18. Chapter 18

A very annoyed and frustrated Waverly forcefully enters through the front door of the homestead, Nicole is close behind her. It is late in the afternoon and Nicole removes her Police jacket and hangs it up next to the front door. Nicole looks at Waverly as she storms up the stairs, and heads towards their bedroom. All Nicole hears is the bedroom door being slammed shut.

Nicole heads into the kitchen to retrieve a beer from the fridge, and as she pops the lid off the beer, she takes a quick swig of her beer, before heading over to the kettle to turn it on. Nicole knows that with the mood that Waverly is in at that moment, a good cup of herbal tea will help with calming down a jealous and angry Waverly.

While Nicole is waiting for the kettle to boil, she takes another swig of her beer as she looks out the kitchen window. From where she is standing, Nicole can see through the trees the outline of their home as it is being built. It is not that far off from being completed and they will be able to move into their new home.

Nicole hears Waverly storming around in their bedroom while she is in the kitchen. The morning had started off rather well, as Waverly who is now 6 months pregnant; had woken up snuggling into Nicole’s side. They headed into the station together, as Waverly had an Ultrasound scheduled for that afternoon.

Nicole thought that everything was going well as her and Waverly sat in the waiting room. Waverly was looking at an online baby furniture site and when she saw exactly what she wanted, she would grab onto the new addition to Nicole’s police uniform, a dark blue tie. Nicole looked at the screen and saw the cutest cot. Waverly wanted a wooden old-fashioned cot for their pups, and these were the ones she wanted. Nicole had a quick look at the price which was a bit more than she wanted to spend, but when Waverly looked at her with her puppy dog eyes, Nicole couldn’t resist her wife’s wishes.

Jolene came out and called Waverly’s name and when Nicole and Waverly stood up, Jolene gave Waverly a smile, but when she looked at Nicole, her smile grew, and she winked at the taller woman. This didn’t go unnoticed by Waverly, who glared at Jolene as she walked past her into the examination room. Nicole nervously rubbed her neck as she walked over to the chair and sat down. Waverly quickly changed into the hospital gown, then Nicole helped her to climb onto the examination bed.

Jolene pulled the ultrasound machine over to the table, so that she could perform the ultrasound. “How are you feeling Waverly? Have you had any problems since I last saw you?” Jolene asked as she poured the gel onto Waverly’s belly. Then she moved the scanner over the gel, spreading it around.

“Arr, there they are. Can you see them?” Jolene asks as she looks at Nicole. Waverly notices that Jolene is not talking to her, but at Nicole.

“Yes, we can see them!” Waverly says as she grabs hold of Nicole’s hand, causing the red head to turn and face Waverly. Nicole smiles at Waverly just before she leans down and connects their lips together.

Jolene looks on as Nicole and Waverly kiss. Jolene then presses a couple of buttons on the computer linked to the ultrasound. “Do you want to know the sex?” Jolene asks.

Waverly and Nicole had discussed whether they wanted to know the sex, and they decided that they wanted to wait till they were born. “No, we want to wait. Thank you, Jolene.” Nicole replies, as she squeezes Waverly’s hand. Nicole looks down at Waverly and becomes overwhelmed at how beautiful she looks. Tears begin to well up in Nicole’s eyes, Waverly notices that the tears in Nicole’s eyes. Waverly reaches out and runs the palm of her hand along Nicole’s cheek. That’s all it takes for the tears to begin to fall down the side of Nicole’s face.

Jolene stands up from the ultrasound and around the table, so that she is standing next to Nicole. Jolene reaches out and runs a hand down Nicole’s arm and says, “Oh, Nicole, it’s OK, you can cry. I can see that you want to know the sex of your pups, its just that Waverly won’t let you.” Jolene says as she glares at Waverly.

“No, I’m crying because Waverly looks so beautiful. We both want to wait.” A very protective Nicole says. Nicole moves so that she is stands between Waverly and Jolene. Nicole does not expect Waverly to jump off the table and launch herself at Jolene.

“Get away from her you bitch. Nicole is mine, so back off.” Waverly yells just as her hand contacts the side of Jolene’s face. “Whack.” That was the only sound that could be heard within the room.

