93. Pinky Promise

       Gus managed to calm Nicole down to a point where she felt ok leaving her. She rubbed her hand up and down Nicole's arm, pushing a kiss to the top of her head as she pulled away from her. “If you need anything, just give me a yell, alright?” 

       “Yeah,” Nicole mumbled as she slumped back against the wall. 

       Gus gave her a little smile as she got up and took her empty ramen bowl, walking towards the door. “I’m sure the cats’d like to spend some time with ya.” 

       Nicole matched her smile with a nod. “Maybe a little later.” 

       “Lord knows they're tired of Wynonna.” Nicole let out a little laugh, and she continued towards the door. “I’ll see ya later, Kid.” 

       “Bye,” she mumbled. She sat up a little, though, after a moment. “Hey, Gus?” 

       She popped her head back around the corner. “Yeah?” 

       Nicole swallowed, “. . . Thank you.” 

       Gus gave her another smile. “Anytime, Hun.” She turned back and pulled the door open, walking outside. 

       She damn near had a heart attack, though, when she saw Waverly sitting on the ground, leaning back against the barn wall out of the corner of her eye. Gus sucked in a quick breath as she spun towards her with wide eyes. “What the hell are you doing?” she whispered through her teeth. Waverly looked up at her from picking at the grass with tear stains on her face. Gus pursed her lips, nodding towards the yard closer to the house so they could talk in privacy, away from the redhead inside. Waverly slowly pushed herself up off the ground and followed her over as they walked about halfway between the Homestead and barn. “Now tell me, what is it you’re doing listening in on your wife?” Gus asked softly, bringing her hand up and wiping the tears off her cheeks with her thumb. 

       Waverly shrugged, shaking her head. “I didn’t mean to,” she mumbled. “I was gonna go talk to her, but I didn’t wanna barge in on you two.” 

       Gus’ brows raised. “Were you now?” 

       “Yeah. Mama convinced me to.” 

       Gus gave her a smile and a squeeze to her arm. “Well, don’t let me stop ya.” 

       “Now?” she questioned, looking towards the barn with a swallow. “But . . .”

       “By the looks of it, you wanna work things out, so yes. Now. I’m sure she’ll be fine enough to do that.” 

       Waverly let out a sigh as she looked back at her. “Alright.” Gus gave her one more soft smile before turning for the house, and she wiped her sweaty palms off on her pants as she walked back over to the barn, letting out a shaky breath before she tapped her fist on the door. 

       “What?” Nicole groaned in annoyance from inside. 

       Waverly slowly pushed the door open and walked in, letting it close gently behind her before walking out from behind the wall that shielded her. Nicole raised her eyes from her phone that she was laying on her side looking at, dropping it and sitting straight up with widened eyes.

       Waverly stopped and hugged her arms around herself as she met her eyes, chewing on the inside of her lip for a second. “. . . Can we talk?” she asked softly. 

       Nicole’s mouth came open a little, but she nodded, “Yeah.” 

       Waverly racked it over for a second before deciding to move closer, taking a seat on the end of the bed and pulling her legs in criss-cross. Nicole watched her hands in her lap, her heart thumping in her throat when she noticed how she was spinning her rings, hoping and praying that Waverly wasn’t going to pull them off. Nicole flicked her eyes back up to her face, seeing that she kept her eyes on them for a second more before doing the same thing, raising that hand a little. “I never planned on giving these back, I hope you know that.” 

       Nicole let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding, letting her shoulders relax. She swallowed, tipping her head at her. “. . . You said you might.” 

       Waverly clenched her jaw, flicking her eyes around the room for a second. “Yeah, I did . . .” She settled back on Nicole's eyes. “But I said a lot of things. Most of which I didn’t mean, and I’m sorry about that.” 

       Nicole shook her head, pulling at a thread on the hem of her shirt. “If you didn’t mean it, you wouldn’t’ve said it.” 

       “I don’t mean it all now then,” she mumbled.

       “I sure deserved it all,” Nicole sighed, leaning back against the wall. 

       Waverly threw her a look. “No, you didn’t. Quit.” 

       Nicole let out a scoff, “Waverly, I fucked up. Big time. I deserved it.” 

