29. One Month Anniversary - Part 2 (Dominant Waverl...

“Ow!” Nicole yelped as Waverly slammed her against her bedroom wall a little too roughly. She massaged the back of her head.

“Oops, sorry. Are you okay?” Waverly asked as she panted from them kissing all the way through the front door and up the stairs.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. It was just unexpected.” Nicole dropped her hand from her head and smiled, showing off her dimples to the brunette.

Waverly nodded off her concern before continuing their foreplay, kissing Nicole’s neck followed by sucking on her pulse point as she trailed her hands down the sides of the tight, black dress Nicole was still wearing – minus the heels at this point. As she reached the hem, she snaked her hands underneath the garment.

“If everything is expected,” Waverly whispered in Nicole’s ear as she hooked her fingers around the top of the redhead’s lace panties before swiftly yanking them down to her mid-thighs.

Nicole gasped as she felt the cool breeze of the house hit her wet center and shivered as she felt Waverly’s warm breath return to her ear.

“Then it takes out all of the fun.” She lightly nipped at the taller woman’s earlobe and smirked at the embarrassingly loud moan that escaped from her girlfriend’s lips.

Nicole was naturally very confident, especially in the bedroom. Confident and slightly arrogant in an annoying yet sexy way. It was one of the things Waverly loved so much about her. But Nicole wasn’t confident right now. No, now the redhead was melting like putty slipping between Waverly’s fingers as she struggled to get her weak knees to hold herself up with her head slumped back against the wall, eyes shut and breathing erratic. She dug her fingers into Waverly’s biceps as she clung to the girl, afraid that if she let go she would completely fall apart. Most of the time Waverly was the one clinging to Nicole for support, but on the very few occasions when the roles were reversed, this fire lit up deep inside the brunette, and she was overcome with the desire for dominance.

With a light growl, Waverly dropped to her knees and pushed the bottom of Nicole’s dress up just enough for her to sink her tongue into the pool of arousal Nicole was emanating just for her. She wrapped her arms around the backs of the redhead’s long thighs and grabbed her ass, pulling her away from the wall and closer to her face. She felt strong as she engaged her abdominals, using her core to hold up both herself and Nicole.

As soon as Nicole realized what was happening and felt Waverly’s tongue running through her folds, her eyes popped open and she instinctively grabbed onto the dresser next to her, knocking over a picture frame and a couple of trinkets that were used purely for decoration. She threw her free hand – the one that wasn’t turning white from squeezing the edge of the dresser, holding onto it for dear life – over her forehead in disbelief as she cried out a loud, high-pitched, “Oh fuck!” As soon as the words left her mouth she inhaled sharply at the feeling of Waverly sucking on her clit and whimpered, blinking away the subtle tears that had formed from how quickly the multitude of emotions were coursing through her body.

Before things got too far, Waverly disconnected her lips from Nicole’s erect bud and pushed her tongue inside her entrance before harshly running it up through her inner folds and moaning as she swallowed the arousal she had collected; arousal that was meant for her. She stood up, bringing the lace panties up with her and forcefully smashed her lips against Nicole’s. As soon as she was done fixing the garment properly around Nicole’s hips she brought her hands to the dip of the woman’s waist and pushed her against the wall.

As she hit the neutrally painted wall, Nicole moved her arms to the small of Waverly’s back, pulling her in and deepening the kiss as their lips glided messily. She then moved her arms under Waverly’s – which were still on her hips – and wrapped them around the brunette’s backside to pick her up. Before she could even get Waverly off the ground, the smaller woman roughly pushed Nicole’s arms off and spun them around, using only the strength of her lips pushing against the taller woman’s to guide them towards the bed. Just before the backs of Nicole’s legs had hit the edge, Waverly assertively pushed the redhead down onto the bed, causing her to bounce a couple of times on the mattress. Normally this was the part where Waverly would straddle Nicole’s hips, but instead she looked down into wide eyes as she kneeled between slender, pale legs. Without breaking eye contact, she grabbed the underside of Nicole’s left calf with her right hand and lifted her leg up so that her knee was in line with her face.

“I want to be on top,” Waverly demanded in a tone that was a cross between a whisper and a growl before turning her head and kissing the inside of Nicole’s knee before carefully dropping the limb back down.

The way Waverly annunciated every syllable with unmistaken confidence and certainty made Nicole’s stomach drop. She could only think of a handful of times when Waverly had topped her, and each time Nicole still held a bit of the power, guiding Waverly to touch her the way she wanted or taking control over some aspect of whatever act the brunette was performing at the time. Nicole was a bit of a control freak, and she knew it. Which was why those six little words that had left Waverly’s mouth left her with a feeling she had never felt before. She could sense the total domination Waverly craved in every word, and although she was extremely aroused, she was also slightly terrified. She had never given over total control to anybody like that. Even when she was a bottom, she was still a power bottom.