Nicole quickly wraps her strong arms under Waverly’s armpits and lifts her wife off her feet. Nicole then swings her around so that Waverly can’t hit Jolene. Waverly is still lashing out when Nicole places her back down. Before Nicole can stop Waverly, the brunette sneaks around the red head and is back trying to hit Jolene.

“I’m sorry about this, um, Waverly can get a bit worked up sometimes.” Nicole tries to apologise for Waverly’s actions. Jolene looks at Nicole and says, “It’s not her fault that Waverly is overcome with ….” Jolene is interrupted by her pager going off. Jolene excuses herself from the room. Waverly changes back into her clothes and storms out of the hospital. The journey back home was strained for both Nicole and Waverly. Waverly didn’t wait for Nicole to open the truck door before she climbed out of the truck and stormed her way into the homestead.

Even though Waverly had asked Nicole to back off from being so protective of her, Nicole still watched over Waverly and worried about her and their pup’s health. Nicole when she was at the station and saw that Waverly was carrying boxes or anything heavy, she would insist that Waverly let her carry it for her. Waverly came to realise that Nicole loved her and wanted to make sure that Waverly was taken good care of.

Nicole finished her beer while she made a cup of herbal tea for Waverly. She took a deep breath before taking the tea up to Waverly. Nicole gingerly opens the door to their bedroom and carefully steps in. Waverly is pacing around the room, with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Waves, I thought you might like a cup of herbal tea.” Nicole steps closer to Waverly, she holds out the cup in her hands.

“Nicole, how can you be so nice to me, after what I just did to Jolene.” Waverly stands in the middle of their room; she looks at Nicole.

“Waves, you know that I love you.” Nicole steps closer and holds Waverly by her hips. Nicole looks directly into Waverly’s eyes.

“And if you haven’t noticed, I’ve only got eyes for you.” Nicole says.

Waverly pulls out of Nicole’s hold; she walks over to her bedside table and places down her cup. Waverly then turns to face Nicole. Nicole walks around the bed so that she can hold Waverly in her arms. “So why don’t we discuss this later, we have the house to ourselves, let’s make the most of it.” Nicole smirks as she wiggles her eyebrows at Waverly.

Waverly takes the hint and pushes Nicole onto the bed. As Nicole lands on the bed, Waverly starts to unbutton Nicole’s shirt, she leaves the tie around Nicole’s neck. Waverly climbs on top of Nicole’s lap. Waverly leans down and kisses her wife on the lips. She feels the bulge in Nicole’s pants getting harder, with each move she makes with her groin pressed against Nicole.

Nicole moans as she feels Waverly’s hair, brush against her naked breasts. Nicole sits up so that she removes the maternity dress that Waverly’s wearing. They quickly remove the rest of their remaining clothes from their bodies.

Nicole kisses her way down Waverly’s naked body, she makes sure that she is gentle but still attentive to her wife’s needs. Nicole caresses Waverly’s bump with her hands, while she places her head between Waverly’s legs. Nicole uses her tongue to part Waverly’s lips, at which Waverly releases a groan of pleasure, as Nicole worked her magic. Waverly reaches down and runs her hands through Nicole’s hair. Nicole continues to lick and suck on Waverly’s pussy. With each lick, Nicole hears moans and groans coming from Waverly’s mouth.

“Nicole, I want you in me.” Waverly says.

“I’m on it baby.” Nicole sits up and pulls Waverly closer to her. Nicole grabs a pillow and places it under Waverly’s hip, to reduce the pressure on Waverly’s back. Nicole takes hold of her cock; she rubs it against Waverly’s pussy. Nicole leans down and kisses Waverly passionately, allowing Nicole to push her cock inside of Waverly. Waverly raises her legs and wraps them around Nicole’s back, giving Nicole more leverage to penetrate her more deeply. Nicole thrusts in and out of Waverly. Waverly runs her hands up and down Nicole’s spine, drawing small circles on her back. Every now and again Waverly would bring her hands to play with Nicole’s hair, as she looked into Nicole’s eyes.

