8. Chapter 8

Over the next four months, Waverly and Nicole would keep their relationship on the quiet from the outside world, apart from Wynonna. Doc stumbled upon the pair midway in a heated embrace as they kissed in the kitchen of the homestead one day. To the outside world the pair appeared to be very good friends, whom enjoyed spending time with each other.

Also, around this same time Wynonna was asked by Agent Dolls to approach Waverly and ask her to come and work full time with Black Badge as a research consultant. With Waverly’s vast background of researching and understanding ancient languages, Agent Dolls thought her skills would enhance their investigations in several cases.

Now that Waverly was working for Black Badge, it meant that there were more opportunities for the two lovers to catch a glimpse of each other, even if it was just as they walked through the hallway to their desks. When Nicole would see Waverly, she would smile at Waverly as if the sun shone in her eyes, while Waverly would linger around the door to the front desk when there was no one around and watch Nicole as she worked at her desk.

Even though Waverly now worked for Black Badge, she still would work the odd shift at Shorty’s. One day Waverly was working the lunch shift and was due to clock off about 3pm and met up with Nicole at the bar. Champ had been drinking since lunch and was very vocal about Waverly being his mate and that he was becoming tired of her refusing him. As 3pm approached and her replacement had arrived, Waverly was standing on the public side of the bar with her back to the door, when Champ moved towards her and placed his large hands on her hips.

“Now let me help you out of your apron.” Champ said as he snaked his hands around Waverly’s back and untied her apron strings. As she had her back to the door, Waverly didn’t see Nicole walk in. As Stephanie Jones had taken over attending to the bar from Waverly, Stephanie noticed Nicole walk in and said, “Hello Officer Haught. Can I get you something to drink?”

“No.” was all that Nicole said before she turned and left Shorty’s without saying a word to Waverly. Waverly turned around just in time to catch a glimpse of Nicole leaving the bar. Champ wouldn’t let go of Waverly hips as he tried to pull her closer into his crouch. Waverly turned her attention back to Champ, and with a look of hatred in her eyes for the boy man in front of her, she slapped him hard across his face, so hard that it left a red imprint of her hand on the side of his face. Waverly was able to escape his grip and ran out of Shorty’s and into the street. She looked up and down the street, with some hope that she would be able to see Nicole and chase after her. Nicole was no where to be seen and Waverly stood out in the cool afternoon air, heartbroken, knowing that Nicole had just seen Champ with his hands on her body.

Waverly jumped in her jeep after retrieving her keys and purse, and started to drive towards Nicole’s flat, hoping to see the officer’s truck in the driveway, but it was not there. Waverly headed back towards the homestead, even though she had promised Wynonna to stop at the supermarket and purchase food for them, now that Wynonna was 7 months pregnant and having eaten all the food in the house. Waverly couldn’t bring herself to think about this at that moment in time as her thoughts were focused on Officer Haught.

Just about half way towards the homestead, Waverly is lost in her thoughts that she doesn’t notice her Jeep making strange noises before it came to a stop on the side of the road. She was stuck in the middle of nowhere. After checking the Jeep’s engine, Waverly tries to start her Jeep, but is unsuccessful. And just when she thought that her day couldn’t get any worse, at that exact moment the heavens opened and started raining heavily.

Waverly says, “Oh, fudge nuggets.”

Sitting in her jeep, and getting rather soaked by the rain, Waverly picks up her phone and realises that her battery had no charge left. Dropping her head into her hands, Waverly starts to cry as thinks that Nicole hated her and was going to break up with her all because of Champ. Hearing another car on the road, causes Waverly to lift her head as she notices coming towards her on the opposite side of the road, was Nicole’s blue truck. Waverly hopes that Nicole will see her and stop to give her a hand.

What Waverly didn’t expect was for Nicole to drive past her and leave her stranded on the side of the road, in her broken-down jeep. This made Waverly even more upset, causing her to bury her face into her hands and sob more. Just when Waverly thought that she would have to walk the rest of the way to the homestead and try and ring Doc, so he could collect her Jeep. Waverly hears a truck pulling up behind her, she pulls herself together, as she wipes her tears from her face and looks in her rear-view mirror. Nicole turned her truck around and pulled up behind Waverly’s Jeep.

