24. Chapter 24

A month later Nicole returned home wearing her new uniform, which was a navy-blue shirt with a zipper instead of buttons and pants. As soon as Nicole walked through the door of their house, Waverly who was in the kitchen preparing their dinner, just stood and stared at Nicole.

“What’s wrong, Waves?” A puzzled Nicole asks.

“Oh, my, I am married to Purgatory’s Sexiest Police Officer.” Waverly says in a husky voice.

“You like my new uniform, I take it.” Nicole says as she walks closer to Waverly. When she reaches Waverly, she places her hands on her hips and pulls her in closer to her body.

Waverly slides her hands up Nicole’s chest and with one of her hands, she pulls down the zipper to reveal Nicole’s cleavage. Waverly smiles as she looks at Nicole before she leant in and places a kiss to the mark on Nicole’s neck.

“I take that as a yes on the uniform.” Nicole says as she wraps her arms around Waverly and leans down and kisses Waverly passionately. Before they could get to carried away, they were interrupted by cries coming from the nursery.

“How were they today?” Nicole asks as she heads off to the nursery to check on her sons.

“They have been behaving themselves. They missed you though.” Waverly says.

Nicole enters the nursery and when Nicolas and Alberto see their Mummy, they stop crying and stretch their arms out and wait for her to pick them up. Nicole gently picks them both up and gives them a kiss to their foreheads, as she walks out to Waverly in the kitchen.

Waverly takes her sons and breastfeeds them, while Nicole quickly changes out of her uniform. Nicole and Waverly enjoy their evening meal, as they talk about their day. Nicolas and Alberto lie in their play pen in the middle of the room. Giggling can be heard coming from the pair, as they kick their cubby legs and wave their arms in the air.

The next day, the little family head out in Nicole’s truck, as they travel to a dog breeder. Nicole wants to make sure that after everything that happened with Bobo, that when she is not home, that both Waverly and the boys are safe and secure. Waverly and Nicole had discussed and researched several dog breeds that are great guard dogs but are also great around babies and children. They decided on purchasing a Border Collie.

Once they had reached the dog breeder, which was located at a farm about 2 hours outside of Purgatory. At the beginning of the trip, Nicolas and Alberto were kicking their little legs at the dangling toys which were hanging above their car seats. Every now and then, Waverly and Nicole would hear giggles coming from the back seat. Waverly leans over and takes Nicole’s free hand and squeezes it, she looks at Nicole and smiles. Everything that she has longed for was right there in the front and back seats of the truck. Nicole pulls the truck off to the side of the road.

“Waves, is everything alright?” Nicole asks.

“Nicole, nothing’s wrong. I just realised that everything I have ever wanted, is right here in this truck. Thank you, Nicole, for all that you have given me. A home, family, security and love unconditional. I love you so much. And if you play your cards right, Officer Earp-Haught, you might just get lucky.” Waverly says as she wiggles her eyebrows. Nicole blushes. Nicole then leans in and plants a tender kiss on Waverly’s lips.

Upon arriving at the breeders, Waverly and Nicole soon realise that their boys need a quick diaper change, before they can meet the puppies. After being shown several, Nicole and Waverly decide on a boy Border Collie, as it clearly showed it had a connection with the boys, who both pointed at the dog. Nicole chose the name Max for their dog, and once they had paid the money, Max was placed in the back of the truck with the boys.

As Nicole turned the truck into the driveway of the homestead, 2 hours later, Max was asleep on the back seat of the truck, wedged between the two car seats. As Nicole and Waverly tried to lift the sleeping boys out of their seats, Max jumped out and followed close behind. Waverly took her boys into the nursery and as they were still asleep, she chose to place them into their cots, and she would feed them when they woke up later. Max followed Waverly into the nursery and found a comfortable position on the floor between the two cots.

Keeping her promise to Nicole, Waverly lead Nicole into their bedroom, where she quickly removed Nicole’s clothes before seductively luring Nicole towards their bed. Waverly removed her clothes before she straddled Nicole’s lap. Leaning into Nicole, Waverly captured Nicole’s lips in a heated kiss. Waverly then kissed her way down Nicole’s neck and towards her breasts.

Nicole released a groan and moan from her mouth, as Waverly took one of her harden nipples into her mouth. Waverly sucked until the nipple was plump before she brought her teeth down tight around the tender nipple. Waverly released Nicole’s nipple with a pop sound, before she took the other nipple into her mouth and repeated her sucking and teasing. Nicole’s cock was already hard and now it was pressing against Waverly’s stomach. Waverly made her way down towards Nicole’s hard member, and once her face was in line with the member, Waverly licked her lips.

“Waverly, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last with all your teasing.” Nicole groaned as she lay on her back, watching Waverly taking her cock into her mouth. Waverly worked her mouth up and down Nicole’s shaft. Waverly took the member fully into her mouth and sucked the pre cum from Nicole’s tip. As Waverly continued to deep throat Nicole, all Nicole could do was lay there on the bed and close her eyes, as she began to feel the coil within her begin to tighten, threatening to break hard and fast. Nicole knew that her cock was about to knot, and she didn’t want to do that inside of Waverly’s mouth.

Nicole reached down with one of her hands and pulled Waverly off her cock.

“Baby, I’m close to knotting. I don’t want to in your mouth.” Nicole says.

“I just want to make you feel good, because you are always taking care of me. Sweetie.” Waverly says as she lifts her legs over Nicole’s lap. Waverly gently takes Nicole’s full length inside of her before she begins to ride Nicole hard. Nicole snakes her hands up Waverly’s torso, until her hands find their rest on top of Waverly’s full and plump breasts. As Waverly rides Nicole’s cock, Nicole tenderly massages Waverly’s breasts, pinching her nipples between Nicole’s fingers. Soon both Waverly and Nicole are feeling deep inside of them, that tight feeling of pressure building within their core.