       “Ok, yeah, you did fuck up, but-” 

       “See?” Nicole raised her brows at her. “Don’t say I didn’t deserve it.” 

       “Baby, you didn’t,” she insisted, flicking her eyes around again and letting them fall to the mess of empty liquor containers on the floor with tears in her eyes. “You didn’t deserve to drink yourself to sleep every night and starve cause you hate yourself so fucking much that you don’t have an appetite!” She clenched her jaw and shook her head when Nicole looked away from her. Waverly lowered her voice, “Sure, I’ve been pissed at you, but I never wanted this.” 

       “Ok, well, ya know what?” Nicole met her watery eyes again with her own set. "This is me. I’m a Haught. And, I dunno if you’ve heard, but us Haught’s like to drink when we’re upset.” 

       “Cole,” Waverly mumbled softly in concern, her voice breaking halfway through. “Don’t say that.” 

       “Why?” Nicole huffed. “It’s true.” 

       Waverly shook her head, wiping her fingers under her eyes. “Look. I’m telling you I’m sorry for blowing up at you like that and basically embarrassing you in front of the whole family. No, I haven’t forgiven you yet, but there was no reason I needed to do that. It was . . . shitty and childish. And I’m sorry. I really am. I let my feelings get the best of me.” 

       “Stop apologizing,” Nicole mumbled. “It’s not about me, it’s about how I hurt you.” She pulled the top of her shirt over her face to push her tears back in her eyes. “I meant it when I said I was really fucking sorry, and I mean it when I say it now. Sure, I know why I didn’t tell you, but . . .” She shook her head. “It went against everything that we are- Hiding that did. And you may never forgive me for it, I don’t know, but trust me, ok? It’s not- I won’t do anything like this again.” 

       Waverly felt another tear roll down her cheek despite trying to keep them away. “You promise?” 

       Nicole gave her probably the saddest smile she had ever seen as she put her hand out. “Pinky promise.” 

       Waverly let out a cry-laugh, feeling her heart swell a million times bigger as she locked their pinkies. Nicole let out a puff of air, tugging her hand forward after a second. Waverly let her drag her forward onto her lap, tightening her arms around her neck as they now both let out the weird half sob-half laugh sounds. “Oh my God, I love you.”

       “I love you, too,” Nicole mumbled into her shoulder as she squeezed her arms tighter around her middle. Waverly pulled back after a minute letting her heartbeat settle, pushing her hands through her hair with a sigh as she rubbed her thumbs on her cheeks before leaning into a soft kiss. 

       She pulled back, though, and saw that it seemed Nicole was suddenly looking for something that wasn’t a soft kiss. 

       Waverly grinned and quickly leaned back in, sliding her hands down to her neck and gripping one around the back of it, following Nicole’s mouth as her head tipped back with a soft moan. Nicole’s hands slipped down to her ass and she pulled her flush against her as she stood up on her knees and tipped forward, pressing her body down into the mattress as she dropped down on top of her. She pressed her hips down roughly, grinding into her as she pulled her lip between her teeth. Waverly’s eyes fluttered back in her head as she gripped the shirt at her waist, opening her eyes all the way to look at her when she released it. “Are we really about to have hella nasty make-up sex?” 

       Nicole raised her brows. “You gave me that look and thought I wouldn’t want to fuck you into this mattress?” 

       Waverly smirked a little, running her pointer fingers down her jaw on either side of her face. “I actually thought you’d wanna, uh, run in and go grab something.” She slid her hand between them and cupped her crotch roughly. “So then you can really fuck me into this mattress.” 

       Nicole’s smile grew wolfish and she pressed one last kiss to her mouth before scrambling off of her and starting for the door. “Great idea.” She ran to the house and barreled through the front door, scaring the shit out of everyone sitting in the living room. Paying them no mind, she rushed into the bedroom and ripped open a couple of the drawers of their dresser before remembering which one they had shoved the strap in. They hadn’t used it since they moved over, but they had certainly brought it along as a precaution. 

       And, boy, was Nicole glad. 

       She grabbed a random gym bag out of the closet and shoved it in there along with a clean change of clothes for the both of them before immediately making her way back out of the room to meet the many sets of questioning eyes. She gave them a cheeky smile, “If I were all of you, I would shut the windows and maybe blast some music til, I dunno, tomorrow?” 

