53. Practice Makes Perfect

Waverly spent the next week thinking about what Chrissy had said when they last hung out before New Year’s. She really wanted to try using the strap-on again with Nicole, but she was afraid that she would back out last minute and ruin the night. Which was why she had planned for her Saturday off to include some alone time, practicing with their strap-on. The only problem was, she had forgotten to discretely take it from Nicole’s house the last time she was over there, so she had to make a secret trip over to the officer’s home to grab the item while the redhead was at work.

As soon as she got into her Jeep, her phone buzzed.

Nicole: Hey baby. What are you up to?

Waverly froze as she read the text. It was like the woman could sense when she was up to something. She slowly typed out a reply.

Waverly: Just relaxing at home. You?

Nicole: About to take my lunch break.

Nicole: I miss you.

Waverly smiled at her screen.

Waverly: I miss you too. Are we still on for game night with Jeremy and Robin tonight?

Nicole: You know it :)

Waverly: I’ll see you then, love :)

Waverly tossed her phone into the passenger’s seat before driving down the long, dirt driveway.

When she arrived at Nicole’s house, she quickly jumped out of the car and used the key Nicole had given her to unlock the door. She sat with Calamity Jane on the couch for a few minutes, figuring she had plenty of time since Nicole was at work, before going up the stairs and into Nicole’s bedroom. She headed straight for the closet, but when she looked inside the box, the strap-on wasn’t inside.

“Crap.” She whispered to herself.

She quickly began to look around the room in search of the item. She couldn’t ask Nicole where it was without explaining why she needed it, and she definitely didn’t want to do that. They were pretty good at communication, but some things she just wanted to keep private. She dropped to her knees and looked under the bed when she heard the bedroom door creak open. Assuming it was Calamity Jane, she chuckled to herself.

“Calamity, are you spying on me?” She raised up on her knees so that she was looking over the bed, and jumped when she saw Nicole standing at the door, looking at her with a furrowed brow. Waverly gasped, and immediately placed her hand over her heart as her chest quickly rose and fell in a panic. “Jesus, Nicole! You scared me!”

Nicole apologetically held her hands out. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t even know that you were on the floor down there. I saw your Jeep in the driveway and when I didn’t see you downstairs I figured you were up here.”

Waverly stood up and brushed the dirt and dust off of her knees. “What are you doing here? I thought you were about to go out for lunch.”

“I was...I am. I had planned on coming home for lunch today. I’m trying not to eat out as much, especially after putting on a few extra pounds during the holidays.” She patted her belly and quirked an eyebrow as she looked at her opened closet door and then back at a nervous looking Waverly. “What are you doing here? …on the floor? …looking under the bed?”

“Oh, me? I, uh…I was just…uh…” Waverly looked around the room for an idea of a cover story. “Looking for my earring! Yeah, I dropped it last time I was here.” She grabbed her earlobe as she forced a grin.

“Your earring?” Nicole asked incredulously.

“Yep! And I found it, so I’m going back home now. Enjoy your lunch!” She began to walk out of the bedroom door, but Nicole pushed her back.

“Waverly, what’s going on? Why are you lying to me?”

“I’m not.” Waverly shrugged.

“You are. I can tell.” She gave the brunette a knowing look, and Waverly knew she wasn’t getting away with this one.

A deep sigh left Waverly’s mouth as she rested her hands on her hips and shook her head. “I can’t tell you.”

“Hey, since when did we have secrets?”

“Since…” Waverly closed her eyes and exhaled through her nose. “Since telling you what I was actually looking for felt a little embarrassing.”

Nicole smiled as she pulled Waverly into a hug. “Baby, you don’t have to feel embarrassed around me. We’re a team, remember?”

Waverly rested her cheek against Nicole’s chest as she melted into Nicole’s embrace. “I know, I know. It just sounds so stupid.”

Nicole pulled back and looked at Waverly as she drew her eyebrows together. “What does?”