“Nicole, baby, I lovvvvveee youuu.” Waverly screams as she comes undone with Nicole deep inside of her.

“I love you ttooo Waaavvvveeeeessss.” Nicole screams out as she feels her knot forming just before she cums deep within Waverly’s core. Waverly collapses upon Nicole’s chest, as she nudges her head into the crook of Nicole’s neck. Nicole wraps her arms around Waverly’s back and holds on to her wife with a tight grip.

As Nicole and Waverly lay in their bed, later in the afternoon, they were alerted to the fact that their boys were awake, when Max started to bark. Waverly was concerned that when Max barked, it would scare the boys, but instead she found that her boys only cried because they were hungry and wet. Nicole and Waverly over the next couple of days soon found that when ever the boys were, they would find Max close by.

About a month after Max had come to stay, Nicole was at the station, working the morning shift. Before she even saw Waverly enter the station building, Nicole picked up on Waverly’s scent, that she was in heat and this brought Nicole’s rut to also arrive at the same time. Waverly walked into the station, pushing the boys in their stroller, as they were now beginning to want to sit up and be looking around. As Waverly walked into the bull pen with the boys, Nicole looked up from her desk, as she was finishing off some paperwork, before she headed out on patrol.

Nicolas and Alberto squealed in delight at seeing their Mummy, as Waverly pushed them closer to Nicole’s desk. Nicole reached down and started to unlatch their belts, so that she could pick them both up and kiss their faces and press them against her chest. Nicole has always been amazed at how even though the two boys were identical, they each had their own personalities. Nicolas was more outgoing than Alberto, who enjoyed sitting on either of his Mum’s laps and take in all the hugs and kisses he could get. Whereas Nicolas loved his hugs and kisses, he was always wanting to explore, by continually looking around and reaching for objects that were nearby.

Waverly loved that each of her boys, had inherited Nicole’s red hair, eyes and dimples when they smiled. Which both boys did on a regular basis. Waverly also noticed that when her boys and Alice were together, the older Earp cousin would boss the boys around, by telling them in baby talk, which toy to play with or how to pat Calamity Jane. Calamity Jane had been introduced to the boys at an early stage, but she was quite content to stay with Alice and look after her. Calamity Jane would wander over to Nicole and Waverly’s place at least once a week before the arrival of Max to spend the day with Waverly and the boys. After Max had arrived, Calamity Jane came over and as soon as Max saw the red tabby, he chased her out of the house and down the stairs. Need less to say, that was the last time Calamity Jane ever came near Nicole and Waverly’s house.

“Waves, did your heat arrive early?” Nicole whispers into Waverly’s ear, as she stands and leans into give Waverly a kiss on the cheek.

“Yes, I didn’t realise until I pulled up outside.” Waverly replies, as she takes Nicolas out of Nicole’s arms, as he is squirming to get free from his Mum’s embrace.

“Well, we’re going to be busy over the next couple of days.” Nicole says as she raises an eyebrow. Waverly giggles like a schoolgirl caught staring at her crush.

“Now, don’t forget that Wynonna, Doc, Alice, Jeremy and Dolls are coming for a barbeque/swim tonight. Can you remember to pick up the meat on your way home.” Waverly tells Nicole.

Later that afternoon, Nicole arrived home to find the house open and music blasting, but Waverly, Nicolas, Alberto and Max were no where to be found. Nicole starts to become worried, so, she calls Waverly’s phone.

“Waves, where are you? I’m home and I can’t find you.” Nicole says.

“We’re outside down by the water. Change into your swimmers and come and join us. Baby.” Waverly replies.

Nicole places the meat into the fridge and then heads into her bedroom to change. Once she has gotten changed, she heads outside and finds her boys lying on a blanket with Max next to them. Nicolas has a firm hold on Max’s fur, while Alberto has his hand laying on top of Max’s head. Max looks as if he is enjoying the attention from his charges.

Waverly is splashing around in the water, when she spies Nicole dressed in her blue two-piece bikini. Waverly feels her heat building between her legs at the sight of her wife, showing off her hot body. Waverly seductively struts out of the water, allowing the water to drip off her tight bikini clad body. Nicole feels her rut building within her bottom half of her bikini, as her cock begins to grow harder, with every step Waverly takes towards her.

Once Waverly has reached Nicole, both of their bodies are crying out to be touched and filled with the fruits of their love and passion for each other. Nicole’s cock just wants to breed Waverly, so that they could expand their family even more.

Waverly reaches her hands out to cup Nicole’s face and pull her into a passionate kiss, which quickly turns very heated. It does not take them both long to lead each other into the water, where they could make passionate love to each other, without making a scene in front of the boys and Max. Nicole whispers into Waverly’s ear, “I want to get you pregnant, baby. I love you so much.”

“I want you to get me pregnant. I want so many more pups, Sweetie. We have all those rooms to fill.” Waverly winks at Nicole as she begins to feel that sensation that came from when Nicole’s cock began to knot deep within side of her core. Waverly knew that it would not be long before Nicole would fill her core with hot cum, and hopefully babies.

As much as both Waverly and Nicole wanted to continue their love making, they knew that it would not be long before their guests would be arriving, and knowing Wynonna, she would interrupt their extra activities. So, after Nicole had been able to pull free of Waverly, they make their way back to their boys and getting the barbeque ready. Throughout the evening Nicole had a permanent smile on her face, as she could not get out of her mind, how much she was going to plough her cock deep into Waverly all night long and until her rut and Waverly’s heat had been taken care of over the next couple of days.