23. Chapter 23

After when Nicole and Waverly brought their sons home, they made sure that there was always at least one of them with their sons. Waverly would check on her sons even when she knew that they were safe in their cot, she found that after the kidnapping, she struggled with her fear of losing them again. Nicole was always reassuring her wife that their sons were now home, safe and sound.

Nedley visited the new parents and presented the babies with their very own Purgatory Sheriff Department toy badges and Stetson hat. Waverly just loved the gifts and vowed that she would dress the boys in their little Sheriff outfits, the next time she brought the boys into the station. Nicole was given two weeks off after the kidnapping drama, so that she could assist Waverly with the boys. They both loved this time together as a family, because they got to experience the first weeks of their sons lives.

Nicole would take the night shift of attending to the boys, as they had taken to waking every four hours demanding to be feed and then changed. Waverly would express her breast milk throughout the day, so that Nicole had plenty of milk to feed her hungry boys. Waverly looked after the day routine, where the boys would sleep, wake, needing to be feed and changed, then have some cuddle time with Mama (Waverly) or Mummy (Nicole), before becoming tired and needing to sleep.

One-night Nicole was woken by the sound of her sons crying through the baby monitor, which was on her bedside table. She climbs out of the bed, trying not to waken Waverly and heading out to the nursery down the hall from their bedroom. She walks in and sees that both Nicolas and Alberto are both awake and crying. Nicole smiles to herself, as she takes in how many blankets Waverly has placed on the boys. It is clear that they take after their Mama in how they feel the cold and need the extra blankets.

Nicole picks up little Nicolas in her arms and places him so, that he is snuggling against her heart. She then walks over to Alberto’s cot and picks him up and places him on her other side of her chest.

“Shh, Mummy’s got you now. It’s alright.” Nicole says as both boys begin to rub their little faces against Nicole’s chest.

Nicole walks out towards the kitchen and places the boys in their pram. She then starts to warm slowly the breast milk. Once it has reached the right temperature, she picks up a grizzly Nicolas, and begins to feed him, while she rocks the pram back and forth with her foot, trying to keep Alberto quiet. Once Nicolas has been feed and burped, he is placed back into his side of the pram, and then it’s Alberto’s turn.

Waverly wakes and finds Nicole’s side of the bed empty and cold. She climbs out from under her four blankets and wraps herself in her night gown. Waverly heads out to look for Nicole and when she finds her, Nicole is asleep on the couch with both boys sleeping on her chest. A smile forms on Waverly’s face as she takes in the sight of her little family sleeping soundly. Waverly gently nudges Nicole, who wakes and looks at her wife.

“They wanted to snuggle.” Nicole says to Waverly.

“I woke up and found that you weren’t there next to me. I missed my bonus blanket.” Waverly pouted.

“I know Baby, but they woke up and wanted to be feed. You know me, I can’t say no to the ones I love. Why don’t we put them back in their cots and then go back to bed and we snuggle?” Nicole says.

Waverly lifts Alberto off Nicole chest very carefully, so that he does not wake and press him to her chest, before picking up Nicolas. After getting up off the couch, Nicole offers to take one of the babies from Waverly. Waverly hands over Alberto to Nicole.

“Alberto takes after his Aunt Wynonna, you know Waves. He just can’t get enough of his ….” Nicole is interrupted by Waverly laughing.

“No, Nicole he takes after you. He has the same cutest look after he finishes feeding. Just like you when you’re had your fill of drinking from my pus…” Nicole interrupts Waverly.

“Waves, not in front of the boys.” Nicole says. Waverly and Nicole head back into the nursery and place Nicolas and Alberto into their cots, before heading back to their own bed. Where they get themselves settled and Nicole wraps her arms around Waverly, who rests her head on Nicole’s chest. They find that they fall to sleep quickly after.

Over the next couple of days, there were several visitors to call by Nicole and Waverly’s home to offer their congratulations to the new parents. Nicolas and Alberto were presented with several gifts, mostly clothing and toys. Jeremy and Dolls gave the boys matching onesies with a Unicorn face on the front, with the words ‘Little Brother’ printed underneath. They also received newborn bodysuit with the words ‘Ain’t no Mama like the one I got’ with little unicorns printed on both sides of the words.

Waverly loved all the different gifts that they received, as she knew that her sons were apart of a wider family and that they would make sure to keep them safe. Nedley stopped by and gave Nicole a pat on her back and congratulated her on not only the birth of her boys, but for being able to remain calm, when they rescued them from Bobo. After when Nedley had left, Waverly went to check on her boys, something she has made a routine since their return, she found placed in both of the cots, a teddy bear which had been dressed in a small Purgatory Sheriff Department Uniform and with the matching Stetson hat. The only person to have gone into the nursery that afternoon was Nedley before he left.

“Nicole.” Waverly cried out.

Nicole came running, thinking that there was something very wrong with either one or both boys. “What is it Waverly?” Nicole pants out as she barged into the nursery.

“Look.” Waverly holds up both Sheriff teddy bears, as tears run down her cheeks. Nicolas and Alberto lay in their cots, kicking their little cubby legs as they watch their parents.

“Waves, it’s alright. Nedley said that he got them specially made when he learned that you and I were expecting. He said that he has always thought of you as a daughter.” Nicole walks over to Waverly and takes her into her arms and holds her in a tight embrace. Waverly lays her head on Nicole’s chest and looks down at her sons. She never thought that when she met Nicole that they would fall in love and have their own family.

