5. Chapter 5

Over the next three months, Waverly and Nicole would meet regularly for either coffee in the afternoon and then dinner or dinner and movies at the homestead. During this time Nicole would learn how Waverly’s Uncle Curtis helped her to gain an undergraduate degree via correspondence in Ancient Cultures and Languages and that she can speak more than two different languages. Waverly would go on to learn about how Nicole loves to rock climb and that she even once rock climbed when she was on holidays in Las Vegas, Nevada USA. Throughout all this time Waverly and Nicole find themselves being more drawn to each other with each passing moment. When they aren’t spending time with each other, they either text or ring each other, speaking about their day.

Nicole and Wynonna continue to bond over drinks at Shorty’s, while discussing how much of a dick Champ is and how Waverly deserves so much more than the boy man. It’s very clear that the two women don’t like Champ and are quick to share their thoughts with the boy man himself. About two months into the three months, Wynonna approaches Nicole’s desk at the station one day.

“Hey, Haught, you’re still coming over for Taco’s tonight?” Wynonna asks, while leaning up against Nicole’s desk and taking a bit of the doughnut in her hand.

“Yep, do you want me to bring a bottle of Whiskey or anything else?” Nicole replies as she keys information into her computer.

“Nope to the Whiskey, but Baby Girl has requested that you bring a bottle of that Vegan Salsa, she loves so much.” Wynonna screws her face up at the thought of Vegan salsa.

“Alright I’ll make sure that I pick it up before I head home to change and feed Calamity. I should be out at your place about 6pm, if nothing happens between now and finishing time.” Nicole smirks.

“Doc and I have something to share with you and Waverly tonight. So, bring your excited Haught pants.” Wynonna laughs as she heads out of the bull pen and back into the BBD office across the hallway.

Nicole arrives at the homestead just before 6pm and she was greeted by a smiling Doc, who was preparing the fire pit for later in the evening. Nicole walks inside the homestead and hands Waverly the Vegan salsa, which she places onto the table.

“Thank you, Nicole, I just love this, and I forgot to pick it up before I headed home today. If I had asked Wynonna to pick it up, she would have come home empty handed.” Waverly says as she makes the final touches to their evening meal.

Nicole watches Waverly as she cooks and imagines herself coming home to Waverly and having the brunette cook their evening meal, and then sharing the day with each other before moving onto other more exciting aspects of romantic life. Doc interrupts Nicole’s thoughts as he asks her if she would like a drink. Nicole replies that she would like a cold soda, as she must work the next day and she is driving.

After Waverly has served up their evening meal, Doc clears his throat before saying, “Um, Wynonna and I have something to share. As you know Waverly, Wynonna and I have been trying for a baby. It appears that we are expecting a baby in about 7 months.”

“Fantastic, congratulations to you both. I can’t wait till I become an aunty.” Waverly stands up from her chair and walks around the table and envelopes her sister and brother-in-law in a hug.

“Congratulations on the news.” Nicole offers to the couple. Nicole looks at Waverly and wonders if the Omega has ever thought about having pups and if so, how many would she like to have. Nicole finds herself being pulled back into reality as Wynonna says, “This means we have to say goodbye to our nights drinking, Haught stuff.” Wynonna pouts as Doc takes her hand in his and brings it to his lips to kiss.

“But think about how much better it will be for the Babbyy.” Doc draws out the word Baby, as he is so excited at becoming a father for the first time. Wynonna looks at Doc and kisses him, when she pulls back from the kiss she giggles, as his moustache tickles.

Later that night the four are outside and sitting around the fire pit and drinking hot chocolate and toasting marshmallows. Wynonna leans over and whispers into Doc’s ear, before standing up from her chair and heading back inside the homestead. Doc looks over at both Waverly and Nicole and excuses himself and Wynonna for the evening, before heading inside for the night.

Nicole looks down at the flames in the fire pit and then at Waverly, whose face glowed from the reflection of the flames. Nicole wants to ask Waverly out on a date, but knowing about the situation with Champ, she was not sure if Waverly would be interested. As Nicole pokes the embers of the fire, moaning noises can be heard coming from inside the homestead. Waverly groans and pulls the hood of her parker over her head.

“What is that noise?” Nicole asks innocently.

“That’s just Wynonna and Doc having sex.” Waverly says as she pulls her hoodie further around her ears, to drown out the noise coming from the homestead.

“Are they always that loud?” Nicole asks.

“You should have heard them when they were trying. One night there, they went all night along. I hardly got any sleep that night.” Waverly says.

“Oh, you know that I dated Shae before coming to live in Purgatory. Well it’s just that we never had sex. It never felt right with her, even when we were close to having sex sometimes. It was one of the reasons we broke up. Shae and I didn’t see eye to eye on the matter, I always have viewed sex as being a special and intimate time between two people. Because when you really love someone, making love is so much more than sex. Whereas Shae just viewed it as sex and nothing more. When we were doing things in the bedroom, I never felt the connection with her, as you should with your True Mate.” Nicole says, looking at Waverly.

“Waverly, have you ever thought about, um, having pups in the future?” Nicole asks as she runs a hand through her hair.

“Yes, I would like to have a very large family. Being that my own early family life was not that happy. I want my pups to grow up in a home where they know that they are loved and feel safe.” Waverly says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

The Police officer in Nicole wants to find out more, so she asks, “Why did you not have a happy childhood?”

