21. Chapter 21

Waverly’s dream home was a simple single storey home, which consisted of 7 bedrooms of which her and Nicole’s was the largest. Nicole suggested that the floor plan be an open style, which would allow them to hear and see their children without any hinderances. There was a porch which wrapped fully around the home. As soon as you entered the home, to your right was a hallway which 6 of the 7 bedrooms opened onto. There was also mixed in amongst all of this was two bathrooms and toilets. From the front door at your left you would find what Waverly describes as her and Nicole’s study room. One wall was completely lined with a bookshelf, and the on the wall which looked out onto the porch, was a large window to allow for natural light to warm and light up the room during the day.

Then as you continued to walk through the home, you were to find yourself in their dining room, which opened onto the very large kitchen. In the middle of the kitchen was an island, from where Waverly pictured herself and Nicole preparing meals for their numerous children over the years. In the middle of the home was the living room which at its centre was a huge fireplace at backed onto a wall, which divided the children’s bedrooms from the main part of the home. This wall was built so that it was about 80cm short of reaching the ceiling, this was to allow for the heat from the fireplace to filter through into the bedrooms.

Just off the living room was Nicole and Waverly’s master bedroom, which had double full-length windows which opened onto the porch. Waverly had chosen their position alongside the wall opposite the door to their room, as she said, “we can sit or lie in bed and watch the sun rising over the pond.” Something that she hoped that her and Nicole would have plenty of time to enjoy, especially on lazy Sunday mornings as they snuggled in bed with their babies. The master bedroom had a full bathroom and walk in closet, Waverly and Nicole insisted that they had a large bathtub installed, as they both enjoy being able to take a bath with each other.

Along with all the other necessity’s such as a laundry, Waverly’s dream home was now a reality and they were due to move in within another week. Nicole had made sure that the builders had followed all of Waverly’s instructions, right down to matching the colour system for each of the rooms. They also wanted a barn where they could house animals for the children as they grew as well as double garage for them to park their vehicles.

Waverly drove her jeep over to the house and found Nicole’s truck parked outside. When Wavery got out of her jeep, she heard music coming from within the house. She opened the front door and noticed that there was a light on in the room they had chosen to be the nursery. This was the bedroom closest to their bedroom. Waverly walked quietly so that she didn’t disturb Nicole. When Waverly reached the doorway to the nursery, she saw Nicole sitting on the floor and putting together their ‘pups’ cots. Waverly stood and watched as Nicole finished putting together the last of the two cots, when Nicole stood up to stand the cot, Waverly walked up behind Nicole.

Waverly reached out and snaked her arms around Nicole’s waist and she pressed her lips to the back of Nicole’s neck. After placing a gentle kiss to Nicole’s neck, Waverly tearfully said, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean all those things I said. Please forgive me Nicole.”

Nicole stood where she was, she places a hand on top of Waverly’s and turned her head to return the kiss. Nicole kisses the tip of Waverly’s nose. Nicole then turns fully around so that she can look directly into Waverly’s face. “Baby, I love you and I love that you get jealous sometimes, but you should know by now, I’m never going to leave you.” They stand looking into each other’s eyes and notice desire flickering within the other’s eyes.

“Dance with me.” Nicole asks while George Michael’s ‘Father figure’ plays in the background. Nicole wraps her arms around Waverly’s lower back, while Waverly hangs her arms around Nicole’s neck. They sway in each other’s arms until the end of the song. Nicole leans down and kisses Waverly passionately. Nicole’s hands snake up the back of Waverly’s shirt, causing Nicole to groan as she felt her wife’s naked skin.

Just before Waverly had left the homestead, she thought that maybe Nicole might be at their home, so she went into the barn and collected some logs, kindling and some matches. Waverly wanted to show Nicole that she loves her so much and what better way was to make love in front of a roaring fire. And as their bedroom had a fireplace built in, Waverly was hoping that they might be able to christen their bedroom. Waverly had been in a couple of days before and placed some blankets and pillows into the wardrobe in their room.

“Baby, could you help me with getting something from the jeep. I thought that it might be nice to christen our fireplace in our bedroom.” Waverly asks. Nicole smiles and they walk out to Waverly’s jeep and collect the items needed for the fire. As Nicole sets up the fire, Waverly makes up on the floor a makeshift bed on the floor, from the blankets and pillows. Waverly sits down and beckons Nicole to come and join her. Nicole smiles as she looks at Waverly, who has removed her clothes and is sitting waiting naked. Nicole takes the hint and joins Waverly by undressing and sits on the blankets.

