8. The Click Moment (WayHaught First Time)

“So, where did you learn to cook?” Nicole asked before taking a bite of her strawberry shortcake.

“My Aunt Gus taught me,” Waverly smiled.

“She’s the one that owns Shorty’s, right?”


“Are you close to her?” Nicole didn’t realize that the question would bring up any sort of painful memories, until she saw the sadness form in Waverly’s eyes.

“Um, I used to live with her. Until Wynonna came back, and then I moved in with her at our old house that we grew up in.”

Nicole nodded and decided not to pry any further unless Waverly wanted to talk about it. “Well, I can’t wait to meet her,” she smiled. Then her eyes widened at the realization that she had just assumed that Waverly would introduce them to each other. “I mean, if you want me to, of course. I’m not saying you have to, just…you know.” She shoved some more shortcake in her mouth in an attempt to prevent from digging herself any deeper.

Waverly chuckled. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets verbal diarrhea around beautiful women.” Waverly watched Nicole blush at the comment before continuing, “You’ll meet her sometime. Don’t worry.”

Just as Nicole was about to reply, Calamity Jane jumped up onto the table between them and knocked the open bottle of red wine all over Waverly’s lap. The brunette scooted back her chair, trying to avoid the spill, but it was no use. She stood up and looked down as the liquid dripped all down her legs.

“Calamity Jane, no!” Nicole yelled as she swiped up the cat and set her on the floor. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Nicole apologized as she ran to the counter to get some paper towels. “She never does that. I don’t know what’s gotten into her.”

“It’s okay!” Waverly replied with a smile, trying to make Nicole feel better. “It only got on my legs, not on any of my clothes.”

“Still, she’s not getting any treats for a while.” Nicole scowled at the cat who strutted down the hallway. She could’ve sworn that the cat was smirking at her.

“These paper towels aren’t really working too well. Is it okay if I use your shower and rinse off my legs?”

“Yeah, of course!”

“You have a detachable shower head, right?”

Nicole’s froze as she thought back to earlier. Did Waverly hear her? Had she been caught? It’s not like she was doing anything wrong, but she really didn’t want Waverly to know that she had been getting off to the thought of her just minutes prior to her entering her home.

“I mean, it’ll be much easier to get this off without stripping if you do have one, but it’s okay if you don’t,” Waverly explained.

“Oh, yes. Yes, I have a detachable shower head. No need to strip!” She said a little too eagerly. “Erm, I’ll show you where it is.” She quickly walked past Waverly and led her up the stairs to her bedroom.

Nicole showed Waverly how to work the shower before handing her a towel and shutting the door to give the girl her privacy. She paced around her bedroom as she waited, hoping that Waverly wouldn’t figure out what she had done in there earlier. It’s not like there was any way that she could, but still, Nicole was a natural worrier.

After a few minutes, Nicole heard the water turn off, followed by a shrill shriek.

“Waverly!” She yelled as she pushed open the bathroom door, revealing a scared Waverly standing on the toilet, aiming a bottle of hairspray at a rather large spider that was crawling on the floor. Nicole ran in and stomped on the spider as Waverly ran out, watching the officer pick up the spider with a piece of tissue and flush it down the toilet.

“It’s okay,” Nicole said in a calming tone as she walked out. “With it being rainy lately, I’ve been getting some bugs in the house. I’m having someone come by and spray it tomorrow.” She stepped over to Waverly and rubbed her shoulders to relax her.

“My hero,” Waverly said gratefully as she grinned.

“Well, it’s my job to protect and serve.” Nicole winked.

“Protect and serve, huh?” Waverly questioned suggestively. This is it, she thought. This is the moment; your chance. Take it!

Waverly pulled Nicole into a quick kiss, which the officer happily accepted. The truth was, she had been dying to kiss Waverly again ever since their kiss earlier, and was hoping they would end up having another one of their makeout sessions.

