32. Chapter 32

Waverly and the boys slept while Nicole drove the truck down the highway towards their destination for the night. Nicole rubbed her sore eyes and hoped that around the bend that there would be a rest area. It was not long before the next rest area appeared and she drove in and parked, once she had turned off the engine, Nicole looked over at Waverly and then the boys, noting that they all stayed asleep. She climbed out of the truck and walked over towards the food and drink vending machines and purchased some snacks and drinks for her and her family. Then Nicole pulled out of her jacket pocket, a packet of cigarette’s and a lighter, looking over at the truck once more, she saw that Waverly was still asleep as she placed a cigarette to her lips and then lighting it. Turning around and taking a step towards a table, Nicole drew in the nicotine, this was something she only did when nervous and needed to think.

As Nicole smoked, she was so lost in her thoughts that when a pair of hands snaked around her middle, that was when her thoughts returned to the present. Waverly kissed Nicole’s neck and squeezed her middle tight, before saying, “This is new.”

“I only do it when I’m nervous and need to think.” Nicole replied as she dropped the cigarette onto the ground and then squashing it out with her shoe. Then she lent down and picked it up and placing it into a bin.

“Oh, you got me my favourite snacks, you are my best baby. The boys are a bit restless; do we have time for them to play on the swings?” Waverly says as she turns her body towards the truck. They could see the boys were awake and squirming in their car seats.

“I don’t see why not.” Nicole placed her hand out for Waverly to take hold of, and when their fingers were intertwined, they walked to the truck and got the boys out and took them to the play equipment. Once the boys had enjoyed playing on the equipment, Nicole scooped them both up in her arms and walked them over to the vending machine and allowed them to pick out a drink. Nicolas chose an apple juice, while Alberto chose a vanilla milk. It was time to return to the road and Nicole would not let Waverly take the wheel, as she said, “We have to make a stop along the way.”

Before leaving Purgatory, Nicole had purchased two new mobile phones and transferred all the contacts out of their old ones. She wanted to make sure that Bulshar and his followers could not trace their phones and let them know of their location. About two hours later, Nicole pulled the truck off the highway and into a rural country town. She drove them towards a farm, where an old friend lived, and they could stop for the night. Nicole had organised to swap vehicles and then travel the rest of the way to Vancouver.

Once the boys saw the cows in the barn, they wanted to go over and play with them. Nicolas wiggled in his Ma’s arms as she lifted him out of his car seat. Nicole’s friend took the boys over and showed them all the different animals in the barn and allowed them to pat them. Waverly and Nicole laughed when Nicolas reached out and grabbed hold of one of the cow’s tits and tried to squeeze it. The cow turned its head and gave the little boy a look, much like the one Waverly gave him, when he grabbed her nipple in the supermarket. Waverly said, “I know how you feel, it’s alright he means no harm.”

Nicole smirked at how much her boys were starting to become more interested and eager to explore their surroundings. Before retiring to bed for the night, Nicole took one last check on the house and that her boys where asleep in their little sleeping bags, on the floor of their room. Waverly sat watching her wife, fuss about before saying, “Nicole, what is wrong? You have checked on the boys for the fifth time?”

“I just don’t want anything to happen to you and the boys, especially these little ones.” Nicole placed her hand on top of Waverly’s flat stomach.

“We trust you Nicole. If anyone is going to keep us safe, it’s you. Before I met you, I never really felt safe, but that all changed the day I met you.” Waverly lays her hand on top of Nicole’s and interlocked their fingers. Nicole leaned in and kissed Waverly tenderly, poking her tongue out and rubbing it along Waverly’s lips, seeking entrance to her mouth. Waverly opens her mouth allowing Nicole’s tongue access. Nicole pulls away and presses her head against Waverly’s, staying joined for a time before joining her wife in bed.

Throughout the night, the boys would at different times become restless as if they could sense their Mum’s stress. Nicole and Waverly would attend to them, but they eventually bring them into their bed, where they all slept soundly until morning.

The next morning the little family along with Max climbed into a SUV and headed back onto the highway and towards Vancouver. Sam and Gloria had taken up a new position in Vancouver and this gave Nicole another place to hide her family. Nicole pulled the SUV into Sam and Gloria’s driveway around early evening, with three very hungry passengers. Nicolas and Alberto were grizzling and starting to chew on the ears of their teddy bears. Waverly on the other hand was quiet but her stomach was not, so when Gloria offered to grab them something to eat, she jumped at the chance and was very grateful for the nourishment she received, as her pregnancy was beginning to enter its second month.


