9. Chapter 9

“Nicole, now can you take me to bed and make love to me. I want us to mark each other, because you are my True mate. I love you Nicole.” Waverly wraps her arms around Nicole’s shoulders, as Nicole picks her up bridal style, carrying her up the stairs towards Waverly’s bedroom.

Waverly tenderly ran her fingers through Nicole’s hair, while Nicole walked them up the staircase towards Waverly’s bedroom. When they reached the bedroom door, Waverly reached out and turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. Nicole carried Waverly over the threshold, and it was only when they were inside the room, when Nicole put Waverly safely onto the floor. Nicole then closed the door using her foot before returning all of her attention back towards Waverly.

Waverly and Nicole stood staring into each other’s eyes while they held hands. Nicole took the first steps towards closing the gap between their two bodies, as she raised her right hand and caressed Waverly’s left cheek. The smile on Nicole’s face gave a voice to the joy that she was feeling right at that moment, as she was finally going to make love to the woman, whom she loved. Waverly lent into Nicole’s caress and returned Nicole’s happiness with her own grin.

Waverly placed her hands-on Nicole’s hips and pulled the taller woman closer to her, so that their bodies were now touching. Waverly joined her lips to Nicole’s, and they kissed tenderly at first, but it soon escalated into a more passionate and heated kiss. Nicole starts to unbutton Waverly’s top, revealing a lacy bra that covered two beautiful breasts. Nicole stood and stared at Waverly’s chest and licked her lips before blinking. Waverly starts to undress Nicole and she also was overcome with desire at the sight of Nicole’s breasts.

Nicole and Waverly very quickly rid themselves of their clothes until they were standing before each other naked. Nicole looks directly into Waverly’s eyes, which makes Waverly feel as if Nicole was looking straight into her soul.

“Waverly, are you sure this is what you want?” Nicole asks.

“Yes, Nicole I want to be with you.” Waverly replied before kissing Nicole.

Nicole takes Waverly’s hand and leads her to the bed. Nicole lowers Waverly onto the bed, and then crawls onto the bed after her. Facing each other they smile as they are overjoyed at finally consummating their love.

Nicole begins to kiss her way along Waverly’s jawline and down her neck. Nicole finds Waverly’s skin soft to touch and becomes more turned on as she explores her loves body. Working her way to Waverly’s beautiful firm breasts, Nicole takes her time, kissing and caressing each breast with both her hands and mouth. Waverly lets out a moan, when Nicole takes into her mouth and sucks on a harden nipple. Nicole looks up at Waverly and notices that she has closed her eyes and is panting. Nicole knows that she is doing things right, as Waverly’s moans and groans are a clear indication, that she is experiencing pleasure. Nicole repeats her actions with the Waverly’s other nipple. Nicole also moans as she vocalises her own pleasure from touching Waverly’s naked body.

Nicole kisses her way further down until she is looking directly at Waverly’s pussy. Nicole licks her lips as she takes in the sight and smell of Waverly’s arousal. Nicole looks up and sees desire written all over her lover’s face. Nicole feels her hard cock twitch as she positions herself between Waverly’s spread open legs.

Nicole says, “I am going to use my mouth and tongue, to get you ready for me to make love to you. Is this alright with you Waverly?”

Waverly responses, “Yes, I want to be ready for you. Please use your mouth and tongue on me.”

Nicole looks at Waverly and smiles, “I so much love you Waves.”

Slowly and gently Nicole plants soft kisses to the smooth skin around Waverly’s entrance, then using her tongue, she parts Waverly’s folds and licks gentle strokes up and down her pussy. Nicole tastes and savours the juices which escape from Waverly’s pussy, notices how sweet it tastes. Nicole begins a constant rhythm with her tongue and every now and again, she would suck on Waverly’s clit, which causes her to moan loudly. So much so that Nicole thought Waverly was going to float off the bed, Nicole grabs hold of her lovers’ hips and holds onto her firmly.

“Baby, I am now going to place a finger inside you. It might hurt a little, let me know and I will stop.” Nicole moves back up Waverly’s body, so that they can look each other in the eye.

Nicole wants to make sure that Waverly is comfortable when they finally make love for the first time. Nicole slowly places a finger inside of Waverly’s pussy, Nicole keeps her finger still until she is sure that Waverly is comfortable with her being inside of her. Only when she is sure that Waverly is ready, she then gently moves her finger in and out at a comfortable rhythm.

After using her finger for a while, Nicole then positions her hard cock at the entrance of Waverly’s pussy. Slowly and gently she pushes her cock into Waverly, with each push inside, Nicole would stop, to allow the walls of Waverly’s pussy to adjust to her being inside.

With her free hand Nicole, caresses Waverly’s cheek before leaning in to kiss her. They kiss with passion and when Nicole pulls away, she notices tears running down Waverly’s cheek. Nicole stops pushing herself deeper inside before saying, “Am I hurting you, baby?”

“No, I always dreamed that my first time would be with the person I plan to spend my life with. Nicole, you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life loving and making love to. I love you so much.” Nicole wipes away the tears from Waverly’s cheek.

Nicole says, “Baby, I’m just going to push in further, it might hurt only because I’m going to be stretching you. Remember to breath and know that I love you.”

