30. Chapter 30

For the past two months, Nicole has been working nonstop, if she was not working on duty, she would be learning from Nedley, what she needed to know to be the Sheriff. Then on her days off, she split her time between looking after Nicolas and Alberto and meeting with Dolls, to discuss her surviving the massacre. Dolls had found records which have dated back 30 years which indicated that Black Badge knew about Bulshar and his evil ways.

Nicole woke the morning before her Sheriff promotion ceremony to the sounds of laughter coming from outside of her bedroom. She climbed out of bed and pulled on her dressing gown and made her way out towards the kitchen. Waverly was sitting at the dining table with Nicolas and Alberto sitting in their highchairs on either side of her. The boys were playing with their breakfast plates, and from what Nicole could see, it looked as thou they were supposed to be eating pancakes. Waverly smiled when she looked up and noticed her wife watching her.

“Well, hello there my sleepy wife.” Waverly said before standing and walking over towards Nicole and wrapping her arms around Nicole’s neck and playing with the hairs of the redhead’s.

“Mmm, I would have loved to have woken up to you in our bed. And I could have helped you with your heat.” Nicole replied before giving her wife a passionate kiss.

“It’s just that for the past two months, you have been working yourself so hard lately, that you looked like you needed the extra sleep. You have the cutest face when your dreaming.” Waverly smirked as she looked directly into Nicole’s eyes, which had turned dark with passion.

Before either of them could act on their passion and lust, they were interrupted by the sound of a truck arriving outside their house. Max started to bark at the two strange men, who had jumped out of the truck’s cab and were walking around to the back doors.

Nicole says, “It’s here, great.” Waverly looks at Nicole with a puzzled look on her face as she looked outside and then at Nicole for an answer.

“I had to choose new furniture for the Sheriff’s office and Nedley was going to throw out the couch. I rescued it and thought that it could live in our bedroom.” Nicole says.

“Nicole, it’s old and I’d hate to think of how many people have sat on that couch.” Waverly says.

Nicole heads off to the door and directs the removalists to the bedroom. After the couch had been placed in the right spot and the men had left, Waverly says to Nicole.

“Why do we have to have it here? Couldn’t it have stayed at the station.”

“Waverly, this couch has been so lucky for us both. It was on this couch that you first kissed me, it’s where we got engaged, its where we conceived our pups and where they were born. I just could let it be thrown out; it means so much to me.” Nicole says.

Nicole and Waverly watched as their year-old sons, were climbing all over the couch and Waverly bit her bottom lip, as she thought about the time, they made love and their pups were conceived on the couch. She felt her heat rise between her legs as Nicole kissed her on the lips and then down her jaw until she reached her mate mark, where Nicole nuzzled her mate mark against Waverly’s. As their scents mixed, their pups started to jump up and down on the couch, while they squealed with joy.

Waverly’s heat had come in and all she wanted was to be able to jump Nicole, right there and then, but she knew that she was a mother and she had to look after her boys. For the past couple of weeks, Nicolas and Alberto had been teething and quickly became grizzly bears when they were awake, and angels when they slept. For Nicole and Waverly, it meant that when they would normally sleep or spent time in each other’s arms, it was that time that the boys would pull out the big guns and cry and fussed until their parents caved in. Nicole mostly took the nights, while Waverly looked after them during the day.

Waverly would eventually end up at the station with the boys in tow. She mainly headed there for the support from her wife, as well as from her sister. Wynonna would take turns in trying to pacify the wailing pups and giving their Mum’s a bit of a break. Waverly also had to help Dolls and Jeremy with sifting through information on the Bulshar massacres.

Nicole turned around and looked at her son’s sitting on the couch with Max and Calamity Jane making themselves at home. “It looks as though it’s a yes from the jury.” Nicole says as she runs a hand up Waverly’s spine, causing the brunette to shiver.

“I believe so. Now you had better get ready or your going to be late for your last day as Officer Earp Haught.” Waverly says as she pats Nicole’s ass. Nicole heads off to dress and heads into the station.

Nicole made it on time for her shift at the station. Nedley had decided that it would be a good idea for Nicole and Wynonna to spend the day cleaning out his secret closet. As the pair started the task, they soon realised that they had different ideas as to what should be kept and what to dispose of. Wynonna spent most of her time, reading through Nedley’s old records, while Nicole did all the heavy lifting.

“Hey, Wynonna, are you going to help or are you just going to sit there?” Nicole says while she takes a moment to have a sip of her coffee.

“I just thought that you were having such a good time, that I didn’t want to interrupt.” Wynonna says as she takes a bite of the doughnut she held in her hand.

