30. One Month Anniversary - Part 3 (Waverly wears t...

Nicole tried her best to keep from showing her hesitation. She knew Waverly would ask this someday, but she didn’t expect it to be today. Truth be told, a part of her was curious about what it would feel like, but the other part of her was a little scared and wasn’t sure if it was something she’d ever want to do. But Nicole knew that it was only fair to be honest with Waverly, and knew she had to share her fears about it. She sat up against the headboard with her knees bent towards her chest and her arms resting on top. Waverly followed behind her, sitting up with her legs crossed as she looked at Nicole, giving her full support.

“Um, I don’t know. I’m a little scared if I’m being honest.”

Waverly tucked Nicole’s hair back behind her ear on the side that was closest to her before rubbing her upper back. “What are you scared of baby?”

Nicole inhaled deeply through her nose. “When I had sex with my ex-boyfriend, the one and only time I’ve ever had sex with a guy, I didn’t have the best experience. I mean, of course I realized that I was not a huge fan of penis as soon as he whipped it out, but that’s not the only part that made it a bad experience.” Nicole sighed as she collected her thoughts, wanting to explain this correctly. “When he put it in, it hurt…a lot. Like, I couldn’t breathe it hurt so bad. Of course, Ethan stopped as soon as he sensed something was wrong. He was a good guy and a pretty decent boyfriend. But he kept asking if it was okay to keep going and I kept saying that I needed a second to get used to it. It was both of our first times and I don’t think he really understood how painful the first time could be for a woman. Also, I wasn’t aroused at all and we never used any lube, so I’m sure that made it worse. I think he was getting really impatient, and after the third or fourth time of him questioning me I finally just said that I was okay to keep going so that he would stop asking, even though it still hurt. Thankfully it only took him a few minutes to finish, and I faked my own orgasm just in case he wanted to keep going for my sake. I just really wanted it to be over, because the truth was that it just hurt the entire time. It never felt good. And honestly, I don’t think it ever really, you know, popped.”

Waverly furrowed her brow in confusion for a moment. “Your hymen?” She asked as she continued to rub Nicole’s back.

Nicole nodded. “I didn’t feel anything.” She turned to look at Waverly. “Did you feel anything your first time?”

“I didn’t feel a pop, but I felt, like, this release of pressure. It hurt a little at first, but then there was less pressure and it began to feel good.”

“Yeah, see, I never felt any of that. I just felt the painful part the entire time, for the entire five minutes. It probably never broke because he never actually pushed it in and out, but rather just gyrated his hips with it pushed all the way in, only pulling back out when he was done.” She rolled her eyes as she turned back around and lowered her head towards her knees as she spun the ring on her middle finger, arms still on top of her knees. “It just kind of scarred me a little, like gave me mild PTSD or something. Fingers are fine, they’re small enough that it doesn’t hurt. Even two or three fingers is fine. And so are tampons, I’ve never had a problem with those. But our strap-on is the same shape and it’s just as big as he was, maybe a bit bigger. The tip of it is definitely bigger.” Nicole grimaced at the thought of her ex-boyfriend’s junk, trying not to picture it anymore. “It just freaks me out that it’ll hurt again. I mean, I have a pretty high pain tolerance; I’ve broken a few bones before without showing so much as a frown. But feeling pain there is a whole different story.”

“Yeah, totally. I completely understand. I’ve felt that pain before and I can’t imagine feeling it for longer than the few seconds I did, let alone five whole minutes.” Waverly reassured, letting her know that her fears were completely valid.

“I just don’t know if it’s something I want to go through again, you know?”

Waverly nodded. “And that’s okay.” She brought her hand that wasn’t on Nicole’s back up to wrap around her girlfriend’s forearm. “You don’t have to. If that’s not something you want to try, then we don’t have to do it. It’s completely up to you.”

“But…” Nicole sighed. “At the same time, I kind of do want to try it. I want it to feel good, and I know it will once I get past the painful part, and I want to enjoy that with you. And I want you to be able to have that experience of being on the giving end with it too. I’m so torn right now because it’s something that I want, but I’m so scared to do that again.”

“Baby, look at me.” Waverly gently pushed Nicole’s shoulders, urging her to turn and face her. “If this is something that you want to try, then we’ll take it as slowly as you need. I won’t rush you, and I’ll let you take all the time in the world. I’ll be super gentle, and you can tell me if you want me to stop and I’ll stop. You’ll have total control. And we don’t even have to do it tonight. It can be tomorrow, or a week from now, or a month from now, or a year from now…whenever. There’s no rush here, okay?” She brushed her hand through the side of Nicole’s hair, watching as the messy and slightly frizzy curls fell down with each stroke.

Nicole nodded. “Yeah, okay.” She exhaled deeply and nodded her head a bit faster. “Okay. It’s okay. I think I want to try it.”

“Right now?” Waverly quirked an eyebrow.

“Yeah.” Nicole nodded some more.