Waverly sighed and looked down at the floor, averting her eyes from Nicole’s curious ones. “I was going to use the strap-on…”

Nicole raised an eyebrow. “On who? Me?” Suddenly Nicole’s mind filled with the thought of Waverly storming into the station and pulling her into the break room as she whipped out their toy and proceeded to fuck her, but she quickly shook the image from her mind.

“No. On myself. Or I mean, I guess that would be the dildo instead of the strap-on.” She looked up in thought, contemplating the proper terminology. “I just wanted to get used to it again before we try it together.”

“You mean, you want to try using it again? With me wearing it?”

Waverly nodded.

“You know you don’t have to do that, right? We’re okay without it.”

“But I want to do it. I miss it. But it still just freaks me out a little, and Chrissy said that masturbating with it first might help me feel more comfortable with it, so I was going to try that today.”

Nicole nodded in understanding as she gave a warm smile. “Well it’s, uh, it’s on the bathroom counter.” Nicole replied as she pointed with her thumb over her shoulder. “I was doing some cleaning the other day and noticed that it was getting a little dusty, so I washed it and forgot to put it back.”

Waverly gave a curt nod and walked into the bathroom to grab the dildo before walking back out as she awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. “This isn’t weird, right? You don’t think that this idea is dumb?”

“No, baby, of course not. If this is what’s going to help you, then by all means, go for it.”

“You really are the best, do you know that?” Waverly beamed.

Nicole waved her hand in dismissal. “Eh, I just do it for the sex.” She teased with a wink, earning herself a playful slap in the arm from Waverly.

“Well, I’ll let you get to your lunch. You probably don’t have too much time left to eat.”

“Hey, since you’re here, do you want to join me? I mean, unless you’re in a hurry to get back home and use that thing. Or if you want, you can just use it here while I watch...” Nicole wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

“In your dreams, Officer Haught. But yes, I’ll join you for lunch.” Waverly smiled before walking out of the room with the dildo in her hand.

“Hey, don’t forget to grab the lube too before you leave!”


Waverly grabbed Wynonna’s laptop from her room, knowing that her older sister wouldn’t be home from work for another couple of hours, and went back to her bedroom. She didn’t have a laptop of her own, so she often borrowed her sister’s. She sat cross-legged on her bed with the dildo and lube sitting next to her as she pulled up the incognito browser before typing in her search…

Authentic lesbian porn strap-on redhead brunette

She scrubbed through a few videos before she found one that peaked her interest. As soon as the video started playing, she laid back, getting comfortable on the bed with the laptop sitting beside her, and began to play with her breasts to get herself worked up. With one hand pinching and rubbing one of her nipples, she slowly ran the other one up to her neck, and then back down to her other breast before sliding down to her stomach, and then down to the inside of one of her thighs. She ran her hand all over her body, felling herself becoming aroused as she lingered on her erogenous zones, before sliding down between her legs and cupping her sex as she slowly undulated her hips. She slid her fingers down though her wet folds and dropped her head back onto the pillow as she cupped and squeezed one of her breasts with the other hand.

“Nicole, baby that feels so good.” Waverly moaned in a sultry voice, pretending that it was Nicole’s hand that was touching her. She continued to rub her fingers up and down, spreading her arousal and coating her fingers before focusing on her clit and rubbing slow, large circles.

“Oh, fuck.” She grabbed the pillow with her free hand and slowly rocked her hips as she moved her fingers across the sensitive bud.

About a minute later she felt herself getting closer to the edge, so she picked up her pace until she was fervently rubbing her clit. Her body tensed up as she approached her climax.

“Oh yes. Oh fuck. Baby, unghhh!”

With her eyes squeezed tightly shut, she bolted upright into a sitting position while the waves of pleasure overcame her. She dropped back down onto the mattress and sighed with a smile as she lazily ran her fingers through her arousal.