“Since when did you not want to interrupt? If I didn’t know any better, I think you’ve been teaching my sons some of your tricks. Cause every time lately when Waverly and I try to … you know …. they start to either cry or drop their toys from their cots, loudly onto the floor. Come on Wynonna the quicker we get this over and done with, the quicker we get out of here.” Nicole says as she hands Wynonna a pair of gloves.

“As long as we can go and have a couple of drinks afterwards. Hey, I found the files that Nedley told us about. Now let’s get these back to Dolls to shift through.” Wynonna holds a handful of old Police files in her hands, which she places on top of Nedley’s desk. She then assists Nicole with returning the items back into Nedley’s closet.

Nicole and Wynonna walk into the Black Badge Office, just as Waverly was taking Nicolas out of the stroller. Upon seeing his Mummy walking through the door, the little boy runs over to his Mummy and wraps his arms around one of her legs and hugs it tight. Nicole looks down and smiles at her son, who is looking up into her eyes. She notices the sparkle that shines in Nicolas’ eyes and it makes her heart skip a beat. “Hey, there my little Boo.” Nicole reaches down and pry’s her son’s hands from her leg and lifts him up into her arms. She kisses Nicolas’ temple as she hugs him.

Alberto is sleeping in the stroller and looks adorable in his dark blue jeans and white button up shirt. Waverly had come in to assist Dolls with following some leads on the Bulshar case. Waverly’s smile beams when she spots Nicole holding Nicolas in her arms, it’s a sight that she will never grow tired of looking at. Nicole walks over to Waverly with Nicolas sitting on her hip, they greet each other with a kiss. “Ew, leave it for home.” Wynonna whines as she walks over to Dolls and hands him the files.

Nicole takes Nicolas and Alberto with her, as she ventures out to collect coffee’s and doughnuts for the rest of the team. Leaving the team to get some work done without the distraction of the two cute little redheaded pups. Along the way, Nicole stops by Doc’s garage to pick up Alice, so that she can have some time with her cousins.

Upon arriving back at the station, Nicole is well and truly loaded up with coffees and doughnuts for everyone. Waverly looks up from a file and sees Nicolas, Alberto and Alice holding and chewing on pink iced doughnuts, with small pieces lying in the laps of the boys. Waverly shakes her head, as she thinks about how difficult it is going to be when trying to get the boys into bed later.

Nicole takes a seat next to Waverly, while the boys sucked and gummed their doughnuts. Alice ran over to Wynonna and jumped onto her Mum’s lap and finished off her doughnut. Nicole took a drink from her coffee and looked at the file that Waverly was reading. As she turned the page, an old photo fell out and onto the table.

As Nicole picked up the photo to look at, while Waverly looked over her wife’s shoulder and noticed how the young girl standing next to a younger mature kneeling Nedley, looked very similar to her own sons. That’s when it hit her, that she was seeing an young Nicole and that it would have been taken on the day, when she was rescued after the massacre.

“Nicole! Do you see what I see?” Waverly asks as she looks at a stunned Nicole.

“I always thought that it was a Federal Department that rescued me.” Nicole says in a puzzled voice.

“Not some flat foot cop?” Wynonna says as she notices that it is Nedley and Nicole in the photo.

“Wynonna, stop.” Waverly snarls at her sister, warning her to back down.

“I’m sorry Nicole.” Wynonna says as she places her hand on Nicole’s shoulder and give it a squeeze.

“It’s ok.” Nicole says and stands up and walks over to her sons. Nicole kneels and tidies them up of all the crumbs in their laps. She unbuckles them and lets them wiggle out of the stroller and walk over to their Ma for cuddles. Nicole says, “I just go and put this into the bin in the lunchroom.” She walks out of Black Badges office and over towards the bullpen.

Waverly knew that Nicole needed her, but she also knew that her wife would need some time to process this new information about her rescue over 20 years ago. Before she could follow Nicole, she was interrupted by two sets of hands grabbing at her pants. Nicolas and Alberto were showing her, their deconstructed doughnuts.

Nicolas talks at his Ma, words only a one year old would say, but Waverly and Nicole could understand what they were trying to say. “You enjoy your doughnut.” Waverly says just as Alberto tugs on her pants and points towards the bullpen and says, “Mummy, Mummy.”

“Yes, Bubba, Mummy has gone in there, but she won’t be away long.” Waverly says hoping that he has bought it. Alberto clings to her leg while he looks in the direction of the bullpen. Waverly tucks her top lip in behind her front. Just then Wynonna says, “Hey, Jeremy do you still have those fluffy dinosaur toys here?”

