Chapter 1: Rebirth - page 3


'Finally, after many centuries of solitude I' am back, ha ha ha!'

Erin's corpse starts to move. It is trying to get up.



And thud...

Lowly corpse lands on his ass.

'I really know how to choose! To think I'd pick this damaged body.'

Corpse lets out a sigh

'Well, at least I got nice soul with it. This is nothing that some enchantment magic can't fix.'

He stood up, slower this time and starts to chant, huh... three voices.

At the same time, Damian recite three different chants with different voices. His eyes go blue as he waves with his hand creating three magic circles.

In exactly same moment he sais

'Casting 3th circle enchantment magic – Superior strength.'

'Casting 3th circle enchantment magic – Superior agility.'

'Casting 5th circle enchantment magic – Grand endurance.'

It looked like three magic circles were absorbed into corpses body.

'How weak was he? His body is limited to this weak ass spells. At least I can fight now. Lets see.'

Damian turned towards big tree and is readying himself to punch it. He bend down a little, widen his legs and clenched his fist when...

'Here boss, I told you he is here. I can smell stench of this pussy's piss anywhere.'

There is huge grin on Damian's face as he relaxes his hand and gently touches the tree.

'What a lucky little sprout, it looks like I found myself few new play things.'

Out of forest four thug looking humans come out. Two of them looked alike. While one was equipped with spear, other one had two short swords on him. Third one was small looking human with big nose. If his skin was green, someone would mistake him for a goblin. And lastly fourth was big as dragon's shit. He was huge! With his bulky arms he was carrying giant warhammer.

'Ha ha ha, good job boys. We are going to feast tonight.'

'Say boss, didn't leader gave us until daybreak to get back?' ask goblin like thug innocently.

'Ha ha, I know what you think. Next you will say that he didn't said in how many pieces as long as he is alive, right?'

'Boss is all knowing, ha ha. Don't worry, I can cast few spells to prolong his suffering.'

Boss licks his lips in excitement.

'Oh, I like, ah, the sound of that, ah, very much.'

'I told you this is your revenge... But I really want to kill them... Which one... Okay brat, sit tight and watch the show.'

Thugs, confused look at him.

'Is... Is he finally lost his mind?' asks thug with a spear.

'Ke ke, don't worry brother. Let me awake him boss.'

'Ha ha, go for it, but cut it slowly. I want to hear his delightful cries.'

Thug steps forward and unsheathes one of his swords.

'Who do you think you are talking to. I can cut him all night.'

He steps right in front of Damian.

Okay little twerp, you didn't entertain me nearly enough last time. You should look up to your sister. She cried and screamed for entire time we raped her, even after she lost all her limbs we could hear her. He he he, until we fed her to the pigs as a whore she was!'




Out of Damian's human eye gushes out a wave of bloodlust, engulfing thug whole. Thug in sight of that starts to tremble out of fear, like his life was on the line.

It only lasted for a moment when big cloud of bloodlust was absorbed by Damian's demon eye.

'Sorry about my worse half, he still doesn't know how to control his attitude.' Sais Damian with innocent smile

'(W... What was that... W... What is this fucker saying... He is dangerous... He should...)'

Still trembling and out of instinct, thug tries to slash him with a sword.




Thug was stopped right before he reached for Damian's neck by immense pressure that was raining down on him, while making him fall down to his knees. As a result he drops his sword that firmly stuck itself into the ground.

Damian grabs thug by his hair and moves him closer to him. He was so close to him that they could smell each others breath.

'Now that I see you closer, you're quite ugly. No wonder you must rape women to get some.'

Thug wanting to draw his other sword simply couldn't, as he was looking in Damian's black eye.

'Casting 1th circle enchantment magic – Inferior agility.'

'Release my brother, you little SHIT !!'

Second thug comes charging with spear in hand, while goblin like thug puts a enhancement magic on him and starts to chant a different spell.

'O, you guys want to play as well? But it isn't your turn yet.'

Damian takes one step back while glancing at thugs fallen sword that was firmly stuck in the ground. With thugs hair still in his grasp, he swings his leg towards the sword.



At the point of impact sword breaks and in momentum broken half flies straight in the air.

Two steps back...

Thug is still charging when Damian jumps forward towards already falling piece of the sword with thug in hand.

Sword is swirling around the air and as if it was perfectly calculated, Damian with his bare foot kicks sword right at the tip of the handle.



Sword was launched at amazing speed giving no one time to react.





Bloody sword cuts little goblins shoulder. There was something long wrapped in old clothes on his back that sword did take with him only before stabbing into the ground.