       They all scrunched their faces at her. “Oh, God , Gus, why’d you let them make up?!” Wynonna groaned, throwing her head back against the back of the couch, eyeing the bag in her hand, though. “What? Is that your sex toy bag?” 

       “No!” Nicole huffed. “It’s clean clothes, you nasty ass.” 

       She sat up and turned her head to look at her as Nicole inched closer and closer to the front door, narrowing her eyes at her. “I don’t believe you.” 

       “Come look then. See for yourself.” She unzipped it and held it out to her. 

       Wynonna stood up and eyed her some more as she walked over and took it, pursing her lips as she just saw clothes. “Seriously? You are no fu-” She let out a loud, lengthy gag after having shifted the bag a little. “Dude!” 

       “If you wear it, it’s clothes,” Nicole winked as she zipped it back shut and pulled the door open. Half the room let out a pained groan and she smirked at them again. “Get them windows shut!” A few throw pillows got chucked at her so she quickly pulled the door closed and made her way back to the barn, her mouth drying after taking in the sight of her wife waiting patiently naked on the bed. “Jesus.” 

       “What took you so long?” she asked with a huff. 

       Nicole tossed the bag onto the end of the bed and jumped up on it, tugging her own shirt off. “Wynonna decided she wanted to look through my sex toy bag. She figured she was gonna be annoying, but . . .” 

       “Oh, God,” Waverly mumbled with a laugh, but she let her eyes trail down her body, taking into note how her ribs were a bit more visible than they had been the week before. She flicked her eyes back up to Nicole’s and gave her a smile, pushing off the bed and grabbing her hand to pull her to stand. Nicole brought their lips together as Waverly slid her hands down her sides, grabbing onto her shorts and ripping them down before moving her hands up and ridding her of her grey sport’s bra the same way. 

       Nicole pulled her forward so their hips bumped, pulling from her mouth. “You sure?” 

       Waverly moved one hand around to her ass with a squeeze, grabbing the bag and handing it to her. “Would I be naked right now if I wasn’t sure?” 

       Nicole lifted one side of her lip with a smirk as she shoved her back onto the bed and dug around in the bag, grabbing the harness out of it. She put the dildo sideways in her mouth, holding it with her teeth as she pulled the black straps up her legs with practiced ease. She looked up at Waverly as she opened her jaw and let it fall right into her hand with a wink before pushing it through the hole in the front. She slid a hand through her hair before climbing onto the bed, falling back into Waverly's arms. 

       The couple let their mouths get reacquainted with one another for a little while. Tongues slipping and sliding, teeth biting, hands grabbing, hips rocking. They had as long as they wanted with each other and were not in a huge rush for anything. 

       Waverly let out a moan and slid her nails across her lower back when Nicole pressed her hips forward in a way that caused the dildo to rub over her clit in just the right way. “Fuck, I need you.” 

       “You need me?” Nicole purred, pulling from the deep red bloom on her neckline that she marked her with. “What d’you need, Darlin’?” She rolled her hips against her again with a small grin.

       “You, Nic,” she mumbled, pulling her into a kiss as she pushed her hips up into her. 

       “Mm. I’m right here, Baby.” She looked down into her eyes as she rolled her lip down with her thumb. “Use your words.” Waverly gave her a bratty groan but regret it when she felt her pull the pressure away as she hovered above her with a pointed look. “Words.” 

       Waverly swallowed the moan in her throat but knew by the small hint of a smirk on Nicole's face that she was trying to keep at bay that she had watched her pupils blow as wide as they could go. She let out a breath, “I want you to top me like you’ve always wanted to top me.” She watched Nicole’s eyes widen. “Exactly whatever just flashed through your mind. That’s what I want, Babe. As hard and rough as you want, I don’t care.” 

       Nicole snapped out of the slight shock, nodding with a sly grin. “Someone’s needy.” 

       She threw her look, but it disappeared when she felt her reach between them press the head into her. “Oh shit.”  

       Nicole wiped any hint of aroused emotion from her face, tipping her chin up and making her meet her eyes. “Promise?” 

       “Promise,” Waverly mumbled, looping her arms around her neck and pulling her down to meet her lips. Nicole pushed her hips forward until she bottomed out, focusing on kissing her again for a few minutes as she slowly rocked against her, picking up a calm rhythm. 

