10. Chapter 10

For the next month Waverly and Nicole were inseparable during their spare time. Wynonna was close to giving birth to her and Doc’s baby, and Waverly has been making sure that the homestead was baby proof. Nicole was also looking forward to the birth, as she enjoyed watching Waverly getting so excited about becoming an Auntie.

Since the incident with Champ, Waverly struggled to with being intimate with Nicole and therefore the two lovers withheld themselves from having sex, until Waverly felt that she was ready. Nicole was happy to spend their times together, either cuddling each other in bed or holding the other’s hand.

Champ had been held in custody since the assault, his lawyer had tried to convince him to plead ‘Guilty’ to the charges of Assault and Attempted Rape. Champ being the creep that he was, stuck to his guns and pleaded ‘Not Guilty’. This meant for Waverly and Nicole they would have to appear in court and give evidence of what happened that evening at Shorty’s.

A week before the trial, Champ was visited at the prison by his father, who was not impressed by his son’s actions not only towards a woman, but that he had tried to force Waverly into having sex with him against her will. Mark Hardy looked across the table at his son, who was dressed in an orange jumpsuit and had his hands and feet chained.

“Son, I think it’s about time you started to man up and take responsibility for your actions here.” Mark says.

“Dad, Waverly had been promised to me and when I saw her kissing that female cop, I became angry that Waverly was making a fool of me. So, when she headed towards the toilet, I followed her. I asked her if she had chosen the female cop, and she said yes. That was when I saw that she had been marked on her neck, I had to take what was mine.” Champ said.

“Champ, Waverly was never yours to own. Waverly has kept herself all this time and yet you seem to think that you can screw anything that moves. She had every right to chose Officer Haught as her true mate.” Mark said while seating opposite his son in the visitation room of the prison.

“Dad, they can’t prove that I did anything anyway.” Champ says arrogantly.

“Champ, that’s where your wrong, they have you on surveillance tape. Son, I am so ashamed of you. If you do not change your plea, I will be forced to stop paying for your lawyer. You will be on your own. The decision is up to you. Please do the decent thing and plead ‘Guilty’.” Mark tearfully says to Champ.

Champ for the first time realises that he could not bluff his way out of this mess. Later that day after carefully reconsidering his plea, Champ contacted his lawyer to change his plea to ‘Guilty’.

Later that day Nicole was sitting at her desk when the call came through to Sheriff Nedley. Sheriff Nedley came out of his office and asked Nicole to come inside.

“Officer Haught, I know that you and Waverly are a couple. I think you would be the best person to deliver the news. Champ Hardy has pleaded ‘Guilty’ to all the charges. This means that you and Waverly will not have to testify as there will be no trail. He will be given a sentence at his sentencing date.” Nedley sits back in his chair.

“Thank you, sir, I will let Waverly know.” Nicole says.

“Nicole, you can go home early, so that you can give Waverly the news.” Nedley said, as a teary Nicole begins to stand and then walked out of his office.

Nicole closes the door to Nedley’s office behind her and breaths a sigh of relief, as she begins to take in the reality that both her and Waverly are free from having to face Champ ever again. Nicole walks to her desk and collects her jacket and Stetson hat, before walking out of the station and towards her truck. Nicole had kept herself together up until this point, as she sat in her truck, Nicole allowed herself to cry. After pulling herself together, Nicole drives through the streets of Purgatory, stopping at the local florist to purchase some flowers for Waverly and then at her flat, so that she could feed Calamity Jane. Once Nicole reached the Homestead, she sat in her truck for a couple of minutes, trying to work out how she was going to break the news to Waverly.

Nicole walked into the homestead and was greeted by a smiling Waverly cooking dinner in the kitchen. Nicole walked into the kitchen and placed the flowers onto the table, before walking up behind Waverly and wrapping her arms around the smaller woman’s waist. Waverly leans back into the embrace and turns her head, so that she can give Nicole a kiss. Waverly turns around fully so that she can kiss Nicole properly on the lips.

“I have something to tell you. Champ has pleaded Guilty.” Nicole says as she looks directly at Waverly.

“What does that mean?” Waverly asks as she moves to sit in a chair. Nicole moves with her and they sit next to each other. Holding hands and looking at each other. Waverly is close to tears.