“I’ve never seen you as beautiful as you are now. Waverly I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you.” Nicole says as she leans into kiss Waverly.

Nicole lifts Waverly’s legs just slightly so that she can place a pillow under her back, to help with taking the pressure from the weight of their pups off her spine. Then Nicole starts to kiss her way down Waverly’s body, paying special attention to Waverly’s now well-developed breasts, Nicole gives each one the right amount of devotion, by caressing and sucking on each nipple. Waverly groans as Nicole begins to move downward towards her mound. Nicole looks up at Waverly and smiles, because Nicole can taste Waverly already on her lips and tongue.

Nicole dives right in and begins to lick at Waverly’s folds, she takes in every drop of wetness which flowed from Waverly. Waverly groans and clutches at Nicole’s hair, as she feels herself getting close to reaching her climax. Nicole pulls back and sits up on her knees, her hard cock twitches in anticipation of being able to knot and cum inside Waverly. Nicole leans down and hovers above Waverly and kisses her, while she lifts Waverly’s legs so that she can enter her. Nicole slides inside and it’s not long before her and Waverly are both moaning as they feel the other reaching their climax. Waverly grinds her hips against her wife’s thrusting hips. Nicole’s cock begins to knot, and she knows it won’t be long before she cums, but she wants to make sure that Waverly reaches her climax before her. Nicole reaches down and stimulates Waverly’s clit, pushing the brunette over the edge.

“Nicole!” Waverly screams as she cums. Her hands grip tight around Nicole’s arms.

That is all it takes for Nicole, “Waves, ugh.” Nicole looks at Waverly, with all the love she feels being displayed in her eyes. Waverly cups the sides of Nicole’s face and says, “I love you, Nicole.”

Nicole grabs a blanket to cover them with, as they lay in each other’s arms. They find themselves drifting off to sleep by the glow of the fireplace. Waverly and Nicole spend the rest of the evening in their new home.

The next week sees both Waverly and Nicole moving into their new home. They both make sure that everything was placed in the right positions. When Nicole and Waverly brought Calamity Jane to their home, they found that she would head back to the homestead, back to her Alice. Waverly and Nicole accepted the fact that Alice was now the owner of Calamity Jane.

Waverly came into the station late in the afternoon two weeks after they had moved into their home, she had been looking after Alice for the day and wanted to see Nicole. Nicole and Wynonna had planned on having an evening out on the town. Wynonna wanted to have one last night out with Nicole before the ‘pups’ arrival.

“Hey, baby. How’s my beautiful wife and niece today?” Nicole asks. Alice giggles at Nicole who has crouched down to tickle the little girl.

“Hey, sweetie. Alice has started to pull herself up and stand holding onto the furniture. Your wife has a very sore back. While YOUR pups are causing me, Ouch.” Waverly says as she places one of her hands on her lower back and gives it a rub. While her other hand pushes the stroller that Alice is sitting in, playing with her teddy.

Nicole stands up and pulls Waverly into an embrace. “Baby, I don’t have to go tonight. I can stay home, and we eat take out, while watching that documentary, you’ve been wanting to watch.”

“No, you go. Just don’t drink too much.” Waverly smiles as she leans and rests her head on Nicole’s shoulder.

Wynonna walks out of the Black Badge office and straight over to the Bull pen, where she finds Alice and Waverly. Wynonna takes Alice for the rest of the afternoon to allow Waverly time to work on some paperwork. Waverly takes Alice home, leaving Wynonna and Nicole to hit the town.

Much later that night the ache in Waverly’s lower back is becoming more painful, causing her to become concerned. As she paces the floor of their bedroom for the 100th time, her phone rings.

“Hello…. Yes…. I’ll be right there.” Waverly answers.

Waverly makes her way into the police station and is greeted by the officer on duty, who leads her out to the ‘drunk tank’ cell.

Inside the cell, lying on the bench was Wynonna with an arm draped over her face. Nicole stumbles as she tries to pace the cell floor. Nicole notices Waverly standing with her hands on her hips, while tapping her foot. Waverly raises her arms as she says, “Your drunk and in trouble. And to make matters worse, you were at a strip joint.” Waverly raises her voice at both Nicole and Wynonna.

“Your beautiful and pretty. I loovee youuu sooooo much.” Nicole slurs as she grabs onto the bars of the cell. Wynonna climbs off the bench and makes her way to stand next to Nicole.

