26. Chapter 26

2 MONTH LATERNICOLE’S POVNicole woke to find a little chubby foot tucked in under her nose, while she felt a cold nose pressed against her left cheek. She knew who the owner of the cold nose was and that it belonged to Max, but as to who the owner of the foot, this was a mystery. She knew that it could only belong to either Nicholas or Alberto, because ever since the doctor gave her the all clear to take her sons home a month ago, she has taken to sleeping on a blow-up mattress on the floor of the living room. Nicole found sleeping in her bed without Waverly was something she could not bring herself to do, so at night she would sleep on the mattress with the boys and Max tucked in next to her. Upon sitting up Nicole soon found that the foot belonged to Alberto, while Nicolas had moved and was tucked in behind her in the curve of her back, something that Waverly would always do, when Nicole was sleeping on her side.

Seeing that the boys were still sleeping, Nicole decided that if she was awake, she had might as well check to see if Jeremy had sent any updates during the night. Nicole walked over to the bench in the kitchen and checked her phone, before grabbing a coffee. As the custom for the past month, when she returned from helping with the search, Nicole would get an update from Gloria, (Samuel’s wife) who had come with Samuel to help look after the twins, Alice and her own children. Then she would help with bathing her sons, who were now talking and calling her Mummy and able to sit up on their own in the bath. Nicole would always make sure that there were enough bubbles in the tub, because they loved to splash their hands into the water and watch the bubbles fly in the air. Sometimes the bubbles would land on top of Nicole’s hair, which made the boys laugh that much more. The only thing that was missing was Waverly, so Nicole would video every milestone that the twins reached. This way Nicole felt that when they got Waverly back, she would not have missed out on this part of twin’s lives.

After the twins had been bathed, dressed and feed, the next part of Nicole’s night routine was to sit with the boys and settle into bed. While the twins had been in hospital, Gloria took the opportunity to create a video of Nicole and Waverly’s life from a collection of different videos’ that Nicole had, especially their Wedding video. Nicole would play the DVD for the boys and made sure that it plays on repeat, so that the boys and her could drift off to sleep listening to Waverly’s angelic voice. Nicole would tell Nicolas and Alberto all about their Ma, she would tell them how they met and why she loved their Ma. Nicolas and Alberto at night would point at the television screen and say “MA” every time Waverly appeared on the screen.

After the boys had drifted off to sleep, that would be the moment when Nicole would take herself off and have a shower. It was under the noise of the water falling onto the bottom of the shower, that Nicole allowed herself to scream and cry her heart out. She screamed because of her frustration of not being able to rescue the love of her life, her true mate and bring her home to their pups. Every couple of nights after not being able to find any kind of scent, while she was in the shower, Nicole would punch the tiled wall with her fists, so hard that blood dripped onto the shower floor and she had to use band aids on her knuckles.

This morning Nicole stood in the kitchen sipping her coffee from the unicorn mug had bought her to use at the station. Although Nicole loved it and wanted to keep it from being used by Wynonna, when she would make a coffee in the staffroom at the station. Nicole closed her eyes and just listened to Waverly’s voice, as the DVD was still playing. Nicole could picture Waverly standing there in the kitchen with her, caressing her arm as she whispered in her ear, but just then Nicole’s daydream was interrupted by the high-pitched cries from Nicolas and Alberto. She sighs but a smile comes to her face, as she knows that this means that she will be able to feed them both before she must head back out in searching for Waverly.

Nicolas and Alberto for the past week been trying some solid food along with their bottles and today Nicole wanted to see if they would have some Vegan porridge. Nicole placed them into their highchairs and placed their bibs around their necks. Gloria appeared in the kitchen, with her son and daughter, when Nicolas knocked the spoon of porridge from Nicole’s hand and onto the floor. He was screwing his face up as he refused to open his mouth when Nicole tired to feed him another spoonful. Although Alberto was loving his porridge, so much that he would fuss when Nicole was not fast enough with feeding him.

Gloria said, “Maybe Nicholas was the reason why Waverly was eating all that meat during her pregnancy?”

“Yeah, it sure looks that way, I’ll have to think of something else that he can have. The doctor did say to try different foods.” Nicole says as she feeds Alberto another spoon.

“I’m making scrambled eggs for Samuel and John, you can give Nicolas some, you never know, he just might be a fussy eater.” Gloria said as she walked over to the fridge and pulled out the egg carton and placed it onto the counter.

“It might fix him for now, what is he like during the day?” Nicole asks as she finishes her coffee and gives Nicolas and Alberto their bottles.