At the mention of the words of fluffy dinosaur toys, Nicolas, Alberto and Alice quickly turned their attentions on Jeremy and followed him into the other room. Wynonna says, “She’ll be alright, it’s been a while since Haught to trot and me went out on the town. We’ll finish up here and then you take the kids home. I’ll tell Doc to swing round and pick up Alice after work. And I’ll take Nicole out for a couple of drinks.”

“As long as you don’t bring her home drunk, she has a big day tomorrow.” Waverly says as she stands with her hands on her hips.

Nicole stood in the staff tearoom and stared for what felt like hours, when she was interrupted by Nedley coming in to make a coffee. “Did you find those files?”

“Um, uh, yes.” Nicole replied.

“Did you find anything of use?” Nedley asks as he fills his cup and takes a sip.

“Yes.” Nicole shows him the photo in her hand.

“Oh…. Follow me Nicole.” Nedley walks towards his office and after she has entered the room, Nedley closes the door and indicates for her to take a seat.

“Ah … You were so damn scared …still so damn tough. I found you, down river from the massacre. You’d gotten yourself into a canoe. You got away, so …” Nedley says as he looks down at the photo.

Nicole looks at Nedley with tears forming in her eyes, “You’re the one.”

Nedley looks straight into Nicole’s eyes, “Kept an eye on you afterwards. You know those folks of yours. Who lets their six-year-old daughter go to a music festival in the woods?”

Nicole swallows the lump in her throat as she makes a huff sound. “My parents were never anything but selfish.” Nicole’s sight becomes cloudy as tears well up and begin to fall down her cheeks.

“If they could see you now…” Nedley proudly says.

“Um, (Nicole shakes her head and blows a raspberry). We don’t talk.” Nicole replies.

“Why? Because of …. Who you are?” Nedley asks.

“Yeah. A cop.” Nicole replies with a smile on her face.

“When I found out you’d enrolled in the police academy, I couldn’t resist offering you this job.” Nedley says as he leans back in his chair.

“When I saw the posting, I knew that this is where I had to serve. Everything good that I have in my life is because I came back to the Ghost River Triangle.” Nicole says with a tearful voice. Nedley is close to tears as he listens to Nicole.

“You’re like a daughter to me.” Nedley says as Nicole sits opposite him crying, tears of joy and sadness. As Nicole sobs, she finds the strength to stand and walk around Nedley’s desk to give him a hug. A hug which says, ‘Your father I always wanted.’

As Nedley returns the hug, “You’re wrinkling the crease in my khakis. And congratulations Sheriff Haught.” To which Nicole hugs him that bit tighter.

After a short while later, Nicole emerged from out of Nedley’s office, with a tear stained face and redden eyes. She walked out of the bullpen and into Black Badge’s office, all she wanted was to spend the night wrapped in the arms of her wife. When she entered the office, Nicole found Waverly buckling their sons into their stroller and Alice standing next to her.

“Nicole, Waves thought that it would be a nice idea for you and me to go out on the town tonight.” Wynonna says as she strolls over to Nicole, placing her leather jacket on.

“I don’t think that I would be good company, Wynonna.” Nicole tries to explain.

“Nuh, not having it. You and I are hitting the town and that’s it. Say goodbye to your sons and Waves, and then we’re out of here.” Wynonna demands.

Nicole looks at Waverly, who has moved to be next to her wife and leans into her touch. Waverly nods her head as if to say she gives Nicole permission to go out and that she supports her. Nicole looks at Waverly and stares into eyes which reflect all the love in the world, right back at her.

“Ok, Wynonna, as long as we don’t stay out to late. I have a big day ahead of me and I won’t need the headache.” Nicole gives in and kisses her twin’s goodbye before giving Waverly a passionate kiss, which makes Wynonna react, “Barf.”

Later that night around 2am in the morning, two very noisy characters try to quietly make their way up the stairs to Nicole and Waverly’s home. Before they could reach the front door, the porch light turned on, causing the two very drunk persons, to stumble due to being blinded by the bright light. The front door flung open and a very angry Waverly stood in the doorway, wearing one of Nicole’s old Police shirts for her pyjama’s.

“Shh, I think your wife, is angry!” Wynonna slurs, while she tries to hold up a very drunk Nicole. Nicole rests her body against the porch post, hoping that it will keep her upright.

“She’s my wife? She’s so pretty and beautiful.” Nicole slurred as she pointed towards Waverly.

“Dude, she’s my baby sister and your wife. You have two of the cutest boy pups as well.” Wynonna says as she slaps Nicole on the back.

“I have two boy pups, with her. I am so lucky.” Nicole replies with a grin.

