7. Sex Dreams And Romantic Dinners

It had been exactly one week since Waverly’s first date with Nicole, and she had slept over at the police officer’s house five out of those seven days – including their first date. They hadn’t done anything more than steamy make out sessions though. There were a couple of times where shirts may have been removed, but pants and bras were always still on. Waverly enjoyed feeling Nicole’s soft skin. Her favorite thing was tracing the outline of the officer’s abs with her fingertips. She could tell that the woman took excellent care of her body and that it was something that was important to her, which Waverly found very attractive. But, all of the steamy make out sessions and exploration of skin had caused an unbearable amount of sexual frustration. Waverly had never masturbated so many times in one week…or one day, for that matter. And even though she didn’t know it, Nicole hadn’t either. The naturally protective police officer was waiting for the right time, and Waverly was waiting for Nicole. But she was now at a point where she couldn’t wait any longer, because she didn’t just want it; she needed it. And she desperately hoped that tonight would be the night that she would get to have sex with the red-haired officer that she had been dreaming about for the past four months.

“Hey cutie,” Nicole lilted as she walked into the shop. “You excited about tonight?”

“What, cooking dinner for you at my house for the first time? I’m ecstatic!”

“I hope you’re not lying about being able to cook,” Nicole teased before taking the first sip of her coffee that was handed to her, like always.

“And if I am?” Waverly teased back.

“The I guess we have to break up.” The officer winked.

The brunette beamed. They had been dating for a week, but were they girlfriends? They hadn’t officially said anything, but she wasn’t really sure how all of this worked. Maybe she was supposed to already know. If they were girlfriends, did that mean that they could finally sleep together? Is that what Nicole was waiting for? The unspoken announcement of their relationship? It was all so confusing to Waverly.

“So,” the barista cleared her throat once she realized she had been spaced out a little too long to not be questioned about it, “Wynonna is out of the house, which means we’ll be all alone all night long with no interruptions.” Waverly smirked at Nicole as she lightly trailed her finger down the middle of the redhead’s torso, hoping she would get the hint.

Nicole gulped. The thought of having Waverly all to herself made her muscles twitch with anticipation. But, the woman was probably just talking about some more kissing and removing shirts; nothing more. The officer didn’t dwell on it or let herself get too excited.

“Can’t wait.” Nicole smiled at Waverly and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before pulling out two five dollar bills and handed them over.

“Oh, uh you accidentally gave me two fives,” Waverly said as she handed one back to the officer, but Nicole just pushed her hand back.

“No, that’s for you.”

“What for?”

“Well, you’re always buying me coffee, so I figured I’d buy yours for once,” she smiled lovingly. A smile that caused Waverly to blush as her heart began to beat erratically.

They were snapped out of their longing stares by a customer walking through the door.

“Uh, well I hope you have a good day officer,” Waverly said, trying to play it off like they hadn’t just been undressing each other with their eyes.

“Thank you, ma’am. Have a good day,” Nicole winked before leaving the shop.


“You alright?” Dolls asked Nicole. They had been in the car for five minutes and hadn’t said a single word, due to Nicole being lost in her thoughts.

“Yep,” she replied without looking over at him.

“Haught,” he said pointedly.

She sighed in defeat. “Fine. How can you tell when someone is ready to take the next step?”

“You mean sex?”

The redhead nodded.

“Aren’t you the expert when it comes to women? I remember because of all the times you’ve bragged about being an expert when it comes to women…”

“This is different. She’s different. She throws me off my game and everything is skewed. I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.”

“Yeah, love will do that to you,” he grinned.

“I never said I loved her.”

“I know, which is why I’m saying it for you. But seriously, just talk to her.”

“But what if I ask and she only says she’s ready because she thinks I want her to? I’ve heard all of the horror stories of her relationship with Champ. I want her to feel in control of the situation this time.”

“Then I guess you just let her come to you.”

Nicole sighed. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m just not used to being the one to stand back and follow someone else’s lead.”

“Waverly might not be the most experienced person when it comes to being with a woman, but she’s an adult. Trust that she knows what she wants, and trust your instincts.”

Nicole nodded as she exhaled. “You’re right. I just have to trust her.”


“What’s got you down?” Wynonna asked Waverly as she handed her a cider. “You never drink during a work day. …Actually, I rarely ever see you drink.”

The small woman chugged half of the beverage before slamming it down on the counter and wiping her mouth. “I need some liquid courage.”

