7. Chapter 7

Nicole woke the next morning to the sweet sound of Waverly singing along with the radio as she cooked breakfast in the kitchen. The smell of coffee and the temptation of being able to kiss Waverly without anyone around was too much for Nicole to ignore. She quietly made her way into the kitchen, so that she could catch Waverly unaware. Nicole crept up behind Waverly who was cooking Pancakes on the stove. Nicole placed her hands onto Waverly’s hips, then she tilted her head so that she could kiss Waverly’s cheek.

“Good morning.” Nicole whispers into Waverly’s ear, with a smile.

“Good morning to you. Did you sleep well?” Waverly says as she flips a pancake over in the pan.

“Mmmmm, I had the best sleep in a while. It must have been that kiss I got just before I went to sleep.” Nicole says as she turns Waverly around, so that they were now facing each other. Nicole raises an eyebrow.

“Well you do have the best tasting lips. You taste like vanilla dipped donuts. They’re my favourite.” Waverly smiles as their lips met.

At first their kiss is tender and innocent, but as they gave over to their passion, their kiss became more intense. Before they could get more lost in each other, Nicole pulled back and with a hand in Waverly’s hair, Nicole brought their foreheads together and sighed. Nicole heard Wynonna’s footsteps approaching the kitchen and she removed her hands from Waverly and reached for the coffee pot and a cup. After pouring three cups of coffee for the three of them, Nicole helped Waverly to set the table.

Waverly smiled at Nicole as they eat their breakfast. Wynonna was oblivious to the seductive looks the other two gave each other across the table.

“Baby Girl, are you free today? After yesterday Doc won’t let me go out on my own. I have an appointment with our baby’s doctor later today. Do you want to come along with me and then after we can do some shopping for the baby.” Wynonna said between mouthfuls of pancakes.

“Yeah, Nicole we can drop you back at your flat on the way. I can then stop by later to take care of you.” Waverly offers.

Nicole looks at Waverly before saying, “That would be great, with my hurt shoulder, I am going to need some help around the flat. Umm, Waverly would you be able to help me with my wound dressing, I need to change it before I get dressed.”

“I would love to. Just go up to the bathroom and I will be there soon.” Waverly says as Nicole stands and walks into the living room to collect her clothes.

Waverly stands outside the bathroom door and gently knocks and waits for Nicole to answer her. The bathroom door opens, and a smiling Nicole stands with her shirt open and her left arm exposed. Waverly swallows the lump in her throat, as she stares at Nicole’s bare shoulder, and notices how smooth her skin looks.

“Waverly, are you alright?” Nicole asks.

“Um, yes, I just got distracted that’s all. Now how do you want to do this?” Waverly asks as she walks towards the sink and begins to run the water and prepares the dressings.

“I think that it’s always best to start with removing the old dressing, clean the wound and then apply a new dressing.” Nicole says with a wink as she sits on the side of the bath.

Waverly walks over to Nicole and straddles her lap, then she gently removes the old dressing from Nicole’s shoulder. Waverly leans down and places small tender kisses to the skin around the wound.

“How does it feel now, Baby? Do you hurt anywhere else?” Waverly asks.

“Um, much better now, but my lips are hurting.” Nicole smiles while she places her hands-on Waverly’s hips.

Waverly leans in closer to Nicole and connects their lips together. Nicole groans as Waverly starts to grind herself against Nicole’s groin, causing her cock to harden and grow stiff. Waverly feels the bulge pressing against her stomach and she pulls back from Nicole’s lips, with her hands still wrapped around Nicole’s neck.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to … um….” Waverly blushes as she begins to stutter.

“It has a mind of its own sometimes. Although I do enjoy having you pressed against me.” Nicole pulls Waverly back in towards her, so that their bodies are pressed against each other. Nicole’s hands move from being on Waverly’s hips to cupping her ass. Waverly and Nicole start kissing again and are so lost in each other, that they don’t hear Wynonna open the bathroom door.

The next thing Nicole hears is a gun being cocked. Waverly moved off Nicole’s lap and they both look around and come face to face with the business end of Peacemaker and a not so impressed Wynonna on the other end.

“Hi Wynonna.” Nicole says as she raises her hands up in the air, as a sign of surrender. Wynonna holds Peacemaker and presses it against Nicole’s groin.

“Now Wynonna, all we were doing was kissing, nothing else.” Nicole tries to plea with Wynonna.

“Well, Haught dog, it looks as if you have a boner for my baby sister.” Wynonna pushes Peacemaker harder into Nicole’s crouch. Nicole’s eyes grow larger as she fears what the older Earp sister is going to do to her.

“I, um, um.” Nicole is at a loss for words.

“Wynonna.” Waverly pleads with her sister.

“I just want to know what are Haught’s intentions here? Well are you going to make an honest woman of my sister? Now that you’ve defiled her and had your way with her.” Wynonna asks with a serious tone in her voice as she applies a bit more pressure to Nicole’s crouch.

“Wynonna, nothing has happened between me and Nicole, only kissing.” Waverly informs her sister as she tries to stand in between Wynonna and Nicole. By this time bullets of sweat are running down the side of Nicole’s face.

“It’s true, Wynonna.” Nicole eventually says in her defence.

“Haught damn, I’ve been waiting for something to happen between you and Waverly. So, this means that Chump is...” Wynonna starts to say before she is interrupted by Waverly.

“You’re not mad.” Waverly asks.

“Hell no. Baby Girl, if Haught pants here makes you happy, then I’m happy for you.” Wynonna lifts Peacemaker from between Nicole’s crouch and swings it around on a finger before leaving the bathroom.

“I’m so sorry about that Nicole, I can understand if you don’t want anything more to do with me. Wynonna just gets protective of me, ever since with what happened with Daddy.” Waverly stands next to Nicole, placing her hand on the red heads right shoulder.

“I think it’s best that I get dressed by myself.” Nicole says as she stands. Waverly walks out of the bathroom and down the stair in search of Wynonna. When Waverly locates Wynonna, she is sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. Waverly walks up to Wynonna and slaps her hard on the arm.

“What’s that for?” Wynonna asks as she rubs her arm.

“Sometimes you need to think before you act, Wynonna. I really like her, and I think she is my True mate. I won’t blame Nicole is she ran off.” Waverly says as she places her head in her hands and starts to cry.

Unknown to both Waverly and Wynonna, but Nicole had come back down to the living room and heard everything that Waverly had said to Wynonna. Moved by the sight of Waverly so hurt at the thought of Nicole leaving her, propels Nicole to move towards the Brunette. Waverly feels a hand on her shoulder which she thinks it is Wynonna, but when she looks up, Waverly looks straight into Nicole’s brown eyes.

“You really like me, and you think that I am your True mate.” Nicole kneels so that she can look straight into Waverly’s blue green eyes, before cupping Waverly’s face with her hands and pulling her into a tender kiss.

“I really like you too and I think that you’re my True mate as well. I understand that you need time to work through how to get out of this promise with Champ. I’ll wait for how ever long it takes, till w can be truly be together.” Nicole takes hold of Waverly’s hands and pulls her to stand before her. They hug each other before sealing their confession with a passionate kiss.

Waverly asks, “Wynonna, can you please keep this between us. Just till I can work out how to get out of the promise with Champ.”

“Baby girl and Naught stuff, you can count on me.” Wynonna winks at both Nicole and Waverly.