16. Chapter 16

Standing at the door to the ICU is Waverly’s Doctors, Dr Green and Shae they watch the displays of affection between Waverly and Nicole. They decide to wait a while before entering the ward, allowing Nicole and Waverly some privacy.

Nicole and Waverly look into each other’s eyes and for a moment, they forget that they are surrounded by the medical equipment within the ICU ward. Waverly caresses Nicole’s tear stained cheek; she wipes away the tears that fall down Nicole’s face. “I thought you would never come back to me. Baby, please don’t scare me like that ever again. I love you so much Waverly Earp-Haught, that I could never be able to live without you.” Nicole tearfully says as she pulls Waverly into a tight embrace.

Waverly pulls back and looks at Nicole, she smiles at her wife. Waverly’s attention is drawn down to Nicole’s hand, which rests on Waverly’s stomach. Nicole hand starts to caress Waverly’s stomach as she thinks about her and Waverly’s pups growing inside of her wife’s womb. Waverly eyes her wife’s face for an answer for the gentle touches to her stomach.

Nicole clears her throat before saying, “Baby, there’s something I have to tell you…we’re going to be parents.”

Nicole diverts her eyes from Waverly’s stomach to looking directly into Waverly’s joyful filled eyes. What Nicole sees next she will remember for the rest of her life, the biggest and brightest smile to ever appear on Waverly’s face, as the brunette cries tears of joy. Nicole knows that she has yet to tell Waverly that Willa was dead, but she wanted this moment of joy to last a little bit longer.

After a short time, Waverly’s Doctors, Dr Green and Shae enter the ICU ward. Waverly’s Doctors introduce the two Doctors to Waverly as Specialists which they had called into assist with her care. Waverly looks at Nicole and notices that she is staring at Shae, Waverly soon realises that this Doctor is Nicole’s former girlfriend. Waverly quickly grabs hold of Nicole’s hand and squeezes it tight. Nicole turns around and faces Waverly, who pulls Nicole in for another passionate kiss, right in front of Shae. After pulling back from their kiss, Waverly stares directly at Shae as if to say, ‘She’s mine, so don’t even think about it.’

Doctor Green asks Waverly the normal questions about how she feels, what does she remember about the accident. Waverly replies, “I remember that I was driving, and Willa had a knife pressed against my side. Willa stabbed me and I flinched and that’s when I lost control of the vehicle. What happened to Willa?” Waverly nervously looks to Nicole for an answer.

“I’m sorry but she died.” Nicole replied. Waverly begins to cry; Nicole holds her tight allowing her wife to release her tears for her sister. Even though Waverly and Willa’s relationship would not be called close, but they were still sisters and shared a connection.

After a while Waverly asks, “What about Bobo? Did you get him?”

“He escaped after Willa and you drove off. We tried to track him, but we lost track of him. Doc and Dolls are looking for him. You don’t have to worry about that for now. What’s important is your recovery.” Nicole replies.

“Mrs Waverly Earp-Haught, if it is ok with you and your wife, I would like to observe your progress with the assistance of my intern for the next week. If there does not appear to be any problems or side effects, during the week, we will then leave you in the capable hands of your Doctors.” Dr Green says while looking at Waverly’s observation chart. Meanwhile Shae stands looking at how much in love Nicole is with Waverly.

Waverly’s Doctors suggest that she be moved to the main ward, so that she can rest and start on her recovery. The Doctors sign off on Waverly receiving physical therapy as she would need assistance with regaining strength in her limbs. They also arrange for Waverly to have an ultrasound in the morning, so that they can check that her pups had not been harmed, and so that Waverly and Nicole could see for themselves the little life or lives growing inside of Waverly’s womb.

Nicole refuses to leave Waverly’s side as she is wheeled down to the main ward. The orderly wheels Waverly’s bed into a private room. Nicole asks, “Why are we having a private room?”

“The Doctor’s thought that you and your wife might like to have some privacy, so they pulled to get you a single room. And they also have given permission for you to stay with Waverly overnight.” The orderly comments as they position Waverly’s bed near the window.

Waverly sticks her hand out towards Nicole and says, “You look like you need some sleep. I bet you didn’t really sleep in the ICU. Why don’t you Nicole, go and close the door and then come and climb into bed with me. That way you can get some sleep and I can have some extra bonus blanket time.”