Nicole pushes her cock deeper inside of Waverly and she loves how it feels to be inside Waverly and making love to her. It’s not long after Nicole starts to thrust in and out of Waverly that the Brunette begins to moan and move her hips to meet each of the thrusts of Nicole. Nicole begins to feel the walls of Waverly’s pussy begin to tighten around her hard cock. Waverly pants become faster and louder. Nicole soon realises these are Waverly’s signs that she is about to climax.

Nicole thrusts faster in and out of Waverly, as she feels her cock going deeper into Waverly’s blossom, and her cock beginning to knot. Waverly lets out a loud moan and says, “Oh, Nicole….” Waverly’s body shakes and her back arches as Nicole holds her and whispers in her ear, “I have you baby. This is what an orgasm feels like.”

That is all it took for Nicole to fall over the edge and climax deep inside of Waverly. Waverly felt the warmth from the sperm filling her womb. Nicole screamed “Wavvveess!”

Waverly held onto Nicole as she started to relax after coming inside of her. Then Waverly caressed Nicole’s cheek and feeling a wetness. She studied Nicole’s face and found that she had been crying. “Oh, my baby, what’s wrong?”

“I never thought that making love would be so wonderful and beautiful. I love you so much Waves.” Nicole says.

“Can we mark each other now?” Waverly asks.

They both smile at each other before kissing and sucking on the other’s pulse point. Nicole was the first to sink her teeth into Waverly’s flesh. Waverly felt pain but instead of screaming, she also sunk her teeth into Nicole’s flesh. Keeping their hold on their bites until they were sure that they had taken.

Hours later Waverly woke from her sleep, feeling as if she had been lying on the warmest, softest and smoothest pillow. When Waverly moved, she soon realised that the pillow she had been sleeping on, moved and she heard it breathing. Waverly smiled as she knew that the pillow was Nicole and that they had fallen asleep after their third round of making love.

“Oh, bum. I forgot to buy food.” Waverly whispered to herself.

“What was that Baby?” Nicole held onto Waverly tightly.

“I promised Wynonna that I would pick up food for the house on the way home, but I forgot. Since that Wynonna is now 7 months, she has been eating everything in the house and we have no food. I can’t even make you something to eat.” Waverly says as she starts to play with Nicole’s hair.

“Why don’t you ring Wynonna and tell her that we will meet her and Doc at Shorty’s for dinner. Then we can pick up some food on the way back to the homestead. That’s if you want me to come back with you?” Nicole asks.

“Of course, Nicole, I don’t think I can spend a night in this bed without you with me.” Waverly continues to twist Nicole’s hair with her fingers.

Nicole and Waverly dress and head into Purgatory in Nicole’s truck after Waverly had phoned Wynonna and planned to meet at Shorty’s.

Waverly takes Nicole’s hand in hers as they walk into Shorty’s and they both noticed Champ at the bar. Nicole looked at Waverly as if to say, ‘Are you sure about this?’ Waverly smiled back at Nicole and pulled the taller woman into a passionate kiss, right there in the presence of everyone in Shorty’s.

Champ saw the kiss, just before he walked over to the pair and said, “Hands off her, you bitch. Waverly is mine.”

Nicole saw red and she moved her body so that she stood between Champ and Waverly. The Alpha in her wanted to protect her Omega, so she made sure that Champ knew that she was not to be messed with. Nicole took hold of Waverly’s hand and moved them past Champ and towards a booth. Once they had taken a seat, Wynonna and Doc arrived and the four set about choosing their meals from the menu.

Half way during their meal, Waverly stood and took herself off to the toilet. Nicole didn’t see Champ follow Waverly, and it wasn’t till Nicole realised that Waverly was taking too long in the toilet. When Nicole approached the toilet, she heard raised voices coming from the women’s bathroom. Nicole rushed in and found Champ standing over a kneeling Waverly. Champ was trying to force Waverly to take his cock into her mouth, as he said, “Your mine and its about time, you started to ….”

Before Champ could finish his sentence, Nicole had knocked him out cold with a single fist punch to the head. She then knelt and held onto a scared Waverly. They held tightly onto each other, as Nicole said, “I’m so sorry baby. I should have realised something was wrong sooner.”

Nicole was able to assist Waverly to stand and then they walked back out to Wynonna and Doc. When Wynonna saw her sister had been crying, she naturally assumed it had something to do with Nicole. But when Nicole informed her about the incident in the bathroom, she took Waverly into her arms and held her. This allowed Nicole to secure the bathroom so that the Police could question Champ about the attempted rape.

Nedley made sure that Champ was locked up in the holding cell and that Waverly was given all the assistance in giving her statement. Nicole then drove them back to the homestead, where she made sure that Waverly was taken care of. When Nicole was finally able to get Waverly to sleep, it was only then that Nicole allowed herself permission to cry. For Nicole it was important for to protect her true mate and she believed that she had let Waverly down. Just then Nicole felt arms wrap around her waist and starting to hold her in a tight embrace.

Waverly sleepily placed a kiss to Nicole’s cheek and whispered, “Nicole Haught, you’re my knight in shining armour.” Hearing this made Nicole feel as though she was bullet proof.