31. Chapter 31

A month later Nicole had started to create a routine, where she would wake early with a sense of resistance, but she knew that she needed to keep up her fitness, if she wanted to be the best Sheriff, that she could be. Then after running in the early morning cold, Nicole would return to her home and take care of the boys, allowing Waverly some extra time to sleep, as she had begun to have morning sickness in the last couple of weeks. Nicole picked up on the change to Waverly’s scent, the first morning that she experienced being sick, but Waverly wouldn’t let it stop her from trying to keep up with caring for their boys and working on the Bulshar case.

After caring for the boys, making sure that they were changed and dressed for the day, Nicole would then start to prepare breakfast for them all, she allowed the boys to go and wake their Ma, by climbing onto the bed and gently patting their Ma’s face with their little hands. Waverly loved this time, as she got to spend some time with her boys, before her morning sickness kicked in. And when it did kick in, Waverly spend about an hour in the bathroom, being sick, which caused her sons to become concerned for their Ma. The boys would follow her in and wait, so that Nicolas could hand her a towel to wipe her mouth, while Alberto held her hair back and rubbed her back. Nicole would then come in and stand watching the touching scene of her sons, looking after their Ma, before she walked in and wet a hand towel to place against Waverly’s forehead and wiped away the beads of sweat.

Once her family was ready to sit down to share breakfast together, Nicole would prepare for Waverly some dry toast, as that was all she could keep down. For the boys, they had a bottle of breast milk, as Waverly was finding her breasts were sore in the mornings and she had expressed the milk the night before. Along with their milk, the boys would eat either toast with honey or porridge mixed with honey. After breakfast, Nicole would then rush off and have her shower and then dress in her uniform, before kissing Waverly and the boy’s goodbye as she left for work.

The day before the twin’s birthday, Nicole was in the bullpen just before lunch time, she was reading through some documents, when a smile appeared upon her face. She had picked up on the scent of Waverly and the boys, before they entered the building. Then she heard small feet running in the hallway and the giggles from their owners, so she decided that she would crouch down and wait for the onslaught from her sons. It was not long before she saw the gate of the bullpen swing open and she flow her arms out wide, so she could capture her sons.

Nicolas saw his Mummy first and ran screaming her name, “Mummy.” He then launched himself into her arms, which Nicole scooped him up in her right arm, Nicolas then nuzzled his own scent mark against hers, until it blended. Then Alberto was close behind in seeing his Mummy and being pulled into her body with her left arm. Alberto repeated his brother’s actions and mixed his own scent mark with his mothers. Nicole stood up and saw a very angry Waverly standing in the bullpen, with her arms crossed her breasts and a scull on her face.

“Nicole, your looking after YOUR SONS for the rest of the day.” Waverly roared at Nicole.

Nicole looked around the bullpen and realised that everyone was looking at her and Waverly, so she decided to move her family towards her office. She walked towards her office with Waverly following her close behind. Once Waverly was inside the office, Nicole closed the door to give them privacy and space to talk. Nicole placed her sons down, so they could play with the toys, she had in the office to keep them occupied.

“Waverly, what happened to them being our sons?” Nicole asked as she looked at her wife and then down at her sons.

“Your son, Nicolas when we were in the supermarket, he and Alberto were sitting in the shopping cart, when he reached out and grabbed my nipple, right in front of people. He then started to lean forward and tried to suck my nipple through my shirt. Nicolas made the same face, that you make when you look at my breasts, right before you latch onto my nipple.” Waverly explains to Nicole. Nicole tries to hide the smirk that appears upon her face, as her thoughts linger on the aspect of her eagerness of sampling her wife’s breasts.

“Nicole, it’s not funny. It hurt when he touched me and that means, these are off limits for you too, now.” Waverly said as she gestured towards her breasts. The smile on Nicole’s face quickly disappeared and turned into a pout.

“Nicole, stop doing that.” Waverly says.

“Stop doing what?” Nicole says knowing that Waverly couldn’t resist her when she pouted.

Waverly wraps her arms around Nicole’s neck and starts to play with the ends of her hair. She looks into Nicole’s eyes and sees desire twinkling back at her, causing a smile to appear on her own lips. Nicole leans down and plants a lingering and tender kiss to Waverly’s lips, knowing that they can’t get to involved, as their sons were in the room.

