13. Chapter 13

Nicole and Waverly returned from their honeymoon with a spring in their steps, as they were keen to start their married life. Waverly quickly wrapped Alice in her arms when she walked into the homestead. Even though they had only been away from the little girl for two weeks, Waverly was surprised as to how much Alice had grown in their absence.

“Look at how big you’ve gotten, Alice. What is your mummy feeding you?” Waverly says as she bounces Alice on her lap, while she sits at the kitchen table.

“Alice only gets what comes out of my breasts. I hope you are not suggesting anything else.” Wynonna snaps back, as she waits for the kettle to boil. Waverly looks at her sister and says, “I didn’t mean anything Wynonna, it’s just that Alice has grown so much in two weeks.”

“I’m sorry for snapping, it’s just that Doc wants to have more pups and I’m not sure if I want any more. Doc keeps bringing it up and while you were away, we had a big fight. We made up but I’m still not sure.” Wynonna places two cups of coffee on the table, before sitting down.

A couple of weeks later, one morning Nicole stirred very early and found that she couldn’t move. She remembers that the night before she sensed Waverly’s heat was approaching and they would be starting to try to conceive their own pups. As Nicole looked down at her chest, she notices that Waverly is lying on top of her and clinging to Nicole with a vice tight grip around her ribs. Nicole smiles as she sniffed Waverly’s scent and smelt her heat. Waverly starts to stir from her sleep.

Waverly groans as she starts to grind her hips against Nicole’s groin. Nicole kisses the top of Waverly’s head before saying, “Morning Baby, did you sleep well?” She wraps her arms around Waverly’s back and pulls her closer to her body.

Waverly sits up and looks down at Nicole and smiles, “Morning Sweetie.” Waverly continues to grind herself against Nicole, causing her cock to harden. “Mmmmm, it seems that your heat has arrived early. And you look as though you’re ready to start making pups.” Nicole smirks as she slides her hand down the front of Waverly’s undies, and feeling her arousal.

Waverly groans in pleasure at the feel of Nicole touching her sex. Waverly removes her night shirt to reveal erect nipples and succulent breasts. Nicole removes her hand from between Waverly’s legs and up to gently hold her breasts. Nicole starts to massage each breast before using her thumbs to caress the erect nipples. Waverly stands up on the bed and pulls down her night shorts and undies. Nicole sits up and pulls Waverly’s body towards her face. Using her tongue Nicole spreads Waverly’s lips and laps up each juicy drop of arousal she can. Nicole uses a thumb to rub Waverly’s clit, which she ascertains is bringing her wife much pleasure, from how Waverly pushes her head deeper between her legs.

Nicole pulls back and looks at her wife standing above her, while she pulls her own shirt and shorts off. Once she has freed her harden cock from its prison, it springs free and ready for action. Waverly begins to lower self onto the bed, so that she can lie on her back, but Nicole stops her.

“Waves, I want you on top. I love watching how beautiful you look when you’re on top and how your body reacts when you cum.” Nicole says, as she takes Waverly’s hand. Nicole pulls Waverly into a passionate kiss. Waverly positions herself so that she takes Nicole’s cock into her hands, as she guides it into her sex. As Waverly begins to ride Nicole, like she is riding a horse, Nicole uses her fingers to flick Waverly’s clit, bringing the brunette to her climax.

“Nicole, I’m Cumming.” Waverly screams out as she runs her hands over Nicole’s breasts. Waverly collapses into Nicole’s chest, as Nicole holds her tight and says, “Its ok Baby, I have you.”

Nicole thrusts her cock deeper into Waverly, as she feels her cock knotting and that means, her own climax was not that far away. With a couple more thrusts into Waverly, Nicole released her cum deep into Waverly’s womb. Nicole groaned as feels her cum shooting out her cock. Waverly holds tight onto Nicole as they shared kisses and words of love.

Just then their bedroom door swings open and a frantic Wynonna comes rushing in, “Baby girl, Haught pants, are you alright? Oh, I’m sorry.” Waverly and Nicole grab their bedcovers to give themselves some privacy. “WYNONNA, have you ever thought to knock.” Waverly screams at Wynonna.

Wynonna quickly leaves and closes the door behind her. Waverly looks back at Nicole, who is smirking. “Baby, I think it’s about time we made that appointment to meet up with an Architect. That way we can get our house started and not have to worry about having Wynonna interrupting us.” Nicole says.

“Nicole, I have had our dream home planned, ever since we declared our love for one another. Although I know exactly the location for our home to be built. Down by the creek on the homestead, it has the best view and it’ll be far away from Wynonna. I’ll set up that appointment for next week. I’ll draw up what I envision for our home, I want your input. But for the moment, we have other more important things to do.” Waverly says as she wiggles her eyebrows at Nicole with a smile on her face.


Later that day, Nicole sits at her desk at the station, working through a pile of paperwork. She closes her eyes and smiles because she smells the aroma coming from the love of her life before the front door to the station opens. Waverly arrives in the station with Wynonna and baby Alice in tow. Waverly makes sure to stop and give Nicole her morning coffee and kiss, before heading into the Black Badge office. Nicole finds it hard to focus on her work for the rest of the day, knowing that her Omega is only just across the hallway. Waverly’s heat is also influencing her cock, as it seems to have a mind of its own.

Sheriff Nedley heads out at 3pm for Happy Hour at Shorty’s, leaving the station in the capable hands of Nicole, Sam and Lonnie for the afternoon. Nicole is just about to finish her shift for the day and is sitting at the front desk. Waverly walks out of Black Badge’s office and storms around the front desk and towards Nedley’s office.

Nicole looks up and calls to Waverly, “Waves.”

Once inside Nedley’s office, Waverly starts to close all the blinds so that no one can see inside. Nicole follows Waverly inside the office. “What’s your problem?” Without warning Waverly pushes past Nicole to close and lock the office door. Waverly cups Nicole’s face with both her hands and captures her lips with her own. Waverly forcing them to fall back onto Nedley’s couch as they kiss.

Leaning back to gather her breath, Nicole looks into Waverly’s lust filled eyes. Waverly desperately begins to unbuckle Nicole’s belt and then her Khakis’. “Baby, I just can’t wait any longer. I want you here and now. I want to make pups with you.” Waverly lies on top of Nicole, as they kiss, Nicole take the moment to change their positions. Nicole is now lying on top of Waverly and lifting her skirt so that she can remove her underwear. For the next hour they make love on Nedley’s couch.

After making sure that the office looks the way Nedley had left it, Nicole and Waverly exit the office. Nicole had the next two days off from working at the station, and the two spend the time making love and getting Waverly pregnant.


Meanwhile Wynonna and Dolls were working on setting up a plan for bringing down Bobo and Willa’s illegal dealings. The sting was set to be carried out in the next month, with the assistance from Nicole, Waverly, Wynonna, Dolls and Doc. Armed with the information Waverly has been able to transpose from the surveillance tapes, Dolls and Wynonna had a clear idea as to how their plan was to be carried out. All they had now was wait and get their equipment organised.