"Where do you think they came from?" Kaiden asked still shook when I reached the cart.
"I'm not sure but if there's three there is destined to be more."