12. Chapter 12

For the past two months Waverly has been in her element as she spent her spare time planning with Nicole their upcoming wedding, after working for Black Badge during the day. Nicole and Waverly decided they did not want a lavish wedding, just their closet friends and family to share their day with them. Nicole wanted to spend their money on taking Waverly on a two-week Honeymoon to Brazil, where the Brunette could swim in the ocean for the first time. Wynonna suggested that they should have the ceremony and reception at the homestead and have Shorty’s cater the food. Waverly and Nicole loved the idea and soon Waverly was making designs as to how she wanted the barn to be decorated for the day. Before they knew it, Waverly almost had everything organised, the only things to be chosen were their outfits for the day.

One day while searching through old trunks in the attic, Waverly came across her mother’s wedding dress along with their parent’s wedding album. As Waverly sat down and looked through the album, she had forgotten how beautiful her mother was. Waverly then decided to try on her mother’s dress, Waverly decided that she had found the perfect dress for her Wedding. All that she had to do now was chose the bridesmaid and flower girl dresses. Waverly wanted Wynonna to be her Maid of Honour, and even though Alice was too young, Waverly still wanted her to be their flower girl.

Nicole had not spoken to her parents since she entered the Academy, as they didn’t think that this was the right career path for her to take. So, when Nicole had announced that she had been accepted into the Academy, her parents gave her a choice, it was them or her dream of becoming a cop. Naturally Nicole chose her dream as her relationship with her parents had not always been the best. Nicole invited her only friend from outside of Purgatory, her best friend. Samuel Jones. Samuel and Nicole had been friends during their time at the Academy and had remained friends ever since. Samuel was now married with a son of his own.

A week before the wedding, Samuel and his young family arrived in Purgatory, after checking in to their accommodation for the week. Nicole and Waverly had organised for them to come out to the homestead for a campfire and dinner. Doc and Dolls helped to set up the campfire, while Waverly and Wynonna set about preparing the food and drinks for the night. Nicole arrived at the homestead with the Jones in tow. Samuel Jones climbed out of the car and then helped his 6-month pregnant wife Gloria out of the car. Then he unclipped his son John from his car seat. As soon as John saw his Aunty Nicole, he ran straight to her and clung to her leg. “Aunty Nic.” John says.

“Hey, there partner.” Nicole leans down and picks the little blonde hair boy up in her arms and gives him a hug.

“Bang, Bang.” John points his fingers in a pistol pose and aims them at Nicole. Nicole then fakes being shot in the heart, John then laughs.

Nicole walks into the homestead holding John in her arms, Samuel and Gloria follow behind. Nicole calls out, ‘Hi Baby.” As she catches sight of Waverly standing in the kitchen.

Waverly turns around and is caught off guard at the sight of Nicole holding a young boy in her arms. John has red hair like his Aunty and Waverly begins to picture Nicole holding their own child. Waverly knows that if their pups ever look anything like their Mum Nicole, then she is never going to be able to resist them.

“Hi Sweetie, and who is this fine young man?” Waverly quickly asks.

“This is little man is John and his parents, my best friend Samuel and his wife Gloria. John, Samuel and Gloria, this beautiful woman here is my fiancée Waverly. And her sister Wynonna and her daughter Alice.” Nicole says as she places John onto a seat next to Alice, who is sitting in a highchair playing with her Policewoman teddy bear.

After dinner everyone moves outside to sit around the campfire, Wynonna takes the chance to ask Samuel to spill the beans on Nicole. “So, Samuel, any embarrassing stories about Haught pants, that you’d care to share with us?” Wynonna takes a sip of her whiskey, while Doc holds a sleeping Alice.

“Well there are so many, it’s hard to know as to which ones to share?” Samuel says as he looks at Nicole. Nicole has her arms wrapped around Waverly as she sits across Nicole’s lap.

“On the night of our Graduation from the Academy, a group of us decided to go out drinking and hit some clubs. At some point during the night, we ended up in this strip club and that was when I first discovered that our favourite Red head, here, liked women. Nicole could not keep her eyes off this one stripper, whose breasts were the size of kegs. (Samuel gests with his hands, the size of the woman’s breasts).” Samuel explains.

At hearing this Waverly starts to get up from Nicole’s lap, as she starts to feel both jealous and self-conscious that she didn’t possess large breasts. Nicole quickly tightens her hold around Waverly and pulls her closer to her body. Nicole uses a finger to turn Waverly’s face so that she can looks directly into Waverly’s eyes.

“Baby, you’ve got nothing to worry about. I only have eyes for you. The first time I saw you in Shorty’s, was the moment I stopped looking at other women. Baby, I love you. (Nicole then leans closer, so that she can whisper in Waverly’s ear) Everything that turns me on is right here in my arms. Besides I love your breasts a whole lot better than anyone else’s.” Nicole nuzzles her nose against Waverly’s mark on her neck, before placing a kiss to the spot. Waverly leans into Nicole’s body, feeling Nicole’s hard cock pressing into her thigh and looks directly into Nicole’s eyes.

Waverly then replies, “I had better not find you looking at another woman, because you’ll find yourself sleeping on the couch.” Waverly then whispers into Nicole’s ear, “Why don’t you show me how much you love my breasts!” Waverly slowly stands up from Nicole’s lap and walks towards the homestead, looking over her shoulder she makes sure that Nicole is following her.

Heading upstairs Waverly leads Nicole into their bedroom, once shutting the door behind them, Waverly pushes Nicole up against the door. Looking into Nicole’s eyes, Waverly sees her fiancée’s desire burning for the brunette. Waverly quickly frees Nicole’s hard cock from her jeans, as she lowers herself onto her knees. Taking a hold of the hard member in her hands, Waverly licks her lips as she looks up at Nicole, she smiles before placing the cock into her mouth. Waverly moves Nicole’s cock in and out of her mouth, until Nicole groans, “Baby, I’m going to cum.” Waverly sucks all of Nicole’s cum before getting up off her knees.