Nicole and Sam went into his office to go over all that Nicole knew at that point. Once they had finished, they joined their families in the kitchen for dinner. After everyone had finished their food, the children could go and play, while the parents sat and caught up. Lucy was now walking and had taken a liking to Nicolas, who returned the affection. John looked after Alberto and the two played with John’s cars, for Alberto these became his new object to suck on. When Nicole and Waverly came in to check on the boys, they found Alberto with a red pick up truck stuck in his mouth and have a great time sucking on it. Nicolas was sitting next to Lucy, holding hands while they looked through a picture book.

“It looks like Lucy has chosen her mate. I hope your son treats my daughter right.” Sam said as he and Gloria walked up behind Nicole and Waverly.

“Not happening. They are too young.” Nicole replied.

“Are you saying that my girl is not good enough? Haught.” Sam replied in a serious voice, before smiling, to let Nicole know that he was joking.

The children played for a while, before the boys and Lucy started to get tired and needed to change for bed. Lucy became upset when her father told her that she couldn’t have a bath or sleep in the same bed as Nicolas. It took Gloria twice as long to get her little girl to sleep that night, but for Waverly and Nicole, when their boy’s heads hit their pillows, they were out like a light. Waverly and Nicole were exhausted themselves and found sleep came quickly for them.

Sam and Gloria knew that it would be a while before Nicole and Waverly would get another chance to spend some alone time together. Over breakfast the next morning, Gloria suggested to Waverly and Nicole, to take the opportunity to go out for dinner, while her and Sam watched the children. As soon as Nicole had said “Yes.” Waverly was on the phone researching Vegan restaurants in the area.

Sam had gone into work at the local station and checked his emails, as Nicole had informed him that Wynonna was going to send him what they had on Bulshar. At that present moment, there was no email, but he did notice a report on several missing women aged between 20 to 30 years of age, from around the precinct. He wondered if these missing women were linked to Bulshar and his cult followers, but until he had more evidence, he couldn’t say anything about his ideas.

Nicole was sitting in the lounge room, waiting for Waverly to come down for their date. Nicolas and Alberto were playing with their friends as their Mum sat rubbing her hands along her blue jeans, which she had paired with a purple button shirt and black belt with a shinny silver buckle. Waverly eventually walked into the lounge room, wearing a middle length black skirt and a body-hugging top, which showed off her swelling breasts. Upon seeing her sexy wife, Nicole soon realised that she was going to be in pain, as she felt her cock hardening and pressing against her jeans, wanting to be released.

Waverly had found a Japanese Vegan restaurant, which she knew that Nicole would also enjoy. They both had a fantastic time trying new foods and seeing that Waverly was not able to drink any alcohol, Nicole tried the Sake and after 8, Waverly found out how handsy her wife could get. After Nicole’s hand had slid up Waverly’s thigh and found its rest on her sex under the table, for the seventh time, was proof to Waverly that they needed to head back to Sam and Gloria’s.

“Nicole, not here.” Waverly whispered as she pulled Nicole’s hand away from its position. For once Waverly was grateful for long tablecloths.

“Ahh, buuuttt babbby youuurr sooo hot. I wannnnt yooou.” Nicole slurred as she nibbled on Waverly’s mating mark on her neck. Waverly felt the throbbing between her legs grow that much stronger.

“Check please.” Waverly indicated to their waiter that they were finished. After paying the bill, Waverly assisted Nicole back to their vehicle. Along the way Waverly let Nicole slide her hand down her back towards her ass, which Nicole gave it a squeeze as she groaned against Waverly’s neck.

Sam and Gloria had already gone to bed, when Waverly helped a very drunk Nicole into the house. Waverly was able to get them inside without making a noise, but once inside, Nicole had other plans, that included pinning her wife against the wall and pressing her large bulge into Waverly’s groin.

Nicole started to kiss Waverly on the lips and then down her neck and resting on her mating mark. Nicole pressed light kisses to the mark and pulled back, with her fingers on her right hand, she traced the mark, while her left hand started to play with the hem of Waverly’s top. Waverly could see where this was heading, so she took Nicole’s hand and led them towards the bedroom.

After turning on the light, Waverly noticed that her sons were not in the room, so she led Nicole towards the bed and said, “Get out of your clothes, I’m going to check on the boys. Then we can have some fun. My hard Red Haught rod.” Waverly wiggles her eyebrows at Nicole, who is staring at her with the dopiest smile on her face.

Gloria had allowed Nicolas and Alberto to sleep in with Lucy for the night, to give Nicole and Waverly some privacy for the night. Waverly checked on her sons and smiled at how even in her sleep, Lucy reached out for Nicolas as he slept next to her bed. Waverly crept in and kissed her son’s goodnight and made sure that they were tucked in tight. She then scratched behind Max’s ear, as he slept on Alberto’s bed.