Over the next couple of months, both boys grew, and Waverly started to go back and work for a couple of hours one day a week for Black Badge. Nicole didn’t mind, because she got to see her wife and boys, while at work. Nedley would even offer to mind the boys in his office, so that Waverly could get some more work done. During Nicole’s shifts, Waverly and Nicole continued to communicate with each other, through their thoughts. So, when it came to the day of their 1st Wedding Anniversary, Waverly woke to find a note on Nicole’s side of the bed.

It read, ‘Today a year ago, I got to marry the most beautiful woman in the world. I married my soulmate and every day since has been filled with ups and downs, but I would not trade it for anything. Waverly, I want you to treat yourself to a day of pampering, while Wynonna and Doc babysit our boys for you. Then when I come home from work, I am cooking dinner for you. I love you baby. LOVE NICOLE.’

Waverly sat in her bed and smiled and sent a message to Nicole, ‘Nicole, I love you so much. A year ago, today my heart found its home in you. You have given me the most precious gifts of our boys and you keep us all safe. You had better not strain yourself today, because your going to need all of your energy for tonight.’

‘Waves, you are the one that is going to need all of their energy, because when I get a hold of you, your going to be feeling my cum deep inside of your pussy for days to come. Now get your rest my baby.’ Nicole communicated to Waverly.

Later that evening, Waverly came into the backyard of her home and found Nicole dancing and singing to their boys, who were lying in their capsules and giggling at their Mum. Nicole had a Vegan Barbeque cooking, with their picnic table set so that there were candles lit, as Waverly was breast feeding, she was not able to drink, so Nicole still had champagne glasses filled with non-alcoholic sparkling apple cider. Nicole was dressed in a dark blue button up shirt and black ¾ shorts and joggers. Nicole was singing the lyrics to an old Wham song ‘Love Machine’.

Waverly walked up behind Nicole and snaked her hands around her front and whispered into Nicole’s ear, “When I look in your eyesMy meter starts to riseAnd I become confusedMy motor cranked electric goesWhen I'm sitting next to youElectricity starts to flowAnd my indicator starts to glow, oh ohI'm just a love machineAnd I won't work for nobody but you(Oh, yeah)”

Nicole starts to feel her cock begin to grow inside her shorts. Looking down at her sons, Nicole says, “This is one reason why I married your Mama. She is always so sexy.” Nicole turns around and sees that Waverly is wearing a very tight-fitting summer short dress. All Nicole could do was stare wide eyed at Waverly.

“Um, and you have the world’s hottest Mama, boys.” Nicole regains her voice after Waverly connects their lips in a passionate kiss.

Waverly and Nicole realise that they had not better get to carried away, as there was food being cooked on the barbeque and the summer night was so nice, not to hot. Nicole had dressed their boys in the onesies that Waverly and she had purchased before their birth. Waverly thought that they looked adorable in their little sheriff outfits. Nicole and Waverly enjoyed their Wedding Anniversary dinner, as they reminisced all the details from their special day and how much they had both grown together. All the while their little boys would either giggle or gurgle during the meal, but they soon made it cutely aware that they were tired and needing to be feed before being placed in their cots.

After their boys were feed, burped, diaper changed and settled in their cots. Waverly lead Nicole to their bedroom, where she gave Nicole her own private lap dance. As Nicole watched her wife’s body moving to the music playing from her phone, she felt once again her cock becoming hard against her boxer shorts. Nicole reached out to grab Waverly’s hips, but Waverly taps them away.

“Nicole be patient. You’ll get your chance soon enough.” Waverly says as she grinds her groin against Nicole’s, causing the red head to groan out in frustration, at not being able to release her cock from its prison in her pants.

Waverly straddled Nicole’s lap and reached down and pulled out of her shorts, the hard cock and gave it a gentle stroke up and down the shaft. Nicole threw her head back and moaned in pleasure. Nicole couldn’t take it any longer, as this was the first time, they had been intimate, since the birth of their sons. Mainly because the doctor had only given them the green light the day before, as Waverly had completely healed after she teared during childbirth.

It didn’t take them long to get their clothes off each other and they were making up for lost time. They spend the rest of their night, making love to each other, and Nicole kept her promise of filling Waverly with so much cum, that for the next couple of days, she would still be feeling it inside of her.

At one point through the night, Waverly was on her knees and Nicole was behind her, filling her pussy with her cum after she had knotted inside of Waverly. When they hear the cries from their sons coming from the nursery.

“Shit, I’m going to have to have a word with those boys. I can’t pull out Waves.” Nicole says between pants.

“Nicole, pick me up and carry me into the nursery.” Waverly breathed out. Nicole gently picked Waverly up under her knees and carried her into the nursery. Nicole held Waverly under the knees, while Waverly picked up both boys in her arms and Nicole walked them over to the double rocking chair in the nursery. Nicole sat down, allowing Waverly to sit on her lap, while she breast fed her boys. Waverly by this stage had become a master at feeding both boys at the same time. Nicole took Nicolas and burped him, while Waverly burped Alberto. Nicole could feel her knot reduce and she was able to pull out of Waverly. Which meant that she was able to assist with changing the boys and place them back into their cots.

After making sure that her boys were secure and snug in their cots, Waverly lead Nicole out to the lounge room and pulled her down onto the couch. Where Waverly and Nicole made love for the rest of the night. Waverly and Nicole feel asleep just before dawn, but before they did Nicole made sure that they were covered with a blanket. They held onto each other and whispered words of love to each other.