22. Chapter 22

As Waverly lay on the stretcher in the back of the ambulance, she held one of their son’s in her arms, while Nicole held their other son, as she sat on the bench next to Waverly. As the ambulance travelled towards the hospital, Waverly looked at Nicole, they both had tears in their eyes. Tears of joy at finally becoming parents of two baby boys.

“Nicole, I want to call him (she looks at her son in her arms), Nicolas after you and him (Waverly looks at her son in Nicole’s arms), Alberto. It means noble and bright, Nicole you are all of these. I want our boys to take after you, you’ve given me our family. I love you Nicole Earp-Haught.” Waverly says with a tearful voice.

Nicole looks at her two boys and smiles, as she sees how much they look like her, with their red hair and dimples. “I love those names. Welcome to the world, Nicolas and Alberto Earp-Haught. Your Mama and I have been waiting for you to arrive. We love you so much even though you’re only a couple of hours old.” Nicole leans down and places a kiss on the heads of her boys and then on the lips of Waverly.

The ambulance pulls up at the hospital and when the paramedics pull the stretcher out, they were planning on taking Waverly to the ward, but they were intercepted by the Doctor and nursery Nurse on duty. The Doctor instructed that Waverly be taken to be examined, while the nursery Nurse insisted that Nicole come along with her and the babies to the nursery. Nicole took hold of Waverly’s hand and gave it a squeeze before she took hold of Nicholas in her arms and carried both Alberto and Nicholas to the nursery.

While in the nursery, the Nurse on duty takes both Nicholas and Alberto’s weights and measurements, before handing Nicole, baby Nicholas to give him, his first feed. The Nurse showed Nicole how to burp and change his diaper. Then Nicole took Alberto in her arms and gave him his first feed. While Nicole was with their son’s, Waverly was being examined and the Doctor told her that she had torn, during giving birth and needed stitches. He reminded Waverly that she will not be able to partake in any sexual activity for a while until she healed.

Waverly was taken to a private room on the maternity ward and as soon as she arrived, Nicole was there with their son’s. The boys were sleeping in their little hospital cots and when Waverly looked at them, she could have sworn that she was looking at miniature versions of a sleeping Nicole.

Waverly beaconed Nicole to come and lie down on the hospital bed with her, as their babies slept. Nicole kicked off her shoes before climbing onto the hospital bed, she lay on her side so that Waverly could have room to cuddle into her front. Nicole lay there listening to the subtle signs that Waverly was drifting off to sleep. It was not long after that Nicole found herself drifting off to sleep. She was happy, knowing that her little family were all safe and sound.

Waverly and Nicole were woken to the sound of Wynonna, Doc and Alice entering their hospital room. They looked around and found that their boys were no longer in the room.

“Where’s those nephews of ours?” Wynonna asks as she holds onto a wiggling Alice.

“They were here, when we fell asleep. Maybe the Nurse came and took them back to the nursery.” Nicole says. She sits up on the side of the bed and puts her shoes on.

“I’ll go and check where they are, baby.” Nicole says as she places a kiss to Waverly’s forehead. Nicole exits the room, as Doc and Alice follow her towards the nursery.

“So, Baby Girl, you’re a mama now. Two healthy boys. It’s about time we had another generation of Earp men in the family.” Wynonna says as she gives Waverly a hug.

Meanwhile as Nicole approaches the Nursery, she is shocked to find that her boys are not there. The Nurse on duty had not come and taken the boys, as she thought the family wanted to spend time together. Nicole then started to become worried and scared to return to Waverly, to tell her that their babies were missing. The Nurse on duty raised the alarm, that the twin boys had been removed from the care of their parents without permission. The hospital was searched by the security guards, and they found the babies hospital bands thrown on the floor by the maternity ward exit doors.

A pale faced Nicole entered Waverly’s room. Waverly took one look at Nicole to know that something was very wrong. “Nicole, where’s our boys?” A worried Waverly asked.

Nicole walked over to Waverly and took her in her arms. “Baby, someone’s taken our boys.” Nicole could not get any other words out of her mouth. Upon hearing that her boys were missing, Waverly screamed at the top of lungs, “NO, NICOLE TELL ME YOUR ….” before breaking down and sobbing. Nicole rushed over to Waverly and engulfed her in a tight embrace. The pair held onto each other as if their lives depended upon it, as they sobbed into each other’s shoulders.

