29. Chapter 29

Waverly notices Nicole standing staring at her, with the biggest grin on her face, so she makes her way over to Nicole and kisses her till they both are breathless. Nicole pulls back and looks at Waverly, while her hands find their home on her wife’s hips and holds her close to her body. “Merry Christmas, Mrs Waverly Earp-Haught, the soon-to-be-Sheriff’s wife.” Nicole says.

“Wait, did you just say, Soon-to-be-Sheriff’s wife?” Waverly asks.

“Yep, Nedley’s going to retire and he wants me to be the next Sheriff.” Nicole says

As Nicole and Waverly were lost in holding each other, they didn’t realise that Alberto and Nicolas were crawling along the floor towards their parents. Alberto reaches Nicole’s legs and starts to pull himself up by grabbing hold of her uniform leg pants. Nicole feels the tugging on her pants and looks down into brown teary eyes looking straight into hers. Waverly feels two little hands being placed onto her lower legs and looks into the eyes of Nicolas.

“What’s wrong my bubba? Why are you so sad?” Nicole asks as she bends down and lifts Alberto and holds him to her chest. She rubs his back and looks at Waverly for an answer.

“He wouldn’t settle after he had his night feed and everything I did, he just would cry and between his sobs, Alberto just kept asking for his Mummy. So about 2am I was at the end of my rope and placed him in bed with me. When he caught a whiff of your scent on your pillow, he started to settle. I got one of your shirts and put it onto his teddy bear, and he finally fell asleep. Nicolas then woke us all up around 4am, so this little man has not had much sleep and missed his Mummy. Just like his Ma.” Waverly says as she holds Nicolas on her hip. By this time Alberto has a firm grip on his Mummy’s Uniform collar and not prepared to let go in any time soon.

“Oh, Bubba, its all ok now, your Mummy is home now.” Nicole places a kiss to the top of Alberto’s head and then kissed the top of Nicolas’s head. While Max begins to sniff around Nicole’s feet and the bottom of her pants.

“Um, I don’t want to be rude, but Nicole you stink. What have you been rolling around in? Max stop that, I know that your Mummy smells like she’s been rolling around in meat.” Waverly says as she pulls away from Nicole and raises her free hand to cover her nose, as she turns her head, indicating how bad Nicole smelt.

“We found that Tim was being held in the local abattoir. I’m sorry about the smell, I go and have a shower, before giving you a hand with the Christmas lunch. Now Bubba, your going to have to spend some time with your Ma, so I can have a shower.” As soon as Nicole has spoken the words, Alberto begins to cry and tighten his grip on his Mummy.

Nicole looks over at Waverly, trying to see if there was anything, she could do to distract their upset pup. Waverly just shrugs her shoulders and gives Nicole a look that spoke, ‘I looked after him last night, now its your turn.’ Realising that she had to handle the situation herself. “Ok, Alberto why don’t we both go and have a shower together and then we can help Ma with the rest of the cooking.”

“Nicole, you have been awake for over 24 hours and you look exhausted. Go and have your shower and then go and get some sleep. Wynonna, Doc and Alice are coming over in an hour to help, so you can rest and catch up on your sleep, I know that a certain little man needs to have a nap with his Mummy.” Waverly rubs Alberto’s back and gives him a kiss.

Nicole heads off to the bathroom, where when she placed Alberto onto a towel, while she changed out of her uniform, the little boy’s cries continued, with tears running down his cheeks and a pout, just like his Ma. Nicole quickly undressed herself and Alberto, before entering the shower. Once she entered the shower and turned on the water, little Alberto’s tears began to subside and his cries stopped, now that he was safe in the arms of his Mummy.

Nicole takes Alberto’s little hand into her own and pats it against her chest as they play a little game. Nicole’s heart beams as soon as she sees the smile on Alberto’s face and hears the giggles coming from her son. Nicole starts to feel tired and decides that the two of them should get dry and head off to bed. As the pair exit the shower, Nicole notices that Waverly had put out clothes for both her and Alberto to change into.