Waverly brushed her hand one last time through Nicole’s hair and ended with her hand resting on the back of her neck. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

Nicole reached for Waverly’s free hand and took it in her own. “I’m sure. I trust you. And I want to do this.”

“Okay.” Waverly gave a soft smile and tenderly kissed Nicole’s forehead before slowly standing up and walking over to the closet where she knew Nicole stored their strap-on. She attached the dildo to the harness and after taking off the boxers pulled the harness up her bare legs, situating it correctly over her mound before tightening the straps. She then opened up the condom that she had grabbed before and rolled it over the dildo before grabbing the bottle of lube and bringing it over to place on the bedside table. She pulled the sports bra off over her head, wanting to be completely naked with Nicole, before getting on the bed next to redhead and kneeling back on her knees, making note of how weird it felt to have something protruding from between her legs.

“Where do you want me?”

“On top is fine.”

Nicole helped Waverly get situated between her legs before the girl slowly and carefully lowered herself to lay down on top of the taller woman.

She kissed Nicole deeply for a couple of minutes before she moved to kiss her neck, then played with her nipples, caressed the skin of her outer legs, and traced gentle circles on her inner thighs…she did everything she knew Nicole liked in order to make her girlfriend aroused before even going near her center. Once she heard the small moans coming from the back of Nicole’s throat, she gently trailed her fingers up Nicole’s legs and through her folds, happy to feel it covered in arousal. She gently moved her fingers up to Nicole’s clit straining from its hood and used the skin to glide along the sensitive bud.

“Does that feel good?” Waverly asked, checking in with her girlfriend. Even though they’ve done this part dozens of times, she wanted to make Nicole feel comfortable and safe every step of the way.

Nicole nodded. “Yes baby, that feels really good.”

After a few minutes of exploring Nicole’s clit, Waverly moved her fingers down to Nicole’s entrance.

“Can I go inside?” She asked as she delicately circled the woman’s entrance.

“Mhm,” Nicole replied without hesitation. She smiled when she felt Waverly slide a finger all the way in.

It wasn’t long before Waverly asked to add a second digit, and then a third, effectively stretching Nicole a bit.

“Does this hurt at all?” Waverly asked as she slowly pumped all three fingers in and out of the redhead.

“No, it feels good.”

Waverly nodded and continued her movements, all while watching Nicole’s face for any signs of hesitation.

“I think I’m ready now,” Nicole said after a few minutes.

Waverly slid her fingers out and selfishly sucked the arousal off of them before reaching for the bottle of lube. She poured a strip of liquid down the shaft before closing the bottle and rubbing it all around member. Once it was completely lubricated – more than she’s ever seen anything lubricated in her entire life – she positioned herself between Nicole’s legs. Seeing the bit of fear in her girlfriend’s eyes, she leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on each of her hip bones before rubbing her clenched abdominals.

“It’s okay baby, just try to relax.”

Nicole nodded and exhaled deeply as she let go of the tension she had been holding in her muscles.

“Remember, you call all the shots. Okay?”

Nicole leaned up to give Waverly a kiss on the lips before dropping back down onto the pillow. “Okay.” She replied; partially in response to Waverly’s question, and partially to signal that she was ready for Waverly to proceed.

Waverly lined up the tip with Nicole’s entrance. “Okay, I’m pushing in now.” She waited for Nicole’s reply before very slowly pushing her hips forward, guiding the dildo with her right hand while resting her left just above Nicole’s pubic bone.

Nicole clenched her jaw and tensed her muscles as she felt the familiar feeling of slight pressure. She felt Waverly move her hand up to massage her abdomen and instantly began to relax her muscles under her touch. She knew it would make everything worse if she wasn’t relaxed. As soon as the head was all the way in she felt the uncomfortable pain.

“Ow, wait wait, stop.” She grimaced as she inhaled sharply through her gritted teeth.

Waverly stilled all of her movements, including her hand on Nicole’s abdomen. “Are you okay? Do you want me to pull it back out?”

With her eyes closed, Nicole shook her head.

“What do you need baby?”

“I just need a minute. Just stay like that.”

Nicole inhaled through her nose and exhaled out of her mouth, focusing on her breathing until the pain moved to the background of her awareness. She realized that she had been like that for probably close to five minutes and began to feel guilty for making Waverly wait so still in an uncomfortable position for so long.

“I’m sorry.” Nicole opened her eyes and raised her eyebrows apologetically, a crease forming in the middle.

“No, don’t apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for. Take all the time you need. I’m right here.” Waverly gave a reassuring smile as she ran her nails soothingly up and down the outside of Nicole’s right thigh, hoping it would help her relax a little bit more.

After a couple more minutes, Nicole opened her legs a little bit wider and focused on relaxing her muscles again. “Okay, you can keep going.”

“You sure?” Waverly had to make sure it was what Nicole wanted and that she didn’t just feel pressured to keep going.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

Waverly continued to push in little by little with her eyes glued to Nicole’s for any signs of hesitation.

