33. Chapter 33

Jeremy placed a trace on Waverly’s phone, so that when Bulshar rang back at the specified time, they could get a location and then the team could rescue Waverly and the boys. Nicole was pacing the office like a caged animal, so much that it started to get on Wynonna’s nerves.

“Nicole, can you please stop pacing. Your making my head spin, it’s hard enough going through these constant changing hormones, let alone having to watch you carve a grove in the floor. Come and have a shot of whiskey for me, now that I can’t drink.” Wynonna says as she places her hand on Nicole’s shoulder.

“Wynonna, what am I supposed to do? My wife and children are being held captive by Bulshar and we don’t know where they are? And now we must wait around for this manic to call. Get a grip Wynonna, alcohol is not going to fix this situation.” Nicole bites back at Wynonna as she shrugs her hand off her shoulder and walks over towards the door and heads out over to the bullpen.

An hour later, Nicole walks back into the BBD office with a cup of coffee in her hand, when her phone rang. The caller ID was Waverly and she knew that it had to be Bulshar, “Hello, Bulshar. I want to talk to Waverly.” Nicole demands. Jeremy indicates to Nicole that she needs to keep him talking, so that he can get a trace on his location.

“Well I thought I was the one that could make the demands, Sheriff.” Bulshar says before placing the phone next to Waverly’s swollen face and says, “It’s your wife, any last words for her?”

“NICOLE.” Waverly screamed into the phone before Bulshar pulled it away from her.

“Now Sheriff, if you want to see your little family alive, then I think it would be best that you follow my rules. I am aware that your nerdy friend has placed a trace on this phone, so there will be no need for me to tell you where we are. When you get here, it would be best for all involved that you leave your weapons at the door. We will be keeping an eye out for your arrival later. (Silence) Oh, by the way, my wives have taken a liking to your sons and want to keep them for their own.” Bulshar says before letting out a blood curdling laugh and then ends the call.

“I traced them to an old warehouse out by the woods near the site of the massacre that you survived, Nicole.” Jeremy says as he turns around his computer screen for Dolls, Doc, Wynonna and Nicole to see.

Nicole starts to storm off towards the door, but she is stopped by Doc, who stands in her way with his hands on his hips. “Now Sheriff, Nicole we need to have some plan, we just can’t storm in with guns blazing.”

“What do you suggest Doc?” Nicole knows that Doc is right, they need a plan to rescue Waverly and her sons.

Later that day a black SUV pulls up outside an abandoned warehouse. Doc, Dolls, Wynonna, Nedley and Nicole climb out of the vehicle and begin to move towards the warehouse entrance. Before reaching the door, it opens and for the first time that day, Nicole sees an unconscious Waverly, strapped to a chair in the middle of the warehouse floor. Nicole runs to her wife and upon reaching her, Nicole crouches down to check that she is breathing. Nicole’s heart breaks as she sees her wife so badly beaten, her face all swollen and bruised, her bottom lip was split, and old blood had dried on her skin. Nicole dropped her head on her wife’s lap and steeled herself for what was to come.

“Mummy.” Came the cry from further within the warehouse, and Nicole jumped upright because she knew exactly who those voices were, her sons.

“Well, well, what do we have here. The survivor.” Bulshar said as he stood behind Nicole and clapped as she turned around to face him.

“You had not have hurt them, or I will kill you. Now Bulshar you are under arr….” Nicole started to say before she was interrupted by Bulshar.

“Don’t you want to ….” He started to say before Wynonna interjected.

“No, we don’t want to know. We want our baby girl and her boys all in one piece. And for you and your creepy wives to rot in jail.” Wynonna says as she and Dolls draw their weapons onto Bulshar and his three wives, two were dressed in black while the other was dressed in white. Wynonna, Dolls, Doc and Nedley were surrounded by the beekeepers, who were ready for their own battle with the small group of people, while Bulshar dealt with Nicole.

