4. Chapter 4

Early Tuesday morning Nicole awoke from her sleep and stretched her arms and legs as she waited for her body to catch up with her mind. Today was the day that she and Waverly were to meet for a coffee, and she couldn’t wait. Nicole had to remind herself that it was just coffee and nothing more, that she had not moved to Purgatory to start a new relationship. This could only be the start of a friendship and nothing more, no matter what her Alpha wants.

Nicole after having a shower and dressed in her uniform, heads down stairs to her kitchen to grab a coffee and some breakfast before heading into work. Nicole feeds Calamity Jane and leaves for her shift at the station. When Nicole enters the station, she is given her days routine, instead of spending the day attending to boring paperwork, she has been assigned to work on patrol with Lonnie. Once they had grabbed their coffees, Nicole and Lonnie head out to go on patrol on the outskirts of Purgatory. Their day results in a couple of speeding fines and a couple of arrests for possession of illegal drugs. Nicole and Lonnie return to the station before 2pm and Nicole ploughs through the paperwork, so that she can meet up with Waverly at 3.30pm.

Waverly wakes on Tuesday and starts to feel nervous, she wonders what she should wear when meeting someone for coffee. Waverly has never felt this nervous about anything before, sure she has thought about Nicole since they had met, but now she will be sitting opposite the woman and drinking coffee. Waverly wants to make a good impression on Nicole, even if they are to only be friends. Waverly reminds herself that there can’t be anything more between her and the red head, as she is supposed to be promised to Champ.

Waverly arrives at Shorty’s early and waits in her jeep for Nicole to arrive. Right on 3.30pm Nicole dressed in her Police uniform walks right up to Shorty’s and then over to Waverly in her jeep.

Nicole says, “Hi.” Nicole leans against Waverly’s jeep.

“Hi, Nicole” Waverly smiles at Nicole as she climbs out of her jeep.

After locking her car, Waverly and Nicole walk towards the coffee shop across the street. When they arrive at the coffee shop, Nicole opens the door and holds it open for Waverly to walk through. Nicole lets Waverly to choose the table for them to sit at, Nicole then pulls out the chair for Waverly to sit then Nicole pushes the chair into the table. Nicole walks around the table to take a seat opposite Waverly and sits down. When the waiter comes over, Nicole lets Waverly order their coffees, while Nicole takes note of how Waverly takes her coffee, with Almond milk.

“How was your day?” Waverly asks Nicole, while they wait for their coffees to arrive.

“It was good, I finally got away from working just on paperwork and made it out onto patrol with Lonnie.” Nicole says as their coffees arrive. Nicole takes a sip of her coffee, noting how good it tastes.

“Nicole, so what brought you come to Purgatory?” Waverly asks, while she stirs her coffee.

“Oh, I wanted a change. I had just gotten out of a bad relationship and needed a change.” Nicole looks at Waverly and takes in how beautiful she looks.

“I didn’t mean to .. I just wondered that was all.” Waverly looks down at her coffee and wished that the ground would open and swallow her up.

“It’s ok, Waverly, it just was a bad relationship, and I don’t mind talking about it. After 6 months of dating, the woman I was dating, Shae realised that she didn’t love me the same as I thought I loved her. Shae’s a Doctor, we dated for 6 months and while at one of her work dinner event, I over heard her telling her friends that she had enough of lowering her standards by dating a cop. We broke up that night.” Nicole looks at her coffee as a look of sadness appears on her face.

“That would hurt. I’ve never been in a relationship before, but I can only imagine that to hear someone I loved say that they didn’t, it would hurt.” Waverly reaches out and touches Nicole’s hand.

“So that guy the other night is not an ex? It’s just that I thought that he had been an old boyfriend of yours.” Nicole smiles at Waverly.

“Champ, oh no. My Dad one night before I was born was playing poker and was losing, I had not yet been born but my Dad made a deal with Champ’s dad and promised his next newborn child to be Champ’s mate. Champ tells everyone that I’m his, although he screws anything in a skirt that moves.” Waverly sadly looks away from Nicole.

“Your dad should never had done that. You should be able to chose who want to love and be with for the rest of your life. Champ may not be your true mate, and by being promised to him, is going to jeopardise you from meeting your true mate. Waves, you don’t belong to your true mate, you become their equal, their companion. I know that I have only just met you but you’re rather special Waverly, remember that.” Nicole reaches out and holds Waverly’s hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.

Before the two realise it, it was dark outside the coffee shop and the owners were wanting to close for the day. Nicole asks, “Would you like to grab some thing to eat for dinner? I’ve been enjoying our afternoon and would like to continue our time together. I can cook for you at my place if you like.”

Waverly says, “Yes, I’ve enjoyed our time together. I’d like to watch you cook for me.”

Waverly loops her and Nicole’s arms together and they head back over the road to Waverly’s jeep where Nicole climbs in. Nicole directs Waverly towards her flat. After they arrive at the flat, Nicole and Waverly walk up the stairs, Nicole opens the door and they both are greeted by a ‘Meow’ from Calamity Jane, who is hungry and grumpy for being left alone for almost over 12 hours.

Waverly and Nicole continue to talk while Nicole makes them dinner. Both women are surprised at how comfortable they both feel in each other’s company. The woman spends their time talking and laughing at each other’s jokes over dinner and wine. After dinner the pair move to the Nicole’s couch and sip on wine, while watching TV. Before long Waverly starts to yawn and Nicole suggests that they should call it a night.

“I enjoyed my time with you Waverly, can we do this again?” Nicole asks as she leans against Waverly’s jeep driver’s door.

“How does next Tuesday sound? The same time and place?” Waverly says as she looks at Nicole.

“Sounds like a plan, next Tuesday at 3.30pm at Shorty’s. I can’t wait.” Nicole smiles at Waverly.

“We can talk between then.” Waverly says to Nicole, who is smiling at Waverly. As Waverly drives away, Nicole walks back inside and plops down on the couch. She runs her hands through her hair and closes her eyes. All Nicole sees is Waverly sitting on her couch, and she feels her Alpha cock becoming hard in her pants. Nicole looks at the bulge in her pants and she undoes her belt buckle and pants, to free her hardened cock. Nicole starts to stroke her cock, until the pressure that has been building reaches its peak and she feels hot cum running down her hands. The pleasure she feels is so much more than she has ever felt before, when she’s masturbated. Nicole has had girlfriends before, but she has never had sex with any of them. Nicole has been keeping her virginity for her true mate. After cleaning up all the cum from her clothes and body, Nicole hears her phone chirp.

It’s a message from Waverly.

WE: I got home safe. Had fun today.NH: Great to hear. I had fun today as well.WE: Looking forward to next Tuesday.NH: Me as well. Have a good sleep.

Nicole attends to her daily routine of getting ready for bed, once she is dressed in her pyjamas, Nicole crawls into bed. Calamity Jane joins her and curls up and the pair drift off to sleep to dream. For Nicole her dream is a rerun of her coffee date with Waverly.