“Both of them eat quite well for babies of their age. I mostly feed them the mashed vegetables that your doctor recommended for them to eat. Then they have their bottles throughout the rest of the day.” Gloria replies.


JEREMY’S POVJeremy had taken on the role of supervising the BBD office as well as being the technical eyes for the team as they continued to search for Waverly. Doc, Dolls and Wynonna were out searching the Pine Barren’s as Doc had been able to pick up different tracks which matched the ones at the crash scene.

This morning Jeremy had just checked his computer for any updates, as he has been recently utilising Google earth to gain a greater understanding of the terrain of the Pine Barren’s. He notices that there was a building that he had missed, and the footage clearly showed that it was occupied. When Jeremy zooms in on the building, he sees a man and a woman, which looks just like Waverly. Jeremy writes down the coordinates for the building and texts them through to Dolls and Nicole.


WAVERLY’S POVFor the past two months Waverly had been well care for by the man, whom she had come to know as Deadfall. During their time together, at no point did Deadfall ever touch her sexually, in her eyes he was a perfect gentleman in that area. Deadfall always made sure that when he was present in the cabin, Waverly sent her time outside of the cage, although her hands and feet were still bound. Waverly and Deadfall would eat together, and it was over these meals, that he told his story.

Deadfall when he was a young man, was disillusioned with the world, as he had been let down by society, his friends and family. One day he sold all his possessions and hiked off into the Pine Barren’s. He had planned to live off the land and isolate himself from the world, he wanted to be self-reliant and turn his back on the ideals of the world. After about 6 months of being in the forest, Deadfall had created his cabin and was living rather well from the forest and all its inhabitants. It was about this time that Deadfall one day while hunting, came across a couple of people, dressed in 1800’s black clothes. When he spoke to them, they asked him to come and talk with their leader, Bulshar. For these people, Bulshar was the answer to all of life’s questions.

Deadfall cautiously followed these people deeper into the Pine Barren’s, further away from his cabin and comfort zone. Upon arriving at the camp area, he was confronted with a sight that he never thought possible from what the people had told him about their little group. In the middle of the camp was a large fire, upon which all the meals and water were heated. Surrounding the fire in a circle were tents which looked as if they were from the 1800’s and more at home in an old Western movie. And then out of the largest tent came a tall gentleman, who wore a 1800’s Sheriff uniform, along with the belt that had a pistol on each side and bullets attached to the belt, and as he walked out into the sunlight, the man placed a Sheriff hat upon his head. Deadfall caught sight of the fact that the man had little hair and on the left side of his face was a nasty scar, which ran from his ear down to under his chin. As Deadfall stood looking at the sight, a woman who called herself ‘Constance told him, “That’s Bulshar, my husband.”

Bulshar was introduced to Deadfall and over the next couple of days, Deadfall found that this was exactly what he had been searching for in life. To be able to fit in and be made to feel accepted even though he looked and dressed different from the others. Deadfall stayed with the group, who liked to call themselves ‘The Cult of Bulshar’, as they followed everything that Bulshar told them to do, think and feel. Deadfall found that Bulshar had three wives, with Constance being his first and legal wife, but he was also ‘married’ to two sisters, whom were always arguing as to which wife Bulshar loved the most.

Deadfall told Waverly that it was about four years after he joined the group, that he noticed Bulshar and his ideas were beginning to change, change not for the better. Bulshar approached Deadfall to teach the others how to hunt and kill animals, so that they as a group can sustain themselves. Deadfall was glad to teach his skills of hunting and skinning a dead animal for its meat and hide. It was one night around the fire that Bulshar revealed his true motives for the group.

“Tomorrow we are going to attack a music festival and with the skills that you all have learned from Deadfall, you are going to kill everyone. I want no survivors. This music festival goes against our beliefs and it will serve as a warning to the world.” Bulshar said as he stood with his hands on the base of the pistols which hung from his belt.

That was when Deadfall knew, this was not the life or people he wanted to be associated with. After everyone had fallen asleep, Deadfall escaped and hiked back towards his cabin. It was there that Deadfall hide for the past 20 years. About four months ago Deadfall had been out hunting and came back to his cabin to find a message pinned on his door, it was held there by a knife, a knife which he knew all to well, the knife belonged to Bulshar.

Bulshar had offered to let Deadfall live the rest of his life in peace, if he brought to Bulshar the survivor of the massacre from 20 years ago. And this was why Deadfall had staged the accident, to capture the mate of the survivor, leading them into a trap and then he would hand the survivor over to Bulshar.