       Nicole eased herself up a little more on her knees after another minute, though, trailing her lips down her neck as she began to fully pull in and out, grinning as the moans started to tumble out of her wife’s mouth when the pace increased. “D’you like it when I fill you like this?” she rasped near her ear, slamming her hips forward roughly. 

       “God, Nic." 

       “Hmm?” She sped it up, listening to the sound of their bodies coming together start to fill the barn. Waverly let out a throaty moan, burying her face in her shoulder, and that only spurred her on more. She pushed up onto one of her elbows, angling her body to the side as she began to pummel into her with a breathy exhale.

       The air pulled from Waverly’s lungs, but she sucked it back in with a wail, “Fuuck! Oh my God!” Her legs lifted up to wrap around her waist, and Nicole slowed after a couple more seconds with a low chuckle, pressing some soft kisses to her face as she rocked slowly again. “You’re so fucking good, Baby,” Waverly breathed out.

       Nicole pushed herself up a little more on her knees, slipping her hand behind her head and meeting Waverly's eyes as she began to draw her hips out and crash them back into her hard, repeating it until she was pounding her with enough force to leave red marks on each of them. She dropped her head to meet her lips to quiet her cries, for she didn’t need Wynonna coming out to tell them to shut the hell up after being able to hear them from all the way inside.

       That’d be one fun knock on the door. 

       Nicole let out a sharp moan into her mouth as she snapped herself forward one last time, letting her worn-out breathing settle and the sting from the force go away as she rolled her pelvis into her. “Shit.” 

       “Mmph, I love it,” Waverly whimpered, sliding her hands down her flexed biceps. “You look so hot when you fuck me.” 

       “Just when I fuck you?” she asked with offense. 

       “No, all the time, but . . . especially now.” 

       Nicole did a long nod, raising her brows as she bucked forward, watching her eyelids flutter. “We’ll see about that.” She jumped up onto her knees, pushing her hands into the bed on either side of her head as she dropped her lips to her neck and jerked her hips down into her, faster and harder than she had either time before. 

       Waverly let out a muted scream into her shoulder as her nails tore down the backs of them, hearing the headboard smack against the wooden wall with each thrust. “ Nicole !” 

       The taller one lifted her head, noting the brunette’s screwed-shut eyes and opened mouth as her own brow tightened with a grunt. She pushed herself to sit up, bracing herself with her hands gripping into her upper abdomen on either side, pulling her lip into her mouth as she kept the fast rhythm. “Holy shit .” 

       Waverly’s eyes spun back in her head as her hand slid up to grab her own breast, the other falling limply beside her head. She opened her eyes, meeting Nicole’s and moaning at the look on her flushed face and the feeling of her fingers squeezing hard into the sides of her torso. 

       Nicole let go with a breathy groan after several more seconds, dropping her body back on top of Waverly and slipping her hands into her hair as she pushed her tongue deep into her mouth, leaving herself buried in her for a few seconds. She pulled out, letting the toy lay across her and slowly rolling over her clit. “You take it so well, Babe,” she mumbled, pressing kisses to the side of her face. 

       “How the hell do you do that?” She breathed out, hugging her arms around her body. 

       “Do what?” 

       “Fuck me better than any dude with the actual appendage?” Waverly asked with a smile, grabbing her cheeks and pulling her head up to look at her. 

       “I’m better than a dude?” Nicole asked with a hitched brow in disbelief. She knew how a strap-on worked and what to do with it for the most part, but she didn’t expect that . 

       “They’re not even close . You know exactly when to go and stop to take a second, but most dudes just go beast-mode until they're done without even thinking about how the girl felt the whole time,” she admitted. The redhead blushed with some bashful dimples. “I was missing out.” 

       “I’m not that great, Wave,” she said with a roll of her eyes and a shake of her head. “I just smack against you when it looks like you want me to and hope for the best.” 

       “Yea, well, remember how I told you I had never finished with anyone else?” 

       “I wasn’t wear-”

       “But the first time you were , I still finished. I didn’t know that was possible .” Waverly grinned up at her with a little laugh, pulling her down into a quick kiss. “Not to mention you last more than three minutes . It’s been, like, almost 10 minutes since you stuck it in me and we’re just starting .” 