Doc came into the room a while after and handed Alice to Wynonna. “I’m going to support the security guards with tracking the babies.” Doc gives Wynonna a kiss before leaving. Wynonna walks out of the room to give Waverly and Nicole some privacy as they are both clearly devastated by the disappearance of their sons. Wynonna decides to call Jeremy to see if there is anything that Black Badge can do for Waverly and Nicole. Just as Wynonna was about to ring, she received a call from Jeremy.

“Hi Wynonna, when I came into the office this morning, I found that on my computer, there had been a call made to Bobo from a number. When I traced the number, it came from a phone which is owned by a Paramedic. I contacted the Ambulance department and they when I told them I was with a section of the Government Police department, they were able to inform me that the Paramedic was on duty. I was able to find out that it was the same Paramedic that assisted in taking Waverly and Nicole to the hospital.” Jeremy said.

“Wait your telling me that Bobo is the reason why my nephews are missing, and my baby sister and her wife are devasted. Wait till I get my hands on that bastard. Jeremy can you pull up anything from the security tapes from the hospital, to show just who we are looking for.” Wynonna asks as she looks at Alice, the thought of losing her daughter was not a thought she ever wanted to think about. She knew in that moment exactly what her sister and Nicole were feeling.

Waverly became hysterical and when the Doctor arrived in her room, he took one look and prescribed that she be given a tranquilizer. Nicole intervened and insisted that they release Waverly, so that she could take her home and care for her wife. It was the only thing that Nicole could do in that moment, if she couldn’t protect her son’s, she needed to be able to protect her wife. The Doctor understood where Nicole was coming from and released Waverly from the hospital. He gave Nicole the tranquilizer for her to give Waverly when she arrived home.

Waverly melted into Nicole’s side as they walked in a daze towards Wynonna’s truck. The ride back to the homestead was filled with tension, as Waverly just wanted to be held by Nicole. Wynonna didn’t know what to say, so, she turned the radio on. The only other sound to be heard was to come from Alice, who giggled as she played with her toy.

Wynonna offered for Nicole and Waverly to come and stay with her and Doc, but Nicole insisted that she wanted to look after Waverly in their home. Once inside their home, Nicole walked with Waverly wrapped around her towards the kitchen. Waverly would not let go of Nicole and so Nicole grabbed Waverly a bottle of water and handed her the tranquilizer to take. Waverly took the medication and Nicole then assisted her to their bedroom, where Nicole helped Waverly to change into her pyjamas and then under the covers of their bed. When Nicole tried to walk out of the room, Waverly tearfully held her arms out to grab onto Nicole.

“Nicole don’t leave me. I need you to hold me.” Waverly says with tears streaming down her face.

Nicole has never been able to say no to Waverly, especially when she was upset. Nicole walked over to their dresser and took out her own pyjamas. She changed into them and then climbed into their bed. Waverly lay her head on Nicole’s chest and held on tight.

“I’m so sorry baby. I couldn’t keep our boys safe. I’ve failed you and them……I should be out here looking for them.” Nicole sobs as she pulls Waverly tighter into her side.

Waverly sits up and looks directly at Nicole. “Sweetie, you have always been my protector. You have never let me or our boys down. I know that you would die for me, Nicolas and Alberto. I need you here for now. We will join in with the search, we just need……” Waverly breaks down. Nicole sits up and hugs her wife, allowing her to collapse in her arms and they both cry in each other’s arms.

They both laid down and eventually fell asleep in each other’s arms. After a couple of hours of sleep, Nicole woke and slipped out of Waverly’s tight hold. Nicole quietly walked out of the room and towards the nursery. As she stood in between the two cots, she stared at the two little ‘Sheriff’ bears that Nedley had gotten for the twins. The thought and feelings of being so helpless to protect her sons, hit Nicole like a tidal wave, as she collapsed onto the floor in a heap. As she lay on the floor crying her heart out. Just then she felt two arms wrap around her body and hold her. “Shh, it’s ok Baby. I’ve got you.”

Waverly sat on the floor and pulled Nicole into her arms so that Nicole could sit on her lap. As Nicole was held by Waverly, she rested her head on her mate’s shoulder, rubbing her chin against the mating mark. They sat and held each other until they realised how cold it was sitting on the floor. Waverly suggested that they should return to bed and got some more sleep before they headed out to join in the search.

Waverly and Nicole entered the Station the next morning and were greeted by Nedley, who took them both into his arms and gave them a tight hug. His actions spoke volumes and both Waverly and Nicole felt his concern and support. Nedley looked at Nicole with a worried look before saying, “Um, now promise me Nicole that you are not going to go all WWE on me?”

“What do you mean?” Nicole asked as Waverly stood beside her.

