14. Chapter 14

Weeks have past and the time to put the plan into action for the bringing down of Bobo and Willa is quickly approaching the Black Badge team. Waverly has also been busy marking out on a map of the trailer park, all the exits and vantage points for all the rest of the team. During the raid, Waverly will look after taking photos of the various activities occurring on the day, especially the handing over of the shipment of weapons. Once the team gets the go ahead from Waverly that the shipment has changed hands, then the rest of the team is to swoop in and arrest Bobo and Willa. Knowing that they had evidence to show that they had caught the pair red handed.

Wynonna and Doc were concerned that maybe that Bobo and Willa might harm Alice if they ever got wind of the plan, so the worried parents made a hard choice and decided to send Alice to stay with Wynonna and Waverly’s Aunt Gus for the week leading up to the raid. Gus had helped to raise Wynonna and Waverly after their father had died. Now that both girls were all grown and married, Gus had moved to Calvary to live. Wynonna arranged with Gus for Alice to stay with her.

Waverly on the other hand has been quite agitated and quick to snap at Nicole during the last couple of days. Nicole on the other hand has been the opposite and ever so loving and understanding of Waverly’s moods. Nicole understands that the love of her life and true mate, is anxious about the upcoming raid and how she is going to feel about having to face Willa on the day.

Another reason why Nicole was being the ever-understanding wife and lover, she knew that they had been trying for pups and Waverly’s short fuse could also be a sign of her being pregnant. Waverly and Nicole have also been busy meeting with an Architect, to create plans for their home, which was to be built on the homestead land. Waverly specifically asked for eight bedrooms and for the home to be single storey, as she said, ‘I don’t want to have to carry our young pup’s up and down stairs, while being pregnant.’ All that Nicole asked for to be included in their home was a fireplace in their bedroom. So that they can lie on a woollen rug and make love by the light of the fire.

The night before the raid Waverly and Nicole are making out on their bed at the homestead, and when Nicole gently brushes her hand against Waverly’s breasts, the brunette winces. Nicole pulls back and looks directly into Waverly’s eyes before saying, “Baby, did I hurt you?”

“No, my breasts must be sore after all the defensive training, Dolls has been having me and Wynonna doing.” Waverly says, as she pulls Nicole back into her arms and towards her lips.

After some time of kissing and caressing each other’s bodies, Nicole suggests to Waverly, “Waves, go and start us a bath, I’ll go and feed Calamity Jane and then bring us both a glass of wine.”

Nicole climbs off the bed and heads on down to the kitchen, where she opens the cupboard in which Calamity Jane’s cat food is kept. Upon hearing the rattle of her food, Calamity Jane comes out of Wynonna and Doc’s bedroom. “Meow” is all the sound that Calamity Jane makes as she rubs herself against Nicole’s leg. Bending down Nicole scratches the top of Calamity’s head, as she pours the cat food into the bowl on the floor of the kitchen. Nicole smiles as she watches the food being consumed as quick as possible. Calamity Jane wanders off back to the warmth of Wynonna’s bed.

“You traitor!” Nicole smirks as she picks out of the cupboard, two wine glasses and a bottle of white. Nicole hears romantic music coming from the upstairs bathroom. The thought of a naked and aroused Waverly lying in a bubble bath, causes Nicole’s cock to stir in her pants. Nicole quickly bounds up the stairs, taking two steps at a time, as she hurries to get to Waverly. As Nicole opens the door to the bathroom, she sees that Waverly has lit several candles, which provide a romantic atmosphere. Waverly lies naked in a bubble bath, as she notices Nicole standing admiring her wife, Waverly smiles and extends a hand to Nicole, inviting her to change out of her clothes and climb into the bath.

Nicole places the wine glasses and bottle of wine next to the bath, she pours them both a glass each and hands one to Waverly. Nicole removes her clothes as she looked at Waverly, who was admiring her wife’s huge boner. Waverly wiggles her finger at Nicole to beacon her to come and join her in the bath. Nicole climbs into the bath and slides in behind Waverly, Nicole wraps her arms around Waverly’s waist and pulls her into her chest. as they slip their wine and enjoy just being alone and in each other’s arms. Nicole kisses Waverly’s mating mark on her shoulder, before sniffing Waverly’s scent.

“Baby, do you think that maybe the reason your breasts are tender, could be because you might be pregnant with our pups? You know that we could do the test tonight, seeing that we have one of those home pregnancy tests in the cupboard.” Nicole nervously asks.

“Nicole, I so much want to know if I am carrying our pups, but I know you. You won’t let me go tomorrow on the raid, if we know that I am pregnant. Why don’t we do the test after the raid tomorrow? That way we can celebrate without having to worry about tomorrow. Nicole I so much want to be carrying our pups.” Waverly turns around in the bath to look into Nicole’s eyes, before kissing her wife. Waverly raises herself so that she can straddle Nicole’s lap and hopefully ride her cock.

“Waves, lets go to bed, and let me show you how much I love you.” Nicole presses her forehead against Waverly’s. Nicole stands and steps out of the bath, she wraps a towel around her body, before she extends a handout to Waverly. Nicole helps Waverly to climb out the bath and into the towel, which Nicole wraps her wife up in, then leads them into their bedroom. That night Nicole and Waverly make love before making sure that they get a good night’s rest, as they have a big day ahead of them.


The morning arrives sooner than they all wanted. Wynonna and Waverly were full of nerves, not that you notice from the way they set about making sure that all the equipment is ready to go. Dolls had the vans all loaded up with weapons and ammunition to last them all into the next year. Doc and Wynonna were going over the trailer park map, that Waverly had clearly labelled all the different trailers and possible escape routes, which Bobo or Willa might take. Waverly paces in the Black Badge Office, making sure that she has packed all the equipment that she was going to need. Nicole watches as Waverly has repacked her backpack for the seventh time. Nicole had already tried to stop Waverly, but after being given the look of ‘I know what I am doing’ from Waverly, Nicole decided to step back and wait for her wife to eventually calm down.