She hovered the mouse over the video, seeing that she was only a little over four minutes into it. She was thankful that it was about half an hour long, and she wouldn’t have to worry about it ending before she got the chance to really utilize it. So far, the two women had only been making out and slowly removing their clothing one garment at a time. When they were completely naked, the redhead kissed down the brunette’s body and began to give her oral with quick strokes of her tongue.

“Shit.” Waverly breathed out with wide eyes.

She was seriously getting turned on by this video. Even though it looked professionally made, the two women seemed very into it, and it looked realistic, as opposed to something that resembled a male’s fantasy. The two women looked kind of similar to her and Nicole as well, which also made it that much more arousing. She felt like she could mentally put herself in that room, and feel like it was Nicole touching her and making love to her.

After sucking on her fingers, she dropped them back down to her center and touched herself exactly where the redhead’s tongue was on the brunette’s sex, and watched with an attentive gaze.

“Jesus. Nicole, you’re so good at that. I love it when you eat me out, baby.” Waverly whispered as she continued to stare at the screen.

The redhead pushed two fingers inside the other girl’s entrance as she continued to run her tongue back and forth across her enlarged clit, and Waverly brought her other hand down to do the same. She slowly pushed two fingers inside, allowing herself to get used to the feeling before pushing them all the way in. She pumped her fingers in and out as she rubbed her clit with her other hand, and bit her bottom lip at how good it felt.

“Yeah, you like it when I fuck that pussy, don’t you?” The redhead on the screen said as she continued fucking the brunette with her fingers.

Waverly imaged that it was Nicole talking to her, and she instantly felt a gush of arousal between her legs. Even though the redhead had stopped using her tongue, Waverly continued to rub her clit. If anything, she just picked up her pace even more.

“Yes, you fuck me so good.” The brunette in the video whined as she held her knees out to the sides.

The redhead smirked. “Tell me that you want me to make you come.”

“Oh fuck.” Waverly said between pants of pleasure. This dialogue was turning her on so much.

“Please make me come. I need to come.”

“Oh…shit!” Waverly choked out as she felt her walls tighten around her fingers before exploding into strong contractions.

This one lasted much longer than the previous orgasm. When her contractions had subsided, she laid back against the pillow and continued to watch the video as the brunette on the screen loudly moaned, reaching her own climax.

When the redhead stood up to put on the strap-on, Waverly lubed up the dildo and ran it slowly through her folds, preparing herself to take in the toy. She steadied her breathing as she watched the redhead line up the tip with the brunette’s entrance, and Waverly did the same. When the woman pushed inside the smaller woman, Waverly did the same, slowly pushing the toy’s tip inside her before pulling back out. Even though the couple on the screen were already roughly fucking at this point, Waverly took her time. She closed her eyes and let her body get used to the size of the head before pushing in just a little more and pulling back out. She went in half way a few times, feeling herself stretch to accommodate the girth of the dildo, before she slowly pushed all the way in. She bit her bottom lip at the feeling of being completely filled – something she hadn’t felt in a while – before beginning to move the toy in and out. She opened her eyes and looked at the screen, watching the redhead fuck the brunette missionary style. With the visual aid of the two women having sex and the feeling of the dildo inside her, she imagined that Nicole was on top of her, penetrating her.

“Oh, yes baby. Fuck me. Nicole, god you feel so good inside me. Filling up my pussy. Oh fuck.”

The brunette in the video was now whimpering as the redhead moved her hips at an impossibly quick pace, filling the room with wet sounds as the strap-on easily slid in and out of the brunette. The redhead braced herself with her fists on the mattress holding her up as she thrusted her hips, and her triceps slightly bulged out. Waverly imagined Nicole in that exact position, fucking her, with her muscles flexed on display and Waverly running her hands over them.