Nicole gritted her teeth at the pain when she felt Waverly stop. She opened her eyes and noticed Waverly looking at her with concern. “It’s okay, I’m okay. You can keep going.”

“It’s all the way in.”

Nicole looked down and saw Waverly’s hips flush against her.


“Does it still hurt?” Waverly asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Mhm.” Nicole nodded, biting on her inner cheek. Although this hurt just as much as it had the first time, she felt way more comfortable with Waverly being the one to do it.

“I think you just have a stubborn hymen.” Waverly lightly chuckled. “Not surprised. Everything about you is stubborn.”

Nicole chuckled and shook her head at the joke, momentarily forgetting about the pain she was in.

“What if I try pulling back and pushing back in a bit harder to see if it breaks? Would you be okay with that?”

Nicole hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, let’s try that.”

“Only if you want to. This is about you.”

“I trust you.” Nicole said with as much conviction as possible. She reached out for Waverly’s hand and entwined their fingers together, tightly squeezing it for comfort and laid her head back down on the pillow. “Go ahead.”

Waverly pulled back slightly and pushed back in, studying Nicole’s face for any discomfort.

“I think you need to pull back a little more.”

Waverly pulled back out about halfway and pushed slowly back in. “Anything?”

“No.” Nicole shook her head. “Try it harder.”

Waverly pulled back like she did before and pushed in a little more forcefully this time, noticing Nicole wince.

“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

Getting frustrated, Nicole shook her head. “Just keep doing it. Like that. Go harder if you have to. I think it’ll break eventually. I just want to get it over with.”

Waverly raised her eyebrows at her. “Baby…”

“Really Waves, it’s okay. And don’t worry if I look like I’m in pain. Only stop if I ask you to, okay?”

Waverly nodded in understanding. “Okay.” She spoke softly. She continued her movements of pulling out and pushing back in. She looked away from Nicole’s face, unable to bear the look of pain she was causing on her girlfriend’s face, so she just looked down at the dildo disappearing and reappearing from inside Nicole. After about a minute of this, she heard a moan escape Nicole’s lips. She looked up at her girlfriend and didn’t see the pain anymore. Waverly stopped her thrusting.

“Was that it?”

“I– I think so. It doesn’t hurt so much anymore. It just suddenly didn’t feel as tight.”

“Does it feel good?”

“Maybe a little?” The truth was, Nicole didn’t know how she felt about it. It wasn’t a feeling she was used to, but she was just glad it didn’t hurt anymore.

“Want me to keep going?”


Waverly continued her thrusts and after a few moments, felt the member sliding in and out much easier than before. She could tell that there was more lubrication on it; natural lubrication from Nicole.

“Ungh.” Nicole moaned out. “Okay, now it feels good. That definitely feels good. Oh wow.” She looked up at Waverly with an open-mouthed smile and grabbed onto the girl’s hips.

“Yeah?” Waverly asked, smiling back.


“Want me to rub your clit?”

As soon as Nicole nodded her consent Waverly’s fingers were on the bundle of nerves, moving around in circles.

“Oh shit that’s nice.” Nicole whispered as her breathing became rapid. Suddenly it all hit her at once; the sight of Waverly thrusting her hips and fucking her, the feeling of being completely full, the stimulation on her clit…it all caused a surge of heat to rush through her body and straight to her core. “I think– I think I’m gonna come.”

Waverly picked up her pace just a bit in her hips, looking down and making sure the dildo didn’t slip out. She held onto Nicole’s bend knees for support.

It wasn’t long before Nicole had jolted up onto her elbows, throwing her head back as a long moan escaped her lips. She smiled at the sensation of her walls clenching around the dildo – around Waverly. When her orgasm had subsided. She dropped back down onto the bed with a thud.

“How was that?” Waverly asked with her hips pushed flush against Nicole, genuinely curious if it was something her girlfriend liked. Just because Nicole had orgasmed from it didn’t mean it was something she’d want to do again.

Nicole opened her eyes and smiled up at Waverly. “Amazing.” She said as she took Waverly’s hand and sat up, peppering light kisses all the way up her arm before kissing her lips. “Thank you for being so patient with me.”

“I love you. I just want to make you feel good.” She cupped one of Nicole’s cheeks and caressed it with her thumb.

“And you do. Every day you make me feel so loved and cared for, and I appreciate that.” Nicole took her hand and kissed her palm.

Waverly looked lovingly into Nicole’s eyes, taking in every bit of their features from the flecks of gold against the brown to the contracting pupils. “Are you ready for me to pull out?”

“Actually, can you give me another one?”

Waverly cocked her head in confusion. “Another what?”


“Like this?” Waverly asked, eyebrows raised in surprise.

“Yeah. It feels really good now. I want you to fuck me again.”

