Kiss Me So I Can Work Faster

Matthew's allegation is a serious accusation because it could refer to any side. It started from the people who didn't like their new queen to the political parties who were not happy that Matthew could have children from his queen.

Suddenly, Ruby felt anxiety crawled into her heart, making her uneasy.

Some parties didn't expect Matthew to have children, while others hoped for the king's descendants.

In the end, the only person who could live up to their expectations was only Ruby.

She needed to become pregnant, so Matthew could stabilize his position as the king of Veritas and obtain the future king who would rule after he died.

However, what if Ruby can't get pregnant? Is Matthew going to throw her away and look for a replacement mate immediately?

Ruby couldn't expect Matthew to be still friendly to her if she couldn't meet the king's needs.

Could the agreement to cancel the contract for three months also apply to Matthew if Ruby can't give birth?

"Milady, what's wrong?" Matthew touched the back of Ruby's hand. "Are you afraid that you will be harmed again?"

Ruby raised her head. She couldn't tell Matthew about her worries because Matthew might have thought that Ruby was infertile, so she was afraid she couldn't get pregnant.

Ruby wrote, "I fear my coronation as the Queen will cause political problems."

Matthew, "Yes, your coronation can indeed make various sides unhappy. However, you don't need to worry about it. I'll take care of those bastards and make sure no one dares to mess with you."

"For this reason, I want you to choose a royal knight as your knight."

Ruby just nodded her head in response.

When Matthew saw Ruby's gloomy face, he was sure his wife was in a bad mood. Previously Ruby came to the dining room with a broad smile, but now she couldn't smile.

It seemed that even a little distraction could be made Ruby's mood worse.

Matthew then sat next to Ruby and hugged his wife. Matthew's sudden action surprised Ruby, but the hug managed to calm Ruby's heart which had been in turmoil.

"Everything will be fine, Milady."

Matthew caressed Ruby's hair softly and kissed his wife's cheek several times. The kiss tickled Ruby, so she laughed and pushed Matthew's face away from her.

"I feel better already, Your Majesty," Ruby wrote on Matthew's palm, "Thank you for trying to cheer me up."

"Milady, there is a proverb that a wife's happiness will improve her husband's life."

Matthew lifted Ruby's body and sat her on his lap. This position is Matthew's favorite because he can hug Ruby more intimately and convey warmth to his wife's body.

Because their height difference was too significant, Ruby's head still couldn't be taller than Matthew's even though she was already sitting on the man's lap.

At this moment, Ruby's face was right in front of Matthew's, making Ruby feel embarrassed until her whole face reddened.

"I know a way to make you happy in no time." Matthew wrapped his arms around Ruby's waist, then crept towards her back.

"Milady, we still have a few hours before meeting the knights. How about we do something fun before the meeting?"

Without Matthew's explanation, Ruby can already guess the direction of Matthew's conversation. Matthew's body is covered in yellow, indicating that his heart was filled with joy and burning desire.

Even though they had been doing it for two days and two nights, it turned out that her husband wasn't satisfied yet.

Ruby didn't mind if Matthew wanted to make babies with her because Ruby also felt happy when Matthew caressed her sensitive part and brought her to the seventh heaven.

But unfortunately, Ruby couldn't do it spontaneously out in the open, like in a study room while she was wearing an elaborate dress.

Before Matthew moved his face closer to Ruby's neck, she covered Matthew's mouth with her left hand, then wrote in Matthew's palm with her right hand.

"Your Majesty, I am wearing a dress with many layers today. So, it seems like it will be difficult if we do it here." Ruby's face was completely red when she wrote that sentence.

She wasn't lying, there were many layers on her dress, and she needed Dena's help to remove them. Besides, Ruby didn't want Matthew to tear the dress that Madam Giselle had painstakingly sewn.

"Hmm ... yes, it looks like your dress looks complicated." Matthew put his hand into Ruby's skirt and felt there were many layers in it. "It would be better if Milady wore a light dress like on our first night."

Ruby suddenly covered her face when she remembered her embarrassing act. Ruby wrote, "Dena suggested me to dress like that."

Matthew, "Looks like she should receive a raise for helping us have a great experience on the first night."

The more Matthew teased her; the more Ruby wanted to bury her face in the ground. They rarely saw each other and talked, but Matthew always used the opportunity to flirt with Ruby once they did.

"Don't be shy. I've already seen your entire body, so why are you still so coy?" Matthew pulled Ruby's hand and kissed Ruby's cheek several times.

"Even though we can't undress you now, at least you can kiss me so I can be more enthusiastic about completing my assignments today," coaxed Matthew.

