Erin's eyes widen in disbelief wanting to say something, but words didn't come out. Not knowing what kind of emotion to show.
Should he cry out of joy...
Should he cry out of guilt...
Should he cry out of sorrow...
Or should he laugh it out like some kind of sick joke.
'Hey, are you alive? Why aren't you answering?'
From deep within, one emotion starts to show. It was hotter then scorching sun and darker then darkest night.
It was anger
'YOU MOTHERFUCKER !!! Who said I wanted to live. I want to avenge my sister by torturing them in most painful and slowest way possible! I want you to crash their bones, tear their limbs, take out their organs and feed it to them, all the while keeping them alive and conscious! Even after becoming empty shell they can't die! I want them to feel excruciating pain for eternity to come!!'
Air suddenly changed as demon let out a heavy sigh
'I know that, but let me ask you. Why should I !? It is too much of a bother.'
Erin started to panic
'But... But... Didn't you say you want to make a deal? I' am ready to offer my very existence for it!'
'What is your existence worth to me.'
'B... But, what the hell you want!?'
'Wasn't it obvious?'
Demon was confused, because he thought that he was clear about it. He starts to explain it with extreme passion in his voice.
'What else, but your tender, young and very delicious body.'
Erin got the shivers down to his entire being and shouts
'PERVERT, what do you want to do with my body!'
'Calm down, it isn't what you think. But, it isn't I would mind.'
'I heard that!!'
'In short, I' am fallen demon. Being with no body with only his soul remaining, meaning I' am dead.'
'Dead? Then how...'
'My soul is currently residing in realm between life and death. It was drifting in this empty place for few centuries. I need to possess a living body to get out of it.'
'Wait, if your soul comes in where will mine go?'
'At first I wanted to rip it forcefully away. You would feel extricating pain like if your limbs where tearing apart and regrowing again. Believe me it would be a torture on completely new stage.'
Erin starts to second guess his decision.
'But now I also want you.'
Maybe because of a shock, but Erin without a thought asks
'M... Me??? Why me?'
'How long was it? Maybe a millennium or two when someone spoke with me like this. It sure is nostalgic.'
Erin turns from shocked to surprised. He didn't except such an answer to come from a demon.
'I didn't ask you to live because of your desire, but mine. In name of my ancestors, I Damian Varta Dragras von Ferset hereby request a Demonic contract to be created between me and Erin the slave.'
Right before Erin's eyes pitch black paper forms with only his and demon's name on it.
'Content of this contract is that Erin the slave must hand over his body and soul to me...'
Right beneath Erin's name letters in strange language starts to appear.
'... in exchange I will give Erin the slave enough power to exact his revenge as he seems fit.'
At the sound of it his eyes widen in disbelief while one thought run through his mind
'(I can... with my hands...)'
'I swear with my true name $€^%#@ that seals the contract.'
Erin didn't know what to do when he got sudden urge to speak a name, name that he never heard before.'
'I Erin the slave accepts this contract while swearing on my true name &@#$¥€ that seals the contract.'
At exact moment he finished, contract started to burn away in black flames. Pieces of still burning contract flew around him, slowly like they were dancing in the breeze. One after the other they start to land with flame still going strong. It was an end to their performance, while start to something new.
Pieces formed a circle around him. Black flame intensifies while setting a ground on fire, connecting with other pieces.
Erin's eyes suddenly go black while looking like another lifeless corpse. His presence completely vanished from outside.
But, is it from within?'
It was darkness...
It was silence...
It was peace... When...
Erin gasped for air as if waking from terrified dream.
'My head.'
He holds his head as it is brimming with pain.
It took him full couple of seconds to realize that he wasn't lying down any more. After waking up, out of reflex he stood up in sitting position. Pain was gone. With one hand on the ground holding him up, while other...
After realising, slowly and while shaking he backed away hand that was holding his head. Erin wanted to cry so badly, but tears simple didn't come out. His right arm is back.
After touching it his joyful face quickly turned to concern as he couldn't feel it. In fact he couldn't feel anything, smell anything and even couldn't taste his own saliva. Only thing he could do is hear and... see??
'Where the hell am I?'
Before dense forest that could even block a moonlight. Now vast space with nothing in sight, only a thin layer of water that reflects clear blue sky. It was very bright here, but there were no sun. It was a strange place and at the same time familiar.
'What happened, am I dead?'
'Almost, but that isn't out of question yet.'
Familiar voice surprised him, it was different. Before it sounded like it was inside his head and now...
Erin quickly turned around while trying to stand on his feet. There he was, standing... tall? I mean short with long silver hair, dark blue skin, soft looking legs, three red horns and pitch black eyes with blue pupils.
Erin surprised and without thinking asks
'Are you boy or a girl??'
Demon just shrugs it like he answered this question many times and sais
'Why don't you see it for yourself?'
Erin didn't realize what did he mean until...
'WHAT THE FUCK !! Why are we naked!!?'
He starts to blush while trying to cover himself.
'What are you ashamed, we are both guys here.'
He glared at demon like that was still questionable when he looked at it. Beneath his six pack there it was. Only one thought was on his mind while staring at that monster – " It is bigger then horse's!!"
'Don't you know it is bad manners to look at other demon's dick so intensively?'
At sound of that he immediately turned his gaze away while blushing and shouts
'Then why don't you put some clothes back on?'
'Sorry, can't do. No material things can enter this place.'
Still trying not to look he asks
'What is this place then?'
'Wait, you don't know?'
Demon sounded genuinely surprised
'We are inside your soul.'
'M... My soul!?'
Demon has a very troubled look on him.
'Tell me the truth Erin. You aren't a human, right?'