Nicole breathed a sigh of relief when she looked at her and Waverly’s bed. She had never thought that it would look so appealing, until right then. After climbing in under the sheets, little Alberto climbed onto of his Mummy’s chest and with his binky in his mouth, which he was quickly sucking on it strongly, before drifting off to sleep. Nicole was about to drift off when Waverly entered their bedroom, with Nicolas in her arms. He was sucking on his binky and had sleepy eyes.

“Nicole, do you think you have room for one more? Nicolas wants to sleep with his Mummy.” Waverly walks towards her side of the bed and waits for Nicole’s answer. Nicole nods and pulls back Waverly’s side of the bed covers for Waverly to lower Nicolas onto the bed, where Nicole wraps her right arm around her other son. Waverly leans down and places a kiss onto Alberto and Nicolas’ cheeks, before giving Nicole a lingering kiss on the lips. Nicolas looks at his Ma and pulls out his binky, and then starts to pucker his lips at his Ma.

“Oh no Boo, that’s a special kiss between Mummy and Ma.” Waverly says as she starts to climb off the bed and heads towards the door, where she turns around and says, “Oh, I was able to rescue your Uniform shirt from Max, but I think he has buried your pants somewhere in the barn.” Nicole right at that moment, really couldn’t care, she just wanted to get some sleep.

Several hours later, all the preparations have been completed, and all Waverly had to left to do, was to wake up Nicole and the boys. Wynonna was in the kitchen helping to get the Turkey out of the oven, when she looked at her sister.

“Baby girl, I’ve never seen you so happy. I am glad that you and Nicole found each other.” Wynonna says while she and Waverly place the freshly cooked Turkey on top of the stove to rest.

“I am happy, because with Nicole, I feel safe, loved and seen like never before by Nicole. I can’t imagine a life without her.” Waverly smiles at her sister before pulling the older Earp in for a hug.

“I had better go and wake up the grizzly bears.” Waverly replies as she walks towards her bedroom. She stops in the doorway and turns around and signals for Wynonna to come and have a look.

Nicole was sleeping on her back, with Alberto still sleeping on her chest, but he had wiggled down her torso and had his head resting on her stomach and Waverly guessed that his feet would be close to Nicole’s groin. Waverly hoped that when she woke up her son, that he wouldn’t kick his Mummy’s privates. Nicolas had also moved during his sleep and was now lying on his stomach, just above Nicole’s head.

“Oh, how cute. I need to take a photo, Baby girl.” Wynonna says as she rushes off to grab her phone.

“No Wynonna. You are not going to use it against Nicole. I know you to well.” Waverly says with her hands on her hips. Wynonna knew that when her sister, stood with her hands on her hips, it meant that she was serious. “Ok, Ok.” Wynonna says as she raises her hands in the air.

Waverly quietly walks into her bedroom and over towards the bed, where she gently climbed onto top of the bed. “Sweetie, Nicole, it’s time to get up.” Waverly waits for movement from Nicole or the boys.

When Nicole didn’t stir, Waverly placed a hand on Nicole’s shoulder and gives it a slight shake. Nicole’s eyes begin to blink and flicker, before she fully opens her eyes and smiles.

“Mmm, what a beautiful sight to wake up to.” Nicole runs a hand through her hair and feels a warm body above her head. She then feels that Alberto had shifted during his sleep and that his feet were extremely close to her cock. She reached down and moved the little feet, so that she wouldn’t be kicked in such a sensitive area.

“Sweetie, it’s time to get up, you’ve been asleep for 4 hours and Jeremy and Dolls are going to be here soon. I have to get these ones dressed into their Christmas outfits.” Waverly gingerly picks up Alberto and holds him close to her chest. He begins to fuss and nuzzles his head under her chin, before opening his eyes.

“Who’s got you Bubba?” Nicole says as she sits up in the bed and smiles at Alberto. He looks up and a tiny grin can just be seen from behind his binky. Nicole then turns around and sees Nicolas lying across her pillow and she lifts him into her arms. He starts to blink open his eyes and smiles at his parents. Nicole and Waverly head into the nursery and the two of them change the boy’s diapers before dressing them.