       “Yea, well.” Nicole slid her arms behind her back, hugging her to her chest as she rolled to her back. “You deserve to be dicked down, in my opinion.” 

       “Oh, do I now?” The brunette questioned as she stood up on her knees that were straddling her hips and grabbed the toy, lowering herself onto it before rolling her pelvis in slow circles.

       Nicole pushed the pillow behind her upper back, sliding her hands up her thighs with a squeeze. “Yes, you do.” Waverly grinned, leaning down to kiss her for a moment before pressing her hands into the headboard as she began to raise and lower herself on her, starting slow, but quickly getting back into the swing of things after a bit. The redhead tipped her head back, “ Yes , just like that, Wave, shit .” 

       She licked her lips as Nicole met her eyes again. “Yea?” Nicole bucked up in answer. She let out a moan, moving her hands down to grip around the Sheriff’s shoulders when she dropped her body forward and flicked her hips up and down in the better angle, her mouth falling open when it allowed the strap to hit her in just the right spot. 

       Nicole let out a low growl, though, wrapping her strong arms around her torso to hold her up as she began to drill up into her. “ Nic !” She wailed, letting her head fall forward to hit her shoulder, feeling her ability to be verbal at all be ripped away as the redhead refused to let up with the rhythm despite the burning of her thigh muscles. 

       Nicole brought her hand down to smack her ass after a long minute or so, squeezing her fingers into it. “Jesus Christ -” Her voice was cut with a groan and she sat up, pushing Waverly back down into the bed. She gripped her hips and met her wide eyes as a couple of beads of sweat rolled down her forehead from exertion and the rather heavy humidity in the barn from the warm May day. She grabbed her left leg and hooked her ankle over her shoulder, hugging it with one arm as she moved her other hand up to thumb her clit, slamming into her with everything she had. 

       Waverly sucked in a quick breath and clawed at the sheets, “ Fuck , I’m gonna come.” 

       “Yea?” The Sheriff asked through her teeth, continuing to snap her hips forward as fast as she could. 

       “Holy fuck , Nic, I-” Her eyes fastened together as her back arched off the bed when she shot over the edge, moaning her wife's name as her core clenched around her. 

       The redhead waited for her muscles to loosen before leaning forward with her hand pressed into the back of her kneecap, forcing it forward on the bed as she braced herself with the other arm pressed into the mattress beside the brunette's head. Her jaw fell open when she met her dark forest eyes, movements halting after she snapped forward with a strangled curse when she hit her climax hard , rolling around as her lungs refused air. “ Waves .” 

       Waverly pulled her down to lay completely on top of her and laid her pinned leg flat, running her hand up and down her back as her hips forcibly kept the length buried into her but continued to convulse forward as she let out some almost pained groans. “ There ya go, Baby.” 

       Nicole fully came down after a few more moments, chest heaving heavily against her. “ Fuck .” She eased up on her elbows to meet her eyes and the smaller one smiled, wiping the tears from her face. 

       “That good, huh?” 

       “It wouldn’t stop,” she mumbled, dropping her face to her chest. 

       “I noticed,” Waverly chuckled. 

       “ Fuck ,” she muttered again before reaching between them and easing the toy out as she rolled off her. “I need a minute.” She pushed her hands through her hair, slicking it back as she stared up at the ceiling.

       “Did I wear you out, Cutie Pie?” The smaller one asked sweetly, flipping to her side to face her. 

       Nicole rolled her head to look at her, raising her brows with a feral grin. “Not at all.” She grabbed her waist and rolled her over, flipping to her side so her front was pressed right against the brunette’s back. She slipped her length in her and grabbed the inside of her thigh, lifting it a bit. 

       Waverly bit her lip when she turned her head and moved her arm back to grab her head and pull her into a kiss. “Didn’t think so.” Nicole let out a hum, letting go of her leg after the brunette hooked her foot on the back of her thigh and gripping her hip. Waverly’s mouth came open when the redhead found her pace, and Nicole slipped her arm under her to reach up and cup her breast as she slid the other up from her hip to do the same. “ Shit .” 

