11. Chapter 11

Doc and Wynonna spent the next two weeks basking in the joy of becoming parents, before Doc had to return to work at his garage. Wynonna found motherhood a bit of a challenge at first, but with help from Doc, Waverly and Nicole, the new mother was able to find deep within herself, a confidence she knew was there. Alice was the apple of everyone’s eye and was always dotted on by all, even Dolls, when Wynonna or Waverly brought her into the Black Badge office. Dolls would offer to nurse the little girl, and would be heard to coo over her, while he rocked her in his arms. Nicole was even given the status of Aunty and was given the privilege of babysitting duties on her days off.

One day while Nicole and Waverly were babysitting Alice, Waverly leant against the doorframe between the kitchen and the living room. Waverly watched as Nicole sat in the rocking chair that Doc had made specially for nursing Alice. Nicole was looking down at Alice, as she was drinking from a bottle of Wynonna’s expressed breast milk. A smile formed across Waverly’s face as she pictured Nicole feeding their own child. As Waverly became lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear Nicole call to her.

“Waves.” Nicole called while she adjusted Alice from being cradled in her arms, to resting on one of Nicole’s shoulders. Nicole was rubbing small circles on the back of Alice.

“Oh, sorry I was thinking about…what do you need?” Waverly replies.

“Could you grab for me a burping towel.” Nicole asks, while she gently pats Alice on the back. Just then Alice lets out a loud burp, as Waverly walks over with the towel. Just in time, as Alice dripples on Nicole’s shirt. Waverly wipes Alice’s face and then Nicole’s shirt.

“You’re going to make a great mum. I can’t wait till ….” Waverly is interrupted by Nicole as she kisses her.

“Waverly, I can’t wait either. I love you.” Nicole smiles at Waverly, while Alice who is still resting her head on Nicole’s shoulder, starts to fall asleep.

“I’ll take her and put her to bed. Alice takes after Wynonna, when she has a full tummy, she falls asleep.” Waverly says as she gently takes Alice in her arms and waits to make sure that the little girl does not wake before heading towards Wynonna and Doc’s bedroom.

After making sure that Alice is tucked in and is safe in her cot, Waverly heads back out to the living room. She finds that Nicole is not there, so Waverly heads into the kitchen and flicks on the coffee machine. While waiting for the coffee to brew, Waverly looks out the window and thinks how nice it is outside and that her and Nicole should take advance of the warmth. Just then she feels two strong hands wrap around her waist and find their rest on her stomach. Nicole rests her chin on Waverly’s shoulder and says, “Penny for your thoughts.”

“Nicole, I was wondering if you and Calamity Jane…. might like to….um…. move in ……with me?” Waverly asks

“Waves, I’d love to and I’m quite sure Calamity would love to live with you.” Nicole lets go of Waverly so that the brunette could turn around and wrap her arms around Nicole’s neck. Pulling Nicole down closer for a passionate kiss, as Nicole pressed into Waverly’s body, the Omega felt pressed against her groin, her Alpha’s arousal. Knowing that Alice was asleep, and that Wynonna and Doc would not be back for at least two hours, the lovers headed up stairs to Waverly’s bedroom to make love. Nicole knew that Waverly’s heat was due and so she had made sure that she wore protection, when they had sex. Both women wanted to have pups, but just not right that moment.

A month later Nicole and Calamity Jane move into the homestead, at first it took Doc some getting use to having another female in the house. Although he enjoyed having another pair of hands to help with looking after Alice, when either he or Wynonna had to attend to things in town.

Wynonna was worried at first about having Calamity Jane living at the homestead, but her fears were relieved one day, when the feline alerted her to baby Alice being distressed. Wynonna had taken the chance to put Alice’s freshly washed clothes out onto the clothesline, while Alice slept. While outside Wynonna heard Calamity Jane, give a dreadful meow from within the house. She ran inside the homestead and towards her bedroom, where Alice’s cot was located. Calamity Jane was sitting on the floor beside the cot. Wynonna heard Alice crying before she saw her daughter with her leg stuck in between cot rails. After freeing her daughter and checking her over, Wynonna drove her into the hospital, so that a Doctor could check her over. Alice was given the ok, with a slight bruise on her leg, Wynonna and Doc when they arrived home that evening, Doc made sure that cot rails where covered, so that this could not happen again. Since then Calamity Jane could sleep in Doc and Wynonna’s room and she could always be found close by, wherever Alice was.