'Last time I checked, I was.' he answered with confused tone.
'Are you sure that you don't have any connection with those fairy shits?'
'I don't really know, you know orphan and all. Why do you ask?'
'WHY ELSE !! Your soul is huge! Normal human soul is big as a fist, but in yours two human kingdoms can fit. Do you see my concern?'
'It was that big?'
'Lets say I was lucky this time.'
'What for?'
'What else, because I liked you. Do you think I can tear this apart. My original soul was at least half of yours and now I am left with only third of it. In best case my soul would be ripped apart with a little pain.'
'Wait how were you planning to occupy my body with my soul intact?'
'I simply wanted to merge it with mine, but that isn't realistic right now.'
'Why don't I merge with yours, that way...'
Even if before he couldn't feel anything, now he felt cold gaze on his back that was turned towards demon.
'I' am sorry, it was over line.'
'At least you have some sense. And by the way, that would never work.'
'Why not?'
'Remember the contract. It stated that you and your body are mine. It can not be broken!
'What happens if it was broken.'
'IDIOT, we swore on our true names. If oath is broken, our very existence is in jeopardy! What did I get myself into. Erin sit down, we need to get out of this mess.'
He without making a sound sits down, afraid to anger him.
Demon comes closer, right next to him. He puts his right hand on Erin's head, while other stretching out to the sky.
Something was strange to Erin. He didn't feel it, but he knew it was there.
'Could you at least move your dick away from me.'
'Shut it and don't resist. When I start your body can be kept alive for only one to two hours. I can't guarantee that it won't take me longer than that.'
'Can I at least know the plan?'
'Ha ha ha, a plan, what plan!?'
Erin has a bad feeling about this and asks
'T... Then mister demon, what are you doing?'
'Oh please, call me Damian. And what else can we do. We are resolving this with brute force. I just need to dominate over your soul. Don't worry, it works most of the times.'
He has terrified look on him while glancing at crazy demon and his lunatic grin.
'Prepare kid, we are coming in world of pain, ha ha!! Now, DESCEND !!!'
The moment he said it, entire soul starts to shake. Something is coming.
Earthquake, no something bigger.
Blue and clear sky now turned dark green, quiet water turned to uncomfortable waves. Storm, black lightning, it looked like every major catastrophe hit at the same time.
Erin screams in pain.
'What are you screaming for, worst has yet to come. You hear that noise? That is my soul ramming into yours. Just tell me, who should be screaming right now.'
He clenched his teeth, maybe because he didn't want to be embarrassed in front of Damian or because he didn't want to be outdone by him.'
'Oh shit, we have company.'
Out of water emerged strange black liquid
1 foot...
4 foot...
9 foot...
26 foot...
It was getting bigger and bigger until every part of water wasn't engulfed by it
'What in Damian's dick is that?'
Damian griped his head a little too tight.
'First, don't involve my dick into this. Second, that is your soulmate. Your soul already developed consciousness.'
'Erin take this.'
Damian's hand start to shine as he imparts some bit of knowledge to Erin.
'Use this to keep your body alive. I need to use everything I got on this. You need to buy me at least couple of minutes.'
Erin without a trace of hesitation starts to chant. It was black magic.
'Your wretched life was meaningless, your existence meaningless and your soul helpless. At least in death let me grant you salvation. Casting 4th circle undead magic – Perseverance.'
Underneath him appeared black magic circle. Erin didn't speak, move or respond. He was in deep state of concentration.
'(Well, good enough. It was a spell to keep undead from losing their meat by stopping rotting. But, for living he needs to concentrate.) Lets get to it.'
Damian lets go of Erin's head and spreads his arms, nervously.
Through the green clouds can be seen a big black sphere that is trying to get in.
'This is going to hurt.'
He clapped his hands when
Screaming, loud screaming can be heard echoing through Erin's soul. It was Damian. The mighty demon was in such a pain that even he wanted to pray for salvation.
In that moment there can be seen black sphere breaking into many small fragments.
At the sound of that all pieces that flew away starts to orbit around one shiny big fragment.
5'6 feet...
5'3 feet...
4'8 feet...
Is Damian getting shorter..? No he is sinking.
Black liquid is trying to absorb his soul core completely and Damian, huh... He is calm!? It was like this wasn't his business, when a grin pops on his face.
'O, what a big appetite do you have. Such a simple creature.'
Damian stretches his hands to the sky like he was challenging the Heavens. From his eyes pitch black smoke starts gushing out, while his horns radiate with dark energy.
'Death makes us equal, death makes us stronger, death makes us peaceful. Even in dark ends of hell itself death can't make us apart. Now CONDENSE !!'
At the same time all parts of Damian's soul starts to condense into one.
It couldn't be seen clearly, but it had a shape of... What... A pillar.
'I command you...'
'... pillar maker, king maker. Pierce through heavens...'
'... as we are all destined to. You are origin and I am the dream.'
Erin can be heard screaming as his soul's outer layer shatters. Black circle under him starts to fade away.
'Show them power of the dream!!'
'Show them power of the KING !!!'
Massive black pillar descend right behind them. It looked like world's finest craftsman were chiselling it for hundreds of years out of finest stone.
It was covered by a dark glow.
Suddenly that dark glow starts to engulf entirety of Erin's soul. As glow fades away in its place appears black circle, circle big as a entire soul.
'CASTING Grand circle Chaos magic – Judgment of Primordial!'
As circle on Erin's body fades away, at the same time ones life comes to an end.
Erin's heart stops, and now he lays down as one of many other corpses waiting for mother nature to embrace them.
Ha ha ha ha...
As he opens his pitch black eye that finely after many centuries can see the world a new. Cold corpse couldn't do anything but laugh.