Boss in disbelief watches path that sword took. Sword wasn't bloody before. He looks at trail of organs and entrails scattered across the ground all the way to still standing thug.

'It seams I' am a little rusty.'

There was a big hole on entire left side of thugs body from which it was sipping blood and smushed organs. Part of his broken spine was also visible, as he falls down as another worthless corpse.

'I was aiming for the head.'

While Damian was having fun he glanced towards his hand that was still holding onto thugs head, thugs severed head. With confusion he raises the head and looks behind him where he left still kneeling body.

'Why are you humans so fragile?' he asks with disappointed tone.

Thugs where dumbfounded.

'H... H... Humans...'

At that moment something caught demon's eye. It was thing that was strapped on little goblin's back. As it was impaled by broken sword, clothes where ripped apart revealing cold severed arm.

Demon's eyes widen in joy as he disappears without a trace.

'O, what amazing gift did you bring me.'

They knew it, but couldn't believe it. Without them noticing Damian appeared behind them.





Out of sheer reflex Boss struck him down with his warhammer, taking many trees around with him.

'That was scary, such a brute, gulp, force.'


They turned towards him and where left speechless. They thought to themselves, what kind of monstrosity they where in front of as Damian starts to bite down at cold, bloody, severed hand.


'Um, this is the flavour, gulp.'

'(Shit, what kind of monster is this? We need to run away.)'

Boss glances at other one. He was in state of shock, on the ground and holding his bloody shoulder.

'N... N... No... I... I can't die.'

It didn't even take a moment for little goblin to get up and starts to run.'

'S... Sorry... B... Boss... I can't die.'

'ZERT, you fucker. Come back right now.'


'Such loyalty, gulp, I' am impressed.'

'WHO THE HELL ARE YOU !!! Where did that twerp go!'

'Why all of you want to know who this young master is, gulp? Only thing that you must know is that someone asked me to exterminate you lot, gulp.'

'C... Come on man, we can make a deal. Work for us and you will get doub.. no triple the money that you received.'


'Ha ha ha, didn't you say it was a common knowledge and here there is someone willing to make a deal. But let me ask you, are you worthy of it.'

Massive shockwave of dark energy starts to come out engulfing them in it. Around them plants and trees start to wither.

'Ah, forget it. If I can't come out alive, you are going WITH ME !!!'

Boss swings directly at him with all of his might.



Shockwave echoes through out the forest.

Hammer was stopped. Boss is nervous, very nervous.


He is still eating that arm, with what did he stop it.

'I' am getting bored.'

In place of his severed arm, now stands new skeleton one that is holding the hammer in place.

Boss tries to move it, but it didn't budge.


From place it was cut, new meat starts to engulf it.


More meat...



Blue skin starts to form on the meat.




And last bite...


Hammer head scatters into many and many pieces. Boss could process what just happened, until he looked down and saw blue hand piercing through his chest. He dropped down on his knees while watching how this vile demon took his still beating heart out and...


Thick and warm blood was drooling down his lips with satisfying expression on him.


'Mmm, it isn't as bad as I thought.'

'Did you had your fun yet?'

In shock, Damian reflexively tries to make some distance and looks up to where voice came from.

'Huh, how did you get out?'

He relaxes a little while lowering his guard. Sitting on one of the branches and a little transparent was Erin.

'What do you mean, wasn't I supposed to get out?'

'Of course not. Your core is still inside my soul. Without it you can't even make a spiritual body. Come down, I need to check it.'


Erin jumps off the branch and falls slowly. Just before reaching the ground he stops midair and levitates towards Damian.

'You wanted to see me, young master?' he sais it with a big smirk on his face.

'Don't get smart with me.'

Damian's blue finger starts to glow when it touches Erin's forehead. Blue veins appear on it while spreading through out entire body. It only lasted for a moment when veins retracted themselves back to the finger.

'Well, this is unexpected. Did you do exactly what I told you.'

'You mean about absorbing those seven shards?' For now I only managed to absorb five, but last two...'

'FIVE !!! Don't you know what means one of seven. I only told you to absorb one to refine it into you core.'

'Is it that serious?? he ask with confusion

'I' am not even surprised anymore. Erin you are a freak who surpasses normal knowledge, one being that soul can't have more than one core. Only one who could are...'


'What if... Let me check!'

Back in the Erin's soul, devastation. Once peaceful and tranquil place now looked like it was ravaged by millennium old war.