“Wynonna and Doc brought in the two Paramedics that took your boys. They’re in the interview room. We were just about to interview them.” Nedley says. Before he could say anything more, Waverly runs off down the hallway towards the interview room.

Waverly rushes into the room and lunges at the two Paramedics and pins one of them against the wall. Even though Waverly is shorter than the two men, she has the strength of 10 men right in that moment. “WHERE ARE MY BOYS!” Waverly screams.

Nicole and Nedley are not far behind Waverly and Nicole tries to pull the small brunette off the Paramedic, whom she has by the throat up against the wall. Nicole can sense her Omega’s frustration and anger, but she also knows that as an Officer of the Law, there is a process that needs to be adhered to.

“Waves, we need to focus on our boys. You have to let him go.” Nicole says as Nedley apprehends the second Paramedic, preventing him from escaping. Waverly releases her grip on the Paramedic, who rubs his throat and demands that she be charged with assault.

“You’re lucky that I stopped her when I did.” Nicole said as she forced the Paramedic to sit in the chair. “Now you and your friend here, are going to tell me, my wife and the Sheriff, where my sons are.” Nicole says as she stands over the Paramedic and pushes down on his cuffed hands, causing him to scream in pain.

After a short while, Nicole, Waverly and Nedley exit the interview room, Nicole and Waverly head into the Black Badge office, while Nedley heads into the bullpen. Within minutes they reappear with reinforcements in tow. The Paramedics had given them the location for the whereabouts of Bobo and the babies. The only comfort that Nicole and Waverly could hold onto right at that moment, was that the Paramedics had told them that their sons were being cared for and would remain unharmed.

Along the way Waverly and Nicole text both Wynonna and Doc the location of Bobo. They assembled at a meeting point to work out as to how they would ambush Bobo and retrieve the babies, without causing any harm to them. Once they had discussed and formulated their plan, the team ascended onto Bobo’s hide out. Bobo was held up in a cave just outside of the township of Purgatory, in an abandoned mineshaft.

Wynonna, Doc and Nicole entered the mine shaft cautiously with Waverly and Nedley close behind. All of them were armed and ready for anything that Bobo threw at them. What they found was not what they expected from Bobo. Bobo was sitting on the floor of the mine shaft, cradling one of the twins in his arms, while the other slept on a makeshift bed on the floor. The twins appeared to have been feed, by the empty baby bottles on the floor. He also had made a fire to keep them warm. Bobo was stunned to see Wynonna, Doc, Nicole, Waverly and Nedley standing in the opening to his hide away.

“Bobo, you had been not have hurt my babies.” Waverly yelled, as Nicole held her back from approaching Bobo.

“Waverly, your babies are safe and sound. They really are very precious little ones.” Bobo says as he looks at the baby in his arms. Upon hearing their mama’s voice, the babies wake and cry. “Shhh, it’s alright. Your Mama is here and from the looks of things, my time with you is over.” Bobo sways to comfort the child in his arms.

“Bobo, hand over the babies and no one will get hurt.” Wynonna says as she begins to lower peacemaker. Bobo begins to raise his arms towards Waverly, who rushes over and rips her son out Bobo’s arms. Nicole follows and picks up her son from the floor. Waverly and Nicole hold their son’s close to their chests. And as soon as they are in the embrace of their mother’s, the boys stop crying and snuggle against the breasts of their mothers.

Waverly and Nicole walk out of the mine holding tightly their sons, they hold each other’s hand with their free hand. Once outside Waverly and Nicole check their boys and find that they are unharmed, that Bob had taken care of them. Nicole hands to Waverly the other baby, so that she can hold both her boys in her arms. Nicole moves around and stands behind Waverly, she wraps her arms around her family and hold them all in her arms, while she rests her head on Waverly’s shoulder.

“See, Nicole you do protect us, and you rescued our boy’s.” Waverly says as she turns her head to give Nicole a kiss. They watch as Wynonna, Doc and Nedley walk out of the mine, with Bobo in handcuffs.

“Why?” is all that Waverly and Nicole could say when they saw Bobo.

“Because you took Willa from me. You had what I’ve always wanted. A family to call my own.” Bobo replied before Wynonna and Doc dragged him away towards Nedley’s cruiser. Nedley followed behind after he checked to see that the babies were ok and safe with their mum’s.

After they had their sons checked out by the Doctor at the hospital, where Nicole did not leave their side. Waverly, Nicole and their babies returned to their home to start their life together. That night Waverly and Nicole slept in their bed, with their sons tucked in between them. Nicole told Waverly that she was going to buy a dog to guard her and the boys, so that they would have protection when Nicole was working.