Waverly shuddered at those words. Before it wasn’t about fucking Nicole, but about making her feel safe and comfortable. But now that Nicole had put that thought into her mind, she really, really wanted to fuck her. To make love to her by thrusting deep inside of her and making her come all over again.

“What are you thinking about?” Nicole smirked, totally catching the way Waverly’s mind drifted off into dirty thoughts.

Waverly didn’t respond, but instead leaned down to give the redhead a searing kiss, lips gliding messily as her tongue searched for the Nicole’s. When Nicole moaned into her mouth, Waverly instantly bucked her hips, which caused a much louder cry from Nicole seeing as the dildo was still inside the woman. Waverly instantly pulled back and looked at Nicole with concern.

“Did that hurt you?”

“No, it felt good.” Nicole began rocking her hips into Waverly, desperate to feel movement. “Waves, please.”

Waverly’s eyes darkened with lust at Nicole’s begging and she began to move her hips back and forth, pumping in and out of Nicole.

“Oh, fuck. Yes baby.” Nicole dropped her head back and sighed in relief as she grabbed onto the edges of the pillow. “God, you feel so good.”

“You like when I fuck you like this?” Waverly felt her stomach drop at her own dirty talk. It wasn’t until this very moment, as she looked up and down her girlfriend’s entire body, that she realized how hot it was having sex with Nicole with a fake dick strapped to her. From the way her pale breasts bounced with her pink nipples completely stiff, to her clit completely red and visible as it hardened, to the purple cock sliding in and out of her pussy. Waverly was filled with this need to thrust her hips harder, faster. She didn’t know where it came from, since it’s not like she could really feel the member, but the desire was still there.

“Can I go faster baby?” Waverly asked, holding back until Nicole gave her consent.

“Please.” Nicole panted.

That was all Waverly needed. She placed her hands on top of Nicole’s bent knees and pushed them apart wider as she moved her hips as fast as she could, pounding into her girlfriend.

“Jesus, Waverly!”

“Yeah, you like that don’t you. You like my cock pounding your pussy. I’m going to fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

“Fuck!” Nicole cried out as she brought her hand down to her clit and erratically began rubbing. “God that’s so sexy when you talk to me like that.” She bit her lower lip as her breathing picked up.

“Yeah? Are you gonna come?” Waverly panted as if she were talking while running a marathon.

“I might if you keep talking dirty to me.”

“It’s so easy for me to slide in and out of your dripping wet pussy, Nic. I can’t wait to feel how easy it is to fuck you when you come for me and spill your come all over my cock.”

Those words mixed with the sounds of Waverly’s hips slapping against her slick skin was enough to push her over the edge.

“Oh fuck, Waverly! Shiiit I’m coming!”

Nicole arched her back off the bed as she felt her lower abdomen tighten and release. Her walls clenched tightly around Waverly as if wanting to keep her inside before sporadically contracting. Waverly continued her thrusting as she helped Nicole ride out her orgasm until she felt the taller woman fall back down onto the bed, both of them filling the room with the sounds of their heavy breathing.

Waverly slowly pulled out of Nicole and pushed the straps down her legs and tossed the strap-on on the floor, desperate to chase her own release. She licked her fingers and urgently moved them from side to side across her clit. As soon as Nicole felt the bed begin to shake and soft moans hit her ears, she opened her eyes and looked over at Waverly masturbating. She quickly rolled over on top of the girl, pushing her hand away in the process.

“I want to do it.” Nicole growled.

She moved her fingers over Waverly’s clit and rubbed it exactly the way Waverly had been doing before.

“Unghhh” Waverly moaned as she felt her climax quickly approaching. “Don’t stop. I’m gonna come. Fuck! Nicole!”

Waverly stilled Nicole’s wrist and rocked her hips into the redhead’s hand as she felt her orgasm take over her entire body. When she came down from her high, she opened her eyes to look up at her girlfriend.

“Damn that was good.”

“Plenty more where that came from.” Nicole winked as she brought her fingers up to her lips and sucked on them, moaning at the erotic taste as her eyes rolled back in ecstasy.

“Fuck. Well when you do that how can I resist?”

“Am I turning you on again?” Nicole smirked as she quirked an eyebrow.

Waverly sat up and placed a hand on Nicole’s chest, pushing her down on the mattress as she rolled over on top of the redhead and pinned her arms above her head. “Honey, I was never turned off.” She brought her lips down for a passionate kiss as she dragged her nails all the way down Nicole’s arms and the sides of Nicole’s body, sending chills down the taller woman’s spine.

“Want to go down on me?” Waverly gave a seductive smile.

“Want to go down on each other?” Nicole mirrored the girl’s look, and smiled as Waverly’s smirk turned into a grin.


“Only if you want.”

“I want. I definitely want.”

Waverly moved so that she was facing the opposite direction, but still on top of Nicole. As soon as she dropped her tongue down to meet her girlfriend’s clit, Nicole instinctually jerked her knee up, accidentally nailing Waverly in the face.