Waverly had listened to Deadfall’s recount of his life and why she was being held captive and she started to think of a way to persuade Deadfall to not trap Nicole, but to find safety with BBD, instead of fulfilling Bulshar’s demands.

As it was now the custom, Deadfall would take Waverly outside for a couple of hours, while he worked around the cabin. He would cut wood, so that they had plenty of firewood, as it was now becoming cooler in the evenings and Waverly would continually ask for more blankets to keep her warm.

It was during these times that Waverly would talk with Deadfall and explain that if he let BBD help him, they would make sure that he would be safe and would not have to worry about Bulshar. Deadfall was starting to think that maybe this little firecracker might be telling him the truth.

This morning Deadfall took Waverly outside as normal, so that she could get some sunshine and fresh air. As she sat on a log in the sunshine getting warm, a thought entered her mind. ‘Waves, we are on our way to save you. Hang on my love.’ Just then she knew in her heart that the voice was that of Nicole’s. After two months of radio silence between the pair, Waverly’s mind was tapped into Nicole’s thoughts.

As if Deadfall could read her mind, he came over to her and said, “Today’s outing is going to cut short. I have to go and check on my traps.” He picked up Waverly and dragged her into the cabin and after placing her back into her cage, Deadfall tied up her hands and placed a gag in her mouth, before closing the cage and locking it.

Waverly tried with all her energy she pulled her hands up to Nicole’s mating mark on her neck and began to rub it, hoping that it would release her scent for Nicole to follow. All that Waverly just sat and waited to see if it worked.



After leaving the homestead property with Samuel in tow, Nicole knew that her pups were going to be in good hands, as Gloria, Chrissy and Jeremy (who was still to arrive), were going to watch all the children. As Samuel drove towards the usual location where they met up with Doc, Wynonna and Dolls, Nicole’s phone binged with the message from Jeremy. Nicole read the message and said, “Jeremy’s found Waverly, I’ll punch in the coordinates into the GPS.”

Upon reaching the location, Nicole, Samuel, Doc, Wynonna and Dolls congregated and formulated a plan to save Waverly without causing her any harm. It was decided that Nicole would be the one to check the cabin, after Doc had surveyed the area and declared that it would be safe to enter, but only one of them.

Nicole gingerly approached the door, checking to see if it was wired, and once she determined it was safe, she opened the door. The sight before her took her breathe away, at the back of the cabin, was a cage with Waverly locked inside of it. Her hands and mouth were bound, so Nicole smiled at Waverly before she started to take a step inside. At that moment, Waverly banged her bound hands against the cage bars with such force, that it grabbed Nicole’s attention.

Nicole stopped in mid step and looked at Waverly, who was trying to sign something to her, Waverly was cupping under her breasts and pushing them up. Nicole caught on quick and said, “Boobs, Umm, Booby Trap. Where?”

Waverly gave her a thumbs up and cupped her hands together and moved them around in a circle formation. Nicole asked, “Can you show me?”

Waverly nodded her head and indicated to Nicole that she needed to take long jumps in a zig zag movement across the floor. Using her long legs, Nicole took long strides towards the cage. Nicole placed her hands on the bars of the cage and Waverly interlocked their hands together for the first time in two months.

Nicole looked at the lock, “Waves, I need you to move back towards the back of the cage, I’m going to shoot the lock.” Pulling out her pistol from its holster, she took aim and shot the lock open. Nicole grabbed hold the door and flung it open and pulled Waverly into her arms. They held onto each other for a short time before Nicole released her love’s bound hands and mouth.

“I caught your scent as we approached the clearing around the cabin, and I knew you were here. I’ve missed you so much Baby.” Nicole says as Waverly wraps her legs around Nicole’s hips and clung her hands to the back of her red-haired mate’s neck. Nicole turned them around so that she could exit the cabin the same way she came entered, in a zig zag movement across the floor.

Once they were outside, Nicole tried to help Waverly to stand on the ground, but she refused to let go of her hold of Nicole. “I’m not letting go of my Knight in shinning armour, my true love.” Waverly rubbed her mate mark against Nicole’s before leaning back to capture Nicole’s lips in a passionate kiss.

“Ew, that’s my Baby sister, your defiling out her in the cold, Haught to trot.” Wynonna yells at the pair kissing in the open.

“Wynonna, I missed you to. Now how are my boys?” Waverly says as she clings to Nicole.

“We found some guy checking some traps, and when he saw us, he ran into one of his own pits and was speared through the heart and died. We were able to identify him from the image that Jeremy sent us this morning.” Dolls said as he showed Waverly the image of her and Deadfall outside the cabin.

