19. Chapter 19

After giving their description of Jolene to Jeremy, Waverly melts into Nicole’s side as she wraps her arm around her pregnant wife, they head towards Nicole’s truck. Wynonna offered to drive Waverly’s Jeep back to the Homestead after her finishes for the day. As Nicole drives them home, she looks over at Waverly, who stares out of the window. Nicole reaches over and holds Waverly’s hand, giving it a light squeeze. Waverly turns and looks at Nicole, it’s clear that Waverly is upset at the prospect that Jolene could be working with Bobo. Nicole pulls the truck off onto the side of the road.

“Waves, it’s OK, come here.” Nicole holds her arms open, so that Waverly can lean in and be hugged. As soon as Waverly feels Nicole’s arms close around her, she sobs into Nicole’s uniform shirt. Nicole kisses the top of Waverly’s head, as she rubs her back. They stay like this for a while, until Waverly stops crying.

“Nicole, aren’t you worried about Jolene?” Waverly asks as she rubs the back of Nicole’s hand.

“Yes, but I have to be strong for you.” Nicole says just before she returns to driving them home. As Nicole drives, Waverly reaches out and caresses the back of Nicole’s neck with small strokes of her fingers. Nicole remains stoic as she continues to drive, she reminds herself that she can fall apart when she gets back to the homestead.

As soon as Nicole and Waverly arrive back to the Homestead, Waverly tells Nicole to go and start them a bath, so that they can relax and spend some time together. Nicole starts the bath, making sure that the temperature of the water is perfect, as she adds some bubble bath to the water. Waverly came in with her speaker which is connected to her phone and plays some relaxing music for them to listen to. Waverly then lights a couple of candles before both her and Nicole undress and climb into the bath. Nicole leans back against the side of the bath, while Waverly lies against Nicole’s front.

“Nicole, it’s Ok for you to cry. I have you.” That’s all it takes from Waverly, for Nicole to feel free to cry and express her own fears about what Jolene and Bobo’s motives for wanting to know about Waverly and their pups.

“I’m so scared, Waves.…. I just don’t understand….. why do Jolene and Bobo want to know about our pups?” Nicole expresses as she cries freely, while she rests her head on Waverly’s shoulder. Waverly rubs Nicole’s hands and arms, which are resting on her belly bump.

Just at that moment, both Waverly and Nicole feel a very strong kick against Waverly’s belly bump. Waverly begins to giggle, as she says, “I think our pups, are trying to tell us something.”

“What’s that Waves?” Nicole says with a tremble in her voice.

“That they trust you to protect them, no matter what.” Waverly continues to giggle as she feels their pups moving inside.

Nicole looks over Waverly’s shoulder and watches as they both see a small foot being pressed against Waverly’s skin. Nicole is amazed at how their pups are growing inside Waverly. This is not the first time that she has felt their kicks, but it still amazes her that something so small can produce such a strong kick.

The next couple of days prove to be stressful for Nicole, Waverly and Wynonna as they wait for Jeremy to finish scanning the footage from the trailer park and the hospital’s security. Waverly, Nicole and Wynonna head into the station and wait for Jeremy’s research. Jeremy looks at Waverly with a worried look on his face before he asks Wynonna to go and ask Nicole to come into the office, as he had a match.

Nicole places her hand on Waverly’s shoulder as she stands behind Waverly, who is sitting at the Black Badge Division table in the middle of the room. Waverly nervously starts to fiddle with some paper which is laying on the table in front of her.

“I’m sorry to say this, but the Jolene that you saw at the hospital, is the same Jo Lene from the trailer park. From what I have found is that she is working and in contact with Bobo. I am working on trying to find any phone records which can be traced to Bobo. What I can say, is that there haven’t been any sightings of her, since the last time you saw her.” Jeremy says as he sat behind his desk.

Nicole tightens her touch on Waverly’s shoulder, causing Waverly to place her own hand over Nicole’s to provide some form of comfort. That she shared her concerns and fears for each other and their pups.

Wynonna looks at her sister and sister-in-law before saying, “I’m going to talk to Nedley and ask if Haught can have a couple of days off. I think you two need to go into the city for a couple of days. While there maybe you can arrange to have another ultrasound, just to make sure that there is nothing wrong. You never know if that scum bag, read the scan correctly.”

Wynonna explains the situation to Nedley, who approves Nicole having time off. Nicole organises for her and Waverly to spend some time at a nice hotel in Toronto. She also organised for an appointment so that Waverly could have another ultrasound, that way they both can put their fears to rest, by finding out if the previous scans where read correctly.

Once that Waverly and Nicole had safely arrived in Toronto and checked into their accommodation. Nicole and Waverly headed to the clinic to have the ultrasound. The Nurse conducting the scan, was able to confirm that their pups were growing and that there was no need for the couple to worry about their pups. Waverly and Nicole once they held the image of their pups in their hands, they both started to cry. Nicole wrapped her arm around Waverly’s lower back, while Waverly melted into Nicole’s side. For the first time since finding out about Jolene, they felt that the fears they had about there was something dreadfully wrong with their pups was now no longer valid.

Waverly asks, “Nicole, while we’re here in the city. Do you think that we could do some baby clothes shopping?” Waverly looks at Nicole with that look, that she knows Nicole cannot resist.

“Why not. We just must watch how much we spend. The final payments on the house are due when we get back.” Nicole replies as she takes hold of Waverly’s hand and they begin to walk towards the truck.

Later that afternoon, after what felt like hours to Nicole, they eventually returned to their accommodation, with several bags of baby clothes in hand. Waverly fell in love with everything she saw and wanted to buy the whole shop. Waverly and Nicole especially liked a set of Police themed outfit, and Waverly insisted that they purchase several in different sizes, so that their pups could wear them at different stages of their growth. The little Police outfits even came with Khaki pants and a White Stetson hat.

Waverly commented, “Now all our pup’s will need is to be born with your red hair. They will look so cute.”

“And you’ll won’t be able to resist their little smiles.” Nicole smirks.

For the next couple of days Nicole becomes Waverly’s own personal tourist guide, as she shows Waverly the sights of Toronto. They also catch up with Samuel and his family during their stay, where they are introduced to baby Lucy, who takes after her mother.

While Nicole is packing their truck for their trip back to Purgatory, Waverly searches the internet to see if there are any bargains on baby furniture and other items. Waverly makes a couple of purchases before Nicole comes back to their room. Once Waverly has made a last-minute rush to the bathroom, the pair start their journey back to the homestead.