6. Chapter 6

The next day started out normally for Nicole as she headed into the station. Around 8 am Wynonna come into the station armed with a tray of coffees and a box of donuts, which she stopped by the front desk and offered some donuts to the officers on duty. Wynonna handed over to Nicole a coffee just as Agent Dolls walked out of BBD’s office and over to the pair leaning against the front counter.

“Officer Haught, have you had a chance to read the file?” Dolls asks as he stands with his hands on his hips.

“Yes, I just finished. I’m already to go.” Nicole says as she makes her way back to her desk ti retrieve her Stetson hat and jacket. Nicole walks around the front counter and follows Agent Dolls and Wynonna into the BBD office, Agent Dolls closes the door behind them.

Once inside Agent Dolls sets about going through the plan with both Wynonna and Nicole. They were targeting the gang run by Bobo Del Ray (Wynonna’s brother in law) on the outskirts of town. Agent Dolls had information that Bobo and his gang, were dealing in stolen weapons and drugs. Agent Dolls made sure that they all suited up with protective bullet proof vests and enough ammunition for anything which may arise. Wynonna picks up a old looking gun off the desk and slips it into the holster on her hip.

“Are you sure that’s all your going to carry?” Nicole asks.

“This is my Great Great Granddaddy Wyatt Earp’s gun. It still works and it packs just as much a punch as your weapon, Haught pants.” Wynonna says as she picks up a donut for the ride.

Agent Dolls drives the three of them out to what looks like a rundown trailer park on the outskirts of Purgatory. Upon reaching their location, Agent Dolls informs Nicole and Wynonna that he is just going to set up some surveillance cameras around the perimeter of the trailer park. Nicole and Wynonna find a location where they can watch the activities occurring in the compound. The two women lay low in some bushes located on a hill overlooking the main heart of the trailer park.

Wynonna comments to Nicole, “My Alpha sister settled for a life being married to an Omega, who runs a dead-beat trailer park.”

Nicole looks at Wynonna and detects a sadness in the Beta’s voice. The two women return their focus back onto the activities occurring in the trailer park. As Agent Dolls is setting up the surveillance camera’s, it leaves the two women alone and outnumbered when three male gang members stumble upon the pair hiding amongst the bushes.

“Look, what do we have here?” said the red headed gang member rubbing his hands together.

“Fresh meat. (sniff, sniff) An alpha and (sniff, sniff) a pregnant beta. And not just any pregnant beta, an Earp pregnant beta. Wait till Bobo hears about this.” The smaller gang member says, as the third gang member stands looking at Nicole and Wynonna.

Wynonna pulls out her gun Peacemaker. Within seconds gun shoots are exchanged between the women and the gang members. Nicole was able to get a couple of shots in, before being shot in her left shoulder. Wynonna was able to kill two of the men before she could help Nicole. The third gang member ran off back towards the trailer park.

Wynonna checks Nicole’s wound and does her best to stop the bleeding, before helping Nicole in standing up and head back to Agent Dolls’ vehicle. Once there, Wynonna and Nicole check each other to make sure that each had not sustained any more injuries, other than Nicole’s gunshot wound to the shoulder.

Agent Dolls was just finishing with the camera’s when he heard the gun shots and ran back to the location where he had left Wynonna and Nicole. When he discovered the two dead gang members, he realised that this was not going to go down well with Bobo, but he was more concerned with the welfare of Wynonna and Nicole. Agent Dolls noticed a trail of blood leading back towards the car, so he headed in that direction. Agent Dolls quickly joins the pair and drives them back to Purgatory Hospital, to have Nicole’s gun shot wound seen to by a doctor, and to have Wynonna checked over to make sure that the baby was still ok.

As protocol it was mandatory for the next of kin to be contacted, in situations such as this, so Agent Dolls rang Waverly’s phone. But at the time, Waverly was working at Shorty’s and unable to take the call, so it went through to voice mail. Agent Dolls left a message saying ‘Agent Wynonna and Officer Haught had been involved in a shotting and that they were heading into Purgatory Hospital for the pair to be checked.

As soon as Waverly was able to take a break, she checked her phone and noticed the missed call and voice message from Agent Dolls. Doc had come into Shorty’s for some lunch that day.

“I’ve got a missed call and voice message from Dolls.” Waverly says to Doc who is seating at the bar. Doc watches Waverly and sees the look of horror on her face as she listens to the message.

“It’s Wynonna and Nicole, they’ve been involved in a shotting. They are heading into Purgatory hospital. Dolls left the message over 30 minutes ago.” Waverly rushes over to Shorty’s office to tell him that she must leave for the day. She grabs her jacket as Doc stands at the front door to the bar.

Doc asks as he drives himself and Waverly to the hospital, “Did Agent Dolls say anything about the baby, or how Wynonna was?”

“No, all it said was that they were heading to the hospital.” Waverly starts to tap her fingers on her legs, a habit she does when she is nervous.