“Ow, fuck!” Waverly cried as she grabbed her nose and scrambled away from Nicole, sitting up on the bed next to her.

Nicole immediately sat up. “Oh baby! Are you okay?! I’m so sorry!”

Waverly moved her hand to look at it and revealed the blood that was pouring from her nose. She gasped and hastily covered her nose back up.

“Oh, Waves.” Nicole rubbed the girl’s back apologetically as soon as she saw the blood. “Come on, let’s get you to the bathroom. Pinch your nose and keep your head tilted forward.” Nicole advised as she helped Waverly off the bed and rushed her into her bathroom. She quickly closed the toilet lid and threw a clean towel over it before guiding Waverly to sit down. She grabbed a roll of toilet paper and wadded up a huge clump of tissue paper before tearing it off.

“Here.” She sat the roll down on the edge of the tub as she squatted down in front of Waverly and brought the tissue paper to Waverly’s nose, using her other hand to cup the back of the brunette’s head gently pushing her forward a little more. “God, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I kicked my leg up like that. I wasn’t thinking and I didn’t mean to. And now you’re bleeding everywhere and I’ve probably broken your nose and I’m literally the worst girlfriend ever to exist on this planet.”

Waverly began to giggle through the wad of tissue, until her shoulders began uncontrollably bouncing up and down, and her giggling turned into guffawing.

“What…what’s so funny?” Nicole asked, concerned that she had actually broken her girlfriend.

“We were literally just having sex, and now I have a bloody nose. From sex!” her body convulsed as she laughed some more until her abs were burning. “I mean, this is like something from a movie!”

Nicole chuckled as she shook her head. “Yeah, I guess it is a bit ridiculous.”

“A bit? How many times have you gotten injured during sex?”

Nicole bit back her smile at how cute Waverly was trying to talk through the tissue covering the lower half of her face. “Well…never.”

“Exactly! And this was oral sex! Literally the least dangerous form of sex you can have!”

Nicole began laughing with Waverly as the small room filled with the echoes of their voices. After a couple of minutes the pair finally calmed down – crying from laughing so hard nonetheless – at which point Nicole lowered the tissue to take a look at Waverly’s nose.

“Well, the good news is it stopped bleeding, and I don’t think it’s broken. But it’ll probably be a little sore tomorrow, and maybe a bit bruised.” Nicole’s eyes widened as she caught sight of Waverly’s wrist. “Oh my god, and your arm!” She gingerly took Waverly’s arm and examined the hand-shaped mark that was beginning to turn blue. “God, people are going to think I beat you or something!”

“Kinda makes you appreciate that small hickey I gave you a couple of weeks ago, huh?” Waverly teased.

“Waves, this isn’t funny. You’re hurt! I hurt you!”

Waverly grabbed Nicole’s trembling hands and stared into her eyes. “Baby, it was an accident. You didn’t mean to hurt me. If anything, it just means that I did you really good, so thanks for the boost of confidence.” Waverly gave a crooked smile as she placed a hand on the back of Nicole’s head and pulled her in to gently touch foreheads. She felt Nicole relax against her as she rubbed light circles on the inside of the redhead’s wrist with the hand that wasn’t on the back of her head. “You’re so good to me, Nicole. You love me and care for me in ways that I never thought was possible. You’re the best girlfriend ever, okay? Don’t feel bad. I’m okay, really I am. It looks worse than it feels. Just don’t feel guilty, okay?”

Nicole nodded against Waverly’s forehead. “Okay.” She smiled. “I really want to give you an Eskimo kiss right now, but I know that would be a bad idea.”

“Yeah, please don’t.” Waverly chuckled. She kissed Nicole’s nose before pulling away.

“So, are you ready to go to bed?” Nicole asked.

“If by ‘go to bed’ you mean ‘continue where we left off’, then yes. Absolutely.”

“Waves, we can’t–…we shouldn’t have sex anymore tonight. Not when you’re hurt like this.”

“Uh, last time I checked I didn’t need my nose to give or receive orgasms…unless there’s some kinky fantasy you haven’t told me about?” She folded her arms as she quirked an eyebrow.

Nicole shook her head. “I’m serious. I don’t want you to get hurt again.”

Waverly scooted slightly forward on the toilet lid and slid her hands up Nicole’s chest and around to the back of her neck. “How about you let me decide what I can and can’t handle, okay?” She pulled Nicole into a gentle kiss, being very careful to not bump her nose, before slowly pulling out of the kiss. “There, see? Nobody got hurt.”

“Yeah, but…” Nicole wasn’t sure what to do; on the one hand, she really wanted to continue with their night because she was still very aroused and wanted to keep making love to her girlfriend, but on the other hand, she was worried about Waverly.

“Nicole. Please.” When she saw the look of hesitation fail to leave her girlfriend’s eyes, she grabbed the redhead’s hand and brought it down between her legs to show Nicole just how much she wanted it. “See? I want you. I need you, Nicole. My body needs you.”

