20. Chapter 20

For the next month, Nicole works as many double shifts she can get, so that she and Waverly can make sure that they have enough money for when their pups arrive, as Waverly takes a step back from working with Black Badge fulltime. Even though Nicole had sold her place in Toronto and received a large sum, she still wanted Waverly to not have to stress about their finances, especially when their pups were close to being born. So when Nicole was not working at the station, she spent her free time working on their home, either painting or assisting wherever she can.

One day while Nicole was working at the station, Nedley calls her into his office. As Nicole entered the office, she notices a tall blonde-haired woman sitting in one of the chairs in front of Nedley’s desk. Nedley indicates for Nicole to take a seat in the other vacant chair. Nedley fiddles with some paperwork on his desk.

“Nicole, this is Eliza and she’s a reporter with the Toronto Star. Eliza is writing an article on Female Police Officers that work in small towns. I would like her to work alongside you for the next two weeks, starting today.” Nedley says as he leans back in his chair and takes a sip from his coffee mug.

Nicole nods her head and says, “Ok, Sir, it’ll be a pleasure to have you tag along, Eliza. I’m due to go out on Patrol, if you’d like to follow me, we’ll be able to head right out.” Nicole stands up and waits for Eliza to pick up her handbag and coffee.

The pair exit Nedley’s office, just as Waverly walks into the station, she was heading towards the Black Badge office, but when she spied Nicole talking and walking with a rather good-looking blonde woman following her. Waverly stopped in her steps, she narrowed her eyes at Nicole, who felt the anxiety coming from her wife, even before she saw Waverly. Nicole collected her jacket and Stetson hat, she walks out of the bull pen and towards Waverly in the corridor, which separated the Police station from the Black Badge office. Nicole smiled as she approached a concerned Waverly, and before the brunette could say anything.

“Waverly, this here is Eliza and she is a reporter from the Toronto Star. Eliza is writing an article on Female Police Officers working in small towns.” Nicole said as she introduced Waverly to Eliza.

“Eliza, this beautiful woman, is my wife, Waverly.” Nicole places an arm around Waverly’s waist and rested her hand on the small of Waverly’s back. Nicole gently rubbed her hand up and down Waverly’s lower back, she then leans down to give Waverly a kiss on the lips.

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” Eliza says as she extends her hand out towards Waverly to shake.

“Hello, so you will be working with Nicole?” Waverly smiles at Eliza even though she is worried that this woman was going to be a threat and try and take Nicole away from her. This line of thought did not go pass Nicole, who heard every word that Waverly was thinking.

Nicole sent her own reply to Waverly’s thought, ‘You have nothing to worry about. My eyes are set on you.’

“Eliza will be here for the next two weeks. We are just about to head on out on Patrol. Baby, I’m going to be late home tonight, so you don’t need to wait up.” Nicole says.

“Oh, it’s nice to met you. You’ll have to come over to our house and have dinner one night.” Waverly says as she shakes Eliza’s hand. Just before she leaves, Nicole playfully smacks Waverly on the ass, which lead to Waverly sending Nicole a mischievous thought, ‘Just you wait till you get home, Officer Earp Haught. Then I can punish you properly.’

Nicole looked back at Waverly as she stood holding the door for Eliza to walk through. ‘I’ll hold you to it, Waves. I can’t wait to see what you have in stall for my punishment.’ Nicole thought as she looked at Waverly.

Waverly storms into the Black Badge office and drops her handbag down on her desk. Jeremy looks up from his computer and realised that Waverly was not happy.

“Waverly, I was just about to head on out and get Dolls and me, some coffee. Would you like me to get you anything or would you like to come with me?” Jeremy waits for Waverly to answer. Waverly looks up from her paperwork and rubs her rather large baby belly.

“Sure Jeremy, a stroll to the dinner would be nice. I could kill a nice hot herbal tea and even a double cheeseburger.” Waverly pushes herself out of her chair, as she struggles to get up out of a chair now days. Jeremy and Waverly head on out to the dinner.

Since the fourth month of her pregnancy, Waverly had started to crave meat. It started off small, Waverly would steal some of Nicole’s steak off her plate, when she was not looking. Then when Nicole and Waverly would go out for lunch or dinner, Waverly would start to order meals which contained meat. Nicole decided that when she cooked any meals, she would make sure that there was plenty of steaks. Waverly would finish off 2 to 3 steaks in one sitting, when her cravings were at their worst. Waverly blamed Nicole for her unsatisfied desire for the taste of meat, because it was her ‘seed’ that had got her pregnant, and her ‘pups’ needed to be feed what they hankered for.