“For what?”

“Can I ask you something?” Waverly leaned forward.

“Yeah, sure. It’s not like I just asked you a question or anything,” Wynonna replied sarcastically.

“How do you tell someone you’re ready to sleep with them?”

“Well I don’t usually tell them, I just start removing clothes. Usually they get the hint.”

Waverly stared at her, unsure of what to do with that information.

“Oh,” Wynonna’s eyes widened. “You meant ‘you’ as in a general ‘you’, not me specifically. You’re asking for advice.”


Wynonna smirked. “Does that mean my baby sis wants to get laid by a Haught poli-“

“I’m serious Wynonna!” Waverly interrupted her obvious joke, wanting her older sister to be serious for once. “I need your help. I want to have sex with-“ She looked around the room when she realized that she was speaking a little too loudly – even for a bar – before turning back to Wynonna a little closer than before and whispering “Nicole.” She sighed as she leaned back. “But I think she’s waiting for something.”

“Waiting for what?”

“I don’t know exactly. Maybe for her to want to?”

Wynonna laughed. “Baby Girl, I can guarantee that Haught is not waiting for herself to be ready. She’s been ready to rip your clothes off for a long time, trust me.”

Waverly slightly smiled at the thought of Nicole wanting her just as badly as she wanted Nicole. “Then what’s she waiting for? She’s the one who keeps stopping us every time we get close to crossing the line between steamy makeout session and-“

“Doing it like bunnies?”

The younger woman nodded.

“Well, if I had to guess, she’s probably waiting for you to tell her you’re ready.”

“But when we take our shirts off, I always give her the look.”

“No, not to show her you’re ready. To tell her you’re ready.”

“Oh,” Waverly slumped on the stool in thought. “Like, to say the words ‘I want to have sex with you?’”

Wynonna raised an eyebrow and slowly nodded at her.

“Huh. I don’t think I’ve ever actually said that before.”

“Welcome to the world of healthy relationships, where communication is key.”

“It’s just that, Champ never-“

“There’s a lot of things that Champ never did that he should have,” Wynonna interrupted, knowing exactly what Waverly was going to say. “But you’re with Nicole now. So you’re going to have to start getting used to letting her know exactly what you want, because from what I can tell, that’s the only way she does things.”

Waverly nodded. This whole thing with Nicole was extremely new for her. Not because she’s a woman – well, of course that too – but because she’s never had much of a say in things before. She was always used to being told what to do, so this amount of power was new for her.

She finished her cider and sat the glass bottle down on the table. “Thanks, Wynonna. You’re a good older sister.”

“I do what I can,” she winked.


It had been a slow day at the precinct. Nicole found herself constantly looking up at the clock. Sadly, she wasn’t even halfway through her work day yet. She sighed as she grabbed a new file from the rather large ‘to do’ pile on her desk.

“Hey sexy,” a sultry voice came from behind her.

When Nicole turned around, she noticed Waverly strutting towards her with a suggestive smirk on her face. She was wearing a tight-fitting sweater with a neck line shaped like a V that dropped down the valley of her breasts, a very tight mini-skirt, and suede knee-high boots.

Nicole’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor at the sight of the woman. “Holy…” she began, but before she could finish her sentence, Waverly spun her chair all the way around and swung her left leg over the officer, straddling her lap. Before her brain – which had turned to mush at this point – could process what was happening, Waverly’s mouth was on hers, hungrily devouring it in a kiss that made Nicole’s head spin. She wrapped her hands around Waverly’s lower back and pulled her in, rocking her hips to create pressure against both of their centers, causing them both to moan into each other’s mouths.

“Nicole,” Waverly panted before bringing her lips back down to the officer’s. Just thinking about their lips disconnecting for longer than a second felt like torture. “I want you so badly,” she finally continued.

Nicole hummed into Waverly’s mouth. Those words alone were enough to cause a pool of arousal to coat her center

“Please,” Waverly begged.

That was enough for Nicole. There was no way she could say no at this point. She was a goner. She stood up and held on to the smaller woman with strong arms as Waverly wrapped her legs around Nicole’s hips, still connected at the mouth. Nicole turned them around, kicked the chair out of the way, pushed everything off of the top of her desk with a quick swipe of her arm, and laid Waverly down on the wood furniture – all without breaking the kiss, or opening her eyes.

