3. Chapter 3

Waverly had returned home that evening after her shift at Shorty’s and started to get herself ready for bed. As she changed out her work clothes, Waverly made sure to take Nicole’s business card out of her pocket and place it the side table next to her bed. When Waverly had gotten into her bed, she picked up her phone and entered Nicole’s phone number it under the contact: Nicole Haught-Deputy Sheriff. Waverly could not shake from her mind, the last image of Nicole walking away, looking over her shoulder and winking at Waverly. Never has Waverly ever feel like this about anyone, a force pulling her towards the taller woman and not towards Champ.

That night Waverly found it difficult to sleep, as each time she closed her eyes, all she could see was Nicole’s face and her dimples when she smiled at her. A thought popped into Waverly’s mind, could this woman be her true mate? As Waverly has not been able to get the image of Nicole out of her head since meeting her, that evening. Knowing that she was promised to Champ, Waverly tried in vain to put the idea of Nicole being her true mate out of her head. Waverly found herself that night tossing and turning in her bed, until exhaustion finally won, and she fell asleep just before the sun rose the next morning.

After getting some sleep, Waverly woke, climbed out of her bed while picking up her phone. Waverly walked over to her wall calendar, which hung up on her bedroom wall, next to her bedroom dresser. After looking at the calendar, Waverly texted Nicole. Waverly hoped that she didn’t wake Nicole, but being the planner that Waverly was, she wanted to organise a time and day for them to met over coffee. Waverly wanted to have her week set out, so that she knew what she was doing, by glancing at her calendar.

WE: Hello Nicole, this is Waverly Earp. I am free to met for a coffee on Tuesday in the afternoon if that suits you?……NH: Hello Waverly that sounds great, how about 3.30pm and I’ll meet you outside of Shorty’s. Looking forward to seeing you. Till Tuesday.…..WE: 3.30pm suits me. I am looking forward to seeing you too.

Waverly placed the time into her phone’s calendar as well as marking it onto her wall calendar, she wanted to make sure that she didn’t forget it. Being the planner that she was, Waverly also started to organise the clothes that she would wear that day, even though it was a couple of days away. Waverly has always wanted to be prepared for any kind of situation which may arise. For Waverly this brought her a sense of peace and grounding, while life continued around her.

Meanwhile at Purgatory Sheriff’s department, Nicole was sitting at her desk, smiling to herself as she noted the day and time in her diary. Nicole’s first day so far has been boring, as she was being shown where all the different files were kept, where the holding cells were etc. Nicole was longing to get into some real work, but she knew that she had to attend to the mundane things as well as the exiting aspects of her job, as a Sheriff Deputy.

While Nicole was reading another lost animal report, the front doors of the station were opened with such force that the sound caused Nicole to stop reading the report in her hands and look up at who was entering the station. A woman with brunette long wavy hair, dressed in a leather jacket, a printed shirt, denim jeans and boots, came waltzing into the station. She had a coffee mug in one hand and a box of donuts in the other. Lonnie who was manning the front desk, greeted the woman, while taking the box of donuts from her hand.

“Morning, Wynonna. What has you in so early today?” Lonnie says while he picks out a donut and places it next to his coffee cup on his desk.

“Oh, you know, the normal day to day Black Badge work.” Wynonna stops talking as she notices the new woman sitting behind the desk, further back in the bullpen.

“Hey, Lonnie, who’s the new cop?” Wynonna stares at Nicole, as she takes a sip of her coffee.

“Oh, sorry Wynonna, this here is Nicole Haught, and today is her first day here. Nicole, this is Wynonna Earp Holiday. Wynonna works for Black Badge Division. They have an office here and occasionally we help them with some of their cases.” Lonnie walks back to his desk and starts to eat his donut.

“Nicole Haught, so you’re the new Haught pants around here?” Wynonna opens the donut box and offers Nicole one.

“Thanks for the donut and yes I’m the new Haught pants. Your last name is Earp Holiday, as in Waverly Earp?” Nicole stands up from her chair and walks over to the front desk, and choses a chocolate coated donut with sprinkles.

“Yes, Waverly is my baby sister, why do you know her?” Wynonna askes with a quizlike look in her eyes.

“I only met her last night, at Shorty’s. I’m having coffee with her on Tuesday afternoon. If there is anything, I can help you with in your investigations for Black Badge, let me know.” Nicole says.

“See you around, Haught stuff.” Wynonna says as she walks towards the Black Badge office door, on the other side of the station corridor.

