27. Chapter 27

As the light shone through the curtain, Waverly felt the warmth from its source heat her face as she lay underneath four blankets. She forced her arms out from under the heavy blankets which covered her body and stretched them out to their fullest extent. But when she laid her arms down next to her, she found that the little bodies which had been tucked up next to her overnight, were now gone. Waverly sat bolt upright and searched their bed, when she found that her pups were not in her and Nicole’s bed, she threw the blankets off her and sprung out of the bed.

Waverly rushed out of her and Nicole’s bedroom and into the living room, where she found Nicole lying on the floor, playing a ball game with Max, while Nicolas and Alberto also were lying on their stomachs and giggling at their Mum and Max. Nicolas and Alberto were pushing up on their arms and holding their heads up. Nicole turns and notices Waverly standing behind her, looking at their little family playing on the play mat on the floor.

“Hey there Baby, did you sleep well? You looked so dead to the world when they woke, so I didn’t want to wake you.” Nicole said as she started to stand and walk over to Waverly. As she approached Waverly, Nicole reached out her arms and placed them onto Waverly’s hips and pulled the brunette against her body.

Before they could connect their lips, the front door was flung open and a little brunette-haired toddler comes running into the home, calling out, “Aunt Wav, Aunt Nic.”

“There’s my little girl.” Waverly says as she breaks from Nicole’s hold and kneels so that she could be face to face with Alice. Alice throws herself into Waverly’s open arms. Alice wraps her arms around Waverly’s neck and allows her Aunt to give her the biggest hug. Wynonna and Doc follow behind Alice into the home, Wynonna walks straight over to the coffee machine and pours herself and Doc the largest cups of coffee.

“I’m sorry for interrupting your family together time, but it’s just that little Miss Alice couldn’t wait to see her Aunty Waverly.” Doc says as he takes his Cowboy hat and lays it down on the table. Wynonna hands Doc his cup, as she takes a sip from hers.

“It’s alright, I missed you all and I’m happy to be home.” Waverly says as she stands next to Nicole, holding Alice in her arms.

“Where’s Samuel, Gloria and the kids?” Waverly asks as she looks around the room.

“They left early this morning. Samuel had to get back to work and didn’t want to wake you to say goodbye. I promised that we’d come to the city later in the year to see them.” Nicole answers as she places a kiss to Waverly’s cheek.

“I wanted to say … (sniff) thanks for all …. (sniff) their help.” Waverly says as tears begin to form in her eyes. Nicole notices and moves so that she is standing behind Waverly, she then slips her arms around her wife’s waist.

“It’s alright Baby, they already know. Gloria left a video of the past couple of months for you to watch later. She taped all the twin’s milestones for you, so that you wouldn’t miss them. We’ll watch them later. Lets just enjoy this time with the rest of the family.” Nicole says while she placed her chin on Waverly’s shoulder.

Waverly turns around and grabs hold of Nicole’s face and fervently kisses her until Wynonna interrupted with “Eww, not on an empty stomach, please.”

Waverly spent the rest of the day in the company of Wynonna, Doc, Alice, Nicole, Nicolas, Alberto and Max. The small group talked and watch their children play with Max, who loved being the centre of attention. Nicole looked over at Waverly, who was sitting on the floor, playing with their boys and smiled as she noticed how happy Waverly was looking. Nicole fell more in love with her wife in that moment. Nicolas and Alberto were now beginning to crawl, and they were trying to make their way towards Waverly.

Soon it was time for Alice’s bedtime and Doc with Wynonna began to head back to the homestead. After seeing her in-laws off at the door, Nicole walked back into the lounge room and found two little tired boys, sitting in their Ma’s lap. Nicole picked up Alberto and with Waverly close behind, walked to the nursery. Once their boys had been changed into their PJ’s and given their bottles, Nicole and Waverly placed their boys into their cribs and gave them little kisses on their foreheads.

Nicole and Waverly exited the nursery hand in hand, “Do you want to join me for a bubble bath?” Nicole asks.

“Can we have candles?” Waverly asks, taking Nicole’s hand and leads them towards their bathroom.

“Yes, .my love.” Nicole says as she places the baby monitor on the top of the bathroom cabinet.

Nicole runs the water, making sure that the temperature is right, then she pours in the vanilla bubble bath solution. When she turned around, Nicole realised that Waverly had already undressed and standing naked in front of her.

“I think that you are wearing too many clothes, Officer Haught. Let me help you out of those clothes and then we can get wet together.” Waverly whispers into Nicole’s ear, as she unbuttons Nicole’s shirt. Nicole works on removing her pants.

Nicole climbs into the bathtub and holds her hand out for Waverly to take and helps her to sit down. Nicole slides in behind Waverly and wraps the brunette in her arms. Waverly melts into Nicole’s embrace and they hold each other in silence for a moment. Waverly turns her head to plant a kiss on Nicole’s cheek, before saying, “I love you so much, Nicole Rayleigh Earp Haught.”

“I love you too, Waverly Earp Haught. When you went missing, I felt like I let you and the twins down. I promised to keep you safe for the rest of your life, and I couldn’t save you from being taken by Deadfall. I’m sorry for failing you.” Nicole says with a tear-filled voice.

Waverly turns around and straddles Nicole’s lap, rubbing against Nicole’s already hard cock. Waverly cups her hands around Nicole’s face and looks directly into her eyes. “Nicole Rayleigh Earp Haught, you listen to me. You have never failed me or our boys. You keep us safe everyday with your love. I knew when I was being held captive, that you would come and save me.” Waverly leans down and captures her wife’s lips with her own and kisses her with passion.