Nicole and Eliza head out on Patrol for the rest of the day. Nicole sees off Eliza at the end of the shift, but she stays back to finish off the pile of paperwork and manning the front desk. It’s almost midnight before she arrives back at the homestead, where she finds Waverly sleeping in their bed, with a book resting on her chest. Nicole smiles as she looks at how cute Waverly looks with her hair spade out on the pillow and her large belly creating what looks like a small hill under the covers.

Nicole quietly removed her clothes and changed into her PJ’s before climbing into bed. Just as Nicole was getting herself comfortable, she heard Waverly groan as she began to waken from her sleep.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I was tired and tried to stay up till you came home. It’s so exhausting carrying around these two.” Waverly says as she rubs her belly.

Nicole turns over so that she is facing Waverly, she reaches out and runs her hand down the side of her wife’s face. “It’s ok, baby. You need to get as much sleep as you can. I know that you find it hard to sleep, when their being active. We can carry out my punishment at another time.” Nicole wiggles her eyebrows as she gives Waverly a chaste kiss. Nicole pulls Waverly so that she can rest her head on her chest and go back to sleep. Nicole loves it when Waverly’s belly is pressed against her, because she can feel her pups’ movements against her skin. Nicole listens to Waverly’s soft and steady breathing and begins to drift off to sleep.

Nicole wakes the next morning to find Waverly’s side of the bed vacant and cold. It was not even day break and ‘Miss 4 blankets and bonus blanket’ was already up. Nicole could smell the aroma of Bacon and coffee wafting up from the kitchen, so Nicole climbs out of their bed and heads on down. Waverly dances while she cooks a large fry pan filled with bacon, while the coffee pot brews away on the kitchen counter. Nicole smiles as she watches from the kitchen doorway, the scene before her, a 7-month pregnant Waverly wiggling her hips, as she cooks. Nicole can’t control herself as she feels drawn to place her hands-on Waverly’s hips before snaking them around to rest on top of her baby belly. Nicole leans down and places a kiss to Waverly’s mating mark on her neck.

“Morning baby, I missed waking up to you.” Nicole says.

“Well, your pups are hungry and want to eat Bacon for breakfast. I made you coffee and if you make me some herbal tea, I even cook you some Bacon.” Waverly says as she turns the slices of bacon in the fry pan.

“Your wish is my command.” Nicole says as she fills the kettle with water, before switching it on to boil. Waverly and Nicole sit down after the bacon had been cooked and Waverly’s tea was brewed. Nicole then heads back into station after she finishes the washing up and drying.

For the next two weeks, Eliza is right beside Nicole during her shifts, which is starting to frustrate Waverly. Waverly knows that she can trust Nicole, it’s just that she does not know this woman, and this means her fear that Nicole will leave her, like everyone else has done in her life. To add more worry onto Waverly’s shoulders, Jeremy still has not been able to get a clear pinpoint on Jolene and Bobo’s whereabouts. Waverly just must watch and hear as Eliza would laugh at anything that Nicole said that was funny, or when Eliza would flick her long hair and bat her eyes at Nicole.

Eliza’s last day arrives, and Nicole lets Waverly know that she was going to late home that evening as she had still had lots of work to complete. Waverly says, “I’ll be waiting up for you, when you get home. And by the way could you collect this for the house?” Waverly hands Nicole the receipt.

“What’s this?” Nicole questions as she looks at the paper, while she sits at her desk at the station.

“It’s the babies cots and the car seats that we ordered. They have all been paid for. Can you bring them home with you tonight?” Waverly asks while standing next to Nicole’s desk. Waverly notices out of the corner of her eye, Eliza longingly staring at Nicole as she sips her coffee in the staff room of the station. Waverly’s jealously begins to raise its ugly head, as she says, “I want you to ring me before you leave the station, Nicole.” There is a hint of anger in Waverly’s voice.

“Baby, why? You know that I always come straight home after work.” Nicole says as she glares angerly at Waverly.

Waverly realises that Nicole is not impressed, “It’s just that I might need you to pick something up before you come home.” Waverly hopes that Nicole will buy her response.

Nicole just shakes her head as she says, “Ok, Waverly, whatever you want.” Nicole stands up from her chair, she puts on her jacket and walks over to collect her Stetson hat.