Waverly could see the hesitation in Nicole’s eyes, and gently trailed her hands down from Nicole’s hips to her knees and pushed them apart even further before pushing her own hips forward against the redhead’s center, hands still resting on Nicole’s knees. Waverly was so tall above the woman that her face and light brown locks were blocking the light of the floor lamp they had turned on earlier.

“I want to fuck you.” Waverly emphasized the word ‘fuck’ with a strong thrust of her hips into Nicole’s most sensitive spot, eliciting a small moan from the redhead.

“I want to make you feel good, the way you make me feel good. I want to take you to places nobody has ever taken you to before; places you never expected you’d ever see in your entire life. Places you never even knew existed.” She dragged her glittery, silver painted nails slowly down the sides of Nicole’s calves and lifted the woman’s legs up, hooking them over her shoulders as she leaned forward and braced her hands on either side of Nicole’s shoulders, licking her lips at how flexible the redhead was and how her dress pushed up to her hips, revealing the creamy skin of the lower half of her body.

“I want you to relax as I make love to you. Will you let me do that baby?” She punctuated her question with another kiss to the inside of Nicole’s knee on her shoulder, but this time the opposite one.

Nicole looked up into Waverly’s eyes, originally wanting to say ‘no’. She didn’t want to give her control over. She felt comfortable being the one calling the shots and making the moves, because that’s what she’d always done. But the more she looked at Waverly, the more she realized that this woman was the love of her life. This was someone she wanted to build a life with; someone she trusted whole-heartedly. Waverly was the kind of girl that could ask Nicole to blindly jump off a bridge, and she would do it without question because she knew that Waverly would be there to catch her. And that’s exactly what she was asking her to do right now. She was asking Nicole to jump off this bridge built on power and control and dominance, and she was asking her to trust Waverly to be there to catch her fall. And Nicole did trust her to do that.

As she looked into Waverly’s eyes, she reached up and tucked the loose hairs behind one of Waverly’s ears, sighing in contentment at the way Waverly lovingly took her hand and turned her head to kiss her palm. Nicole smiled as she blinked away the tears and exhaled deeply, getting herself into the proper mindset.

“Baby,” she began, legs still hooked over Waverly’s shoulders in the most submissive position she’s ever been in – including that one time with the handcuffs, in her opinion. “I want you to fuck me so good and hard. I want you to take me right here until I see stars. I want you to ruin me.”

Waverly grinned before quickly biting her lower lip as she stared into her girlfriend’s eyes with as much love and adoration that she could give. She knew that Nicole had just given her all of the control, something that she had never given anyone before, and wanted the woman to feel safe. She wasn’t going to take this gift for granted, especially since she was aware that it may never happen again. She leaned back and dropped Nicole’s legs down onto the mattress as she took in the sight of her breasts slightly spilling out of the ‘V’ cut of the neckline for the first time since laying there.

“It’s actually unfair how sexy your boobs are.” Waverly growled as she moved her hands up Nicole’s torso and urgently moved them all over the woman’s chest, as if she had never felt a woman’s breasts before.

“Yeah? You like them baby?” Nicole panted, getting aroused by the stimulation. She slightly arched her back, pushing her chest further up into Waverly’s hands.

“I love them.” She continued kneading Nicole’s fleshy mounds that were still partially covered by the fabric. “But I’ll bet they’d look even better out of this dress.” With a seductive look, she flipped Nicole over onto her stomach and laid on top of the woman’s back as she brought her fingers up to the zipper at the top and delicately slid it down, leaving light kisses on every inch of newly exposed skin on Nicole’s back. She smirked at the little gasps that escaped the redhead’s lips. Once the zipper was all the way down to the end of its track, she sat back up on her knees and grabbed the top of the dress, pushing it all the way down to the redhead’s lower back, watching as Nicole hastily pulled her arms out of the barely-existing sleeves before flipping the redhead back over to face her. She drooled at the sight beneath her. She was not expecting the half-cup black lace bra that was pushing Nicole’s breasts up, which were spilling over the tops due to gravity. She quickly stood up off of the bed to take in the entire sight of her girlfriend.

“Wait. Can you sit up for a second?”

