Chapter 1

was a popular novel, with a classic hero that saves the world from the demon king. The reason what made this novel popular was its character developments and a good plot. The hero group mainly consists of 5 main characters. Bae Jiho: the hero, Ban Jinsang: his rival, Min Sookjoo: the female lead, Chang Eui: one of the hero's best helper and Bok Yun: a great fighter that assist the hero from time to time, along with other characters that help him, the hero will grow on his adventures with them.

However, if there is one thing that make me sad is the fact that a lot of extras die in this novel. Even though they are character that does not have a background or anything it kinda saddens me that they had to die. They may be just fictional characters but thinking about the fact that they had a family and died just pain my heart a bit. I was the type that get attach to fictional characters even if they had one or two lines about them.

"Ah...Another group of extras have died. Why can't the hero save them even if it's at least one. Well, this was the last chapter of this novel guess no one will die now. This novel was a lot of fun, kinda sad that it's ending."

I looked at the time and it was 11:55pm. It was time for me to go to bed. Maybe it was because I was tired, but I immediately felt asleep. When it was morning, I was woken up by a loud alarm.

'Huh? Did I even set the alarm last night?'

"What the?"

When I opened my eyes, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling. I was shocked so, I decided to look around.

"Where am I? Is this a prank? Am I still dreaming?"

"Ack, it hurts"

Thinking that this was a dream I pinched myself, only to realise that this was reality. Suddenly a blue game-like window popped up from a watch-like thing on my hand. It gave me some sort of notification saying that today was the day that I had to go to Hope Academy's dormitory.

"Wait Hope Academy? Isn't that the academy that Bae Jiho, from attend to?

As I was about to enter into deep thought another window popped out in front of me

=== [Soul Synchronization completed] ===

Name: Song In

Strength: 3.1







-Eye Of Truth

Allow users to see portion of the truth.


- [Sword mastery (Proficiency - Intermediate)]



"Huh? Is that a status window?"

I tried to touch it, but it seems that this window was intangible. Suddenly more window started to pop out.

[Soul synchronization completed]

[Obtained 10,000 Content Points (Cp)]

[Skill has been obtained]

[Cp can be obtained the more you get involve with the main story]

"What the hell? Am I really in the novel?"

I calmed myself down and start to sort things out and started to look around the room. I found a student ID card which I think belong to me. Apparently, I'm a student that successfully got enrolled at Hope Academy. My name is Song In and I'm 16. The watch-like thing on my hand is some sort of phone(?), and I'm still figuring out how to use it.

Next this window in front of me, in this world people have abilities and if I remember correctly everyone have this status window, which allow them to understand their abilities better.

allow user to modify a valid target using Cp. If a target is valid Cp can be used to modify their gift body traits and more.

"Wait so I can get a gift if I'm a valid target?"

[Song In- Valid target]

"Oh? Does that mean I can get the hero's Gift?"

[ is a non-existing Gift]

"Ah, no I meant the Sword Saint Gift]

[Modification- Apply

"Cancel, cancel, don't!"

If this is the novel it would be better if I choose a Gift carefully. Gifts have 5 difference ranks: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Unique. Common to Legendary Gifts can be obtained by multiple individual while Unique Gifts can only belong to one person only. So, if I show up at the academy with the same gift as the hero people would suspect that something is wrong.

'So, if I can get strong enough not only will I be able to survive in this world but i will also be able to save some 'extras' and 'side character', no these are not 'characters' anymore, if this is not a dream or an illusion, those are real people.'

After some thought I found out a great Gift that can make me stronger, but it will be extremely painful. it is basically a broken Gift potentially may be more powerful than the Hero's gift. However, I will have to go through extreme pain to get it as my whole body will be deconstructed and reconstructed.

"Am I really going to do this? F**k it if it can make me stronger, I will bear the pain."

I found a piece of cloth and turn it into a ball and put it in my mouth.

[Modification- Apply

[Consume 10,000 Cp to apply this Gift?]


As soon as I said yes extreme pain began to engulf my body.