“Oh, Baby, you feel so good, nice and wet for me.” Nicole says.

“Nicole, I’m so clo…” Waverly says just as her orgasm takes hold of her.

“It’s OK, I’ve got you.” Nicole says as she starts to feel her own knot beginning to form. She knows that her own orgasm is close. With a couple more thrusts, Nicole is moaning “Waves.” Nicole’s cock is shooting out warm cum into Waverly. Nicole collapses into Waverly’s arms and rests her head on Waverly’s chest. Waverly reaches around to grab hold of the blankets to pull up over them. Waverly holds onto Nicole as they fall asleep.

The next day Waverly wakens to Nicole placing a soft kiss to her temple, as Nicole prepares to leave to go into the station. “Mmmmm, no do go just yet. I’m not going to be able to get back to sleep without my bonus blanket.” Waverly whines as she tries to keep a tight grip around Nicole’s neck.

Nicole smiles at Waverly, “You’ll see me soon. I must go in to finish that paperwork from yesterday. I’ll miss you too.”

Later that day while at the station, Nicole is working at the front desk, when she feels in her heart, that Waverly is distressed. Before Nicole can leave the station, the front doors to the station fling open and a tearful Waverly came rushing in. As soon as Nicole sees Waverly, she opens her arms so that the Brunette could run into them and find comfort and love within her embrace. Waverly buries her head into Nicole’s chest, her sobs are muffled as Waverly presses harder into Nicole’s torso. Nicole soothes Waverly by rubbing small circles up and down her lower back, while she asks, “Waves, what’s happened?”

Without using her words, but her thoughts Waverly told Nicole what had happened.

“I went to the hospital to collect the ultrasound pictures from yesterday and to try and apologise to Jolene. When I asked the Nurse on duty if I could speak to Jolene, she said that there was no Jolene who worked at the hospital. I told the Nurse that we had seen Jolene twice and each time, she conducted the ultrasound. The Nurse checked the ultrasound and found that it had Jolene’s name as the Nurse that performed the procedure. She then contacted the security department to alert them to that there had been a breach of security. When they checked the computer system, they found that Jolene had only seen me and no other patients. Nicole, I’m so scared for our pups.” Waverly thinks so that Nicole knows what happened at the hospital and why she is so distressed.

“Baby, your safe, I’m here and I will always protect you and our pups. Shh, I’ve got you.” Nicole softly says, as she doesn’t want to show that she too is just as scared as Waverly.

Nedley walks out of his office and notice that Waverly is crying in Nicole’s arms, right in the middle of the station. “Nicole, take Waverly into my office, that way you can have some privacy. I go and get Waverly some of that herbal tea she likes.”

“Thank you, Sir. Come on Baby.” Nicole nods her head at Nedley. Nedley heads off towards the Black Badge Division office. He finds Wynonna reading through some papers that Jeremy had given to look through. Nedley informs Wynonna that Waverly is distressed, and Nicole has taken her into his office. Wynonna rushes off while Nedley walks out of the station to go and collect Waverly that herbal tea.

“Baby girl, that’s happened?” Wynonna says as she rushes into the office, she finds Nicole sitting on the couch, holding Waverly in her arms. Waverly is sitting on Nicole’s lap and still has her head buried into Nicole’s chest. Wynonna listens to her sister’s sobs, as she kneels next to Nicole’s legs.

“Waverly went to the hospital and found out that the Nurse Jolene, who has both times performed the ultrasound; doesn’t actually work for the hospital. And to make things worse, Jolene only saw Waverly and no other patients.” Nicole informs Wynonna.

“Wait, did you say Jo Lene?” Wynonna asks.

“No, her name is Jolene.” Nicole corrects Wynonna.

“It’s just that one of Bobo’s gang was called Jo Lene, and when we raided the trailer park, we couldn’t find her. Nicole and Waverly, do you think you could give Jeremy a description of what she looks like, and then we will see if it’s the same person. Don’t worry Baby Girl, I won’t let anything happen to you or your pups.” Wynonna hugs her sister.

“Yes, lets hope that it’s not the same person.” Nicole says, while Waverly nods her head.