Chapter 2

The process was so painful that I wanted to die badly. I could feel my bone, my flesh, my organs are being destroyed and rebuild. The pain was just too unbearable.


' I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die'

What was a minute felt like an eternity for me. My consciousness was fading but I couldn't let that happen if I wanted to live but I kept persevering until the very end. Just like that, 2 hours passed while I suffered from extreme pain.

"Haa haa haa"

After the pain I was panting heavily. My body was cover with sweat and tear. I could barely stand up I had to support my body with the wall. Once I managed to calm myself, I looked at my status.

Name: Song In

Strength: 7.9

Stamina: 6.5

Agility: 5.0

Vitality: 19.9

Mental: 6.9

Mana: 5.1


- [Eye Of Truth (legendary) (Proficiency- Beginner)]

Allow users to see portion of the truth.

- [Adamantine Body (Unique)]

An indestructible body obtained after deconstructing and reconstructing one's body. Greatly Increase the user's defence and power


- [Sword mastery (Proficiency - Intermediate)]



" 19.9 vitality? and a bit of boost in the other stats, it was really worth it"

If the me that was suffering from a moment ago heard this, he would be pissed. Stats can be increased through training there are rare cases where one could have their stats increased by their Gifts. The maximum stats limit for all is 20, however there are case where one can breakthrough that limit. Also, for cadet such as me the stat limit would be at 10 point and will increase later on when they get stronger so technically, I am someone abnormal. With my stats alone i would be currently the strongest in the whole academy.

The reason why I chose this Gift is not just because it's broken, but also because the holder of this Gift died a long time ago. He appears in a filler chapter later where the hero's party ended up in a time vortex.

Suddenly I felt something vibrate on my wrist. It was the smartwatch phone thingy.

[Reminder: Go to Hope Academy's dormitory]

"Oh sh*t I forgot about that!"

I quickly rushed to take a shower and had accidentally broken the door being not use to my new strength, but I didn't care because I was going to be late. After taking a shower and putting new clothes, I quickly packed all my stuff that I was going to need.

"How do I carry all of this to the academy now?"

As soon as I said that my other Gift activated and information flowed into my brain. I found that there was a dimensional storage in the form of a bracelet on my table. I quickly grabbed it.

"How do I even use this?"

My Gift activated again.



"Listen here I'm new to this world I don't know sh*t. I even wonder how those people that get transmigrated into a novel know how to do all of these."

I did as my Gift instructed me to do. Soon an energy wrap around the bracelet.

"Now what?"

<..., aim it at your stuffs and think about putting them in. To get them out do the same thing except think about what you want to take out and take it out>

I did as I was instructed and to my surprise it actually worked.

"Thank. But what are you? Something that plans on using me?"

"I still have a lot of doubts, but I have no choice to rely on you for now since I know nothing about daily life on this world."

I grabbed my student ID and what appeared to be my bank card, then quickly rushed down and found an old lady, who was apparently the landlord according to my weird Gift. I knelt on the ground and apologized for breaking the door to the bathroom.

"I'm really really sorry for breaking the door, I swear that I will pay you back in the future. I don't have a lot of money with me at the moment. Please!"

"Oh? Don't worry you don't have to pay me back since you always helped me when I needed help."

"Really? but no matter what I swear I will repay you in the future." I said and went on my way.

"He really never changed. It is going to be less lively now that he is gone" The old lady muttered.


I quickly made my way to where my Gift indicated me to go. Once I arrived at my destination, I saw a portal. I was amazed as this was something that never existed in my previous world. Under the guidance of my Gift, I managed to pay the teleportation fee.

After running for a while, I've arrived in front of a huge gate behind it I could saw ginormous buildings.

"So this is Hope Academy huh."

I showed the guard at the gate my student ID, who then allowed me to enter the campus. Before I went away, I ask the guard to tell me where the dormitory was located, to which he sent me a map on my device. Still not use to this I ask some help from my reliable Gift. I soon arrived at the dormitory.

After registering and getting the key to my room, I ask the lady that was in charge if there were any rules to which she sent me a document on my device again...

I went up to my room figure out how to use this device with a bit of help from this helpful Gift of mine and read all the rule. Apparently, there was no curfew due to some student wanting to train till late night. After reading that I quickly toured around and got something to eat and returned to my room.

I found out that the entrance ceremony was tomorrow. They allowed student to stay at the dormitories starting from a day prior of the ceremony. Since I was tired and had nothing to do, I immediately went to bed.

"So tomorrow is when it finally begins."