       Nicole dropped opened-mouth kisses up and down her neck and shoulder. “You’re gorgeous,” she mumbled when Waverly craned her neck around to see her again. The brunette went red with a blush, grabbing her chin and pulling her back to her lips for a second. Nicole dropped her mouth back to her neck after Waverly’s head dropped forward with a moan, beginning to suck marks all over her, nipping and biting at the areas that made her squirm.

       “Harder,” she begged after a minute, squeezing the hand that was over her breast. The Sheriff bit down onto the area where her neck met her shoulder as she began to pistol into her.

       For about three strokes before she slipped out. 

       “Shit,” Waverly mumbled with a snort, tipping her hips back a little more towards her as she reached down and slipped it back in after the redhead scooted a little closer to her. Nicole grabbed her thigh again as she gained the pace she had strived for back, finding that it worked a lot better this way with the small adjustment. She watched as the smaller one brought her hand up and wet her fingers before sliding them down to rub her clit, and she growled into her pulse point. Waverly's eyes rolled back with a moan after feeling the vibrations, all the hairs on her body standing straight up. “ Jesus , Nic.” 

       If watching her rubbing herself hadn’t already been enough for Nicole, the way she just had watched her eyes go back was.

       The redhead sucked in a loud breath, letting go of her thigh and grabbing her wrist, pulling it up so she didn’t break her arm when she forced her to her stomach. Waverly let out a surprised gasp, gripping her hands into the sheets when Nicole sat up and nudged one of her legs out a little as she kneeled on either side of her other thigh, bearing her weight down on the backs of her hips as she began to pound down into her. “Oh, I’ll have ya prayin’ to him , alright,” she muttered from deep within her chest when Waverly pushed up a little on her left elbow, turning her head back to look at her. 

       She didn’t know what had flipped in her, but she had never seen that look on Nicole’s face before. 

       And she could only imagine what it meant. 

       She was already being quite literally drilled into the mattress considering that the redhead was pushing her down into the springs and letting her come back up as her leverage to pump down into her to help each lightning-fast thrust. 

       “ Holy fuck, Nicole !” She whined, eyes squeezing shut and back arching into the bed further to accommodate the weight she was pressing down into her some more. 

       Nicole let out a loud groan, head tipping back for a second before she let out a breath as she sat up straight, sliding her hands from her back to her ass as she slowed her pumps. The redhead watched as she squeezed each hand into it and slowly began the strokes again as she smacked her hand down a few times, getting some moans out of Waverly as she raised the force. The brunette caught her eye again when she looked back and the Sheriff let out another low growl. She smacked each hand down onto her ass and dug her fingers in, quickly pounding into her.  “Ya like that, huh, Pretty Girl?” She asked in the same drawl as before. 

       “ Yes .” If she talked to her long enough like that, she could come without even needing to be touched. Nicole squeezed her hands into her ass again after pushing her hands through her hair to get It out of her face, licking her lips as she drew her hand across one hard enough to leave an imprint. “ Fuck !” 

       “Mhmm.” She jerked forward one last time and kept it buried deep within her, slowly rocking against her as she leaned forward and grabbed her wife by the back of her head, twisting her head up to see her face. Waverly swallowed and bit her lip as she looked into the almost black eyes that were staring down at her. The redhead’s eyes flicked down to her mouth and she surged forward to meet her lips, swallowing the moan Waverly let out. She pulled away abruptly after a few seconds and sat back up, letting go of her hair just to grab another fistful of it and pull her head back. “ Up .” 

       Waverly let out a sharp cry, but obliged, pushing up on her elbows as Nicole gripped her other hand around the side of her hip, setting a rough pace as she kept her head pulled back. “ Shit- Baby! ” She let out a loud moan and Nicole tugged a little harder on her hair. “God, I love that . ”

       Nicole’s chest heaved as she slowed down to catch her breath for a second. “Thatta girl,” she hummed as she let her hair go, sliding both hands up and down her back and sides a few times. She stood up on her knees and pushed her hands into the bed beside Waverly’s shoulders, dropping her hips roughly to get her to turn her head back and look at her. Nicole smirked down at her as she fucked her from that angle, letting the weight of her hips rest on her ass for a second each time they came in contact. “Wanna come, Baby?” 

       “ Please .”