“It means, my Baby that there will not be a trial. He will be sentenced by a Judge. We will not have to see him again.” Nicole says as she rubs small circles on Waverly’s back

Waverly starts to cry and buries her head into Nicole’s chest. Nicole and Waverly hold onto each other as they cry. After a short time, Nicole pulls back from Waverly, she stands and walks over to the stove and turn it off. Waverly looks at Nicole and smiles.

“Nicole, I know that I’ve asked that we wait, but will you take me to bed and make love to me. I miss you and I want to show you how much I love you. You have stood by me through all of this and not left me.” Waverly says as she wraps her arms around Nicole’s neck, while her hands play with the back of Nicole’s hair. Nicole smiles as she snakes her hands down to cup Waverly’s bottom.

Waverly moves back from Nicole and takes one of her hands, then leads Nicole up the stairs towards her bedroom.

Inside Waverly’s bedroom, Nicole places her hands onto Waverly’s hips as she looks directly into her eyes. “Are you sure?”

Waverly kisses Nicole while she started to undo Nicole utility belt and then the button and zipper of her uniform pants. Then Waverly unbuttoned Nicole’s uniform shirt to reveal a sport bra. Then Waverly placed her hands onto Nicole’s chest and pushed her backwards, so that Nicole feel back onto the bed. Waverly then knelt to remove Nicole’s boots, uniform pants and underwear. Then she crawled onto the bed and helped Nicole to remove her shirt and bra, before Nicole helped her out of her clothing.

Once they are completely naked, Nicole starts to kiss her way down Waverly’s neck and then towards her breasts. For Nicole, this was her favourite body part, as Waverly was well developed in this area. Nicole licked around a hardened nipple before she started sucking it. This caused Waverly to moan very loudly, while she ran her fingers through Nicole’s hair. Nicole let go of the nipple in her mouth, she then kissed and licked the other hardened nipple. After Nicole had her way with Waverly’s breasts, she then kissed her way down to Waverly’s pussy. Nicole noticed how aroused her lover was and this spurred Nicole’s own arousal to knot her Omega.

Nicole licked Waverly’s folds before she used her tongue to flick her clit, causing the smaller woman to groan. Waverly started to grind her sex against Nicole’s tongue, “Nicole, I want you to take me.” Waverly asked.

Nicole stopped her actions down below and moved herself, so that she was face to face with Waverly. She took hold of her hard-throbbing cock and lined it up with Waverly’s sex. While kissing Waverly, Nicole entered her and thrusted deep into her lover. Nicole slides a hand down to Waverly’s clit and flicks it with her finger, she keeps this up until she can feel Waverly’s pussy beginning to close around her cock. Nicole knows that Waverly was close to climaxing.

“Nicoooolllee.” Was all that Waverly could say as she came.

Nicole continued to thrust her cock in and out of Waverly, until she could feel Waverly’s bud open, and then she felt herself going deeper inside. That was when she felt her knot forming and it was not long after that she came inside of Waverly. As Nicole was coming down from her climax, she buried her head into the crook of Waverly’s neck. Waverly held strongly to Nicole as they both savoured each other.

Meanwhile Wynonna and Doc had returned to the homestead and heard the moans and groans coming from upstairs. Wynonna said, “Don’t tell me I have to put up with that noise all night. It’s bad enough that this baby is making sleeping uncom…” Wynonna began to say, until she was interrupted by a sharp pain across her back. She grabs onto Doc’s arm just as her waters break right there in the living room of the homestead.

Doc heads upstairs after he had made sure that Wynonna was ok to be left alone for a short moment. Doc knocked on Waverly’s bedroom door and said, “Wynonna’s gone into labour. I’m taking her to the hospital.”

Waverly jumped out of her bed and quickly got dressed and opened the bedroom door, making sure that Doc couldn’t see a naked Nicole in her bed. “We’ll follow you there.” Waverly said.


Hours later, a weary and tired Doc came out of the delivery room and announced that Wynonna had given birth to a baby girl. Wynonna and Doc decided to call the baby Alice Michelle, after their own mothers. Waverly was the first person after Wynonna and Doc to hold the little girl. Nicole watched as Waverly held her niece in her arms and smiled as she envisioned Waverly holding their own child.