Nicole climbs out of her truck and walks towards Waverly side of the jeep and as she approaches the brunette, Nicole asks, “Waverly, are you alright? Why are you sitting in your Jeep on the side of the road in the rain?”

“Nicole, I am so sorry…my jeep broke down….” Waverly says between sobs.

“Waverly, your soaked, if we don’t get you dry, you’ll catch a cold. Let me drive you back to the homestead.” Nicole takes off her jacket and offers it to Waverly to put on, before walking her to the passenger side of the truck. Nicole opens the door for Waverly, as she has always done.

Once they arrive at the homestead, Waverly tells Nicole to change out of her wet clothes, while she collects some trackpants from Wynonna and a button up shirt from Doc, for Nicole to change into. Waverly takes both their clothes and puts them into the clothes dryer to dry, before returning to find Nicole sitting on the couch in the living room.

“I can explain what happened earlier at Shorty’s. I had just finished my shift and was about to take my apron off, when Champ came over and placed his hands on my hips. Before I could say ‘No’, he moved his hands around to my back and untied the apron. Nicole, please don’t break up with me. I’ll do anything.” Waverly pleads with Nicole.

“I don’t know what came over me, Waverly. Seeing his hands on you, made me so angry that I wanted to walk over to him and tell him ‘Hands off my girl.’ Waverly, I know that you are your own person and that who you chose as your True Mate, is for you to decide. I just could stand there and watch, knowing how we feel about each other.” Nicole says as she rubs the hem of the button up through her fingers.

Waverly walks towards Nicole and stands in front of her, before she cups Nicole’s face with her hands, pulling her into a kiss. Nicole kisses Waverly back, before Waverly straddles her lap, placing her thighs either side of Nicole’s. Waverly then places her hands-on Nicole’s shoulders before she started to move them slowly to undo the shirt buttons. Allowing Waverly an uninhibited view of Nicole’s bra covered breasts.

Waverly begins to grind herself against Nicole, causing the Alpha to become very aroused. Waverly feels the bulge in Nicole’s pants, so the brunette moves off Nicole’s lap and kneels between the red head’s legs. Waverly slides her hands up Nicole’s thighs towards the trackpants waistband. Waverly looks directly up into Nicole’s brown eyes and lowers the waistband to free Nicole’s hard cock. Waverly takes note of how big Nicole’s cock is. Waverly licks her lips, just before she moves closer to lick the pre-cum from the tip of Nicole’s cock. Nicole groans and tilts her head back onto the top of the couch, while her hands grips the edge of the cushion beside her.

Waverly works her way along the cock and eventually has all, 12 inches of Nicole’s cock into her mouth. She sucks on the hard cock, as she moved it in and out of her mouth, while her hands cup and massage Nicole’s ball sack. Waverly’s amazed that Nicole’s cock tastes like Vanilla dipped donuts. With every suck and movement in and out of Waverly’s mouth, Nicole begins to feel the pressure building inside her, that her organism is near. Nicole groans as she places her hands onto Waverly’s shoulders and begins to push her away from her cock.

“Waverly, don’t. No like this.” Nicole pulls out of Waverly’s mouth just in time, as she cums on her own chest.

“I thought you’d like that. Don’t you want me anymore, Nicole?” Waverly asks Nicole.

“Waverly, I LOVE YOU! Waverly, all of this could be yours, (Nicole points to herself) all you have to do is say yes.” Nicole eagerly awaits Waverly’s answer.

Waverly knows that her Dad made the promise that she was to be Champ’s future mate, but deep down in her heart she knew that she truly loved Nicole. Waverly knew what she had to do, she had to say YES to Nicole. As Waverly was taking her time thinking, Nicole thought that Waverly’s silence was a sign that the brunette didn’t feel the same. Nicole started to button up her shirt and puts her cock back in her pants, before standing up to walk out of the homestead.

Seeing that Nicole was leaving without hearing her answer, Waverly chases after her and says, “You said all I had to do was to say YES. Nicole, I love you and I choose you, so I am saying YES.” Waverly stands in the middle of the living room as Nicole turns around and they smile at each other. Nicole closes the distance between them as they kiss and embrace each other.

“Nicole, now can you take me to bed and make love to me. I want us to mark each other, because you are my True mate. I love you Nicole.” Waverly wraps her arms around Nicole’s shoulders, as Nicole picks her up bridal style, carrying her up the stairs towards Waverly’s bedroom.