Nicole pushed herself up on her elbows and to her hands as she sat up and leaned back against the headboard. Waverly watched as her breasts fell perfectly into place, two round orbs sitting in the sexiest bra she had ever seen. She looked down at the top of the dress bunched around her waist where her unflexed abs showed a soft four-pack slightly moving with her heavy breathing. She looked a few inches lower at the rest of the dress held tightly against her hips and thighs, showing off the woman’s curves.

Waverly shot her a smile that crinkled the corners of her eyes as she incredulously blew out a short puff of air.

“Is everything okay?” Nicole asked, slightly self-conscious.

“Yeah.” Waverly skimmed her eyes lower to Nicole’s smooth legs and red-painted toenails. “You look really sexy.” She shook her head as she chuckled humorlessly. “Earlier tonight you said you weren’t sure if I was into feminine women. And honestly, I wasn’t sure I was either, but looking at you like this is turning me on so much right now. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love your usual style so much. But you look so beautiful, and so sexy like this too.”

Nicole smiled and exhaled in relief.

“Can I take your dress off?”

Nicole nodded as she helped Waverly push the garment the rest of the way off her body and leaned back down onto her hands that were behind her on the bed.

“Whoa.” Waverly clenched the empty dress tightly in her hands as she stared at the addition of the matching black lace thong around Nicole’s hips. She had seen it before when she had gotten that little taste of the redhead, but she only saw it around her legs; not actually on her. She scanned her eyes up and down, taking in the sight of her girlfriend, red curls and all.

Nicole realized that Waverly was exploring and expressing a side of herself that she had never truly tapped into before. Just like Nicole had never fully been a bottom before, Waverly had never fully been a top, and she wanted her girlfriend to get the full experience. She thought of what she’d want Waverly to do in that moment, so she reached up a hand and grabbed one of her own breasts, gently massaging it over her bra as she laced her other hand through her fiery curls. She slid one leg straight out as she bent the other one, touching the heel of her foot to the inner knee of her straight leg and giving Waverly a full display of the wet patch between her legs as she leaned back onto the pillows.

“Do you want me to give you a show baby?” She asked in the most feminine voice she could conjure up.

With her jaw nearly touching the floor, Waverly nodded. But before Nicole had even moved, Waverly shouted, “Wait!”

Nicole abruptly stopped her movements and simply quirked a brow in question.

“I don’t want to do it like this, with me still wearing my dress.” Waverly reached around to her back and grunted as she struggled to get the zipper down.

“Do you want help, love?”

“No!” Waverly yelled with her hands halted out in front of her just as Nicole was about to move off of the bed. “No, I want you to stay exactly like you are.”

Nicole nodded and moved back into her previous position with her hands on her breasts, slowly massaging them as she watched Waverly.

The brunette reached as far as she could and successfully pulled the zipper down before hastily shimmying out of her dress and kicking it to the side. She pulled off her bra and panties before tossing them over to join her dress, making a small pile on the floor.

Nicole bit her lip as she looked over Waverly’s body, trying her best not to make a comment about how pink and swollen her folds looked.

“Can I wear a pair of your boxers?”

Nicole nodded. “Take whatever you want baby.”

Waverly hopped over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of red plaid boxers and a black sports bra that was a little loose on her. She then strutted backed over to the bed and slowly crawled on top of Nicole until she was settled in between the woman’s legs. As one hand lifted one of Nicole’s legs around her waist, the other hand snaked behind the redhead’s back and unhooked the lace bra. Waverly slid the hand on Nicole’s leg down to cup the cheek of her backside as she leaned down and delicately captured Nicole’s lips with her own. As the kiss grew more passionate, Waverly brought her other hand back around and grabbed one of the cups of the bra to pull it off of Nicole. All without breaking the kiss, she then slid her free hand up the redhead’s ribs and cupped a breast, still holding her firm grip on her ass with the other hand. She slid her tongue into Nicole’s mouth as she rubbed the redhead’s breast with her palm, eliciting a quiet whimper from the other woman.

“I thought you wanted me to give you a show,” Nicole breathed out, punctuating her words with a soft moan.

“I changed my mind.”

With her eyes closed, Nicole’s eyebrows furrowed, creasing in the middle as she felt Waverly begin to play with her nipple, gently pinching and twisting it between her forefinger and her thumb as she massaged the redhead’s tongue with her own. Nicole had to admit, she was enjoying the attention Waverly was giving her. She was enjoying not having to guide anyone or tell anyone what to do, and being able to just relax under her girlfriend’s touch while she let waves of pleasure wash over her body. She whined in frustration when she felt Waverly’s lips leave hers, but immediately sighed in relief when she felt them around her untouched nipple, finally giving it some attention too.

“I love when you do that,” Nicole whispered as she brought one hand to wrap around Waverly’s back, and the other up to thread in her own red locks.