“Jesus…Nicole…” Waverly panted as she felt herself nearing the edge. She immediately brought the fingers of her free hand down to her hardened clit and rubbed it as fast as she could. “I’m gonna come…I’m gonna come…oh god…oh my god…holy shit.” Waverly felt her entire body tense up as tightly as it could before it released all of the tension, sending all of that energy shooting straight between her legs. “FUCK, NICOLE!” Waverly screamed as she dropped the hand that was stimulating her clit onto the mattress and balled the sheets into her fist as she arched her back off of the bed and pulsed tightly around the dildo. Her mouth opened in shock at how intense her orgasm was, and the corners of her mouth turned up into a grin of ecstasy as pleasure coursed through her veins. She dropped back down onto the bed, feeling completely satisfied.

Waverly hit the spacebar, pausing the video. She didn’t even need to finish the last five minutes; she was thoroughly worn out. She slowly closed her eyes as sleep took over.

She laid there for about five minutes before she got too cold from being on top of the covers. She sleepily closed her laptop and set it on the bedside table before getting up to put on a shirt and some shorts and crawling back into bed. She set her alarm, giving herself some time to rest before she had to get ready for her double date tonight.


Waverly slowly opened her eyes when she heard the sound of her bedroom door opening. She saw a blurry figuring walking towards her, until her eyes adjusted and she saw Wynonna standing next to her bed.

“Sorry baby girl, I just came to get my laptop. Figured you had borrowed it. Keep sleeping.” The older girl said as she grabbed the computer and began to walk back towards the door.

Waverly nodded and closed her eyes as she rolled over onto her stomach to fall back asleep, but her eyes instantly popped open when she realized that she never closed out of the browser. She shot up in the bed and flung the covers off of her body as she ran towards the door.

“Wynonna, wait!” She swung her door open and ran down the stairs to where Wynonna was sitting on the couch, but it was too late. She grimaced as she watched Wynonna open the laptop, and the sounds of very loud moaning blared through the internal speakers.

Wynonna’s eyes widened at the video playing in full screen on her laptop, and she quickly slammed it shut as she rubbed her eyes with her fingers, trying to get the image out of her brain.

“Waverly...” Wynonna said, making it sound almost like a question.

“Yeah?” Waverly replied with her eyebrows pushed together and up, and her lips pursed.

“Next time you borrow my laptop to watch porn, please clear it of any evidence. Especially if the women look this much like you and Haught.” She said as she continued to rub her eyes.

“Sorry. Won’t happen again.”

Wynonna held the laptop out for Waverly to take, and the younger brunette opened it up and quickly exited out of the website before handing it back to her sister with an apologetic look.

Wynonna shook her head at her sister before turning her attention to her laptop. As she rested her fingers on the keyboard, she drew her eyebrows together. “Wait a minute, did you touch my keyboard with sticky fingers?”

“Only the spacebar.” Waverly shrugged.

“Gross, Waverly!” Wynonna whined as she quickly withdrew her hands.

“Calm down, they were dry at that point.”

“But your stuff was still on them! And now it’s on my keyboard!”

Waverly rolled her eyes. “I’ll get a Clorox wipe.”

“You better!”


Later that night, Waverly drove to Nicole’s house to pick her up. They sat quietly in the car, enjoying the sound of the radio playing from the speakers, as Nicole drummed along with the song on her lap. She looked out the window and bobbed her head, and Waverly instantly knew there was something she wanted to say, but was holding back.

Waverly glanced at Nicole before looking back at the road. “What?”

Nicole turned her head towards Waverly. “Huh?”

“You look like you want to say something.”

“Nope. Just enjoying the tunes.”

Waverly turned off the radio before placing her hand back on the steering wheel. “I know you, Nicole. What is it?”

“No, it’s none of my business.” She held her hands up.

Waverly knew exactly what Nicole was curious about. “Go ahead, ask me. It involves you too.”

Nicole paused for a moment as she contemplated the best way to start the conversation. “I was just wondering how it went today.”

Waverly nodded, not at all surprised. “It went well. I had a really good time.” She smirked at Nicole and winked.

“Waves, don’t tease me like that. You’re going to make me horny.” Nicole whined.

“Fine, fine. But yeah, it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it was going to be.”

“So, you think you’re ready to use it? I mean, you know, with me?”