Nicole’s eyes began to glaze over with lust and arousal as she felt the slickness between Waverly’s legs. How could she deny her girlfriend something she clearly wanted? She nodded at Waverly as she stood up.

“Okay.” She bent down and hoisted Waverly up, who wrapped her legs around Nicole, to carry her over to the bed.

Once they got there, she gently laid Waverly down onto the bed and kissed her cheek as she hovered over her.

“I’m on top this time though.”

Waverly nodded her approval as she watched Nicole turn around and situate herself between the brunette’s legs, naturally bringing her center above Waverly’s face. Without wasting any time, Waverly grabbed the back of Nicole’s thighs and pulled her down to connect her tongue with the woman’s center.

“Ungh!” Nicole moaned at the unexpected touch before bringing her own tongue straight to Waverly’s clit. She smiled at the moan Waverly had hummed out against her center

It wasn’t long before Nicole felt herself getting closer to her release. She knew if Waverly had kept up the pace of those circles, that she would be a goner within the next few seconds. And the last thing she wanted was to finish before Waverly.

“Are you getting close baby?” Nicole asked through licks of her tongue on Waverly’s bundle of nerves.

“Not yet.” Waverly panted.

Nicole could feel herself getting closer by the second, so she carefully lifted herself up to detach her clit from Waverly’s mouth as she changed the pattern of her tongue and quickened her pace. Just in case that wasn’t enough, she slid two fingers straight into Waverly’s entrance.

“Oh my god!” Waverly cried as she balled the sheets next to her in her fists. “Fuck baby, that’s it. Jesus Christ!”

Waverly knew Nicole well enough to know that the only reason she had moved herself off of her was because she was getting close and didn’t want to finish first. Which was why when Waverly was approaching her climax, she pulled Nicole back down into her face and continued to eat her out.

Without detaching her lips from Waverly’s clit, Nicole whimpered as soon as the brunette’s lips were sucking on her sensitive bud.

It was only a few seconds later that they were coming – Waverly first and Nicole just a few seconds behind her. Their moans, cries, and profanities filled the room as they came down from their high.

“Is your nose okay?” Nicole asked once she was able to form coherent thoughts. She carefully moved off of Waverly to lay down on her back beside the girl, both of them still panting.

Waverly nodded. “Yeah, it doesn’t hurt as much anymore.”


Their chests were heaving up and down as they focused on catching their breath for a few more moments, until Waverly sat up and looked down at Nicole.

“Are you able to do just one more thing with me? Or are you too tired?”

Nicole placed her palms beside her on the mattress and pushed herself up to sit against the headboard. “Baby, I can go all night if you want me to.” She smirked.

An amused smile spread across Waverly’s face, touching all the way up to her eyes. “Really? All night?” She gave Nicole a knowing look.

“Or, at least one more thing. We do have work in the morning, and I have a feeling that I’ve already worn you out to the point where you’ll need extra caffeine shots.” Nicole leaned over and bumped her shoulder against Waverly’s as she gave the brunette her famous wink; the one that made the petite girl go weak in the knees.

Waverly shook her head and bit her lip in an attempt to hide her dopey grin. “You think you’re so charming, don’t you?”

“No, I know I’m charming. You don’t become Purgatory’s favorite officer by being anything but charming.”

“Then I guess you better work on that charm so that one day you can actually be Purgatory’s favorite officer.” Waverly looked at Nicole with a smug grin on her face.

“You!” Nicole reached out to tickle Waverly, but the shorter girl was too fast and dodged her hands, causing Nicole to fall off of the bed and hit the tender spot on her head right where Waverly had slammed her against the door earlier. “Ow! Shit!”

Waverly tried – and failed – to stifle her laughter from behind her hand as she looked at Nicole, who was glaring at her with one eye open and the other shut tightly in pain while she massaged the back of her head.

“I can’t believe you’re laughing at me. That really hurt!” Nicole pouted and quivered her bottom lip as she creased her eyebrows above big glossy brown eyes. It was a face that never failed to earn her kisses from Waverly.

“Aww my poor baby.” Waverly kneeled down beside Nicole on the floor and kissed her head where Nicole knew there would be a huge goose egg bump the next day. She helped Nicole up off the floor. “Are you too hurt to have sex one more time tonight?”

“I don’t know.” Nicole sighed exaggeratingly as she rubbed her scalp. “I mean, I did hit my head pretty hard…”

“It involves one of my sexual fantasies of you sitting in a chair with me riding you while you wear the strap-on.”

“I’m in.” Nicole replied bluntly without missing a beat.

“Perfect. You stay right here, and I’ll run and get the chair.”