Waverly smiled at the comment, enjoying the way Nicole was writhing beneath her. Her girlfriend was melting to a puddle, and it was all because of her. She moved her hands to rest on either side of Nicole’s neck and pushed herself up as she hovered over the older woman. Nicole wrapped her legs around Waverly’s waist and pulled her hips in close as she wrapped her arms around the brunette’s neck. She slid her hands down to the bulging muscles in Waverly’s shoulders.

“Have I told you how strong you are?” Nicole whispered as she squeezed the flexed muscles.

Waverly blushed at the comment and leaned down to kiss Nicole, feeling a little bit awkward at receiving the compliment. She wanted to keep her confident attitude, but Nicole was making it really difficult. As soon as she broke the kiss, Waverly sat up, forcing Nicole to drop her legs from her waist, and slowly pulled Nicole’s thong down her legs, smiling down at her beautiful thick red hairs that complimented her glistening pink folds. She tossed the thong aside and crawled back up Nicole’s body, settling back into the position she was in before, and brought the back of her hand up to Nicole’s cheek. She smiled at her girlfriend relaxing into the touch before trailing the hand down her long body. As she reached the coarse hair, Waverly rolled over slightly onto her left side and slid her fingers down the crease of Nicole’s inner thigh and up her slick folds.

“Oh!” Nicole moaned as she pushed her head back into the pillow and rolled her bottom lip between her teeth.

Waverly watched Nicole’s face attentively as she slowly trailed her fingers up and down her soaked slit. She had come a long way since their first time. That night, she was nervous as hell. She had no idea what she was doing, and all of the worst-case scenarios flooded her mind, strengthening her fears. But now, she wasn’t scared anymore. She knew exactly what she was doing, and she had touched Nicole enough to know exactly what the woman wanted and when she wanted it.

She waited for the signal; for Nicole’s eyebrows to scrunch together slightly, for her jaw to clench, for her legs to squeeze together slightly. Waverly knew this meant Nicole wanted more, wanted to be pushed a little bit closer to that edge. As soon as she got the signal, Waverly slipped a finger inside Nicole’s entrance, and the redhead sighed in relief. She pumped the finger in and out slowly at first. After about a dozen or so strokes, she added a second digit, smiling at the way Nicole’s legs opened wider for her. She leaned down next to Nicole’s ear and stroked the top of the woman’s head with her free hand as she continued pumping her fingers slowly inside Nicole.

“Your pussy feels so good around my fingers baby.”

She could virtually feel the smirk on Waverly’s face as a fresh wave of arousal gushed out of her at those words. She moaned in frustration as the need for more took over her desires. She reached down and grabbed onto Waverly’s wrist, guiding her in and out at a faster pace.

Waverly kissed Nicole’s cheek as she slid her fingers out of Nicole – ignoring the woman’s protesting groans – and brought the redhead’s hand up to her lips for a loving kiss as she stared into lust-filled eyes.

“Let me take care of you baby.” She pinned Nicole’s hands up above her head and let go before trailing soft fingers down her arms and to her cheeks, cupping them as she gently caressed the skin with the pads of her thumbs.

Nicole nodded in understanding. “Sorry.” She said sheepishly.

Waverly shook her head. “Don’t be sorry baby. Just relax and let me do all the work, okay?”

Nicole nodded and relaxed back into the mattress as she felt Waverly lean down for a kiss, following the brunette’s lead as their lips glided together. Waverly slid her hand back down between Nicole’s legs and pushed in one finger, then two, before picking up the pace.

When Nicole let out a high-pitched whimper, Waverly knew that she wanted more, so she pumped in and out at a quicker pace. Nicole rocked her hips and clawed her hands along Waverly’s back, occasionally catching her short nails on the edge of the sports bra. Waverly was pumping as hard as she could, but needed more leverage. She stilled her fingers for a moment and moved so she was more centered between Nicole’s legs, repositioning herself so that her own center was against the back of her hand, and began roughly thrusting her hips, forcing her fingers deep inside Nicole.

“Fuck!” Nicole hissed as she wrapped her legs around Waverly’s hips, effectively deepening the girl’s thrusts even more.

Waverly dropped her free hand down beside Nicole’s head so that she was hovering over the taller woman, and Nicole took the opportunity to pull the brunette into a searing kiss. Her hands messily tangled through the hair in the back of Waverly’s head, and she rocked her hips against Waverly, moaning into the girl’s mouth when their movements lined up in a steady rhythm.