Nicole smiles as she walks over to the hospital door and closes it. She then walks over to Waverly’s bedside. She kicks off her shoes and then climbs onto the bed and get under the covers. Nicole slides into the space, which Waverly has made for her. It doesn’t take too much time for Nicole to begin to nod off to sleep. Waverly holds Nicole in her arms and strokes her fingers through her wife’s red hair. Waverly lays her head back onto the pillow and smiles as she thinks about how she is in bed with her wife and while their pups are growing within her womb. Not much long after Waverly feels herself drifting off to sleep.

Later that day, both Waverly and Nicole are awoken by Wynonna and Alice as they had come to visit. “I know that Haught sauce here can’t keep it in her pants, but scoring a private room, is a bit over the top.” Waverly stretches her arms out to hug her sister and niece.

Nicole shakes her head at her sister-in-law, but she knows that the older Earp sister loves her. Alice soon is climbing up the bed, using Waverly and Nicole’s legs as a climbing ramp. Alice tries to sit on Waverly’s lap, but Nicole scopes the little girl up and sits her onto her own lap. Allowing Alice to look directly at Waverly and not cause Waverly any discomfort by pressing on her wound.

Waverly spends the rest of the day with Nicole, Wynonna and Alice. Towards the end of visiting hours, Gus, Doc and Dolls came into see for themselves how Waverly was doing. Wynonna complained that it was not fair that Haught pants got to stay and she didn’t. Doc was able to convince her to leave, as he told Wynonna that Alice was staying with Gus for the night, so that he could take her out on a date.

The next morning arrived soon enough for Waverly and Nicole. Waverly was helped to the shower by the Nurse, but Nicole offered to help with showering Waverly. Which Waverly so much liked the sound of that, as she hoped that it meant that Nicole would get naked as well and shower with her. Nicole waited for the Nurse to leave, before she started to turn on the water, making sure that the water was the right temperature for Waverly. Then Nicole started to take her clothes off and place them on the benchtop of the sink. Waverly licks her lips as she stares at Nicole’s naked body, she reaches out and takes Nicole’s hands in hers and pulls her wife into a passionate kiss.

“Are you sure? We don’t have to do anything other than have a shower?” Nicole asks.

“Baby, I want you to take me in your arms and make love to me. I don’t think I can wait till we get home.” Waverly replies with desire in her voice.

Nicole reaches down and places an arm under each of Waverly’s arms and lifts her so that they are facing each other. Waverly is unsteady on her feet, so Nicole turns them around so that Nicole can sit in the shower chair, and Waverly can straddle her hips. Nicole kisses Waverly first on her lips, then moving along her jaw line towards the mating mark on Waverly’s neck. Nicole looks up at Waverly and smiles before saying, “I love you.”

“I love you too, Nicole.”

Nicole continues to kiss down towards the valley which sits between the two mountains, of Waverly’s breasts, with their peaks erect. Nicole takes one nipple in her mouth and begins to suck, while Waverly reaches down and gently strokes Nicole’s hard cock with her hand. Waverly slowly lifts her hips so that she can take Nicole’s cock into her pussy. They quickly find their rhythm and soon moans are escaping their mouths. While Waverly is riding Nicole, Nicole is enjoying one of her favourite pastimes, sucking and caressing Waverly’s breasts. It is not long before Nicole feels her knot forming and she also feels Waverly’s pussy becoming tighter around her cock. They both cum at the same time, as they both are excited about being able to hold each other, but also for the joy that awaits them when they see their pups for the first time.

After their love making, Nicole makes sure that they both are properly showered and dried before she exited the bathroom, so that she could notify the Nurse that they were finished and that Waverly needed help in getting into the wheelchair to take her to have their first ultrasound.

The Nurse that was performing the ultrasound was rather nice, although Nicole thought that she recognised her from somewhere else but could not pinpoint where. She pushed it out of her head as Waverly reached and took Nicole’s hand in hers, while she lay on the examining table. The Nurse who was called Jolene, lifted Waverly’s hospital gown and placed gel on her stomach.“It’s cold.” Waverly squealed.

“Sorry, but I have to place it on you, so that it helps with us getting a perfect picture of your pups. How far long are you?” Jolene asks.

“The Doctors say 8 weeks.” Nicole replies, as Waverly was busy looking at the monitor.

“Ok, we should be able to see them and hear their heartbeats. Now let’s have a look. There is your first pup, (Jolene points to a small outline of a baby) and there is your second pup, (she points to another outline of a baby). Now would you like to hear their heartbeats?” Jolene enquires.

Nicole and Waverly both answers together, “Yes.”

Jolene presses a button and for the first time, Nicole and Waverly hear their pups’ heartbeats. Both Waverly and Nicole cry and hold each other as they look at their pups on the monitor screen, they both have waited for this moment and now they didn’t want it to end. Jolene presses a couple more buttons and then the monitor screen goes black. Waverly says, “What happened? Where are my babies?”