“I’m sorry Baby girl. We were just having a couple of drinks. We didn’t start the fight. Haughty here throws a good punch.” Wynonna says with a smirk on her face.

“Nicole Earp-Haught, you are in so much trou…..Oh shit…” Waverly looks down at her feet and notices that there is fluid running down her legs.

“Waves, what’s wrong?” A worried Nicole asks as she looks at Waverly wide eyed.

“My waters have broken. I’m not due for another couple of weeks. NICOLE!” A worried Waverly rushes over to the cell and grabs hold of Nicole’s hands. Waverly tightly begins to squeeze Nicole’s hands, as she feels a contraction.

“You need to let Nicole out of here, now Officer. We need to get Waverly to the hospital, NOW.” Wynonna pleads with the Officer on duty. He realises the urgency of the situation, he opens the cell door, releasing Nicole and Wynonna.

Waverly’s contractions are becoming closer and Nicole has started to sober up. She knows from her Police training, that when contractions are so close, it means that there will not be enough time to reach the hospital. Nicole holds Waverly and moves her towards Nedley’s office.

“Waves, we’re not going to be able to get to the hospital in time. We are going to have to make do with Nedley’s office. Baby trust me, I have you.” Nicole says as she leads Waverly over to the couch.

Nicole helps Waverly with lying down on the couch, she then checks and finds that Waverly is fully dilated. As Waverly feels another contraction pain, she screams out in pain. Nicole moves so that she can hold Waverly in her arms. After the contraction, Waverly looks into Nicole’s eyes and with one hand she plays with the back of Nicole’s hair.

Nicole heads out of Nedley’s office and finds Wynonna and asks her to get some blankets and warm water. Nicole then returns to Waverly, who is now wanting to push and delivery their ‘pups’.

“Baby, I need you to push on your next contraction.” Nicole tells Waverly.

Waverly pants and screams as she pushes, Nicole happily says, “That’s it, you are doing great. The head is crowning, and soon baby’s head will be here. Once the head is through, you can have a rest.”

Another contraction hits Waverly and she pushes. Waverly looks at Nicole, who smiles back at her.

“Our babies head is here… Look at all that reddish hair… Waverly give me your hand.” Nicole takes Waverly’s hand and guides it down between her legs to touch the top of their baby’s head. The two women smile and shed tears while looking at each other.

“Now Waverly, just one final push and our pup’s will be here.” Nicole holds the baby’s head in her hands while Wynonna enters with some towels, blankets and warm water to wrap the babies in.

Waverly pushes and screams from the pain, while Nicole guides their first baby into the world.

“It’s a boy.” A tearful Nicole announces.

“A boy, let me see.” Waverly cries as she reaches out her arms towards Nicole. Wynonna hands Nicole a towel to wrap their son in. Nicole looks at her son, who has her reddish hair. She cradles her son in her arms as she hands him to Waverly.

Waverly looks down at the face of her son and automatically notices that he has Nicole’s dimples. “He has a good set of lungs.” Wynonna says as the baby begins to cry. Nicole wraps her arms around Waverly and their son. They share a kiss, before Waverly begins to feel another contraction. Nicole takes their son from Waverly and hands him to Wynonna to clean and hold, while she delivers their next baby.

“Waves, we have another son. I love you so much. Thank you for giving us two beautiful sons.” Nicole tearfully says.

All Waverly can do is cry tears of joy. From the moment that Waverly met Nicole, she felt like that she had come home, to a place where she was safe and loved. That feeling of coming home, now was stronger with the birth of her children, her sons. Wynonna gave her sister and Nicole a hug and kiss before giving them space.

After some time, Nicole rang for an ambulance to come and check on Waverly and her sons. When the paramedics arrived, they insisted on taking Waverly and the twins to the hospital. When Nicole said that she would accompany Waverly in the Ambulance, the paramedics appeared to not be too pleased, but allowed her to travel in the back.

Meanwhile in the front of the Ambulance, one of the paramedics made a call. “Hey, there been a change of plans. The Deputy Sheriff is with us. We will have to take the babies another way.”

“So, what’s the new plan?” The paramedic that was driving asked.

“They intercept the babies on the way to the nursery. That Deputy Sheriff is going to pay heaps to get these babies back. We’ll be sitting pretty for a long time to come.” The other paramedic replied.

Nicole, Waverly and the twins cuddled together as a little family, unaware of the pain and heartache to come their way.