17. Chapter 17

For the next month, Nicole refuses to let Waverly out of her sight, even when Waverly goes back to working for Black Badge Division. Nicole insists that they leave their office door open, so that she can keep a keen eye on her wife. This starts to become irritating for the Omega, as she begins to feel like if she sneezed, her big strong and protective Alpha would come and swoop her up in her arms and race her off to the hospital, to be checked over by the Doctors.

One night as Nicole is getting ready for bed, Waverly comes into their bedroom and sits down on the edge of the bed. “Nicole, we have to talk.” Waverly says as she starts to change for bed.

Nicole stops unbuttoning her shirt, leaving it open revealing her bra covered breasts. She turns around and looks at Waverly nervously. Nicole walks over to Waverly and sits down next to her on the bed, she reaches out and takes hold of her wife’ hand, and places it in her lap.

“Nicole, I love that you want to protect me and the pups, but I can’t do my work for Black Badge with you watching my every move. When we mated and marked each other, we created a bond, which allows us to know and feel what the other is experiencing. You don’t have...” Waverly says before she is interrupted by Nicole.

“Baby, I just want to make sure that you and the pups are alright. When you were in the hospital, I couldn’t do anything to help you. I couldn’t feel our connection and I worried that I had lost you for good. Then when I was in meeting with Dr Green and Shae, I started to feel you again and I knew that you had come back to me. I have always been able to care for others and protect them, and for the first time, I felt so useless. I don’t want to fail you and our pups.” Tears start to fall down Nicole’s cheeks, as she looks at Waverly.

“Sweetie, you have never failed me or our pups. If anything, you stayed and believed that I would wake when I was in the hospital. I felt your pain and frustration, when I was in the coma and then I felt your anger at being questioned by Shae, that’s when I woke, because I knew I had to be there for you. I love you Nicole.” Waverly pulls Nicole into her, so that her Alpha could rest her head on her shoulder, allowing Waverly to hold her as she cries.

From that moment their bond began to become stronger as they shared with each other. Nicole comments the next day as her and Waverly travel into the station together, that she could hear Waverly’s thoughts during the night. This intrigues the researching side of Waverly’s personality. She decides to try an experiment that day as she worked in the Black Badge Division Office,

“Mmm, I would love to creep up behind Nicole, as she works at the front desk and slide my hand down the front of her Khaki pants and rub her cock till it was hard.” Waverly thought to herself. She waited to either see if Nicole responded or came into the Black Badge office. Waverly didn’t expect the response she received from Nicole.

“Behave yourself Waves, I’m on duty and you thinking things like that are going to make the rest of my shift that more difficult. You will have to wait till we get home, to have your way with me.” Nicole thought as she worked her way through the pile of paperwork at the front desk.

Waverly laughs as she hears Nicole. Her experiment worked, so this meant that she could communicate with Nicole through their thoughts. Dolls interrupted Waverly’s focus as he came rushing in through the Black Badge Division office door. He was followed by a young man, whom he introduced as Jeremy Chetri. Dolls said that Jeremy was going to be working with them to help with locating Bobo.

Waverly was to learn that Jeremy was a Black Badge Division Lab Technician. Dolls shows Jeremy where he can start to set up his lab equipment. Waverly quickly offers to assist Jeremy with clearing space for his computers and other devices. Wynonna enters the office and is surprised to see the new member of their team. Dolls had commented that they needed extra help, but she thought he meant extra team members.

“So, Baby girl, who’s the new dude?” Wynonna enquires as she looks Jeremy up and down.

“Wynonna, this is Jeremy Chetri. He is a Lab Technician and he is here to help us to locate Bobo.” Waverly replies as she sits next to her sister at the main meeting table in the office.

Wynonna takes a bite out of her doughnut as she looks Jeremy over. She thinks that he is a bit on the weak side, but Dolls says, “I would trust my life in Jeremy’s hands. He is the best at what he does, and he will be able to not only help with tracking down Bobo, but also keep tabs on his activities.”

“Wynonna, what are you doing tonight?” Waverly asks.

“Doc and I are planning a night in, seeing that Officer Haught crouch, won’t let you out of her sight.” Wynonna whines before taking another bite of her doughnut.

“Wynonna, you know that I don’t like it when you call Nicole names. Anyway, I thought that maybe you, Dolls and Nicole might like to take the new guy out for a couple of drinks at Shorty’s. I’ll be happy to help Doc to look after Alice.” Waverly asks.

“Well if you can get Haught pants to agree, I don’t see why not a night out on the town with the new guy couldn’t hurt. Does this mean that I can get Nicole shit drunk?” Wynonna asks as she puts her hands together as if she is begging Waverly to say yes.