“It is alright, I just finished the ultrasound and now I am waiting for your photos to be printed. There you go, your photo of your pups is ready.” Jolene hands them photos of their pups.

What Waverly and Nicole didn’t see was that Jolene had printed two sets, but she only gave them one set. Jolene had been working for Bobo at the trailer park, and when he heard that Waverly was in the hospital, he made sure that Jolene started to work there, so that she could keep tabs on Waverly’s progress.

When Nicole had returned Waverly back to her hospital room, she helped her wife back onto the bed, as the Nurse gave Nicole instructions, so that she could help Waverly when she returned home. Nicole had helped Waverly to get into a comfortable position before she sat on the side of the bed, they both looked at the photo of their pups and Nicole looked directly at Waverly with all of her love poured into her gaze and declared her love for her wife in that moment.

“Thank you, Waverly, for loving me and being my true mate. I love you so much. Now your carrying our pups. You are so beautiful, and I am finding that I am falling more in love with you.” Nicole leans in and kisses Waverly, who runs a hand through Nicole’s hair.

Shae was coming to check in on Waverly’s progress over night, when she stops at the door to Waverly’s room. She watches the exchange of love and devotion between Waverly and Nicole, and she thinks to herself, how happy she was for Nicole, that she had finally found what she had been searching for. Her true mate, and that was Waverly.

Shae waits for a while before entering the room and interrupting the couple. After checking over the Nurses observations and taking notes from what Waverly tells her. Shae asks to speak with Nicole out in the hall. Nicole tells Waverly that she will be back.

“Shae, is there something wrong with Waverly?” Nicole nervously asks.

“No, all her results have come back fine, and she is making great progress. I just wanted to say that I happy that you have found your true mate. I now know what you meant when you said that you had to have that special kind of connection with someone, because I see it when you are with Waverly.” Shae says as she holds one of Nicole’s hands.

“I hope you will find that for yourself.” Nicole replies.

“I have with my colleague, Dr Wendy Green. We have only been dating for a couple months but it feels right, like we fit together. I’m going to report back to Dr Green, and we will come up our recommendations for the rest of Waverly’s treatment, but I see no reason for her recovery to have any problems. Just make sure that you take great care of her Nicole, like I know you will.” Shae says before she leaves Nicole to return to Waverly.

“What did she have to say? She can’t have you back, I will not give you up.” A jealous Waverly says with her arms crossed in front of her.

“Cutie, there is nothing you have to worry about, I would never be able to look at another woman, after being with you. You have spoilt me. Shae just wanted to tell me that she was happy for us.” Nicole reassures a jealous Waverly.

By the end of the week all of Waverly’s Doctors, Dr Green and Shae give Waverly the all cleat to be discharged from the hospital and return to the homestead.

As Nicole was driving them home to the homestead, she took a slight detour when she drove into the driveway. Nicole wanted to show Waverly their home that had been started to be built. Waverly sat in the truck, she could picture her dream home, just the way she had envisioned it in her mind. She could see the outline of the bedrooms, kitchen, bathrooms, dinning room, lounge room and especially her and Nicole’s bedroom.

“I wanted to show you, so that you could start on working out how you want the nursey to be set up, while you continue to recover.” Nicole leans on the steering wheel of the truck, as she looks at their home. She had sold her place in Toronto and now she was using the money to build a home for her family.

Nedley has given Nicole another two weeks off work, so that she can care for Waverly and the pups growing within Waverly. Waverly loves knowing that she is carrying Nicole’s pups and that their plans and construction of their home are starting to take place on the homestead land. Waverly attends to her physical therapy during the day and the rest of the time, she is busy planning the nursey and other aspect for their home. Waverly’s wound had healed and now all she had was a scare.

Meanwhile Wynonna and Dolls are still researching into where Bobo has escaped to after the raid. They feared that he might take revenge on Waverly at the hospital that they made sure that both Waverly and Nicole were constantly protected. Dolls has gotten some news that Bobo had been spotted within the Ghost River Triangle, but as to his exact location, it was still rather hazy.

Wynonna and Doc bring young Alice home from Gus’s, much to the delight of Calamity Jane, who was missing the little girl, who was now crawling and chasing the tabby around the house. Waverly loved watching her niece growing up. At every chance Nicole could get, she would touch Waverly’s belly and talk to her pups. At night when they lay in bed, snuggled in each other’s arms, Waverly would sing to her babies. Nicole would read to her pups and tell them about their wonderful, smart and brave mama.