Waverly brought her hands down to Nicole’s and intertwined their fingers as she smiled at the officer. Nicole leaned down and Kissed Waverly’s nose as the brunette snaked her left hand up to the back of Nicole’s neck. She smiled at the act before pulling Nicole into a quick, soft kiss, which the redhead happily accepted. After a second, the women pulled away, eyes still closed, foreheads touching, taking in the tenderness of it all. Waverly slid her hand down to Nicole’s jaw, gently encouraging her into another kiss. When Nicole’s lips reached out for hers, the brunette pulled back a bit, teasingly letting her hot breath linger for a moment on the redhead’s lips, before giving into her own desires and pulling Nicole in by her neck again for another quick kiss; this one a little needier. The desire began to grow inside Waverly, and in response she brought both hands to Nicole’s face and pulled her into another kiss as Nicole wrapped her hands around the brunette’s small waist. Waverly pulled back once more, only this time to begin unbuttoning Nicole’s shirt from top to bottom, constantly looking between the taller woman’s eyes and lips as she did so.

Once Waverly disconnected her lips again, Nicole brought her lips up to her forehead, but before she could get a kiss in she realized what the brunette was doing and looked down at the moving hands on the buttons of her shirt, then back up into brown eyes. She brought her hands down to the knot in Waverly’s blouse and untied it before unbuttoning the rest of it, revealing a lacy, black bra. It wasn’t that big of a deal. They had made out without shirts before, so it’s not like it meant anything more was going to happen, so Nicole was okay with it all.

But then Waverly hungrily Kissed Nicole, harder than before, and began unbuckling the redhead’s belt. With their foreheads touching, Waverly looked up at Nicole to make sure it was okay, and Nicole looked down past her opened shirt to Waverly’s hands smoothly releasing the belt. That’s when Nicole realized what she was doing.

“Okay whoa baby, Waverly wait…” Nicole started as she brought her hands down to Waverly’s, pulling them off of the button of her jeans, and throwing her head back, cursing herself for stopping the thing that she desperately wanted, but knew couldn’t have. The brunette brought her hands back up to the back of Nicole’s neck and continued kissing her again. “Waverly…” she tried again, but failed. “Waves!” she said one last time as she pushed the petite woman off of her. She looked into Waverly’s eyes and tried to pull her thoughts together as she panted. “We don’t have to do this.”

“Don’t you want to?” Waverly asked. She wanted to. So badly. And she could tell that Nicole did too, but that also something was holding her back.

Nicole hesitated. The truth was, she did want it. All she wanted to do was take Waverly right there in her bed and make love to her all night long. But she didn’t want to be greedy. “We don’t have to,” she repeated.

“Nicole,” Waverly looked at her. She slowly brought her hands down from Nicole’s neck and slid them into her back pockets. She heard the woman gulp. “I want this.” She stared into her eyes before bringing her right hand up to Nicole’s cheek and kissing her again, but this time much slower.

The redhead was dubious. What if Waverly was just saying that because she could tell that Nicole wanted it? Or because she felt like she had to prove something? The last thing she wanted was for Waverly to feel the way she did with Champ. She pulled back out of the kiss again. “But, what about dessert? We never finished, plus we were going to watch that movie…”

Waverly loudly groaned in annoyance. “God dammit Nicole!” The officer was taken aback. Waverly noticed this and continued in a calmer tone, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just…Ugh!” She sighed in frustration. “Look, you are amazing. You’re so caring, and kind, and you always want to protect people, especially me, and I love that about you. But right now, I’m so beyond sexually frustrated, and touching myself every five minutes isn’t cutting it anymore. I need you, Nicole. I need to touch you, and I need you to touch me, because I’m going crazy here!”

Nicole stared at her with wide eyes, unable to move. She didn’t expect such inappropriate wording to come out of Waverly’s mouth.

“So,” Waverly continued, “Do you want me?”

“I- I do,” Nicole finally managed to choke out.

“And do you want me right now?”

Nicole nodded.

“And is there any reason why you physically can’t have sex with me right now?”

Nicole shook her head.

“Then please, for the love of all that is holy in this world, can we have sex Nicole?”

Nicole had spent all this time thinking of Waverly as this fragile girl who needed to be carefully brought into this experience. But now she finally saw her for what she was – a grown ass woman with a healthy sex drive and a desire to have her.

“Fuck it,” Nicole finally said.