Waverly nodded as she smiled at Nicole. “I was thinking about you while I did it, you know.”

“Really?” Nicole beamed.

“Of course. It made it so much hotter. I came so hard that I was dripping all over the mattress…”

“Oh my god, stop.” Nicole shook her head as she dropped her face in her hands, trying her best to get that visual out of her head, considering that they were pulling into Jeremy’s apartment complex.

Waverly chuckled as she pulled into a parking space and put the gear shift in park. “You know, we could always just turn around and go back home. Spend the night having sex instead of playing Cranium…” Waverly said in a sultry voice as she leaned closer towards Nicole and slowly pressed their lips together.

Their mouths glided together for a few seconds before Nicole groaned and reluctantly pulled back. “We can’t. We’d be shitty friends for dipping out last minute.”

“Yeah, maybe you’re right.” Waverly replied as she innocently walked two fingers up Nicole’s thigh and blew warm air on her neck.

“Plus, Jeremy is standing at the front door of the building waving at us…”

Waverly paused just before she got to Nicole’s crotch and sighed as she looked at the door to see her grinning friend. “Fine. But when we get home, you’re all mine.” She grabbed the back of Nicole’s neck and pulled her into a quick kiss before getting out of the car.

“Hey guys! I saw you pull up out the window and figured I’d be polite and meet you at the front door.” Jeremy shrugged with a smile. “Hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”

“We’re used to it.” Nicole shrugged.

“You didn’t, Jeremy. We’re glad you invited us.” Waverly smiled as she hugged the boy.

“Well, come on in. We’ve already got Cranium all set up!”

“Fun…” Nicole replied sarcastically as they followed Jeremy down the hall, and Waverly lightly slapped her in the stomach with the back of her hand.

“Be nice.” She whispered to Nicole with a warning look.

Nicole put her hands up in surrender.

“Hey guys!” Robin said excitedly from where he was sitting at the table. “Hope you brought your art skills.”

“Waverly’s better at drawing than I am. Stick figures are my best friend.” Nicole chuckled as she hung her jacket on the back of her chair and took a seat.


About 20 minutes into the game, Robin and Jeremy’s piece was about three-quarters of the way across the board as Waverly and Nicole’s piece was ten spaces behind them. The timer was almost out of sand, and Waverly was quickly shaping the purple clay into a sculpture of a turtle wearing a hat.

“Uhh, a dog. A penguin. A llama. A baby. A fat baby. A fat baby wearing a toupee. Oh, oh, the purple people eater!”

“Time’s up!” Jeremy called out with an amused smile on his face.

Waverly threw the clay on the table and narrowed her eyes at Nicole. “Really, Nicole? Purple people eater?”

Nicole raised her hands up in question. “What? It’s purple.”

“Because that’s the color of clay the game came with!”

“Well that’s not my fault! What was that thing even supposed to be?”

“It was a turtle wearing a hat.”

Nicole scoffed. “They must not have turtles here in Purgatory…or hats.”

Waverly smacked Nicole in the arm, and the redhead blocked her as she laughed in amusement.

Robin pulled out a green card and read the instructions. “Hmm, looks like a humdinger. Oh, I love this one!” He flipped the timer over and looked as Jeremy as he began humming.

About three seconds in, Jeremy excitedly shouted, “Good Morning from Singin’ in the Rain!”

“Yes!” Robin exclaimed, and the two high fived.

“How the…” Nicole looked between the two in bewilderment.

“Every other Sunday we eat hotdogs roasted over the gas stove flame while watching one of the most well-known musicals of all time in chronological order.” Jeremy stated as he nodded his head.

“Next week is West Side Story!” Robin stated excitedly, since Leonard Bernstein was one of his favorite composers of all time.

“Why am I not surprised by any part of what you two just said.” Nicole mumbled with a subtle shake of her head.

“Oh, maybe we can watch it together!” Waverly suggested with a big grin on her face.

“Yes! I found the best tofu dogs that actually roast well without looking like burning plastic.” Robin beamed.