As soon as Waverly hit the table, Nicole hastily grabbed the top of Waverly’s sweater and yanked it down her shoulders, causing the garment to rip in the process, revealing her perfect breasts. Of course she wasn’t wearing a bra. Nicole immediately dropped her lips to the brunette’s taut nipples and began licking and sucking.

“Unghhhh,” Waverly moaned at the top of her lungs at the contact.

After a few greedy seconds, Nicole brought her mouth to the other breast, wanting to give both of them equal attention.

“Please baby,” Waverly whined. “I need you so badly. I can’t take it anymore,” Waverly begged in a whimper that sounded like she was genuinely about to cry.

Nicole happily obliged and began kissing down Waverly’s tight abdomen, not lingering any longer than Waverly – who was now on her back with her palms pressed into her forehead, breathing and moaning in a way that would surely cause lightheadedness pretty soon as a result of Nicole’s soft kisses on her sensitive skin – wanted her to. When Nicole reached the skirt fabric, she reached underneath the bottom and pulled Waverly’s ruined panties down her short, thin legs and mindlessly tossed them aside. Waverly leaned up on her elbows to look into Nicole’s eyes, giving permission to the questioning one’s looking back.

Once Nicole received the permission she needed, she pushed Waverly’s skirt up and spread her legs wide before dropping her head down and licking up soft, wet, swollen folds, circling at the top.

“Oh, fuck!” Waverly yelled. Nobody would ever believe such a sound came from sweet, innocent Waverly Earp if they weren’t there to witness it; which Nicole was thankful she was, because it only encouraged her more.

The redhead continued her pattern of licking up Waverly’s slit a few more times before focusing on her clit, which was extremely swollen and sensitive at this point. She experimented with different patterns before settling on a figure eight motion. Waverly brought her right hand down to Nicole’s head and tangled it in red waves as she kept her balance on her left elbow. She furrowed her brow while a symphony of moans, groans, whimpers, and occasional profanities escaped her slightly agape mouth, all while watching Nicole eat her out. Waverly only ever cursed when she was angry, scared, or really annoyed, so hearing it now as a form of pleasure caused Nicole’s lower abdomen to twitch in a way that was sure to result in her being soaked all the way through her uniform slacks.

Waverly pushed Nicole’s head down as she simultaneously thrusted up into her mouth. She didn’t care if Nicole couldn’t breathe, because at this point her mind was only focused on one thing; release. Nicole could feel Waverly getting closer to the edge and plunged two fingers deep into Waverly’s more-than-ready center.

“Oh FUCK!” Waverly screamed at the top of her lungs, which was accompanied by strong panting. “Yes, baby! Oh yes!”

Nicole quickly pumped her fingers in and out, raking them along the ridges of Waverly’s wall. She made sure to hit her sweet spot, which she knew she was due to Waverly’s eyes rolling back in ecstasy.

“Jesus Nicole. You fuck me so good!” Waverly let out between pants. “I’m going to come so fucking hard baby.”

“Come for me baby,” Nicole replied shortly after sitting up and replacing her tongue with the fingers of her other hand. She was watching Waverly’s face twitch and contort in pleasure. “I want to see your come all over my desk. And then I want to lick it all up.”

Waverly felt her walls tense up. “Fuck baby, I’m coming. Oh god.” Waverly’s panting became shorter and faster. “Officer Haught...fuck me Officer Haught…Officer Haught…Haught…Haught…”


Nicole jumped up as she lifted her head from her arm on her desk, causing her to bang her knee on the side panel. “Ow! Shit!” She yelped in pain as she massaged the area. “What the fuck!” She hissed.

“I believe the words you’re looking for are ‘thank you’, seeing as Nedley will fire your ass if he catches you sleeping on the job,” Dolls nagged.

“I wasn’t sleeping,” Nicole replied stubbornly.

“Oh no?” He eyeballed the small puddle of drool.

Nicole quickly wiped it up and glared at him. “Don’t you have work to get done? Or is your job to stand here and annoy me?”

He rolled his eyes. “You’re welcome,” he mumbled as he walked back to his desk.

Nicole sighed and rubbed her eyes with her thumb and index finger, shaking her head. She shifted uncomfortably as she felt the stickiness of her arousal between her legs. “Oh great,” she whispered to herself. She slowly stood up and walked around her desk.

“Now where are you going?” Dolls asked her from his chair.

“To the bathroom. Did you want to follow me in there?” She snipped.

“Nope. I’m good.” He returned to his work as Nicole grumbled and slowly waddled away.