Sky was black with a slightly green colour, clear water turned red with many black spikes coming out of it. Spikes had many runes engraved while giving off the purple light. All of it looked like it was coming from the massive pillar in the middle.

Right next to pillar, floating in the air were seven white fragments that combined could create a sphere. Five of those where glowing while looking like they where connected by some kind of force.


After witnessing, Damian's concerned and very confused face turned to amused as he laughs it of like a madman.


'It was a Spiritual spring, ha ha, now it all makes sense, ha ha ha!!!'

'Spiritual... spring??'

'Erin you are truly something. Because your soul was so big it mutated into Spiritual spring. It is second stage of a soul that only one race can reach.'

'Wait, wait you are going too fast, mutation, spring, stage...'

'We don't have time for this, in short you became a Spirit.'



Damian groans in pain while holding to where his heart was.

'Ah shit, it already started.'

Thump – thump...

Thump – thump...

'Do you hear that Erin?'

Thump – thump...

'It is a sound of our heart beating again.'

Damian quickly gets closer to one of the body and reaches his hand out

'Blood control'

Corpse is getting thinner and thinner until it becomes empty husk. Colour of the floor turned from green to red as a big amount of blood starts to encircle Erin.


Damian without hesitation bites deep into his blue arm.


'Fhat felse.'

He stretches hand out over the circle of blood. Deep black and very thick blood comes out dripping and mixing with red one. Suddenly red one starts to change like it was dominated by black. Circling blood begins to draw a magic circle right beneath Erin's feet.

'You stay inside this circle. I will guide your elemental awakening.'

'My what, can you speak more sense?'

'We can't miss this opportunity when you are still blank spirit. I am afraid you would awaken fire element because of your hair or a dark element because of your revenge.'

'What is wrong with that, are they weak?'

'No, they are strong. Maybe most powerful elements.'


'I mean, most powerful human elements. What use are these to you when I can grant you most powerful demonic element to you, the Chaos element.'

'C... Chaos... element...'

'Finally it is complete.'

Erin looks down at the circle. It was really complex that it looked like even most skilful scholars couldn't draw it.

'Do you remember other spell I thought you. Use it on these remaining two. We can't be distributed during this process.'

'Sure... Wait, what process!?'

'What do you think? It is my REBIRTH.'

Wind changes as black particles envelop Damian's body whole. Trees around them start to wither while black like mist comes out of them.

13 trees...

38 trees...

131 trees...

Area around them in seconds turned to vast wasteland with only withered trees in sight. All of the black mist around the area flows to the one point while being absorbed by Damian's black eye.

The size of the mist gradually diminishes until it was no more.

Out of his eye black lightning particles violently come out as he goes higher and higher, levitating above all.

Erin fascinated by this scene almost forgot what Damian told him to do. He sits down, crosses his legs and stretches his arm towards thugs. It looked like spoiled kid doing what his mother told him.

'You poor souls who once had a meaningless life, awake once again so that I can find meaning to your existence. Casting 2th circle undead magic – Arise – undead minions, and serve me till end of your pathetic existence.'

Under headless and big thug, simple magic circle appears as their eyes turned red and they slowly get up from their slumber.

'This is amazing, I can control undead now. Hum, I order thee take out your weapons and protect us! (That sounded so cool)'


'What the...'

Headless undead takes out his one and a half sword, while big one goes to the one of the smaller withered trees and rips it out of the ground.

'(I forgot, his hammer was destroyed, he he)'

Undead made a perimeter around Erin not allowing even an ant inside, when...


Black lightning struck right next to them when Erin looked up to see what is happening. The scene was so magnificent that it was hard not to look at.

Violent lightning struck out of Damian as he condenses small sphere in between his hands.



And then...




Small black orb explode while massive amount of Chaos energy gushes out enveloping him whole.

'I, who was once bestowed with a glorious death'

Shockwave of energy echoes through out entire forest.

'I, who was once monarch of this wretched world'

'I, who was once epitome of fear and envy, ask thee'


Chaos energy slowly falls down. It looked like soft cloud, but at the contact it was like behemoth's foot stomped on the ground making big earthquake.


Ground around Erin disappeared as circle starts to absorb energy around them and pours it directly in Erin. He screams in pain as his look becomes darker and darker.

'Bestow me a power of old, a power of strong, a power of Chaos, so I can rule this world once more'

Chaos energy shots out in the air, while from ground to boundless sky forms exactly same pillar as it was in his soul.

'Two bows to ancestors, one bow to myself and eternal loyalty to Chaos'

'Commence, ROYAL REBIRTH end of all and beginning of new.'