Waverly returned to the room where she and Nicole were to sleep and found her wife naked and in bed. Nicole had fallen asleep, but Waverly could see from the rise of the bed sheets, Nicole’s cock was still hard. Waverly undressed and climbed in and snuggled up next to Nicole and kissed her chin and then her lips. This seemed to waken Nicole, who reached out and brushed one of her hands against Waverly’s breasts, and found that the nipple had harden at her touch. Waverly straddled Nicole and kissed her with a passion, seeking entrance to her mouth with her tongue. Nicole’s hands found their rest on Waverly’s firm ass, which she gave a firm but soft squeeze. Waverly’s hands roamed along Nicole’s shoulders and then down her strong, firm muscle arms, before she raised her hips, so that she could line up Nicole’s cock with her sex, before lowering herself and taking all of Nicole’s cock. Nicole may have been drunk, but she still was able to take control of their love making.

Waverly woke the next morning to the sound of Nicole’s voice, but she couldn’t work out as to who she was talking to. The brunette felt a weight on her stomach and when she opened her eyes, Waverly saw that Nicole was laying on top of her. Nicole was caressing Waverly’s stomach as she said, “Hello, there my pups. This is your Mummy. I’m going to have to go away for a while…(sniff) But don’t you ever think that I don’t love you…. (sniff) I do, I love you so much… (sniff) While I’m away I want you to look after your Ma for me and don’t hurt her too much. She loves you and we can’t wait to meet you. Just stay in there until it’s time to come and meet your brothers.” Nicole places soft gentle kisses to Waverly’s naked stomach before looking up into her wife’s loving eyes.

Waverly’s eyes are filled with tears as Nicole’s words had touched her heart and right in that moment, she wanted time to stop, but she knew that would not happen, so she made sure that she would remember this for the rest of her life. She reached up and caressed Nicole’s face and pulled her up so that they could connect and seal this moment with a kiss.

“I love you so much Nicole Earp Haught.” Waverly said between kisses.

Nicole stayed with Waverly and the boys for the rest of the week before heading back to Purgatory. Nicole and Waverly took advantage of their time together and explored the city with their sons, and Nicole made sure that she took photos of the boys as they experienced new and exciting firsts, such as visiting the Greater Vancouver Zoo. Nicole was able to get a great shot of the twins chasing the ducks after they feed them. Nicolas and Alberto laughed when they saw how funny the ducks looked when they waddled.

“It’s not that funny, you try walking normally with a heavy load in front.” Waverly said as she smacked Nicole’s arm.

“Ah, now sweetie, I love your waddle.” Nicole replied as she lay her hands on Waverly’s hips and pulled her into her. “Because it meant that you were carrying our pups.”

As the family moved around the rest of the Zoo, it was clear that of all the different animals Nicolas loved the Red Panda’s, while Alberto loved the Squirrel Monkey’s. Waverly and Nicole found that the twins would not let them leave the gift shop without purchasing the blush toys which the boys refused to let go of. So, Nicolas got a Red Panda and Alberto got a Squirrel Monkey blush toy.

The morning of Nicole’s departure for Purgatory came so fast, that it surprised Waverly when she noticed Nicole’s bag had been packed and placed beside the front door. Throughout the week, Waverly had taken some of the little outfits that fitted Alberto’s teddy bear and asked Nicole to placed them in her bra, so that they would take on her scent. Of the twins, Waverly knew it would be Alberto who would find Nicole’s absence the hardest and so with Nicole’s scent being on the bears clothing, Alberto would feel more relaxed when he smelt her scent.

After taking the boys and Waverly on a walk to the park, Nicole said her goodbyes to Sam, Gloria, John and Lucy, before having to pry herself from the family she thought she would never have. The family that she loved and lived for and if needed, she would die for them to keep them safe from harm. As she held her son’s, Nicole could feel the pain in her heart beginning to grow that much more. She was not ashamed of letting Waverly or her sons, see her cry as she kissed them and held them close to her heart. Although when it came to saying goodbye to Waverly, Nicole thought her heart was going to break in two, because the brunette had become her whole world and life was not worth living without her in it. Waverly kissed Nicole with such passion and heat, that Nicole was too scared to let go of her wife, out of fear of burning up with a desire that only her wife could satisfy.

After prying Waverly’s tight grip around her neck, Nicole said, “I’ll be back to get you soon. I love you Waverly Earp-Haught.” With one final kiss and look at her family, Nicole made a mental note to keep the image of Waverly standing with a son on each of her hips and tears streaming down her face. Her sons waved their Mummy goodbye and called out, “By Mummy, love you.” Nicole replied, “I love you too.” She knew she had to go, or she would never leave. Climbing into the SUV, Nicole turned over the engine and buckled up her seat belt before taking in one last look at her family in her side mirror. With a lump in her throat and her heart breaking, Nicole pulled the SUV out onto the road and headed back towards Purgatory, her home, but it was not home without Waverly and her sons.