“Then count us in!” Waverly exclaimed as she excitedly clapped her hands.

Nicole internally groaned at the thought of having to spend her Sunday off watching a musical. “We’ll bring the vodka.”

“Why vodka?” Jeremy asked with a furrowed brow.

“Because I’m going to need it…”


After two more rounds of Cranium – which Waverly and Nicole also lost - the couples said their goodbyes and headed home for the night.

Nicole laid in bed, reading the news on her phone with Calamity Jane curled up at her feet as she waited for Waverly to get out of the bathroom. The brunette walked out, completely naked as she rubbed moisturizer on her arms.

Nicole set her phone down and smirked as she roamed her eyes over Waverly’s body, pausing on specific parts of the girl.

“Hey, my eyes are up here.” Waverly teased.

“Yeah, but your sexy parts are down there.” Nicole replied with raised eyebrows.

Waverly chuckled as she quickly slipped into bed underneath the covers and pressed her body up against Nicole’s. The redhead wrapped her arm around Waverly and hummed as she inhaled a heavenly scent through her nose.

“You smell really good. Is that new?”

Waverly nodded. “Gus gave it to me yesterday. I forgot about it until I found it in my purse. It’s buttercream cupcake scented.”

“Mmm. I love it.”

“I’ll wear it more often then.”

“Please do.” Nicole inhaled again through her nose and moaned in a way that had Waverly slightly squeezing her thighs together.

“So, are you still in the mood from earlier?” Waverly asked with a seductive smile as she brushed her fingers through Nicole’s coarse curls over her mound.

“Mmm.” Nicole hummed as she closed her eyes and smiled at the feeling of Waverly touching her. “I don’t know. I kind of lost the mood when you signed us up to watch that musical next weekend.” She peeked one eye open just in time to see Waverly shaking her head with narrowed eyes.

“Well what if I tell you what I did today? Would that bring the mood back?” She continued to massage Nicole’s pubic bone.

“You mean describing the details of you masturbating?”

Waverly nodded.

“Definitely. The would definitely put me in the mood.”

Waverly chuckled at the excitement of her girlfriend. “Okay, well first, I watched porn.”

“You did?” Nicole’s face lit up at the visual of Waverly getting off while watching porn.


“What kind of porn?”

“It was two women. One was a sexy redhead…”


“Yeah. And the other was and even sexier brunette.”

“Hey!” Nicole complained, causing Waverly to giggle.

“I’m just kidding. They were equally sexy.”


“Well, first they got naked, taking off one article of clothing at a time while they made out.”

“Oh yeah? Who was on top?”

“The redhead.”

“I see.” Nicole instantly rolled on top of Waverly – causing Calamity Jane to jump off of the bed and run out of the room – and cupped one of her cheeks as she leaned down for a soft kiss before pulling back. “Like this?”

Realizing what Nicole was doing, Waverly smirked as she shook her head. “It was more aggressive than that.”

Nicole smashed her lips against Waverly’s before opening her mouth and forcing her tongue inside as their open mouths continued to messily glide against one another’s. Waverly whimpered at the unexpected initial contact and wrapped her arms around the back of Nicole’s neck.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, until Nicole pulled back, gasping for air. “How was that?” She panted out of her red, swollen lips.

“Perfect.” Waverly replied in a similar manner.

“Then what happened?”

“I began to touch myself, like this…”

Waverly reached down between their bodies and began to draw slow circles around Nicole’s clit.

“Oh, fuck.” Nicole dropped her head beside Waverly’s and onto her forearm as she rocked her hips against Waverly’s hand.

“And I did it while touching my nipples, like this.”

Nicole lifted her head up and watched Waverly rub and pinch one of her nipples with her free hand. She brought her hand down to Waverly’s clit and mirrored the brunette’s movements on her.

“Mmm, that’s good.” Waverly hummed with a smile.

It wasn’t long before they were picking up their pace, and soon they reached their orgasms. Nicole climaxed first, with Waverly following closely behind, until the waves of pleasure subsided.