Waverly was going to make some joke about the wording, but before she could get a word out, she felt Nicole claiming her lips with her own, kissing her with just the amount of pressure and passion that the smaller woman needed. She brought her hands up to the redhead’s collarbone and pulled back to watch her hands as they glided down the exposed skin, all the way to the unbuckled belt, which Waverly slowly pulled out of the belt loops of Nicole’s jeans. After she had thrown it on the floor in the sexiest manner Nicole had ever seen, the taller woman pushed Waverly’s blouse off of her shoulders and helped her pull it off. Then, in a moment Waverly will never forget, Nicole picked the petite brunette up – Waverly wrapping her legs around Nicole’s waist and her arms around her shoulders – and walked her over to the bed before gently laying her down. Waverly had never felt anyone so strong, not even Champ. It only turned her on even more.

As soon as Nicole laid Waverly down onto the bed, she began kissing her neck, eliciting soft, breathy moans from Waverly, who still had her arms wrapped around Nicole. The redhead moved her trail of kisses down to Waverly’s collarbone, enjoying the spot for a moment, before moving down between her bra-clad breasts. She kissed as much skin as was revealed by the garment, before sitting up.

“Can I take this off?” Nicole asked.

“Mhm,” Waverly nodded as she sat up. Before she could move to take it off herself, Nicole reached behind Waverly’s back and instantly unhooked it with a flick of her wrist. The smoothness of the woman in front of her was almost too much to handle.

The brunette slid the garment down her arms before tossing it aside. She laid back down on her back, showing off her exposed chest.

Nicole was in awe. Waverly had the most beautiful breasts she had ever seen. Honestly, like museum worthy. She brought her lips back down to the smaller girl’s cleavage right where she left off, and continued the trail down to her left nipple. Once she reached her destination, she began to delicately swirl her tongue around the nipple, studying Waverly’s face to make sure she liked it.

“Oh wow,” Waverly breathed out as she writhed under her touch.

Note to self: Waverly likes nipple stimulation.

Nicole brought her hand up to her other breast and gave it equal attention. After a few minutes, she sat up and took off her own shirt and navy-blue bra, exposing herself to the woman beneath her.

Waverly’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe she was here right now, staring at Nicole Haught’s beautiful chest. “Can I touch them?” She asked hesitantly.

Nicole chuckled. “Of course.” She reached down and grabbed Waverly’s hands, guiding them up to palm her breasts.

Nicole closed her eyes at the sensation as her breathing began to speed up, and Waverly looked up at Nicole in awe. She couldn’t believe the reaction that she was causing. In fact, she couldn’t believe that any of this was happening at all. They had officially gone further than they had ever gone before. Only two more articles of clothing left to be removed, and they would be completely naked. Just the thought drove the brunette crazy. She couldn’t wait. She brought her hands down to the waist of Nicole’s jeans and unbuttoned and unzipped them. Nicole took the hint and stood up to push them down her slender legs before kicking them aside and getting back on the bed. She was wearing matching navy-blue boyshorts, which Waverly drooled over.

“You like them?” Nicole teased.

“Yes,” Waverly replied, still staring.

“Good. Now it’s your turn.” She reached down and pulled Waverly’s skirt down her legs, revealing a black thong. “Holy shit, Waves.” Her jaw dropped. “Are you trying to kill me?”

Waverly blushed as the redhead continued to stare at her. Once she was finally able to move her muscles again, she laid down on top of Waverly, her thigh between the brunette’s legs, and kissed her; hard. The woman beneath her let out a guttural moan at the feeling of contact on her center. She began thrusting her hips up into Nicole’s thigh, feeling the stimulation she needed on her clit. Nicole thrusted her own hips in response, rocking back and forth into the woman who was clearly enjoying this.

Waverly was feeling so many things everywhere. The feeling of Nicole’s breasts moving against hers, Nicole’s mouth sucking on her pulse point, Nicole’s strong thigh rubbing against her swollen clit; it was all too much for her to handle. Suddenly, without warning, Waverly felt herself coming through her panties onto Nicole’s thigh. She leaned up and moaned into Nicole’s collarbone as the older woman continued gentle thrusts with her hips to help the girl ride out her release. After a few seconds, Waverly dropped her head back down onto the bed, and Nicole kissed her forehead.