Nicole moans as she feels her cock beginning to twitch against the warmest of Waverly’s stomach, which was being pressed against Nicole. “Well Officer Earp Haught, it looks as though your pistol is posed and ready for some action!” Waverly says in a seductive tone.

“That’s because its target is one very sexy Omega. And it wants to make this Omega scream its Alpha’s name, because of all the pleasure it plans to bring her.” Nicole says as her eyes turn dark with desire.

Nicole gently lifts Waverly’s thighs, so that her cock was lined up with the brunette’s sex. Before sliding her cock into Waverly, Nicole took one of Waverly’s nipples into her mouth and began to suck on it, which caused Waverly to tilt her head back and groan. Waverly ran her hands through Nicole hair, as Nicole turned her mouth towards the other nipple and giving it the same amount of attention.

Waverly felt her sex begin to throb with desire and she knew that she needed more. “Nicole, I need you to …”

“Talk to me Baby.” Nicole says as she lets go of the nipple she had in her mouth.

“I need you to make love to me. I need to feel you deep inside me.” Waverly begs.

Nicole takes control of Waverly’s thighs and guides them so that Waverly could ride her hard cock. As Waverly felt the full length of Nicole’s cock deep inside of her, she groans out loud, while she locked her hands together behind Nicole’s neck. Nicole thrusts her hips to match Waverly’s body, allowing both to fully enjoy the experience. Nicole’s cock begins to knot, and it was not long after that she released her cum, deep inside of Waverly. When Waverly felt the hot cum deep inside of her, it tipped her over the edge.

Waverly fell into Nicole’s arms and they held each other tightly, until they realised that the water had now turned cold, making it unbearable to stay any longer. Nicole helped Waverly out of the bathtub and into a warm towel to wrap up in. After dressing for bed, Waverly and Nicole looked in on their boys before heading towards their own bed.

Nicole made sure that Waverly was comfortable, before she climbed into the bed and snuggled up to Waverly’s side. Nicole then picked up a tablet from her side table.

“Do you want to watch that video that Gloria made for you?” Nicole asks.

Waverly nods her head as she melts deeper into Nicole side, placing her hand on Nicole’s stomach. Nicole tabs onto an icon and the pair settle in to watch the cute images of their boys, making attempts to roll over onto their stomachs, then laying on their stomachs while holding their heads up and then learning how to sit up (with several falls backwards), causing both their parents to laugh and coo. As the video finishes, Nicole feels something wet against her shoulder, that’s when she realises that Waverly’s crying.

“Baby, tell me what wrong?” Nicole asks as she turns to look Waverly in the eye.

“It’s just that … (sniff and sob) I missed so much.” Waverly says through her tears.

Nicole takes Waverly in her arms and pulls her in close. “Shh…” Nicole says as Waverly lays her head on her chest and they lie down and hold each other. Nicole strokes Waverly’s hair until she knows that Waverly has fallen asleep. Nicole stares at the ceiling and breaths a sigh of relief. Nicole makes sure that Waverly is tucked up under the four blankets, before she allows herself to drift off to sleep.

Nicole found herself running along the edge of the river, she could hear screams coming from further from within the forest. Prior to being down by the river, skipping rocks along the top of the crystal-clear water of the lake, Nicole had been sharing a meal with her Aunt and Uncle around the campfire. Nicole’s ever absent hippie parents had sent her off to spend time with her Aunt and Uncle at a Music Festival, which was being held within a forest, in the Ghost River Triangle. Nicole was 6 years old and found the music festival a fun experience, as she got to sleep in a tent and play with other kids in the surround woods. Nicole realised that the screams she was hearing, were not that of people enjoying themselves, but the screams of people being hurt or killed.

Nicole was afraid that who or what was the cause of the attack on the camp, might come looking for her. This struck her with fear and panic, she looked down at her clothes and found that they were drenched in sweat. Nicole struggled to breath normally, her breathes were shallow and short, she felt her heart beating so fast and strong, that she thought her heart was going to explode. Just then Nicole could hear the breaking of sticks, as if someone was walking through the forest, she tried to move but her feet would not move.

“NO!” Nicole screamed as she thrashed her arms and legs around in the bed. Waverly woke and found the bedsheets soaking with Nicole’s sweat.

“Baby, Nicole, it’s alright. It’s just a bad dream. Shh.” Waverly tried to wake Nicole and calm her down from the nightmare.

Nicole sat up in the bed and realised that the sheets were drenched in her sweat. Turning to Waverly, Nicole tried to control her breathing, but struggled. Waverly could tell that Nicole needed her, so the brunette pulled her wife into her chest and guided her head so that Nicole could rest it against her chest. Waverly stroked Nicole’s hair and said, “Just focus on my heartbeat, Baby. Try and slow down your breaths. I have you. Your safe here.”

After a short time with the help of Waverly, Nicole was able to take control of her breathing and her heartrate returned to normal. Waverly held her tight and when Nicole suggested that she would go and have a shower to freshen up. Waverly still wanted to keep an eye on Nicole, so they both had a shower together and then Waverly put the kettle on to make them some herbal tea, before remaking the bed.

For the next two months, Nicole would have similar nightmares about the day of the attack on the festival by the Cult of Bulshar. Nicole returned to work about a week after Waverly had been rescued and hoped that by being back at work, it would help to reduce the nightmares, but it didn’t. The nightmares would all start the same, the only difference was sometimes, Nicole would hear the screams from her sons or Waverly in her dream.

One day after being encouraged by Waverly, Nicole decided to approach Dolls and ask him if Black Badge might be able to help her to understand what really happened in the forest when she was 6 years old. Nicole wanted answers and Dolls was the best one to ask.