“Don’t put the image of you two humping each other into my head.” Wynonna says with a chuckle.

“Wynonna, all I asked you to do, was not to bring her home drunk.” A extremely angry Waverly says with smoke coming out of her ears, as she stands with her arms crossed.

“Shh, Baby it’s ok, I’m not that drunk.” Nicole pleads with Waverly as she stumbles up the stairs and lands her hands onto Waverly’s hips. Nicole pulls Waverly in tight against her body, allowing her to take in Waverly’s scent and notices that her wife is in heat.

“It looks as though you have it all in control, I’ll go home now, and hump my man, until the morning comes.” Wynonna says as she turns and heads towards the homestead. Leaving Waverly to care for Nicole.

Waverly leads Nicole inside and leans her against the wall, so that she could close the door. Nicole is so turned on by the sight of Waverly just wearing her shirt, that she reaches out for her and pulls her against her groin. Waverly pushes Nicole slightly, so that she can try and lead the taller woman towards their bedroom.

Before Waverly could direct Nicole towards their bedroom, Nicole started to stumble down the hallway towards the nursery. Waverly chases after Nicole, as she didn’t want her to wake the twins. As Waverly approached the nursery, she sees, Nicole leaning over the cots and looking down at her sons, who are still sleeping.

Nicole looks up with tears in her eyes and says, “We made these cute little ones. I love you so much.”

Waverly walks over towards her wife and passionately kisses her on the lips and then she takes Nicole’s hand and leads her out of the nursery. Once she has Nicole in the bedroom, she starts to unbutton Nicole’s shirt and says, “Now get out of your clothes, Haught stud.”

Waverly turns and walks over to dresser and starts to pull out pyjama’s for Nicole. When Waverly spins around and finds a fully naked Nicole sitting on the couch, with an erection and a grin on her face. “Officer Haught, what do you think your doing?” Waverly says.

“I’m going to make love to you all night long, and put my pups inside of you, that’s if you want?” Nicole says as she reaches out to her wife and pulls her towards her lap.

“Nicole, you know that I want to have more children. Take me and fill me.” Waverly says as she straddles Nicole.

“Let’s see if this couch, proves to serve us as being just as lucky this time.” Nicole says with a hint of a husk to her voice.

The next morning, Waverly wakes to the sounds of giggling coming from outside her bedroom. Some how during the night, Nicole had been able to move them both from the couch to the bed, during one of their love making sessions.

Waverly looked around and found that Nicole’s side of the bed was empty, and she was no where to be found in the bedroom. Waverly climbed out of bed and pulled on some clothes before leaving the room. She found Nicole had gotten the boys up, dressed and was now feeding them. Nicolas and Alberto squealed with laughter when they spotted their Ma and reached out their little arms, so that they could have a cuddle and kiss.

After greeting her sons with the biggest hugs and kisses, Waverly made her way over towards Nicole and wrapped her arms around her wife’s waist and pressed her body against her back, before kissing her on the back of the neck.

“Mmm, morning baby, sleep well?” Nicole says with a smirk on her face.

“You know how well I slept. You hound dog.” Waverly jokingly says as she slaps Nicole’s bottom.

After the family had finished their breakfast together, Nicole said goodbye to her little family before heading off to the station. “I’ll see you later at the ceremony.” Nicole kisses Waverly goodbye.

“I can’t wait to see you become Sheriff Nicole Haught.” Waverly says as she hugs Nicole.

Later in the day, as the rest of the officers gathered to watch Sheriff Nedley hand over the reigns to Deputy Sheriff Nicole Haught. Nicole herself was pacing up and down in the staff room as she waited for time to arrive, when she hears little feet running in the hallway and Waverly calling after them.

“Here’s my cheer squad.” Nicole says as Nicolas, Alberto, Waverly, Wynonna, Doc and Alice appear in the staff room. Waverly had dressed Nicolas and Alberto in identical Sheriff outfits to match their Mummy. Nicole picked up her sons and kissed them on the cheek, when Nedley appeared and said, “It’s time Nicole.”

Nicole walked out to the bullpen with Nicolas and Alberto in her arms and Waverly by her side. Nedley proceeds with the ceremony and within a couple of minutes, Nicole is made the next Sheriff of Purgatory. All the other officer’s offer Nicole their congratulations and support as the new Sheriff. Although it was clear that for Waverly it was the most proudest she had ever been of her wife, and she was not shy about showing it, as she leapt into Nicole’s arms after the ceremony had finished.

They celebrated well into the night and Nicole wanted to make sure that she was successful in getting Waverly pregnant again, made sure that they celebrated by making love throughout the night, after they had placed their sons to bed for the night.