“Are you okay?” Nicole asked sweetly, thankful to have been able to witness everything that had just happened underneath her.

Waverly paused for a moment. “I am in a sense that it felt really good. But I mean, was that okay to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“We haven’t even gotten to the real part of sex and I already…you know…” she faltered, clearly a little embarrassed.

“Waves, my love, everything we’re doing right now is sex,” she reassured as she rubbed Waverly’s cheek with her thumb. “And there’s no time limit or end goal here. You can have as many orgasms as you want, in any way you want. We can keep going all night long if we want to.”

The brunette smiled. “I think I want that.”

Nicole chuckled. “Wait until you see what I have planned for you. Then you can decide if you have the energy to keep going all night.”

Waverly couldn’t wait. “Oh, I’m sure you’re going to give me some mind-blowing orgasms tonight, I can already tell. But for now, I really want to see you.”

The taller woman raised her eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean see me? I’m right here.”

“I mean, I want to see all of you.” She looked down Nicole’s body before looking back up into her eyes.

How could Nicole say no to Waverly when she was practically eye humping her like that? She stood up off the bed and hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her boyshorts, but before she could slide them down, Waverly stopped her.


“What’s wrong?” Nicole asked.

Waverly sat up. “Come here. I want to see something.”

Nicole walked over to the bed next to Waverly with a confused look on her face. What was she up to?

As soon as she was within reach of the brunette, Waverly eyeballed a small, dark wet patch in the middle of the woman’s boyshorts. She curiously brought her fingers up, and gently felt the spot. The unexpected act caused Nicole to moan as she closed her eyes. Waverly continued moving her delicate fingers around the spot as she watched Nicole’s face, smiling at the reaction she was getting.

“You’re wet,” she said to the woman next to her, who was barely holding it together.

“Yeah,” Nicole managed to choke out, “that’s kind of what happens during sex,” she replied before a sigh escaped her opened mouth as Waverly unintentionally swiped her fingers right across her clit. The redhead tilted her head back.

“No, I mean you’re wet, for me.” She stilled her fingers before dropping them down by her side.

Nicole opened her eyes and looked at Waverly, suddenly remembering again that this was her first time with another woman. “Baby, you always do this to me. Every day. Every night. When you’re with me, when you’re not. I’m always thinking about you. You make me feel like a horny teenager again,” Nicole chuckled.



Waverly grinned. “Okay, well that was all I wanted to see. You may proceed.” She threw her head back into clasped hands, enjoying the show that was about to happen.

Nicole hooked her thumbs around the waistband once again, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly pushed them down and kicked them aside. Waverly’s breath hitched at the sight of the completely naked woman in front of her.

“Oh, Nicole,” she whispered as she eyed the woman up and down.

“Um, is that a good thing, or a bad thing? I know this is different than what you’re used to, so I just want to make sure you’re still good with all of this.” She fought the urge to cover herself up, trying her best not to show her insecurities.

“Yes. I’m absolutely good with all of this. God, you’re so fucking sexy, Nicole. I’m getting turned on looking at you.” She squeezed her thighs together, needing to feel some sort of pressure to relieve the ache that resided.

Nicole noticed this, and smirked. “Want me to help you with that?” She said as she watched Waverly continue to squeeze.

“I would love that.”

Nicole crawled up the bed and captured the brunette’s lips in a searing kiss, causing the girl to moan. As they kissed, Nicole reached down and swiftly pulled Waverly’s thong off. With their foreheads connected, she looked down and panted out her open mouth at the delicious sight of Waverly’s glistening sex. “Fuck,” was all she said before bringing her lips back up to Waverly’s, kissing her harder than before. Without warning, she greedily reached down and brought her fingers to Waverly’s heat. With her eyes closed, Waverly furrowed her brow and opened her mouth, releasing a moan at the contact she’d been craving for forever, and Nicole closed her eyes and smiled, releasing a sigh at the amount of arousal Waverly had managed to accumulate.

“Fuck, you’re so wet,” Nicole growled before dropping her lips to Waverly’s collarbone and swiping her tongue along the bone. She nipped at the skin, eliciting a moan from the woman beneath her.

Note to self: Waverly likes biting.