Nicole groans at the nickname but knows that she has been called a lot worse over her life.

Later that afternoon, when Nicole was about to finish for the day, Wynonna walks into the bullpen and stands in front of Nicole’s desk. Nicole looks up from the paperwork she is attending to and asks, “What can I do for you, Wynonna?”

“I’m finished for the day and Doc my husband will not be finished work for another 2 hours. So, do you want to grab some drinks at Shorty’s with me? Waverly’s working so it means we’ll get cheap drinks. What do you say?” Wynonna plops herself down into the chair in front of Nicole’s desk and places her feet onto the desk.

“I finish in about 30 minutes, so I can meet you there, if that would suit you?” Nicole says.

“Sounds like a plan. See you in 30 haughty.” Wynonna says as she stands and walks out of the station.

After finishing up her shift and changing her clothes, Nicole walks into Shorty’s and soon locates Wynonna standing next to a pool table, talking to Waverly. Waverly is dressed in her Shorty’s outfit, a shirt that has Shorty’s written across the front, Waverly has the bottom of the shirt tied so that her mid riff is showing. The other part of the outfit is the very short cut off jean shorts, which when Nicole sees, causes the red head woman to stop in her tracks. She struggles to think of what to say as Wynonna calls out to her. “Hey, Haught stuff, over here.”

Waverly turns around and looks straight at Nicole and smiles at her. All that Nicole can do is smile back; she is lost for words at the sight of the beautiful woman before her. Nicole feels her inner Alpha begin to desire the woman, causing her cock to become hard between her legs. Nicole realises that the bulge building in her khaki pants would be noticeable, so she excuses herself and heads to the bathroom to take care of relieving the pressure between her legs.

Nicole returns soon after and Wynonna has taken the liberty of ordering Nicole a beer and a shot of Whiskey. “Well, you are a few behind. You need to catch up, Haught pants.” Wynonna says with a grin. Nicole picks up the shot of Whiskey and throws it back, pulling a face as the drink burns her throat as it goes down. Then Nicole takes a gulp of the beer, then picking up a pool cue, she challenges Wynonna to a game.

“Ok, Earp, lets see how good you are?” Nicole says with a hand on her hip and the other holding the pool cue.

“Your on.” Wynonna walks over to the pool table and sets the pool balls up, before braking them. Nicole and Wynonna would go on to play several games, while drinking beer and Whiskey. After a few Whiskey’s the pair forget about who is winning and start to bond as they talk about their lives. Nicole learns about Wynonna and Waverly’s life before Wynonna left to travel, she also learns about Doc and how they fell in love. Wynonna learns about Nicole’s life in Toronto and the woman who broke her heart.

Doc has finished at the garage and stops by Shorty’s for a drink with his wife, before they head home. They both have been discussing about trying for a baby, after being married for over a year, and as Wynonna is a Beta and Doc is an Alpha, they know that they can conceive a child. Wynonna’s heat started that day and so Doc and they had said that they would start trying, when they headed home that night. So, it was clear that Doc was very keen on heading home to make love to his wife.

“Hey, there my sexy beast of a man.” Wynonna slurs as she flings an arm around Doc’s shoulders and pulls him into a kiss. Nicole looks at the couple and then looks over at Waverly.

Nicole is feeling very intoxicated and knows that she needs to stop drinking, or she won’t be fit for work tomorrow. Nicole stumbles over to the bar and asks Waverly for a cup of coffee and some water. Doc and Wynonna come over to the bar and sit with Nicole, Doc orders Whiskey for himself and Wynonna.

Doc, Wynonna and Nicole stay for another hour before they all decide that it is best for them to head off to their homes. Nicole had started to sober up and was able to walk home, which was only a couple of streets away. When Nicole unlocked the door to her unit, she was greeted by a very unhappy Calamity Jane, who Meowed at Nicole and rubbed herself against Nicole’s leg.

Nicole said, “Sorry, girl I stopped and had a couple of drinks at Shorty’s. I’m going to get your dinner now. Did you miss me?” Nicole takes off her coat and walks into the kitchen, she opens the cupboard and pulls out Calamity’s food. After feeding the ginger cat, Nicole heads off to her bedroom and gets ready for bed. She makes sure that her alarm is set, so that she doesn’t sleep in and be late for work. It was not long before Nicole drifted off to sleep and dreamt about a Brunette wearing a Shorty’s shirt and very short cut-off jeans.