Waverly had purchased Nicolas a white onesie with baby reindeers pulling a tiny sleigh, printed all over, it came with a Santa hat hoodie. For Alberto, she had purchased a onesie which had little chubby Snowmen printed and it too came with a Santa hat hoodie. Waverly was dressed in a festive button up shirt, which she had matched with green pants. Nicole dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a blue sweater, which had a Snowman printed on the front.

Waverly and Nicole walk out into the dinning room with the boys in their arms and Wynonna can’t control herself any longer as she rushes over and gives kisses her Nephews on their cheeks. Alice runs over to her mum and asks, “Mumma, me up, me want to see.”

Wynonna lifts Alice up off the floor and places the little girl onto her hip. Alice reaches out and hugs Alberto and Nicolas. Both the boys giggle as their cousin is wearing a fluffy Santa hat that tickles their little faces.

“Now that we are all here, can we please eat now?” Wynonna says as she walks over to Alice’s highchair. Alice smiles as she looks at all the food in front of her on the table. Doc pulls out the chair for Wynonna to sit down before sitting himself. Jeremy and Dolls sat on the other side of the table to Wynonna and Doc. Dolls and Jeremy hold hands as they look at Waverly and Nicole place their sons into their highchairs. Alberto was seated next to Nicole, while Nicolas was seated next to Waverly.

Nicole stood and started to cut the Turkey, which was placed right in front of her, while Waverly walked over to her sons and placed their meals in front of them. As Alice was now eating solids, she was given some mashed potatoes, and some cut up meat. Nicole begun to serve up the cut-up Turkey before she sat in her chair.

Taking a glass of white wine in her hand, Nicole coughed to get everyone’s attention. “I’d like to make a toast to my wonderful wife. Thank you for all the preparations that you have done to make this our first Christmas as a family, a wonderful experience. I love you more each day and I want everyone here to know, how happy you make me. To Waverly.”

Everyone at the table raises their glasses and cheer, “Waverly.” Nicolas and Alberto look at the actions of the adults around the table and raise their arms in the air and say in their own way, “Yah.” Waverly and Nicole smile as they watch their sons. Waverly looks at her sons and says to Jeremy, “They get more and more cuter by the day.” Jeremy looks at Dolls and then turns to Waverly and say, “I wish I could give Dolls a family of our own, but we have been looking into adopting children, I can’t wait to watch Dolls playing with our children, he is going to make a great Dad, one day.”

The group of friends and family spend the next couple of hours enjoying not only each other’s company, but also fantastic food, until they could fit anymore in. Nicole groaned as she flung herself onto the couch with her sons in her arms. Wynonna sat next to her and said, “I hear that your going to be the next Sheriff. This is going to be so great, having my Sister-in-law as the town Sheriff. I see into my future, plenty of ‘Get out of Jail free’ cards coming my way, hey Haughty.” Wynonna nudged Nicole in the ribs, which caused Nicole to groan even louder.

Jeremy turned on the music on his phone and started to play Michael Bublé’s ‘It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas’ before he walked over to Dolls and held out his hand towards his mate. Dolls pulled Jeremy into his chest and they started to slow dance around the living room. Doc picks up his daughter and dances with her around the room. Jeremy had put together a play list which continued to play, slow Jazz Christmas songs, allowing for the couples to dance with each other.

Nicole watched Waverly swaying with Alberto in her arms, as they danced around the room she smiled as she noticed how Alberto looked at his Ma’s face. He had the same expression on his face that Nicole has when she danced with Waverly, the look of wonder and love. That was when she stood up and walked over to her wife and said, “Can I have this dance?”

Nicole held Waverly in her arm with Alberto resting on Waverly’s hip and Nicolas on Nicole’s. The little family happily danced around the room, and every now and again, Nicole would steal a kiss from Waverly. Wynonna didn’t want to be left out, so she joined Doc and Alice on the now dance floor in the living room.

As the day started to draw towards an end, the group decided to hand out the Christmas gifts which were sitting under the tree. Alice, Nicolas and Alberto were given their presents first and Nicole helped her sons to rip the paper off their gifts. The boys were more interested in playing with the paper, rather than their new toy cars. Alice was given a toy pony for her play with around the house and outside, as this pony had wheels on the bottom of its feet, allowing her to ride it. Waverly had made sure that the fur members of their family were not left out, so Calamity Jane received a toy mouse for her to chase after and Max received a toy bone, which squeaked when he chewed it.