“Now, Nicole don’t think that I am letting you off so easily. You still must look after YOUR SON’S for the rest of the day. I am going to get things for their Birthday Party tomorrow. And I am still not pleased with what you’ve taught our sons, to reach out and grab my nipple like it’s a plaything.” Waverly says as she storms out of the office.

Nicole picks up her sons and sits them onto her desk. Looking at Nicolas, she says, “I guess we’re both in the doghouse. Now Nicolas you know not to grab onto Ma like that, when your out in public.”

Nicolas puckers his lips and moves them as if to mimic sucking with his lips. Nicole laughs as she knows how tempting her wife’s breasts are and how she herself struggles to keep her own lips away from those wonderful peaks.

Wynonna appears at the door with Alice clinging to her leg, “So, Haught stuff, what have you done now? Waverly just stormed out of here and grunted at me and Alice.”

“Nicolas decided to have a grope for Waverly’s nipple in the supermarket and I got her knocked up. My punishment is to look after the boys for the rest of the day, while she spends the day shopping and preparing for their birthday party tomorrow.” Nicole replies as she tickles Nicolas and Alberto, causing them to giggle and squirm on the desk.

“Well you had better make it up to her, because when Waverly’s mad, everyone suffers.” Wynonna says while Alice starts to climb onto Nicole’s lap and plays with her cousins.

“And speaking of knocking one up, Doc has finally knocked me up. So, these little ones, will finally have some more cousins to play with.” Wynonna says with a smirk as she rubs her own belly, which was now starting to show a bump.

Nicole arrived home that night with two very tired and hungry son’s, a bouquet of flowers and take out for dinner. As Nicole and the boys entered the house, they found that Waverly was busy cooking for the celebrating of the birth of their sons, a year ago in Nedley’s office on the couch, which now resides in their own bedroom.

“Ma, babble.” Cried Nicolas and Alberto as she wrapped their arms around Waverly’s legs.

“Hello Boo and Bubba. Did you have a good day with Mummy?” Waverly’s mood had changed to be more cheerful.

“We all had a good day, didn’t we? We all got to ride in Mummy’s cruiser, and we played with the sirens. Then Nicolas and Alberto took it in turns to try and talk into the radio, although it was more babble than talk. We then decided that Ma deserved some flowers and a night off from cooking dinner, so we bought you these and ordered your favourite Chinese, Sweet and Sour Soup with a dollop of Peanut Butter.” Nicole approaches Waverly and kisses her before handing over the flowers and then organising the food, so that they could sit down and eat.

After putting their son’s to bed in their cots, Nicole and Waverly wrapped the presents that they had purchased for each of the boys. Even though they were twins, Waverly and Nicole wanted to make sure that their gifts matched the boy’s personality.

The next morning Waverly woke before Nicole and started to work on icing the cake, she had made the day before. She was lost in her thoughts remembering the day, a year ago when she and Nicole brought into the world their first set of pups. Until that day, she thought that Nicole’s love for her, was the best thing she had ever experienced, but she was to find that the birth of their son’s, made the love between the true mates, that much stronger and deeper.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds coming from the nursery, as her sons were now awake and playing with their bears and Max was keeping watch as they happily played. Waverly decided that she would wake Nicole, so that they could share the morning together before her wife had to go into the station. Nicole woke to kisses from her wife as Waverly straddled her on top of the bed covers.

“Now, before you get any ideas, my love, our sons are awake and it’s their birthday. Now get up and dressed, so that we can give them their presents.” Waverly says as she caresses Nicole’s face with her fingers.

Over breakfast, the boys were given their presents, which they needed help to unwrap. Nicole took Alberto while Waverly took Nicolas. Nicolas was given a set of clothes suited for climbing and playing outdoors with his Mummy, while Alberto was given a rocking horse and a set of foreign language children books, which Waverly would read to him and Nicolas before they went to sleep.

Later in the day while Nicole was at the station, she was busy working on a file, that she realised that it had been hours since she had last moved from her desk or even had a cup of coffee. She decided to make herself a cup of coffee and chat with the officers in the bullpen, when Waverly arrived to work on the Bulshar case with Dolls, Nicolas and Alberto were asleep in their stroller, when Waverly stopped at the front desk to steal a kiss off Nicole.