While Nicole had been away, Dolls, Wynonna and Jeremy had been hard at work following up on the leads Waverly had found during her research. Amongst the different leads, one name keeps appearing, Constance. Jeremy found out from the delivery service that Constance Clootie had paid for the note to be delivered to the station. The only problem was she never left an address, so they were back to square one.

For the next month, Waverly and Nicole would communicate via skype, allowing the boys the chance to see and talk to their Mum. When it was Alberto’s turn, as soon as he saw his Mum, he would kiss the camera, which meant all Nicole could see was a blur.

By the end of the first month away from Nicole, Waverly was worried about the boys and informed Nicole, “I’m taking the boys to the Doctors tomorrow, they have a really bad cold and I don’t want it to get any worse. I’ll ring you after the visit, we should be finished around 11am. I’ll call then. I love you Baby.”

The next day Waverly strapped the boys into their car seats, as Gloria made sure that John and Lucy were safe in their seats. As the Doctor’s carpark was full, Waverly suggested to Gloria that she should drop them off and go and do her shopping and come back to pick them up. Waverly placed Nicolas and Alberto into their twin stroller and headed into the surgery.

“My name is Waverly Earp Haught and my sons have an appointment at 10am.” Waverly says to the receptionist. Waverly is handed some paperwork to fill out and so she decides to take a seat. It’s not long before a nurse comes out into the waiting room and calls out, “Nicolas and Alberto Earp Haught.” Waverly replies, “That’s us.” Waverly stands and hands over the paperwork to the receptionist as she walks past the desk. Waverly follows the nurse into the room and as soon as the door is closed, Waverly feels sharp pain at the back of her head before the room goes dark.

Meanwhile Nicole is back at the station in Purgatory, handling Police duties as well as helping BBD with the Bulshar case, when she notices that it is noon and Waverly has not yet called. She dials Waverly’s number and is surprised to hear a male voice answer. Thinking that she had dialled the wrong number, she checks the number and dials it again. A male voice answers and the hairs on the back of Nicole’s head begin to stand up and a chill runs down her spin. She has heard that voice before and right there and then, Nicole knows that Waverly and her sons are in trouble, as the voice says, “Hello, Nicole. This is Bulshar and I have your loved ones.” Then the phone goes dead and Nicole finds that she can’t move out of her seat in her office.

Wynonna happens to walk past on her way towards the coffee machine in the staff room and notices the look of dread on Nicole’s face. She knows straight away that there is something very wrong and that it has to do with Waverly. “Nicole, tell me what’s happened.” Wynonna says as she crouches down next to Nicole, trying to get her attention. All Nicole could say was, “He has them, He has them.”

MEANWHILEWaverly wakes to a throbbing in her head and she is filled with fear, as she hears her sons crying and asking for their Ma. She tries to open her eyes but finds that only one will open and then it causes her extreme pain to do so, but she needs to see her sons. Waverly notices that two women dressed in black Victorian period dresses are holding her sons. She senses that her arms and legs are tied, as she feels the ropes pressing into her skin. Something catches her eye, as it moved off to her left, what ever it was, it had an odour, a smell she had smelt before, the same smell that lingered on Nicole’s clothes when she came back from rescuing Tim on Christmas.

Then she heard a blood curdling laugh that made her skin crawl and she felt the urge to throw up right there. “You know that you’ve picked the wrong ones to kidnap. Just you wait till the Sheriff finds out, she will kill you.” Waverly screams at the lingering figure in the shadows.

“Oh, but that is what I want. I want the survivor to come and try her best. You’re what I need to lure her here.” The figure laughed as he walked into the light and revealed himself to Waverly.

“Oh, where are my manners. Let me introduce myself, my name is Bulshar and these two women are my wives, you can call them the black widows.” Bulshar said as he leant down to look Waverly in the face. Waverly noticed that there were others in the room and when Bulshar stood back up, he signalled for them to continue torturing her, while he filmed it all on her phone.

MEANWHILENicole’s phone was lying on the table in the BBD office when a message come through. She couldn’t bring herself to look at it, so Dolls did it for her. What appeared was a video of Waverly being tortured and beaten by several men, dressed in what looked like beekeeper outfits. And two women dressed in black Victorian dresses, holding onto the twins.

Wynonna tells Jeremy to examine the video for any clues at to Waverly’s whereabouts, so that they can go and save their Baby Girl and her boys. Something inside of Nicole snapped and she felt a rage she had never experienced before; she felt the need to change into her wolf form. The last time she shifted was when she was about 19 years of age, and she didn’t like the feel of not being in control of her body and emotions, so she decided that changing was not for her, but right in that moment, it was all she wanted to. She needed to save Waverly and the boys and put an end to Bulshar’s reign of terror.