“Eliza, I’m just going out to run an errand. Do you want to come?” Nicole asks.

“Sure.” Eliza responses as Waverly looks at her with a ‘if looks could kill’ stare.

Waverly’s day eventually comes to an end as she and Wynonna walk out of the Black Badge office. Waverly looks over into the bull pen, hoping to see Nicole sitting at her desk, but Nicole’s chair is vacant. Waverly walks over to the front desk and asks the officer on duty, “I was wondering where Nicole is? It’s just that she said that she was working late.”

“Oh, she’s at Shorty’s with the others. Their taking Eliza out for a couple of drinks.”

“Thanks.” Waverly says through gritted teeth, she turns and walks back to Wynonna, who is waiting by the front door.

Waverly and Wynonna start to head home after they had picked up Alice from Gus. They pass by Shorty’s and Waverly spies Nicole standing outside Shorty’s front door, the red head was standing rather too close for Waverly’s liking to Eliza. Eliza was reaching up and placing a hand to the side of Nicole’s face, and then she leans in and places a kiss on Nicole’s lips. Waverly turns away and looks out the window to hide the tears forming in her eyes. Wynonna was busy focusing on her driving and didn’t see the interaction between Nicole and Eliza. Waverly fakes sleeping for the rest of the journey back to the homestead.

A couple of hours later in the evening a quiet Nicole walks through the front door of the homestead. She removes her shoes before climbing up the stairs to her bedroom. Nicole hopes that Waverly did stay up for her as she wanted to talk to the brunette about the delivery that she collected and brought home. As Nicole opened the door to their bedroom, she was struck with a slap to the side of her face.

“What the …” was all that Nicole could get out of her mouth.

“I saw you with that home wreaker…. I saw you kissing her outside of Shorty’s…. You said you were working back late…. I know that your no longer sexually attracted in me anymore. You’ve barely touched me in weeks…. Tell the truth, you want to be with Eliza?” Waverly stands in front of Nicole with her hands on her hips and tapping her foot.

“Waverly, Eliza kissed me, and I turned her down. I pushed her away and told her that I was madly in love with my WIFE. Waverly I am always attracted to you, it’s just that for the past month I been too tired to do anything. The reason I’ve been working so much is so that we can have enough money to pay our bills. But today when I went to collect our babies’ cots, I find that you’ve bought 6 car seats. Waverly we are only having 2 babies not 6.” Nicole begins to raise her voice and storms past Waverly towards their bed.

“We need them. You will need 2 for your truck, 2 are for my jeep and the other 2 are for Wynonna to use in her car. You said that I could get whatever we needed.” Waverly turns around to look at Nicole.

Nicole looks up at the ceiling and sighs in frustration. Instead of sitting down on the bed, Nicole moves to the closet and starts changing her clothes, she puts on the clothes she wears when she is working on the house. Nicole then storms past Waverly, who says, “And where do you think your going?”

“I was thinking that I might go and have that affair you’ve accused me of.” Nicole yells back at Waverly as she storms out of their bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Waverly yells back, “If you go near her, then don’t bother coming back.” Waverly then throws herself down on the bed and begins to cry.

Nicole walks out to her truck and climbs in, after turning it over, she drives off towards their newly built house. Nicole removes the baby cots packs and takes them inside to put together and set them up in the nursery. Nicole plugs in her phone and turns up the volume to her music and works away at putting the cots together.

Waverly is crying on her bed when Wynonna comes in. “I heard you and Haught arguing. Baby Girl, what’s the matter?”

“I saw Nicole standing outside Shorty’s tonight and Eliza tried to kiss her. I accused Nicole of having an affair. She said that she told Eliza that she was not interested and that she was madly in love with me. I think I’ve stuffed up my marriage!” Waverly says as she cries on her sister’s shoulder.

“Baby Girl, I see the way Haught sauce looks at you. She is not going anywhere, Baby girl. She is madly in love with you.” Wynonna says as she holds her sister in her arms. Wynonna looks out the window.

After a while, Wynonna broke the silence by saying, “Baby Girl, did the builders leave the lights on in your place?”

Waverly sits up and looks out her bedroom window and notices that there was lights on in her and Nicole’s house. She stands and walks over to her closet to pull out a jumper to cover her belly.

“I had better go and check.” Waverly says as she pulls on her boots. She starts to walk out of the room and heads out of the front door and off towards her and Nicole’s newly built house.