Nicole watched Waverly (specifically her ass) trot off out of the room and down the stairs – presumably to her small office – before picking the strap-on off the floor and discarding the condom that was still on it. She pulled the dildo off of the harness and walked over to her closet to take out the briefs-style harness and the bullet vibe. She slid the small silver vibrator into the inside pocket of the crotch before attaching the dildo and sliding the harness up her legs and tucking the remote into the waistband so that she didn’t have to hold onto it. Just as soon as she had finished putting on a new condom and grabbing the bottle of lube from her bedside table, Waverly emerged from the hallway and back into the room with an armless wooden chair. With a grin, she placed it down in front of the bed with the back of it pushed against the mattress.

“This way we don’t have to worry about tipping it back and falling over.” She explained her reasoning for the chair placement.

“Good idea.” Nicole nodded. After Waverly’s wrist and nose and Nicole’s head, the last thing she wanted was for either of them to get another injury.

Waverly patted the black leather seat of the chair, signaling for Nicole to sit down, which she did. Waverly took the bottle of lube out of Nicole’s hand to pour onto the member, but stopped herself just after opening the bottle.

“Oh! I almost forgot.” She set the bottle on the floor and ran over to grab the mirror that was still leaning against the wall and placed it perfectly in front of the chair before turning back to face Nicole with a smirk. “I thought it would be sexy if we were able to see ourselves.”

“Damn. That’s so fucking hot.” Nicole replied with wide eyes. The thought alone of watching herself fuck Waverly was making her center wet with arousal. She quirked an eyebrow when a thought hit her. “But wait, how are you going to be able to see yourself if your back is to the mirror?”

Waverly strutted over to Nicole and placed her hands on the tops of her thighs as she leaned down impossibly close to the redhead’s face. “It won’t be to the mirror.” She winked before connecting their lips in a heated kiss; one that had Nicole moaning embarrassingly loud.

When the she pulled out of the kiss to stand back up in front of Nicole, she picked the bottle up and from about a foot in the air, squeezed a good amount of lube into the palm of her left hand before setting the bottle back down and rubbing lube all over the cock with both hands. Facing Nicole, she lowered herself to sit on top of the redhead’s thighs as she continued to rub her hands along the shaft, completely coating the slick member.

Waverly breathily chuckled at the way Nicole was staring at her hands rubbing up and down the entire length with her mouth slightly agape. “Is this turning you on baby?” Waverly asked in a seductive voice.

“You have no idea.” Nicole replied. She swallowed thickly as her mouth went dry at the sight. She was always amazed at the power of visual aids, because she honestly could’ve come from watching Waverly give her a hand job alone – with or without the vibrator. But she had a job to do, so she stilled Waverly’s hands and looked up into the girl’s darkened brown eyes.

“I think it’s lubricated enough.”

“Oh, that was more for you than it was for me. Trust me, I have plenty of lubrication for you.” She smirked before standing up from Nicole’s lap and turning around so she was facing the same way as the redhead. Nicole pushed her legs together slightly so that Waverly could move her own legs to the outsides of them and slightly bent over with her hands resting on Nicole’s thighs. Nicole grabbed onto Waverly’s left hip bone with her left hand to steady her as she grabbed her erection with her right hand and guided the tip to Waverly’s entrance. As soon as she was in position, Waverly sunk all the way down onto the entire length with ease.

“Fuck Waves,” Nicole gasped. “You really were ready for me.”

“All for you babe,” Waverly managed to squeak out just before inhaling sharply as she squeezed her eyes shut, pulling up and sinking back down onto Nicole. “Oh!” She moaned through a shaky breath, continuing her slow movements.

Nicole just sat there, watching Waverly take her length in the mirror. “Shit.” She whispered to herself before tugging her bottom lip between her teeth at the delicious sight. She sat still, letting Waverly explore and take her cock at her own pace.

As Waverly became more aroused, she tightened her grip on the tops of Nicole’s thighs and increased her pace on Nicole’s erection. Nicole didn’t know whether she wanted to watch Waverly’s toned ass bouncing in front of her, or her boobs bouncing in the mirror, so she settled on switching back and forth between both. She selfishly pulled her legs apart, forcing Waverly’s legs to spread open a little more and revealing even more of her gorgeous pink folds. Nicole always thought that Waverly had the most beautiful vagina she had ever seen, and it wasn’t just because she was her girlfriend…she genuinely thought that it was beautiful the first time she saw it.

“Baby, fuck me.” Waverly pleaded through panting breaths, pulling Nicole out of her thoughts.

As soon as her attention was brought back to what was happening right in front of her, Nicole immediately grabbed Waverly’s hips and began thrusting up into her.

“Oh, yes! Just like that baby.” Waverly moaned before sinking her teeth into her bottom lip and dropping her head back, taking in the warm, euphoric feeling of Nicole filling her up.

Waverly was so aroused that Nicole could clearly see her dark pink clit poking out in the mirror. She reached her hand around and ran it through the brunette’s slick folds, coating her fingers with arousal before stroking the sensitive bud. When she heard a loud gasp, she smirked.

“Do you like that baby?”

“Yes” Waverly whimpered.