She moved her fingers gently in slow circles around her clit, Waverly writhing in response. The brunette was speechless. Her mouth was open like she was trying to say something, but she never did. Instead, she laid back and let herself enjoy the talents of this incredible woman on top of her. Nicole moved her fingers down right next to Waverly’s entrance, teasing her for a second before moving back up to just below her clit, but not actually touching it. She repeated this motion a few times, each time Waverly getting more impatient. Nicole smiled, proud of herself, every time Waverly whined. She wanted to hear her beg to be touched. She wanted to hear her own name escape this sexy woman’s lips as a plea for her release. But most of all, she wanted Waverly to be the one in charge of how she’s going to come undone, because she deserved at least that.

It had been about three minutes of this torture, and Waverly couldn’t take it anymore. She couldn’t wait any longer for Nicole to finally touch her where she desperately needed her fingers. “Nicole,” she whined.

“Yes baby?” The redhead asked as she brought her fingers up to the top, closer to the sensitive bud than ever before but still not touching it, before moving back down. Waverly whimpered. “Please, I can’t take it anymore.”

Nicole hummed as she slowly moved her fingers up. “Please what?”

“Please, touch me. I need you.”

Deciding that was good enough for her, she slowly moved all the way up to the brunette’s clit and drew slow circles. Waverly inhaled sharply as the nerves engaged from finally being touched after being teased for so long. She could swear that Nicole’s teasing had caused her to be even more sensitive, which she didn’t know was possible.

“Faster,” Waverly demanded, feeling a little bit braver to say what she wanted.

Nicole smiled at the fact that Waverly trusted her and was getting more comfortable with having control over her own body. The redhead picked up the pace and circled the swollen nub with two fingers.

“Nicole?” Waverly managed to say after almost a minute of trying to get a herself to speak through her moans and whimpers.

The redhead moved her lips next to Waverly’s right ear. “What is it baby? What do you want me to do to you?” she asked in a low, raspy whisper as she continued the circling motion before bringing her lips down to the brunette’s neck and leaving slow, gentle kisses.

The feeling of her warm breath against Waverly’s ear mixed with the slow kisses and the fast movements on her clit caused chills to form all over the smaller woman’s body. It was sensory overload. “Oh god, what are you doing to me?” Waverly asked. “How-“ she cut herself off with an uncontrollable sigh of pleasure. “How is it even possible to feel this good?”

“Mmm,” Nicole hummed against her neck before trailing kisses back up to Waverly’s ear. “Making you feel good turns me on so much. You have no idea how wet I am right now because of you.” She punctuated her statement with a quick nip at the brunette’s earlobe, causing her to shudder in pleasure. Nicole whispered in her ear once more, “I want to make you come. I want to feel you climax beneath me. Can I do that baby?”

Waverly nodded. She would have responded with words, but she couldn’t seem to form them.

Nicole gently slid her fingers down Waverly’s soaked slit and rested them just above her entrance. “Can I go inside?”

Once again, the brunette gave her response with a nod. Nicole placed her lips over Waverly’s in a sensual kiss as she slowly dipped her middle finger inside the woman’s entrance, swallowing the moan that she knew would escape the smaller woman’s lips. After pushing her finger all the way in, she slowly pulled it back out at the same speed she entered with. Once her finger reached the very edge, she pushed back in. She repeated this motion with this slow speed a few more times, making sure Waverly was adjusted to her long, slender fingers before picking up her pace a bit. She pumped her finger in and out at a moderate pace, staring down at Waverly’s twitching face and studying it. She used it as a guide to tell her what to do next, and when to do it. When she saw the brunette furrow her brow as she began to buck her hips a bit harder into Nicole’s hand, she knew exactly what that meant. It could’ve meant that she wanted Nicole to move faster, deeper, or even harder. But the redhead knew that the request Waverly was making, was more. She pulled her finger all the way out and immediately reentered the brunette with an added digit. Waverly smiled as she let out a sigh of relief, thankful that the redhead was able to read her mind, because at this point she had forgotten how to speak.