“As long as you don’t get her into any kind of trouble. I’ll tell her that she has to go out tonight.” Waverly says over her shoulder as she heads out of the Black Badge Division Office, towards her wife.

Waverly saunters over towards Nicole, who is sitting at her desk surrounded by piles of paperwork. Nicole looks up from the paperwork that she is currently working on at that moment. She smiles as she looks at her beautiful pregnant wife, who’s baby bump is beginning to poke out from under her top. Nicole thinks to herself, how gorgeous her wife is looking right at that moment.

“Nicole, I know that you think that I’m beautiful now, but wait till I’m the size of a whale.” Waverly snickers.

“Baby, you will always be beautiful, no matter how big you get. You’re carrying our pups and I will always love you.” Nicole pulls Waverly so that she can sit in front of her on the edge of the desk. Nicole rolls her chair in towards the desk, so that she is positioned between Waverly’s legs.

Waverly reaches out a hand and starts to play with the ends of Nicole’s hair as she looks directly into Nicole’s eyes. “Now, Sweetie, you’re going to go out with Wynonna for a couple of drinks at Shorty’s.”

“Waves, I ca…” Nicole starts to say before Waverly interrupts her.

“Nicole, you have not had a night out since I was in the hospital. It’s time you spent some time with Wynonna and the two of you get to know Jeremy. He is a Lab Technician and here to help us locate Bobo. You won’t have to worry about me, Doc will be with me and Alice. I want you to enjoy yourself tonight, do you understand me Nicole?” Waverly waits for Nicole to answer.

Nicole nods her head while she wraps her arms around Waverly’s waist. Nicole then leans in and whispers in the brunette’s ear, “As long as you’re willing to follow through with having your way with me when I get home later.” Nicole seductively says while she raises her eyebrows at Waverly.

“Officer Earp Haught, you had better be up to the challenge.” Waverly leans into the crook of Nicole’s neck, and places a kiss on her mating mark.

Nicole, Dolls, Wynonna and Jeremy head out to Shorty’s and spend the night talking over food and drink. Nicole and Jeremy play a couple of games of pool, while Wynonna and Dolls challenge each other at darts.

“Hey Haught pants, another round of Whiskey.” Wynonna shouts. Nicole who is already tipsy, makes her way to the bar and places her order of 4 Whiskey neat. She finds her way back to the table and passes out the drinks.

“So, Jeremy how do you know Dolls?” Wynonna asks.

“Dolls and I go way back to when I first joined Black Badge. We’re really close.” Jeremy says as Dolls smiles at him. Dolls places his hand on top of Jeremy’s and squeezes it. The two guys stare at each other.

“Ew, gross, it’s bad enough that I have to watch my Baby sister make out with this red Haught mess.” Wynonna jokingly says.

“Wynonna, for the last time you need to knock the next time you want to walk into my and Waverly’s bedroom. That way you won’t get an eye full.” Nicole stirs.

For the rest of the evening, the group of friends spend their time talking between drinks. Dolls and Jeremy head off to Dolls place for the night. As Wynonna is not as drunk as Nicole, she calls Doc and asks him to come and collect them. She knows that Waverly’s going to be so pissed off with her, for allowing Nicole to get so wasted.

Later that night Doc returns from driving back from Shorty’s, with a very drunk Nicole and tipsy Wynonna. Doc helps Wynonna to get Nicole out of his truck and into the Homestead. Wynonna mumbles to herself, ‘Waverly’s going to kill me.’ Nicole is propped up against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. Wynonna holds Nicole up under the arms as Nicole stumbles up the stairs.

The pair eventually make it to Waverly and Nicole’s bedroom and Wynonna carefully opens the bedroom door. She finds Waverly sleeping, Nicole looks in at the sight of Waverly tucked under the blankets. “Shhh, there’s a beautiful woman sleeping.” Nicole slurs.

“Nicole, that’s Waverly, remember your wife. This is your bedroom. I’ve done my job in getting you home. It’s your job to get to your bed alive. Good luck.” Wynonna says as she sneaks off before Waverly wakens and reads her the riot act.

Nicole stumbles her way over to the bed. She tries to remove her shoes without waking Waverly, but she bumps into the side of the bed. Waverly stirs from her sleep and looks at Nicole. “I’m sorry that I woke you, Baby.” Nicole slurs her words. Waverly laughs as she sits up and moves to the side of the bed, were Nicole has clumsily fallen onto.

“Nicole, you’re so cute when your drunk like this. Let me help you get changed and get you into bed.” Waverly starts to help Nicole with undressing.

“I love you.” Nicole says as she places her hand on Waverly’s bump and then leans in to give her wife a kiss. Waverly kisses her back before pulling Nicole into their bed, so that both her and Nicole could go to sleep. In the morning Waverly knows that Nicole is going to have the worst hangover and need some extra care on her day off.