Ruby looked at Matthew and then at the papers on his desk. She wrote, "Can you truly be more passionate if I kiss you?"

Matthew nodded his head. "Of course! If you kiss me, I can finish all the work and sleep in our room tonight."

Ruby finally nodded, signaling that she was willing to do so. She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for Matthew to kiss her lips.

However, Matthew never kissed her even though Ruby had waited for a long time. When Ruby opened her eyes again, she was surprised by Matthew's face right in front of her.

"I want you to kiss me, not the other way around," Matthew confessed.

Ruby opened her eyes widely. Her heart was beating faster because she was unable to contain her embarrassment.

[Did I hear right? Did he ask me to kiss him first? Embarrassing! Very embarrassing! How could I possibly do that?]

"I'm waiting, Milady." Matthew got closer to Ruby's face. "If you kiss me faster, I will also finish my work faster?"

[He is shameless!]

Because Matthew was still waiting for her, Ruby finally decided to comply with Matthew's wishes.

She closed her eyes, then kissed Matthew's lips briefly. Even though their lips only touched briefly, Ruby could already hear her heart beating like a war drum.

Instead of praising Ruby's brave actions, Matthew laughed at her instead. "Milady, it's not a kiss if you do it like that."

Ruby puffed out her cheeks; she felt irritated because Matthew teased her, even though she had been trying hard to raise her courage.

However, her annoyance immediately vanished as soon as Matthew lifted her chin and kissed Ruby's lips. Matthew fondled Ruby gently but was also filled with lust at the same time.

He licked Ruby's red lips, then slipped his tongue into her mouth. Matthew twisted Ruby's tongue and would occasionally bite her lower lip.

Matthew's actions succeeded in lulling Ruby, making her no longer able to think straight. Ruby threw her hands behind Matthew's neck so their bodies could be closer.

Vaguely, Ruby could smell the scent of musk from Matthew's body. Even though it's faint, Matthew's pheromone can be heated Ruby's body.

Ruby was panting and started moving her hips on Matthew's thighs. Her body felt so hot that Ruby wanted to remove all her clothes immediately.

When Ruby couldn't control her body, Matthew released their kiss. The man smiled and whispered, "Milady, too bad we can't continue our activities right now."

[He's playing a trick on me!]

Ruby pouted even more when she realized that Matthew had deliberately released his pheromone to play a trick on Ruby.

Ruby's expression excited Matthew, so he repeatedly kissed Ruby's lips. "Don't frown. You're making me want to rip your dress right now."

Ruby immediately hugged herself when she heard Matthew's words.

At all costs, she must protect her new dress!

Matthew burst out laughing. "I am kidding! I was only kidding Milady! I can't possibly ruin your beautiful dress."

Matthew finally put Ruby down from his lap. He rubbed Ruby's cheeks a few times and withdrew all the pheromones he managed to secrete. "I won't tease you anymore, so stop pouting."

After Matthew withdrew his pheromone, Ruby's body no longer felt hot, but she was still annoyed with Matthew, so she didn't respond to her husband's words.

Because he didn't get a response from Ruby, Matthew finally walked to his desk. Ruby sighed as she watched Matthew leave.

She shouldn't have been acting impolite in front of the king. However, Matthew's behavior annoyed her. The man even left immediately when he couldn't console Ruby's heart.

"Milady, look what I brought." Ruby flinched when she saw that there was already a box of cakes in front of her. "This morning, a messenger from Wridal came here to see me. Then, he brought me this cake as a gift."

Ruby was silent for a few moments. All the annoyance in her heart immediately evaporated.

It was a cake made from red arbei, which only grows in the Wridal highlands.

While living in Wridal, Ruby often ate arbei cakes that Liliana didn't finish. The cake had a unique sweet taste that couldn't be compared with other berries.

Hence, Ruby loved to ate arbei cake. Unfortunately, she could only eat the leftovers of Liliana's cake and couldn't afford to buy it herself since it was so expensive.

"According to him, this cake is very famous in Wridal because it tastes delicious, but not many bakeries can prepare it properly," explained Matthew.

The brand printed on the cake box was called 'Bakery Island', one of the most famous bakeries in the Wridal capital.

"You want to try it?" he asked.

Ruby immediately nodded quickly without thinking much and forgot about her annoyance with Matthew.

Matthew smiled, then handed the cutlery to Ruby. "You can eat all of them if you like."

Ruby was stunned. "Your Majesty doesn't want to eat?"

Matthew stroked Ruby's head and spoke softly, "I don't really like sweets; you can finish it."