For the rest of the night, Nicole shows Waverly how much she really loves her and her breasts. Nicole makes sure that Waverly has multiple orgasms that night. They both get very little sleep that night.

Two nights before the wedding, the small group of Nicole, Waverly, Wynonna, Doc, Samuel and Gloria (Dolls offered to babysit Alice and John), head off towards Pussy Willows. Nicole told Waverly that no matter how drunk she would get, she would not look at another woman, only Waverly. Wynonna had fun with a very drunk Nicole, as she kept trying to get Nicole to watch the different strippers on the stage. Even though she was beyond standing drunk, Nicole continued to keep her back turned to the stage.

The next morning was to become a painful experience for both Nicole and Waverly as they had to deal with Wedding preparations along with a painful hangover. The barn at the homestead needed to be transformed to accommodate their guests for both the ceremony and reception. By the end of the day, the barn represented everything Waverly had envisioned for their Wedding. There were fairy lights hanging all around the inside of the walls of the barn, peach coloured roses attached to the ends of white fold up chairs. Where Nicole and Waverly would stand to exchange their vows, was an arch which was covered in the same peach coloured roses. Towards the back of the barn, were the long tables for where the Wedding party and their guests will sit for the reception. Waverly knew that Nicole loves her meat, so a spit had been organised for their meal, along with some Vegan choices for Waverly.

When it came time for everyone to head off to bed that night, Wynonna insisted that Waverly join her and Alice, while Nicole was sent to stay with her friend Samuel and his family in town. Waverly was not happy with this and found it hard to let Nicole leave the homestead. As she was giving Nicole a final kiss, Waverly tries to handcuff herself to the red head.

Wynonna was not having any of this, “Waverly, uncuff yourself from your favourite Haught rod and get inside NOW.” To make sure that both Waverly and Nicole took her seriously, Wynonna stood next to the lovers, holding Peacemaker in her hands. Waverly unlocks the handcuffs and clings to Nicole.

“I just won’t be able to sleep without my bonus blanket.” Waverly says as she pouts.

“I know, Baby, I’ll ring when I get into town and we can talk until we fall asleep. I love you Waverly Earp and I can’t wait to call you my wife.” Nicole says before leaning in for one more kiss.

The next day came all to slowly for Waverly and Nicole, as they both found it hard to fall asleep without being next to the other. Wynonna woke a very tired Waverly and hurried the Bride to be, downstairs so that they could start the day. Doc had prepared breakfast for them all and took responsibility of Alice, as he knew that Wynonna would be preoccupied with chasing after Waverly.

Nicole woke up to a small hand being placed on her face and then having one of her eyes being pried open. John had climbed onto Nicole’s makeshift bed and was trying to get her up so that she could play with him. Nicole opened her eyes and smiled at the young boy.

“Hi, there partner.” Nicole grabbed John and wrestled with him as she tickled him, causing him to squeal with laughter. They were interrupted by Gloria who quickly told the pair to get up and have some breakfast.

Both Nicole and Waverly went about getting ready for their big day and before they knew it, the time had come for them to get married. Nicole travelled to the homestead with Samuel, Gloria and John.

Nicole, Samuel and John took their place under the arch and waited for the ceremony to start. Nicole checked with the Celebrant the order of the service. Samuel then made sure that Nicole was looking neat and tidy in her white shirt and black suit. Nicole had in her lapel a peach coloured Rose. John was cute as he was dressed in a black suit which matched Nicole’s and Samuel’s. Nicole had chosen John to be their ring bearer.

Waverly stood holding onto Doc’s arm and they watched as Wynonna walked down the aisle carrying Alice in her arms. Alice and Wynonna wore identical peach coloured dresses. Waverly was wearing her mother’s wedding dress, although she had made alterations to the waist, so that she could show off her hips. Doc wore a matching peach shirt with a black suit. As the wedding match began, Nicole turned around to see Waverly walking towards her and found that the sight of Waverly dressed in a white dress and peach coloured rose crown in her hair, caused Nicole to hold her breathe.

Samuel nudges Nicole, reminding his best friend to breathe, while they waited for Doc to walk Waverly to Nicole. Nicole takes Waverly’s hand and they turn to face the Celebrant.

“Friends and Family, we are here to help Nicole and Waverly to declare their love for each other and to enter into the institution of Marriage.” The Celebrant continues their speech about how marriage is not to be entered lightly. Nicole and Waverly exchange their vows and rings, and then the Celebrant announced that they were now legally ‘Wife and Wife’. Nicole smiled as she leant into Waverly and passionately kissed her bride.

Everyone had a wonderful time as they all enjoyed the food and the free-flowing alcohol. Nicole stood back and watched as Waverly who was now wearing Nicole’s jacket as she told Nicole, “I’m cold.” Nicole caved in and placed it over Waverly’s shoulders, as Nicole was unable to resist Waverly’s pout. Waverly was mingling amongst the guests, when Wynonna approached Nicole, “So Haught stuff, now that we’re family, this means more drinking sessions. Just make sure that when you and Waves decide to expand your little family, give me and Doc the heads up. That way we can make sure to stay away from the homestead and all the noise you two will be making.” Wynonna nudges Nicole in the ribs as she winks at the red head.

Wynonna looks over at Waverly, who is currently holding a 4 ½ month old Alice in her arms and tells Nicole, “I think you’ll be trying very soon, by the look on Waverly’s face.” Nicole grins as she admires her wife. Nicole and Waverly had already discussed that they wanted to try for pups, the next time Waverly was in heat, which was due in a months’ time.