After a few minutes of splashing cold water on her face and attempting to think of anything other than Waverly, she made her way back to her desk. Just as she sat down, she heard a cheery voice from behind her.

“Officer Haught!”

She whipped around to reveal Waverly wearing a tight-fitting V neck that showed off only a bit of her cleavage, and skin-tight shorts that were far too short to be deemed appropriate.

“Oh no, not again.” She lightly slapped her cheek to wake herself up.

Waverly furrowed her brow. “Uh, are you okay?”

When Nicole realized that it wasn’t a dream, her cheeks blushed crimson with embarrassment. “Uh, yeah. I’m fine! It’s just been a long day.”

“Tell me about it.” The brunette walked towards Nicole.

The redhead shot up from her seat and stood away from Waverly. “Uh, why don’t you sit over there…in that chair!” She pointed to the chair across from her desk.

“Yeah, that’s where I was headed silly.” Waverly chuckled and sat down at the same time as Nicole. When she studied the officer’s face, she found something she had never seen before. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she could tell that it was causing the redhead to become stressed. “Are you sure you’re okay? You seem a little…off.”

“Huh?” Nicole snapped out of the thoughts of her pervious dream, imagining it all happening with Waverly wearing her current outfit. “Oh, no. I mean, yeah! I’m fine.”

“Okay, if you’re sure…” Waverly said doubtfully.

“I am,” Nicole replied with a weak smile. “So, what did you want?”

“Oh, right. I wanted to ask you, what do you think of us doing it at your place tonight?”

“D-doing it…my p-place?” Nicole stuttered as her cheeks began to flush.

“Yeah. The dinner I’m making involves some specific appliances that we don’t have, and that I noticed you had in your kitchen last time I was there. I figured it would just be easier to have our date there than to ask to borrow all of that stuff.”

“Oh, right. Dinner.” Nicole relaxed. “Um, sure. We can have it at my place.”

“Perfect!” She stood up from the chair and began to walk towards Nicole. “I’ll text Wynonna to let her know we don’t need the house anymore, and you bring your appetite,” she smiled as she stood next to Nicole so close that the redhead could feel the heat radiating from the brunette’s skin. Nicole subtly pushed her chair away a bit to create some space between them.

“My a-appetite?” Nicole couldn’t get her dream off of her mind.

“Yeah,” Waverly smiled.

Nicole gulped. “Appetite for w-what?”

“It’s a surprise, remember?” Waverly grinned.

Nicole realized what Waverly had meant. “Oh, right. Dinner.”

Waverly furrowed her brow. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yep! Just a lot of work to get done. I want to get out of here on time, you know?” She said less-than-confidently.

“Yeah, I better get back to work too. You know, I want to make sure Darren doesn’t accidentally start a fire…again.”

“That Darren is one silly boy,” Nicole laughed awkwardly. “See you at seven!”

“Yep, see you at seven,” Waverly said softly as she stared into Nicole’s eyes and brushed her shoulder with her hand for a moment before leaving. She skipped off with her hands in her pockets. “Bye Officer Dolls!” She waved as she passed by his desk.

Nicole watched her leave, gulping at the sight. When Waverly was gone, she looked over at Dolls, who had a smug grin on his face.

“Don’t even say it,” Nicole warned before turning back around to her files. “I already know.”


Nicole gripped the steering wheel a little too hard as she made her way home. She wasn’t expecting sex tonight, but she sure did want it. She would be lying if she said that she didn’t. How could she not when Waverly was constantly teasing her and looking at her like she was the fudge to her sundae? But she figured Waverly probably wasn’t ready yet, and decided that it wasn’t going to happen tonight. When she got home, she quickly began to tidy up. Her house wasn’t too messy, so it didn’t take her that long.

When she decided that the house looked acceptable for their date, she stripped off her clothes and jumped in the shower. She sighed as the hot water hit her tense muscles, relieving all of the pent-up stress she had been carrying. She reached back behind her neck and began massaging as she closed her eyes. “Damn this feels good,” she whispered. She dropped her hands to her shoulders and repeated the massaging motion, then to her lower back, and then to her thighs. She moved her right hand to between her legs, and began massaging there. “Ungh,” she moaned at the contact of her wet fingers on her sensitive bud. She had been waiting for this ever sense her dream earlier. She began to move her fingers faster and faster, until they were moving wildly over her clit at superhuman speed. “Shit!” She moaned as she came quickly, bucking against her hand and riding out her orgasm. She dropped her speed and drew lazy strokes along her folds, but never stopped completely. Instead, she began to move a little bit quicker again, leading herself to another orgasm. This time, she grabbed the detachable showerhead and brought it down to her center. She sighed at the incredible feeling of being extremely sensitive from her first orgasm. She didn’t rush herself, since she knew she had some time to kill before Waverly had arrived. She wanted to enjoy herself before having to spend an entire night looking at Waverly.