“All I can remember of my Mum is that she died in a car accident when I was little. Wynonna tells me that our Dad was drunk and driving, when the accident happened. Then when I was 9, my Dad who was Sheriff, came home drunk one night and started to beat me. All I remember before blacking out was that I could see that he aroused and with each hit, he grew more turned on. When I came to, I hid in the corner of the room too afraid to move, and my Dad was out cold on the couch.” Waverly looks at the flames.

“I’ve never told anyone this before, Nicole you always make me feel safe, when I’m around you.” Waverly looks at Nicole, who is now in awe of Waverly.

“Thank you for trusting me enough to share something so terrifying.” Nicole reaches out and places a hand on Waverly’s shoulder and gives it a small squeeze as a sign of reassurance.

“Wynonna was out that night and when she came home, she saw me and the blood and bruises. Then all I remember is Nedley coming and asking me questions before he told me that my Dad had taken his own life.” Waverly pauses before continuing.

“When Wynonna came back, she told me the what really happened that night. When she came home and found me, she asked me if our Dad had touched me sexually. When I told her about the bulge in his pants, when he was beating me, she hugged me and then she grabbed Peacemaker out of Dad’s holster and shot our Dad.” Waverly sits looking at a surprised and shocked Nicole.

They sit in silence for a short moment, until Nicole speaks, “Did your Dad ever touch you?”

“No, but Wynonna has told me that she caught our Dad crawling into bed with Willa, after our Mum’s death. He never came near me or Wynonna, he sexually abused Willa, but physically hit Wynonna and me.” Waverly drinks the rest of her Hot Chocolate.

“You are so amazing Waves. To survive an abusive father and to be able to speak about it, takes a lot of strength. I am in awe of your bravery.” Nicole says as she takes Waverly’s hand in hers and holds it tight. They sit and enjoy the heat from the flames of the fire and sounds of the wood crackling and popping.

“Oh, um, I was wondering if you would like to go with me to Lougheed House in Calvary next Tuesday. I can book us into their historic tour of the house, if you would like?” Nicole asks nervously.

“Yes, I have always wanted to go, but no one has ever wanted to go with me. Nicole, this will be the first time in my life, I have been outside of Purgatory.” Waverly replies.

“We’ll make a day of it, if you would like, by having an early dinner before heading back to Purgatory.” Nicole smiles as she sneaks a glimpse at Waverly in the light of the fire. Nicole feels her heart being to fall more in love with the brunette.

“You would do that for me?” Waverly asks.

“I’d do a lot of things to you, I mean for you, Waverly.” Nicole says as she feels a blush creep up her neck. Waverly smiles at Nicole.

Tuesday arrives and Nicole pulls up at the homestead to pick Waverly up for their day out in Calvary. Nicole has booked them into the historic tour of Lougheed House as well as an early evening meal at a vegan restaurant. Wynonna told Nicole to make sure that there was a blanket for Waverly in her truck, as the brunette likes to be warm when travelling in the car. Nicole climbs out of her truck and walks over to the front door of the homestead. Before Nicole can knock, Waverly opens the door and is dressed in a tight-fitting pair of jeans and a button up shirt. As Waverly exits the homestead, she grabs her parker and hands Nicole a travel mug filled with coffee, just the way Nicole loves it, strong and white. Nicole swallows the lump in her throat, as she finds Waverly’s outfit very attractive.

“You look amazing.” Nicole says.

“Thank you, you look not bad yourself, Officer Haught.” Waverly says with a flit tone in her voice.

Once they arrive at Lougheed house, Nicole checks them into their tour of the house and it’s surrounding gardens. Waverly is awestruck at the sheer size of the house and its gardens. During the tour Waverly reaches out one of her hands and takes one of Nicole’s hand in hers, they spend the rest of the tour holding hands and sharing glances at each other. Nicole has a permanent smile pasted on her face as she feels the warmth from Waverly’s hand. Without thinking Nicole leans closer into Waverly as they look at a display or painting, knowing that this is about as much contact she is likely to have the smaller woman next to her.

Waverly can’t stop herself from talking about how much she enjoyed the tour and the house. A sense of pride fell upon Nicole, when they were leaving Lougheed house, as the tour guide commented on how they made a lovely couple. Oh, how Nicole wished that it was true, that she could kiss Waverly as they walked through the gardens. Nicole took them to the restaurant for their evening meal, and as they were led to their table, Waverly who was walking behind Nicole, snuck a glimpse at Nicole’s backside. Waverly thought to herself, ‘WOW what a nice piece of ass. I would love to get my hands on it someday.’

The drive back to Purgatory was filled with talk about the different parts of their day that they enjoyed. Unbeknown to each of the women, was that they both secretly wanted to kiss the other. About half way back to the homestead, Nicole glanced over and noticed that Waverly had fallen asleep, so reaching over to the backseat, Nicole pulled the blanket off the seat. Nicole pulled over to the side of the road, so that she could gently cover Waverly with the blanket without waking her. Nicole took a moment to look at Waverly’s face as she slept and noticed that she looked so much more beautiful. Nicole started to feel the crouch of her jeans become tight as her cock started to harden. Nicole had it bad for Waverly, someone she was emotionally and sexually attracted to, someone whom she could never be with. Nicole returned her focus on getting Waverly and herself safely home. Nicole had a big day ahead of her tomorrow as she was to head out with Wynonna on a case.