“Do I touch your clit the right way?” Nicole obviously knew the answer to this based on the way Waverly’s body was reacting to the stimulation she was giving her, but she wanted to hear her girlfriend say it. She wanted her to tell her how good she made her feel. She wasn’t going to lie, she wanted that ego boost.

“Yes baby. You’re so good. Nobody has ever touched me the right way like you do. Nobody has ever made me come like you do. You’re so fucking good at fucking me, Nicole.”

Nicole smirked proudly as she thrusted her hips harder and moved her fingers faster, feeling a surge of energy from Waverly’s compliments.

“God, I’m getting close.” Waverly warned in a high-pitched moan.

Waverly leaned her head back and rested the back of her head on Nicole’s right shoulder as she brought her left arm around the back of Nicole’s head and threaded her fingers though the messy red waves that were no longer perfect curls like they were earlier in the night; but the messy sex hair just made her look even sexier.

Nicole was very thankful that with this harness, the base of the dildo wasn’t lined up with her lady parts like it was with the other harness, because with everything that was happening plus the new view of Waverly’s toned abdomen stretched out and flexing in the mirror, she knew that she was at the point where any form of stimulation on her clit would instantly send her flying over the edge. She reached into the right side of the waistband and pulled out the vibe remote and slipped it into Waverly’s free hand.

“Turn this on when you’re about to come, and I’ll come with you,” Nicole whispered into Waverly’s ear just before sucking on her earlobe, causing the smaller girl to shudder.

When Waverly nodded her head in understanding, Nicole trailed hot kisses down Waverly’s neck and began sucking on the base of her neck above her collarbone, just the way she knew Waverly liked it.

Waverly’s breathing became more ragged as she felt the tension building up inside her. She furrowed her brow and squeezed her eyes shut, but then immediately opened them when she remembered the mirror. She wanted to watch her girlfriend make love to her. She readjusted her head slightly so that she had a clearer view. As she got closer to her climax, she turned on the vibrator, causing Nicole to let out a sharp cry as she jolted her hips. The reaction pushed Waverly over the edge and sent her instantly flying into her orgasm.

“NICOLE!” Waverly yelled as she squeezed Nicole’s hair in her fist and rocked her body up and down onto Nicole’s cock and against her fingers. She struggled to keep her eyes opened, but managed to lock them onto Nicole’s in the mirror.

It was only a second later when Waverly’s name was repeatedly tumbling from Nicole’s lips, starting as a gasp and crescendoing to a scream as she reached her own release. She stared into the reflection of Waverly’s eyes as she came, not caring one bit that she would probably have to put the harness through two wash cycles with the amount of arousal she was surely staining it with. She was thankful that Waverly knew exactly when to turn off the vibrator before it became too much for Nicole’s clit to handle.

When Waverly finished riding out her orgasm, she slumped back into Nicole, letting herself rest all of her weight on her strong girlfriend, since she didn’t have the energy to hold herself up anymore. Nicole wrapped her arms around Waverly’s waist, locking her hands just above the girl’s belly button as she rested her cheek against Waverly’s, wanting the brunette to feel her close.

“I’ve got you baby. I got you.” Nicole cooed as she kissed Waverly’s cheek before resting her face back against the brunette’s, not caring one bit about the amount of sweat that was on both of their faces.

Once Waverly had settled down a bit, Nicole whispered, “Are you ready to go to sleep now?”

“Yes please,” Waverly replied softly as she sat up before standing up, effectively raising herself off of the purple member. As soon as she was fully standing on her own, her knees gave out and Nicole quickly caught her and swooped her up bridal style as Waverly wrapped her arms around Nicole’s neck, thankful for her girlfriend’s quick reflexes.

“Yeah, you’re definitely going to feel this tomorrow.” Nicole chuckled as she kicked the chair out of the way and carried Waverly over to her usual side of the bed and somehow managed to pull the comforter back before carefully laying her down on her back.

“You truly, genuinely are amazing in bed. I just want to make sure you know that everything I was saying wasn’t just to urge you on, but that it was actually true.” Waverly said as she watched Nicole walk around to the other side of the bed and stepping out of the strap-on before slipping underneath the covers beside her.

“You’re amazing too you know. I’ve never had sex this good in my entire life.” Nicole smiled before leaning down to kiss Waverly.

Waverly turned around with her back to Nicole and Nicole followed her, pressing the front of her bare body against the back of Waverly’s and wrapping her arm around the brunette, squeezing her tightly as if she couldn’t get close enough to the girl. Waverly clasped a hand around Nicole’s strong forearm and sighed contently as she was cuddled safely in her girlfriend’s arms.

“Happy one month, Nicole Haught.” Waverly whispered lovingly as she pulled Nicole’s hand up to her lips to give it a soft kiss before putting it back where it was over left side of her waist against the bed.

Nicole leaned her face forward into Waverly and kissed the back of her neck at the dip close to her shoulder. “Happy one month, Waverly Earp.”