Doc and Waverly arrive at the hospital and were informed that both Wynonna and Nicole had been discharged only minutes ago and that Agent Dolls was taking them both back to the police station.

Waverly and Doc head to the Police Station to see how both Wynonna and Nicole were. When Waverly heard the news about the shooting, she become worried that Nicole had been badly hurt and that she had not had the chance to tell her how she felt about her. Waverly and Doc walked into the station and headed into BBD’s office, where they found Wynonna sitting in a chair with her feet resting on top of the desk in front of her. Wynonna is eating a sprinkled donut and swinging peacemaker around her finger.


“Wynonna.” Doc says before he leans down and gives his wife a hug and then a kiss.

“How are you? How’s the baby?” Waverly asks as she gives her sister a hug.

“I’m ok and the baby’s all ok as well. Although Haught pants won’t be able to any push ups for the next couple of weeks. “Wynonna says as she smiles at Waverly.

After making sure that Wynonna was ok, Waverly walked out of the BBD office and over to the front counter of the Police station. “I was wondering if Officer Haught was around, I wanted to speak with her if I could?” Waverly stood looking around the bull pen hoping to catch a glimpse of the red head.

Sheriff Nedley’s office door opened and he stood in the doorway, Nedley smiled at Waverly and then he looked back over his shoulder. “Waverly, Officer Haught is in here. Come on through.” Waverly walked into the bull pen and over to the doorway to Nedley’s office, she saw that Nicole was sitting on the couch and her left arm was in a sling.

Nedley said, “I’ll leave you two to catch up…. I’ll shut the door to give you girls more privacy.” Nedley closes the door after Waverly had walked inside the office.

“Thank you, Sheriff.” Nicole says. Waverly walks over and sits next to Nicole, turning so that she can look at the redhead face to face.

“Nicole, Wynonna said that you got shot in the shoulder. I’m so sorry that you got hurt…It’s just that I wouldn’t know wha…” Waverly can’t stop herself; she leans in and kisses Nicole on the lips. Nicole kisses her back. They both pull back at the same time; Waverly looks Nicole in the eyes and smiles.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.” Waverly says before leaning into Nicole for another kiss, this time it is more passionate, as the two give into their feelings for each other. Nicole is the one to pull back and with her right arm, pulls Waverly into her side for a hug, as they share the moment.

“Doc is going to drive Wynonna home. My jeep is still at Shorty’s, I’ll collect it and pick you up from here, you’re going to stay at the homestead tonight. You can have my bed and I’ll take the couch. That way I can take care of both my girls.” Waverly kisses Nicole before heading back out. Nicole stays seated on the couch and waits for Waverly to return. She hopes that Waverly won’t mind making a stop at her flat, so she can collect some clothes and feed Calamity Jane. Before long Waverly has returned for Nicole and after making a short stop at Nicole’s to feed Calamity and collect some clothes, they headed back to the homestead. Along the way Nicole was able to convince Waverly to let her take the couch and for Waverly to sleep in her own bed.

After making sure that Wynonna was fine and resting in the living room, Doc headed out to collect them all some take out food for the night. When Doc returned, they all ate and talked about the day’s events. Both Doc and Waverly were glad that neither Nicole or Wynonna were seriously hurt.

After setting up the couch, Nicole heads off to the bathroom and quickly changes, then returns to the living room. Waverly’s changed into her pyjamas and sitting on the couch. Upon seeing Nicole, Waverly smiles at the redhead, while patting the couch next to her, indicating for Nicole to sit next to her.

Nicole sits next to Waverly, soon the two are back to kissing each other. Nicole breaks the kiss to ask, “Waves, wait (Nicole places her right hand on Waverly’s chest as if to say whoa), I think we need to talk.” Nicole looks at Waverly, who is looking scared.

“How is this going to work out between the two of us? Your promised to Chump sorry Champ, and I don’t think I can sit by and watch him brag about it. I care about you.” Nicole says as she turns to sit straight ahead facing the kitchen, as Waverly sat on her knees looking directly at the side of Nicole’s head.

“I care about you too, Nicole. And as you said, I should be the one to chose who I want to be with. Now can we just take it slow and on the quiet. I need time to figure out how to break it to Champ, that I don’t want to be with him.” Waverly says, as she reaches out and touches the side of Nicole’s face. Nicole turns her head around to face Waverly and kisses her hand, before pulling her into a passionate but tender kiss. They press their foreheads together before Waverly heads to bed for the night.

Nicole lies on the couch and even though her arm is sore, she doesn’t worry about the pain, Waverly Earp had kissed her, and she kissed her back. They were going to date on the quite just for now, it didn’t matter to Nicole, because she was going to be able to kiss the brunette and Champ wasn’t. Eventually sleep overtook Nicole and she dreamt sweet dreams of her and Waverly kissing on Nedley’s couch.