While Wynonna was looking after Alice, Waverly on the other hand was busy working in at Black Badge helping Dolls with listening to and scribing the surveillance tapes from the trailer park. Dolls wanted all the information that he could get on Bobo and his deals, so that he could arrest Bobo with enough evidence to put him away for life.

It was on one of these days when Waverly was listening to the tapes, when she heard her sister Willa’s voice. Willa was talking to Bobo about a shipment which was due to arrive at the trailer park in four months’ time. This shipment was going to be so large that Bobo was going to need to employ some more help with the transferring of the weapons.

“My sources have told me that Wynonna had a baby girl. I believe she called the little one, Alice. Maybe we should pay a visit and met your Niece?” Bobo says to Willa.

“Why would I do that?” An unimpressed Willa replied.

“I just thought that you might like to see the child. You know that I want a baby of our own, I don’t understand why you won’t give me your pups? Willa.” Bobo says pleading with Willa.

“You know why. Ever since my Mum and Dad brought home that baby, they called Waverly, I couldn’t stand to be around her. I wished that when I threw her stuffed bunny onto the ice and she fell through the thin ice, that you were not there to pull her out. If she had not come into our life, Mum would not have died, and Dad then would not have raped me.” Willa yelled at Bobo.

“Willa, what does Waverly got to do with us having pups?” Bobo asks.

“When Waverly arrived, it meant that it was no longer me and Wynonna. I hate Waverly and I bet that Wynonna’s baby will look just like Waverly. I hate her for ruining my life. I don’t want to speak about this anymore, never bring it up again. Do you hear me Bobo?”

“Yes, Willa.” Bobo says.

Waverly throws the headphones she had been wearing onto the table, before she realised that tears were running down her cheeks. Waverly’s heart starts to beat faster than usual, her hands tremble as she tries to hold her phone to call Nicole. Before she can stop herself, she draws her knees up so that she can wrap her arms around her legs. Dolls at the time was out collecting them some coffee, when he came through the door of the Black Badge office, he found Waverly with her arms wrapped around her legs and rocking back and forth. When Dolls tried to get Waverly to talk, she was unable to speak, all she could do was cry. Agent Dolls knew that Waverly needed Nicole and that when he had walked past the bullpen, Officer Haught was out on patrol.

Agent Dolls raced across the hallway into the bullpen and sort out Sheriff Nedley. He informed Nedley of the situation and asked that Officer Haught be called back to the station, as it was an emergency. Officer Haught was ordered to return to the station as there was an emergency that she needed to attend to urgently. Agent Dolls was able to carry Waverly into Sheriff Nedley’s office and sit her on the couch. It was not that long before Nicole came running through the front doors of the station, with a distressed look on her face, as she wondered as to the nature of the emergency she was being called back for.

Nedley directed Nicole to his office, and when she saw a very distressed and heartbroken Waverly curled up on Nedley’s couch. Nicole knew in her heart that right there and then, that she wanted to be protect Waverly for the rest of her life. Within seconds of seeing Waverly, Nicole was kneeling before the brunette and wrapped her in a strong embrace. Waverly feel into Nicole’s arms and cried.

“Shhh, baby. I have you now.” Nicole strokes Waverly hair as she holds her tight.

Nicole lets Waverly talk and as she listens, Nicole does not move from her position on the floor before her lover. Nicole wipes the tears that stream down Waverly’s cheeks. “Waves, I love you. I am so thankful that you were born, because I never would have known what true love was, if I had not met you. Waverly, will you marry me?” Nicole places a kiss to Waverly’s hand.

“Yes, Nicole you always make me feel safe and loved. I want to marry you and have your pups.” Waverly leans in and kisses Nicole. Nicole stands and holds out her hand to Waverly, who takes it and lets Nicole to lead her out of the office. As they walk back over to the Black Badge office, Nicole stands behind Waverly, while resting a hand on the brunette’s lower back. Leaning down to place a peck on Waverly’s cheek, while she opens the door to the office.

“Let’s get your handbag and head home. How about we stop by the Chinese and pick up dinner? Then a nice soak in a bubble bath before we have an early night.” Nicole suggests.

“Nicole, I love you so much. We need to stop and pick up some more peanut butter for my sweet and sour soup, my fiancée. I like saying that.” Waverly grabs her handbag and swings it over her shoulder and then turning to take Nicole’s hand in hers.

“I love hearing you say it, but I can’t wait till I can call you my wife. Come on we had better go. We have some wedding planning to start on.” Nicole winks at Waverly.

The newly engaged couple walk out to Waverly’s jeep and head towards the local Chinese take away to purchase dinner and then at the supermarket to purchase some peanut butter for Waverly and Ice cream for Wynonna.