“Was that it?” Nicole whispered, hoping the answer was anything but ‘yes’.

With her eyes closed as she recovered from her orgasm, Waverly shook her head. “Then the redhead went down on the brunette.”

With eagerness, Nicole moved down Waverly’s body and settled between the girl’s legs. She brought her lips to Waverly’s clit and immediately began sucking, carefully pulling the nub between her teeth.

With a strong jolt of her hips, Waverly’s eyes shot open and she quickly crawled away from Nicole’s lips sucking harshly on her sensitive bud.

“Agh, too much. Too much.” Waverly panted as she winced in slight pain.

Nicole looked at Waverly with sympathetic eyes as she gently rubbed one hand along the outside of her thigh as the other one rested on the top of her hip bone. “Oh, baby. Sorry. I got excited. Are you okay?”

Waverly nodded. “I just need a minute to recover before I’m ready for that again.” She blew out a deep breath from her mouth in the shape of an ‘O’ as she pulled back on the skin over her pubic bone and looked down at her sensitive red bud poking out from underneath its hood before laying back down on the pillow.

Nicole continued to lovingly caress Waverly’s thigh as she patiently waited to resume her previous task.

“Okay, I’m good.” Waverly nodded at the redhead as she swallowed thickly.

Nicole slowly licked her tongue up Waverly’s folds a few times before circling it around her clit. “This okay?”

“Mhm.” Waverly hummed as she closed her eyes and brought her hands down to Nicole’s head. With her head relaxed back into the pillow, she spread her legs a little wider and undulated her hips in a way that would have anyone guessing that she was a dancer.

Nicole hummed against Waverly’s center at the taste of her on her tongue. “You taste good.”

“Do I?”

“Mhm.” Nicole continued swirling her tongue around. “I can smell the buttercream cupcake on your thighs as I taste you. Makes it sweeter.”

“Well then I’ll definitely have to wear this moisturizer more often.” As soon as Waverly finished her sentence, Nicole increased her pressure against Waverly’s clit and the brunette let out a guttural groan.

“Did the redhead in the porn video do anything else?” Nicole asked as she looked up at Waverly while continuing her ministrations.

“She pushed two fingers inside.” Waverly whispered.

Nicole smirked as she brought two fingers up and slowly entered Waverly before pumping them.

“Ungh, faster.”

Waverly pushed Nicole’s head down against her as she rocked her hips into her face. “Ohhh yeah. Yes, yes, yes. Just like that baby.”

Nicole moaned in response, and vibrations sent Waverly hurtling into her climax, filling the room with whimpers and obscenities. Nicole crawled up Waverly’s body, bringing the covers up over them, before forcing her tongue inside the brunette’s mouth and against her own. They sloppily kissed for a few seconds as Waverly squeezed her hands around Nicole’s biceps holding her up.

“Hmm, what happened next.” Nicole asked when they pulled apart.

Waverly shifted her eyes uncomfortably. “Um, they used the strap-on. But I left it at the homestead…”

Nicole shook her head before giving a reassuring smile. “That’s okay.”

“But maybe tomorrow night we can use it?”

“Waves, I don’t want you to feel like we have to. If you want to use it a little more on yourself before adding me into the mix, that’s perfectly fine.”

“I know. I want to though.” Waverly replied as she slowly dragged her short nails up and down Nicole’s back.

Nicole expelled a shuddering breath with a smile. “Well in that case, it’s a date.”

“Good.” Waverly grinned as she ran her fingers all the way down to Nicole’s backside before squeezing her firm cheeks and giving one side a firm slap, eliciting a low moan from the redhead.

“But for now…” Waverly smoothly flipped them over so that she was on top of Nicole. “It’s my turn to taste you.”

She slid down underneath the covers and Nicole relaxed back into the mattress with a giddy grin as she rested one hand on top of Waverly’s head moving underneath the blanket and the other above her to grip the headboard.