“That’s Deadfall, he kept me in that cage, but he always made sure that I was safe. He never harmed me in anyway. He wanted to trap you Nicole, he said that you were the survivor of a massacre, that happened 20 years ago.” Waverly said to Nicole as she looked at Dolls phone.

After Nicole carried Waverly back to the truck, Doc checked her over and suggested that Nicole and Samuel take Waverly to the Hospital for a proper check-up. While Doc, Wynonna and Dolls travel back to the homestead.

The Doctor checked Waverly over and determined that the incision on her leg was healing just fine, but she was slightly dehydrated and needed to be given intravenous fluids. Which meant that she was to stay in the hospital for a while longer that she hoped. All Waverly wanted to do was head home, have a shower and get rid of horrible smell of her skin, cuddle, hug and kiss her sons, before making love to Nicole.

On the ride back to the homestead, Waverly sat on Nicole’s lap in the backseat of the truck, while Samuel drove, he had called Gloria while they were at the hospital to let her know that they were coming home. Nicole filled Waverly in on the injuries that the boys had sustained from the car accident, and how they spent a month in the hospital, being observed for any other complications.

When Waverly, Nicole and Samuel walked in, Gloria lifted a finger to her lips and said, “The boys are sleeping, they’ve been asleep for about an hour. You have some time to grab a shower, I left you some food in the fridge. It’s great to have you back, Wynonna and Doc invited Samuel and I over for dinner, so you will have the house to yourselves for a while.” Gloria gives Waverly a hug, before taking Samuel’s hand and leads back out of the door and towards the homestead, where she could hear John playing with Alice.

Waverly walked into the nursery with Nicole close behind, they both looked down at the sleeping boys in their cribs. Waverly turned around and buried her head into Nicole’s shirt and started to cry, Nicole wrapped her strong arms around the brunette’s back. “I missed two months of their lives.” Was all Waverly could say.

“I know baby, I had Gloria film all of their milestones for you to watch later. But for now, we need to get you into the shower and wash off that dead flesh smell. We don’t want our pups thinking that’s your scent.” Nicole leads Waverly towards the bathroom.

“I’ll have a shower as long as you join me.” Waverly says in a seductive tone. She started to unbutton Nicole’s shirt and push it off her shoulders, letting it fall onto the bathroom floor. It does not take them long to undress each other. Nicole holds open the shower door for Waverly to enter through, and then follows her in. Waverly turns and buries her head into the valley between Nicole’s breasts. Nicole reaches out and turns on the water, adjusting the heat, so that it was right before walking them under the water stream. They wash each other’s bodies, before Waverly reached up and started to play with the hair at the back of Nicole’s neck, pulling her into a heated kiss.

Nicole pushes Waverly’s back against the shower wall, as she lifted Waverly’s legs so that they were now wrapped around her hips, spread wide for her to line up her hard cock with Waverly’s centre. “Nicole, I want you to mark me again, and I want to mark you. I never want to lose out connection ever again.” Nicole smiled at Waverly, before thrusting into Waverly. They make love in the shower and just when they were close to climaxing, they bite each other’s mating mark, recommitting and strengthen their bond.

Nicole took Waverly into their bedroom and helped her to get dressed into her nightwear, before dressing in her own for the night. Nicole pulled back the bedding for Waverly to climb under, once Waverly was tucked in under her four blankets and bonus blanket, they both heard their son’s cries from the nursery.

“Mum, Mum.” Was what was heard from the two little boys, mixed in between cries.

“I’ll go and get them. You stay here and get ready for the cutest two little bundles of laughter to be placed into your arms.” Nicole says as she heads towards the nursery.

After what seemed like ages, Nicole returned with Nicolas and Alberto resting on her hips. Waverly noticed how much they had grown and starting to look more and more like Nicole.

As soon as the twins saw Waverly, they called out, “MA, MA” And reached out their arms towards their MA in the bed. Nicole walked over to the bed and placed into Waverly’s arms their boys. Waverly kissed their foreheads and squeezed them both tight, before she tucked them under her arms. Nicole climbed into bed and wrapped her arms around her precious family, now complete with Waverly home.

Waverly tried to stay awake, but she found it hard, now that she was tucked in under her four blankets along with her bonus blanket, and her sons and Nicole beside her in their bed. Nicole fell asleep not long after, as she listened to the sounds of her sons sleeping beside her, and Max lying at the end of the bed, keeping an eye on all the occupants in the bed.