“Hello, how is my lovely wife today?” Nicole inquired as Waverly stood looking so much in love with her wife.

“Your wife is happy, now that she’s looking at the love of her life.” Waverly reaches out and runs her fingers down one side of Nicole’s face.

Before Nicole could reply, a postal delivery man appeared and asked, “Are you Sheriff Nicole Haught?” Nicole replied, “Yes, why?” “Please sign here and this is for you.” The postal delivery man handed over an envelope to Nicole and a clipboard with a paper for her to sign.

Nicole looked down at the envelope in her hands and turned it over to open it. The look on Nicole’s face had turned from excitement to dread and fear. “What is it my love?” was all Waverly could say as she looked at Nicole. Nicole dropped the letter into Waverly’s hands before walking out of the bullpen and into Black Badge’s office.

Waverly read the letter, which simply said, ‘Nicole, I hope you enjoy your son’s birthday and your wife’s body. Because it will be the last time you will see them alive. You survived the attack all those years ago, but you will now lose everything you hold dear. Bulshar.’

Waverly turned around and pushed the stroller, and followed her wife into the Black Badge office, where she found Nicole deep in conversation with Dolls. “Waves, I’m so sorry for dragging you and the boys into all of this.” Nicole says before she starts to break down and cry on her wife’s shoulder.

“Shh, it’s all going to be alright. We are stronger than Bulshar, because of our love for one another. I wouldn’t want it any other way my love. I love you Nicole Haught and don’t you ever forget it.” Waverly says as she holds Nicole’s trembling body against hers.

Dolls suggests, “Nicole, I know that you trust your friend Sam, do you think he and his wife would be open to watching Waverly and the boys, until we find and deal with Bulshar?”

“I’ll ring them, but it will mean that Waverly and the twins, will need to leave the Ghost River Triangle, until it is all finished. I can’t risk the chance of anything happening to Waverly and the boys. I couldn’t live with myself if anythi…” Nicole couldn’t finish the rest of her thoughts, as she broke down in the arms of Waverly. Throughout all this the twins, stayed asleep in the stroller.

Nicole had called Sam and arranged that they would arrive later within the week, as they wanted to celebrate their son’s first birthday. For the rest of the day, Nicole painted on a smile to hide her own fear of losing her family. She wanted her son’s birthday party to not be clouded by her fears, so she made sure that all the games were fun and that her sons had the best time. When it came time for the cake, Nicole held her sons, so tight that she feared that they would break. Waverly was the saving grace for Nicole, she remained strong and supported her wife with every look and touch.

It was only after when everyone had left their house and their sons were tucked in their cots and Max was on guard, that Nicole broke down. She was sitting on the couch in her bedroom, when she started to cry and hung her head down into her hands. Waverly saw how devasted her wife was and knelt beside her on the couch and wrapped her arms around Nicole and pulled her close to her body and held her tight. Nicole pressed into Waverly’s chest and cried until there was no more tears. Waverly just held Nicole and rubbed her back, Waverly knew that Nicole needed in that moment, was her support and that was what Waverly offered.

Waverly kept her own fears close to her heart, which included her own anxiety of Nicole being hurt or even killed during the ending of Bulshar’s attack on her family. Nicole eventually was able to compose herself and Waverly looked into Nicole’s eyes and found herself falling more in love with her true mate. Waverly stood and lead Nicole to their bed, where Waverly expressed her love for Nicole, by making love to her for the rest of the night.

Two days later, Nicole and Waverly said their goodbyes to Wynonna, Doc and Alice before placing Nicolas and Alberto into their car seats. As Nicole drove them out of the Homestead, Waverly looked at the side mirror and watched as her sister and her family, become smaller and distant. Waverly felt Nicole touch her hand and say, “You’ll see them again, I promise.”

“All I want is for you and the boys to stay safe. I want us all to come back to our family.” Waverly said as she looked at Nicole, as she drove them down the road towards Vancouver, to Sam and his family, to safety. As they drove, Nicolas and Alberto would play with their bears and kick their little legs and talk in their own baby language. Nicole made sure that she remembered all her son’s movements and their voices, so that when she was back in Purgatory without her family it would give her some comfort.