Waverly arrived at Nicole’s house right on time. She walked up the front porch with her hands full of paper grocery bags and shifted one of the bags more into the other arm as she slightly struggled to ring the doorbell. She rang a few times, but no answer. She looked down at her watch; 7:08. She began to worry that something was wrong, since Nicole’s car was there. She set the groceries on the ground and grabbed the spare key from under the flower pot. She unlocked the door before placing the key back and picking up the groceries.

“Nicole?” Waverly said as she walked into the kitchen and sat the groceries down on the counter. “Nicole?” She yelled a little louder.

The woman rushed down the stairs with soaking wet hair and a towel wrapped around her body. “Waverly?” She asked, surprised when she noticed the brunette standing there in a lacy mini-skirt that ended way above her knees, and a silky blouse that was buttoned at the top and tied at the bottom, showing off a little bit of her midriff. Damn, Nicole thought to herself.

“Hey! Sorry, I rang but when you didn’t answer I got worried, so I let myself in.”

Nicole looked at the kitchen clock and saw how late she was. “Shit, I’m sorry Waves. I lost track of time.”

“It’s okay,” she smiled reassuringly.

“Erm, have you been here long?” Nicole asked worriedly.

“Nah, I just walked in.”

“Oh, okay.” Nicole smiled.

“Well, I’ll let you get ready. I’m going to get started on dinner, if that’s okay.”

“Yeah, of course. Go ahead. I’ll only be a few minutes,” Nicole replied.

“It’s okay, take your time. I’ve got plenty to do here,” Waverly smirked suggestively.

“Kay,” Nicole breathed out as she smiled. “I’m just…” she pointed to the stairs behind her as she eyeballed Waverly up and down, “Upstairs,” she finished incoherently.

“Go,” Waverly chuckled at her. She loved the reaction she got out of Nicole.

“Yeah.” Nicole smiled once more before heading back up the stairs.

Waverly watched her leave as she shook her head, wishing that she could just follow her up those stairs and rip that towel off. But, she knew that she had to get dinner started. She emptied the contents of the bags and began chopping some vegetables.

When Nicole got to her room, she quickly sifted through some clothes. She hadn’t picked out her outfit yet, but eventually decided on a pair of blue jeans and a flannel shirt. After putting on a little bit of makeup and deciding that her hair had air-dried enough to create subtle, natural waves, she headed downstairs.

“That smells amazing,” she raved as she walked into the kitchen.

Waverly turned around from the saucepan she was attending to. “Thank you,” she blushed before turning back around.

“Can I finally know what you’re making?” Nicole asked as she stepped behind Waverly.

“It’s pork chops in port wine sauce, roasted vegetables, and couscous.” She shivered as she felt Nicole standing directly behind her. “And for dessert, I got us some stuff for strawberry shortcake.”

“It looks delicious,” the taller woman replied near Waverly’s ear.

Nicole really wasn’t trying to tease Waverly or anything. She just wanted to get a closer look at the food without getting in the way, but the proximity of her front to Waverly’s back was too much for the brunette to handle. She dropped the spatula in the saucepan and turned around to kiss Nicole, eliciting a moan from the redhead. They hungrily kissed, hands rubbing all over each other’s bodies, for what seemed like hours. Both of them could have done this forever; exploring each other’s lips and soft skin. Just as Nicole had slid her hands under Waverly’s blouse, the kitchen timer went off, startling them and causing them to pull away from each other. Waverly quickly turned around and turned off the annoying beeping sound as Nicole shook her head in frustration at herself for getting too handsy with the woman who was trying to cook them a delicious meal.

Waverly turned back around to continue the kiss, but instead Nicole took a step back and said, “Um, you know what? I just remembered that I don’t have anything to drink other than water here. I’m going to run out to the store really quick and grab something. I’ll be right back.”

Before Waverly could protest, the redhead was out the door. Waverly sighed and turned off the burners before continuing to prepare the meal.