The team loads themselves into the Black Badge van and head out to the trailer park. Dolls stops the van just outside the perimeter of the trailer park, so that they would not be detected by Bobo and his men. Nicole and Waverly follow them in Nicole’s cruiser, when they arrive before they get out of the vehicle, Nicole reaches over the console and kisses Waverly passionately. Before Waverly climbs out of the cruiser, she looks straight into Nicole’s eyes and says, “I love you so much. Take care now.” Nicole replies, “I love you too Waves. You take care, I don’t want anything to happen to you or our possible pups.”

Waverly had taken off towards her spot-on top of a trailer, so that she could take photos of the trade of weapons. While she heads off, Waverly does not realise that she is being followed. Before she can reach her destination, a hand comes around from behind her and covers her face and a knife is pressed to her throat. Waverly tries to wrangle her way out of the grip of her capture, but she remembers that she may be pregnant, and she does not want to harm her unborn pups.

Bobo makes the trade and the team swoop in to capture him red handed. As Dolls and Wynonna pull their weapons onto Bobo, while Nicole and Doc stand waiting for the go ahead to hand cuff Bobo and Willa. The only problem was that Willa was no where to be seen and the team were starting to get worried, as they also have not been able to contact Waverly, since she had left Nicole.

Just as the team started to get worried, Willa appears from behind the trailer that the team and Bobo are standing in front of. The only thing is that she is not alone, Willa has a knife pressed against Waverly’s throat. Nicole screams, “WAVERLY.” Wynonna rushes towards Willa, when she is stopped by Doc. Doc wraps his arm around Wynonna’s waist and pulls her back.

Willa says, “Now that’s no way to treat my husband, sis. Step any closer and our little sister will get it.” Willa presses the knife closer to Waverly’s throat, causing a slight cut, blood dribbles down Waverly’s throat. Nicole screams, “WILLA, DON’T.”

“Now let me and my husband go without any hassle, or pretty Waverly get it.” Willa says.

“You know sis, I can’t let Bobo go, but we won’t take you in, if you let Waves go.” Wynonna pleads with Willa.

Willa stares at Wynonna and the rest of the team, while tightening her grip on Waverly. Willa then pushes Waverly into a nearby truck and forces her to drive. With Willa pressing the knife now against her side, Waverly starts the truck and drives towards the trailer park exit. Doc and Nicole run towards her cruiser and follow the truck from a safe distance.

As Waverly drives, she tries to talk Willa into letting her pull the truck over and handing herself over to Black Badge. “You don’t think that I am that stupid. You have always been the one that everyone loved, while I was the one that our Daddy used as his own sex toy after Mama died. I hate you so much. I should kill you right here and now.” Willa starts to press the knife into Waverly’s skin, causing the brunette to swerve the steering wheel.

Nicole and Doc were following the truck when they watch in horror as the truck starts to swerve across the road. The next thing that they see is the truck flipping repeatedly. The truck rolls over the side of a small cliff and lands on its roof. The cruiser pulls to a halt with Nicole rushing out to make sure that Waverly is safe. But when she reaches the truck, she finds Waverly has been thrown from the truck and unresponsive. Willa on the other hand was dead and stuck inside the truck, which quickly catches alight.

Nicole pulls Waverly clear of the truck, so that she can try and assess Waverly’s injuries. Nicole asks Doc to call for an ambulance and to ring Wynonna, to let her know that Waverly was injured, and Willa is dead.

Wynonna receives the call from Doc, when she and Dolls are about to help Bobo into the van. She takes pleasure in tell him that Willa was dead. When he heard the news, Bobo kicked Dolls in the head, knocking him out cold before running off into the trailer park. Wynonna tries to chase after him, but she loses him quickly. She decides that they can find him later, what mattered now was Waverly.


At the hospital Nicole sits in the waiting room. She sits staring into space, with Waverly’s blood on her clothes. Wynonna quietly walks over and sits by her sister in law, she wraps her arms around the red head. Nicole breaks down in Wynonna’s arms, “I can’t live without her.” is all that Nicole could say.

“Our baby girl is a tough one, she’ll make it through.” Wynonna tearfully says as she holds Nicole in her arms.

Meanwhile further down the hallway in the Emergency Department, the doctors and nurses are working on Waverly. The medical team are assessing her injuries and determine that they need to get an ultrasound and bloods to make sure that she is not bleeding out internally.

“Mrs Waverly Earp Haught.” says the Doctor.

“Yes, that’s me, she is my wife.” Nicole looks up at the Doctor, who’s scrubs are covered in blood.

“I am happy to say that your wife is stable and has not lost the pups. She lost some blood, but she will be fine, she is in ICU for the moment. When she wakes, we will move her onto the ward. I’ll have the nurse take you to her.” The Doctor starts to leave but Nicole stops him.

“Wait you said ‘pups’, how many are there?” Nicole holds her hand out to shake the Doctor’s hand.

“The blood test just shows that your wife is pregnant, it is too early to tell how many. Congratulations.” Nicole blinks as the news that they are going to be parents starts to sink in. She will have to break the news to Waverly, not the way they hoped to find out the news. What was important is that Waverly and their pups were safe and well. Nicole follows the nurse towards Waverly’s bedside in the hospital’s ICU. She sits in the chair and takes hold of Waverly’s hand; Waverly is attached to machines which show her vitals on their screens. Nicole kisses the back of Waverly’s hand, “I love you Waverly Earp Haught, and we are going to be parents. I just need you to wake up.” Nicole rests her head on Waverly’s belly and closes her eyes.