With Waverly’s fingers so deep inside Nicole and her palm naturally rubbing against her enlarged clit, Nicole felt herself rapidly approaching her orgasm. She grabbed Waverly’s thin wrist of the hand that was holding the brunette up and squeezed as hard as she could, knowing that she would probably cause a bruise to form but was unable to stop herself.

Waverly disconnected her lips from Nicole’s and moved as close to her ear as possible before whispering, “Come on baby. You’re so close, I can feel you getting tighter. You’re going to come so hard. I’m going to fuck you until you soak this mattress.” She nipped at Nicole’s earlobe before moving back up for a kiss, forcing her tongue against Nicole’s as she thrusted her hips and fingers as hard and fast as she possibly could.

Nicole quickly pulled out of the kiss and pushed her forehead against Waverly’s, eyes shut tight and eyebrows knitted together as a loud cry echoed throughout the room. She dropped her feet onto the mattress and pushed up into Waverly as an explosion of pleasure erupted from her center.

Waverly kept her pace as Nicole tumbled over the edge. She balled the sheets tightly in her hand as Nicole’s fingertips dug deeper into her wrist and she clenched her jaw, trying her best to ignore the pain. She wanted to be there for Nicole, and right now Nicole needed to hold onto her as she grounded her through her intense orgasm.

After several moments, Waverly felt Nicole’s body slacken onto the mattress and her hand loosen its grip on her wrist before letting it go entirely. She progressively slowed down her pace until she was completely still inside Nicole, staring down at the woman who had her arms over her face above her nose as she tried to catch her breath.

Waverly just stared. She stared at this beautiful woman that had just completely unraveled under her touch. Even after a month, she still couldn’t believe that Nicole was hers, that it took her so long to figure out that she was gay as fuck, that she was having shitty sex for so long and thought that it was just how it was supposed to be, that she believed she was too feminine to be allowed to assert any dominance or take control, that she was just going through the motions and letting life take control of her as she floated on like a leaf drifting down a river. She couldn’t believe that it took her so long to take control of her own life and go after the things she wanted. And she certainly couldn’t believe that it took her this long to ask Nicole to let her be the one in command. Because right now, she was feeling strong and powerful; something she’d never felt before to this degree. And she loved it. It wasn’t something she craved often, but having it sparingly would create a good balance in her life.

When Nicole pulled her arms off of her face, she brought them up around Waverly’s neck and gently pulled her down into a slow kiss. When she pulled away, she smiled as she played with the baby hairs on the back of Waverly’s neck.

“How did that feel?” She asked, looking up at the brunette.

“Incredible. How did it feel for you?”


Waverly chuckled and shook her head. “Do you know how fucking hot you are when you come? You’re like a goddess, Nicole. A real-life goddess.” She slowly pulled her fingers out of Nicole, careful not to accidentally brush against her clit since she knew it was always painfully sensitive for a while after powerful orgasms, and laid down on her back beside the redhead.

Nicole sighed at the feeling of Waverly’s fingers sliding out of her and rolled onto her side to wrap an arm around Waverly’s chest and nuzzle her face into the crook of Waverly’s neck before leaving a gentle kiss on the skin there as she felt her eyes begin to gloss over with tears.

“You can’t say things like that to me after giving me an incredible orgasm, because you’re going to make me cry. And I’m PMSing, too.” Nicole used the back of her index finger to wipe away the tears that were threatening to escape.

“Sorry, but it’s true. I love you, Nicole Haught.”

“I love you too, Waverly Earp.” Nicole leaned up and gave Waverly a chaste kiss before dropping her head down onto Waverly’s chest.

They laid there in silence for a few moments, just listening to the rhythm of each other’s heartbeats and steady breathing. Waverly stared up at the ceiling, building up the courage to ask Nicole what she wanted to ask her. It wasn’t like it was a crazy request, but she was unsure of how Nicole felt about it. Worst-case scenario Nicole would say no, and Waverly would be fine with that. She would be a little disappointed, but she certainly wouldn’t push. She was brought out of her thoughts by a concerned Nicole lifting Waverly’s arm up and examining it with worry.

“Oh my god, are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

Waverly looked down at the arm Nicole was examining and looked at the red handprint. She knew it was going to bruise, since she bruised fairly easily, but it didn’t hurt. She shook her head.

“No, it doesn’t hurt. You didn’t hurt me, I’m okay.”

As she heard Nicole sigh in relief, Waverly swallowed hard.

“Nicole, can I ask you something?”

Sensing the nervousness in Waverly’s voice, Nicole gently set her arm down and looked into her eyes, giving her full attention. “You can ask me anything Waves.” She gave a reassuring smile as she gently massaged Waverly’s ribcage.

“Can I use the strap-on? You know, like, on you?”