       “Thought so.” Nicole pushed straight up and stood up on her knees, hitting the sides of her thighs a few times and pulling up on her hips. Waverly quickly pulled her knees up towards her chest, rocking back against her front. The redhead snatched up the pillow she had been gripping onto and shoved in under her hips, grabbing the toy and lining back up with her entrance, pulling back on the front of her thighs to get her to rock back. Waverly quickly met the rhythm she set, pushing up on her elbows and noticing that Nicole must have started to get close at some point, for she was letting out her own moans and groans now each time she tipped her head back. 

       “You wanna come, too, Nic?” She questioned, giving her a sweet little smile when she turned her head back to look at her. 

       Nicole met her eyes for all but a second before thrusting into her as she leaned forward and grabbed her by the inside of the elbow on each arm, pulling her up to stand on her knees. “ Nico -” 

       She jerked her body straight up so she was flush against her front, sliding her hands up to grip her upper arms as she dropped her chin to her shoulder near her ear. “I don’t wanna come, I’m gonna come.” 

       “ Fuck ,” Waverly breathed out, knowing that if her grip wasn’t holding her up she would have collapsed forward with the zap that shot to her core. Nicole tipped back a little on her legs and gave her some slack to lean forward but then tightened her muscles when she was where she wanted her to keep her partially bent forward up on her knees, pulling her back into her with each snap by the arms.  “ Baby, don’t stop !” She cried after a few moments. Nicole squeezed her hands tighter into her biceps with a low growl as she put more weight behind her forward thrusts, feeling Waverly’s walls immediately tighten around the toy in time with the wail she let out as she came. 

       “ Shit , Wave,” Nicole groaned, sweat rolling down her tightened back muscles. Her face scrunched together as her thrusts turned spastic when she got there within seconds of her, slowing her pumps as she rode it out. 

       The Sheriff’s hands loosened on her upper arms and she moved them to her hips to hold her up, pulling out before gently lowering them each down onto the bed. She let her front heave against her back as she tried to pull in all the air in the room, sliding her hand up her arm and interlocking their fingers when Waverly flipped her hand over.


       Neither of them really knew how much time had passed, but Nicole was the first to move, letting go of her hand and bringing her hands to the straps, undoing them and lifting her hips to pull it off, dropping it to the floor and tapping gently on her side, getting her to flip to her back. Nicole dropped back down on her, pushing one hand behind her head and cupping the other on her cheek as she pressed some soft kisses to her face with a small hum. 

       Waverly slid her nails gently up and down her back as she stared up at the ceiling, letting Nicole snuggle her face into her neck and pressing a kiss to her temple. “I love you.” 

       “I love ya, too,” she mumbled with a smile. 

       Waverly pulled her brows together and grinned a little, looking down at her. “Did I accidentally hit your Texan button or something halfway through that?” 

       The redhead raised her eyes to look at her. “Whaddya mean?-” She blinked at herself. “Oh.” She cleared her throat, running her thumb across one of the many marks on her neck. “I, uh . . .” Her face turned concerned. “I didn’t hurtcha or anythin’, did I? Was it too much?” 

       “ God , no,” she laughed. “No, that- . . . that was amazing , Babe. It’s just you’re usually not like that , is all. And you’re all twangy now, so I don’t know what that’s about, but they both happened at the same time.” 

       “Ok, good,” she mumbled before her mouth curved into a smile. “I kinda sorta remembered how you said I could top ya however I saw fit. And like you said, I ain’t usually real rough, so . . . But I guess the last time I was real rough with a girl was in college when I still hadda accent, so it rewired me or somethin’, I dunno. It’ll go away.” 

       “Nicole used to fuck ‘em rough , did she?” Waverly asked with a little laugh. 

       "When I was a damaged, angsty teen, damn right I did." The brunette snorted at her. “Liz taught me how to choke a girl and it was all over from then on.” 

       “Oh my God !” She stared down at her with wide eyes. “ Liz taught you?!- Wait, since when are you i-” 

       “Liz taught me everythin’ I know, Baby. Not just that,” she smirked. “I mean, I’m not really into it. I know damn well I’d prolly have a panic attack if I got choked cause . . . ya know. ‘N I told myself I’d never put my hands on you like that, so I’ve never mentioned it.” 

       “You just fucked me doggy style while pulling me back by the hair. That’s fine to you, but nooo , no choking.”