Nicole studied Waverly’s body some more and pumped faster, curving her fingers to hit all the right spots. She picked up her pace even more when Waverly rocked her hips faster into the redhead. When she began to feel Waverly’s walls tighten, she knew exactly what Waverly needed to be pushed over the edge. When she looked at her face to double check that the girl was ready to be brought to her climax, she saw the desperation she was looking for. But she also saw something else; uncertainty. It made sense. Waverly had never given herself to someone like this. She’d never had an orgasm with anyone else before – she had admitted to Nicole a few days prior – and even the one she just had earlier was the result of humping Nicole’s leg. But she’s never let herself go with someone inside her, intentionally touching her and feeling all of her responses. There were no walls, no barriers, nothing to hide what she was feeling. It was a very vulnerable thing that she had never experienced before, and Nicole was aware of this. She wanted Waverly to know that she could trust her, and that all of this was for her.

Without stopping, Nicole shifted directly on top of Waverly to where her own center was on the back of her own hand. She snaked her left arm under the trembling girl’s neck and wrapped it around her shoulders, holding her for support. She moved the thumb of her pumping hand up to Waverly’s clit and drew circles as she rocked her hips, assisting her fingers to go a little bit deeper. Waverly tried to hold back, she tried to make it last as long as she could, but it was all too much. There were so many things happening, so many good things happening, that she couldn’t stop herself. She couldn’t stop her walls from clenching around Nicole’s skilled fingers. She couldn’t stop her abdomen from tightening its muscles. She couldn’t stop her heart rate from picking up its pace to a speed it had never gone before. And she couldn’t stop the heat from reaching the surface of her skin as the blood rushed straight to her core. As much as she tried, she couldn’t stop any of these things. Nicole saw the internal battle the brunette was having with herself as her face changed back and forth from pleasure to fear.

“It’s okay baby,” she said as she held Waverly tighter with her left arm. “I’ve got you. You can let go. I’ve got you,” she reassured as she rocked her hips harder and moved her thumb faster. “I love you.”

And with that, Waverly arched her back off the bed as she felt all of the tension leaving her body. Her eyes were squeezed shut so tight that she began to see stars, and she clawed at Nicole’s back in a way that she knew would leave marks – not that either of them cared. A long and loud moan escaped her lips, as if all of her demons had been forced to leave, never to return.

Nicole felt Waverly’s walls pulsing around her fingers, as if they never wanted her to leave. She stared down and watched this sweet, amazing, alluring woman coming undone as she put all of her trust into Nicole; and that was the greatest gift the redhead could ever ask for. She smiled as she felt the brunette drop back down onto the bed, gasping for air as her center twitched a few more times around Nicole in aftershocks. Both of them were suddenly aware of the sheet of sweat that covered their bodies. She watched the woman under her draw out one long, exaggerated breath as her heart rate had finally returned to normal. Smiling at the response, she kissed Waverly’s forehead. She really did love this woman; she’d known it for a while. When she pulled back, she noticed deep lines in Waverly’s forehead as she tried to keep the tears from falling out of her closed eyes.

“Hey,” Nicole cooed as she pulled her left arm out so that her hand was gently rubbing the top of Waverly’s head. Her right hand stayed still inside Waverly, not wanting to catch her off-guard by moving it. “What’s wrong?”

The sound of Nicole’s voice caused the tears to fall even harder. Waverly opened her eyes and stared up at the woman who had just done something that nobody had ever done before, and that’s when Nicole saw it. The familiar look of all of the emotions that she herself had experienced after her first time with another woman. She smiled down at Waverly as she gently brushed her left thumb back and forth across light brown hair.

“The click moment,” Nicole whispered with a sympathetic smile.

Waverly nodded and sniffled as she brought her hands up to cup Nicole’s face, moving her right hand into Nicole’s perfect red hair as she took in all of the woman’s features with tear-filled eyes.

“The click moment,” she whispered back as she smiled at the reality of it all. She chuckled as more tears streamed down her face. She moved her left hand to tuck Nicole’s hair behind her ear before wrapping her arms around the woman’s shoulders and holding the back of her neck, playing with the ends of Nicole’s hair.

After letting herself get lost in the moment for only a few seconds, Waverly whispered, “I love you too.” She smiled before pulling Nicole down into a slow, gentle kiss. One that was filled with the new knowledge of self-discovery, love, and the desires of life-long promises.