Waverly and Nicole shared gifts with their friends and family, while their children played with the wrapping paper, which every time they scrunched it up in their hands, both Nicolas and Alberto giggled and squealed with delight at the noise they had made. As the day began to turn into night, the little pups started to become sleepy and grumpy. Nicole smiled as she noticed her sons and Alice were beginning to nod off while sitting up and struggled to stay up right. Doc stood up off the floor and walked over to Alice and picked her up and rested her head on his shoulder, where she finally drifted off, clinging onto the collar of his shirt.

Wynonna gathered up their presents, while saying, “Thanks Baby Girl and Nicole for a great day and thank you for the lovely gift voucher to the Spa. We will organise a time for when you and Haught dog can look after Alice, so that Doc and I can go and have some Grown up time.” Wynonna wiggled her eyebrows at her sister.

“Your welcome anytime.” Nicole replied as Waverly was busy with two sleepy pups, who were becoming a handful.

Dolls and Jeremy both also offered to babysit for both Wynonna and Waverly, all they had to say when and they would happily oblige. After everyone had left for the night, Waverly and Nicole took their grumpy pups and as a family had a lavender bubble bath together. The boys enjoyed being held by their mum’s, while they played with the bubbles. Once everyone had been washed and cleaned, Waverly and Nicole dressed their sons for bed. Nicole sat in the rocking chair first and then Waverly say on Nicole’s lap, with Nicolas and Alberto resting in her arms. Nicole wrapped her arms around her family, while Waverly sang to her sons. It didn’t take long for the two grizzly bears to become sleeping teddy bears. Waverly and Nicole placed them into their cots and made sure that each of the boys were tucked in under their four blankets and Max was in his bed beside the cots.

Nicole and Waverly placed a kiss to the foreheads of their sons, before leaving them to sleep. Nicole was behind Waverly as they left the room, she turned to take in one more sight of her sons, before leaving the room and heading towards her own bed.

Waverly and Nicole were in their bedroom, when Waverly told Nicole to take a seat on the bed and close her eyes. She had one more present to open and Waverly had to go and get it ready. While Nicole was waiting, she heard Alberto begin to cry. He had in the last couple of weeks, begun to become unsettled at night, especially when Nicole was on shift or when she had her nightmares. So, Nicole decided that she would go and see what troubling Alberto was, before Waverly got back from wherever she had gone to.

Alberto had pulled himself up by the sides of his cot and was standing, with the biggest tears streaming down his face, when Nicole walked into the nursery. “Hey, Bubba, what’s wrong?” Nicole said as she reached in and lifted her son and drew him to her chest. She held him tight as she swayed him back and forth in her arms. Little Alberto sobbed into her shirt, leaving a wet batch on the left side. Nicole rubbed his back, while he nuzzled his face against her mate mark on the side of her neck. As he breathed in her scent, his sobs reduced and his body relaxed and he soon drifted off to sleep in his Mummy’s arms, he felt safe and secure, much like his Ma, when she was in Nicole’s arms. Nicole placed him into his cot, patting his back, just to make sure that he was finally asleep, before she turned to leave the room.

Nicole returned to her bedroom and found Waverly kneeling in the middle of their bed, dressed in a sexy Santa teddy lingerie outfit, which she topped it off with by wearing a Stetson hat. Nicole’s cock reacted by standing to attention and causing Nicole to feel uncomfortable in her pants, as her 12-inch cock strained against the fabric of her boy shorts.

Nicole with a grin on her face, approached the bed and climbed on top of the doona and made her way to Waverly.

“Merry Christmas Sweetie. It’s time to unwrap your present.” Waverly says as she begins to pull on one of the ribbons of her teddy. Nicole reaches out and stops her, “I believe it’s my turn to unwrap you.” Nicole’s fingers make light work of the ribbons and quickly removes the wrapping and unveils her present. For the rest of the night, both Waverly and Nicole make love to each other until they run out of energy. As they drift off to sleep, Nicole whispers into Waverly’s ear, “I love you Mrs Nicole Earp Haught.”