       “It’s different!” Nicole defended. “ Why would I wanna put my hand on your throat like that?!” 

       Waverly pouted her lip at her, tipping her head up into a soft kiss. “You’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever met.” 

       Nicole kept her eyes narrowed at her. “I’m still tryin’ to figure out if you’re tryin’ to tell me you wanna be choked or not.” 

       She let out a whine. “I don’t . A dude did that to me without asking and I almost snapped his dick off, so I’ve never wanted it since then. Also considering the latest episode with Sir Douche Bag . . . Yea, no. I’m good.” 

       Nicole pushed herself up on her elbows, pushing her hands through her hair with a little smile before pushing another soft kiss to her lips. “That’s what I figured, Love.”

       “Mhm.” She pulled away, looking up at her. “You wanna order a pizza for ourselves and not share any with Wynonna, and then maybe come back out here and have some more fun?” 

       The Sheriff grinned from ear to ear. “I’d love to.” 

       They pulled the change of clean clothes on and Waverly looked at herself on her selfie camera, widening her eyes at the bites and hickeys that were visible from her jaw to her collarbones. She let go of the hem of her hoodie with a sigh, looking up at the redhead as she tossed the strap-on back into the bag, setting it on the bed. “They’re gonna kill you,” she mumbled, pointing to her neck. 

       Nicole smiled, walking forward and dropping her hands to her hips as she leaned down into a kiss. “I’m sorry.” 

       “No you’re not,” she huffed. 

       The redhead met her eyes with a shitty grin. “You’re right, I ain’t.” She slipped her arms around her waist and hugged her, dropping her mouth to her neck and sucking. 

       “Nooo!” Waverly whined, trying to wiggle out of her grip and smacking at her chest. “Stoppp! Nic!”

       Nicole pulled back, letting her go and tipping her head up with her hand on her jaw, letting out a chuckle when she saw the new mark she made. “ Whoopsie .” Waverly quickly moved towards her, wrapping her arms around her shoulders and attaching her teeth to her upper neck.  “Aw, Babe, no! C’mon, not above my collar line !” She pushed at her hips and tried to stand up straight to tug away from her, but the brunette used that to her advantage and tightened her arms around her neck, pulling her legs up to wrap around her waist. She pulled away from her skin with a pop, letting out a giggle as she looked at the now-hickey that would soon have purple, teeth-shaped bruises all around it. 

       “ Whoopsie .” 

       “ You get to cover that up tomorrow,” Nicole mumbled with a sigh as she set her down, and they walked out of the barn together. 

       “I will,” Waverly agreed, but stopped dead in her tracks with saucers for eyes. 

       Nicole turned her head, furrowing her brow as she moved towards her and ran her hands down her arms. “Hey.” She tipped her head up to meet her eyes. “What’s wrong?” 

       “I have an interview tomorrow morning! For a kindergarten position!” She pushed her hands through her hair. 

       Nicole tried to keep it in, but she couldn’t help the snort that came out. “Just cover ‘em all, Baby, you’ll be fine.” 

       “I’m gonna feel dirty ! And . . . And I’m gonna have a limp , you ass!” She smacked her arm after she spoke through her teeth. 

       “You enjoyed it while it was happenin’, Darlin’. Ain’t my fault you told me I could be rough with ya.” She threw her a wink and Waverly let out what was supposed to be an annoyed groan as she walked past her, but when the redhead smacked her ass, it traveled up an octave. 

       “ Ass .” 

       “That, it is,” Nicole mumbled with a grin as they walked up the porch and headed inside. They were quick to notice that Gus had a pair of headphones on and Doc had some earbuds in as he played with Alice in his lap. They flicked their eyes forward, catching Mama’s look from the kitchen and heard Wynonna stomping down the stairs before they even saw her. 

       Waverly continued to dart her eyes around to the onlooking faces with a blush while Nicole put her hands up as she continued on into the kitchen. “Don’t y’all look at me like I didn’t warn ya already 'bout findin' some ear protection!” 

       Wynonna let out a huffed sigh as she slowly walked into the room. “I’m glad you two made up,” she muttered as she passed her sister. 

       She grinned at her with a wiggle of her brows. “ Oh , trust me, Nonna. Me, too.”