Before anyone could say or do anything, the sound of clothes ripping came from behind Bulshar and where Nicole once stood was now a large red-haired wolf standing on all fours and bearing its fangs at Bulshar. Right at that moment, Waverly comes to and watches Nicole, the love of her life, her mate transforms into her wolf form. She prepares herself so that when the time is right, she can shift into her wolf form.

“The survivor finally shows its real nature. It’s time for battle.” Bulshar says as he starts to remove his long overcoat, letting it fall onto the floor. He stands ready to do battle with Nicole’s Alpha wolf. When Bulshar changed, his fur was grey with patches missing, he is not as big as Nicole and looks weaker.

Nicole lunges at Bulshar and he flips her over his shoulder, like he was flipping a mat. Nicole landed heavily onto to the floor, she realised that this was not going to be easy, so she needed to draw on her Police training for apprehending a criminal. For the next hour Bulshar and Nicole battled it out for who had the upper hand over the other. Nicole was able to take several swipes with her claws against Bulshar’s body and caused his flesh to rip. And now she had him pinned to the floor. Nicole was so consumed with defeating Bulshar that she didn’t realise that he was moving his paw so it was under her body and started to extend his claws so that he could drive them deep into Nicole.

Nicole’s wolf form sat on top of Bulshar’s body, with her front paws resting on his shoulders to keep him in place as she stared into his eyes, before opening her jaw to reveal her fangs and growl in his face. Meanwhile off to her left, Nicole could see out of the corner of her eye, one of Bulshar’s wives holding Alberto in her arms. Alberto wanted to reach his Mummy, so much that he bites the hand of the woman holding him.

She dropped him and he started to run towards Nicole, “You little shit, come back here, you little bastard.” Upon hearing this and Waverly used all her strength to pull against the ropes that had her bound to the chair. Once she was free, Waverly lunged herself forward so that she landed onto the floor on all fours, making it easier for her to shift into her wolf form. She felt her muscles and bones moving, allowing room for her body to transform and take shape.

Deep within Nicole something snapped, and she lost control and with a fire in her eyes, she lowered her jaw around Bulshar’s neck. All it would take is for her snap lock her jaw and she would have bitten off Bulshar’s head. Nicole wanted to instil fear into Bulshar, so that he would surrender, and he could be held responsible for his crimes. But just then she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, which caused her to snap her jaw shut, breaking through Bulshar’s skin. Nicole could taste in her mouth the foul taste of his blood sipping down her throat, causing her to want to vomit. Nicole’s body quickly changed back to human form as she rolled off Bulshar’s lifeless body and landing on her back, clutching her wound, which was seeping blood onto the floor.

Waverly saw that Nicole had been hurt and she ran over to her wife and tried to lick the wound, but Nicole touched the side of Waverly’s jaw and told her, “Save our boys.”

That was all it took for Waverly, as she charged towards the women, who were holding her sons. When she was only a couple of feet away from the women, Waverly beared her teeth and begun to growl from deep within her stomach.

Wynonna, Dolls, Doc and Nedley had worked their way through the beekeepers and realised that Nicole needed medical assistance fast, so Doc and Nedley rushed to her side and started to place pressure to the wound. Doc ripped his shirt off and gave it to Nedley to tear it into strips, for them to use as bandages to stop the bleeding until the ambulance arrived.

Wynonna and Dolls noticed that Waverly had shifted and had bailed up the three women. Wynonna and Dolls drew their weapons and demanded for the women to hand over the boys before Waverly lost it and ripped them to pieces. Nicolas and Alberto were released from their hold and they ran straight to Waverly and they grabbed hold of both her front legs and held on tight. “MA, MA” was what her sons said when they reached her, knowing that they were finally safe and sound in their Ma’s presence.

Wynonna and Dolls were able to arrest the wives and led them out of the warehouse and put them into the back of the Police Cruiser, that had arrived at the same time as the Ambulance. Waverly bent her head down so that her pups could take in her scent and she could mark them as hers. Waverly lay down on the floor, so that her sons could climb onto her back and she could walk them over to their Mummy, before the she was taken away in the Ambulance.

Waverly reached Nicole and she lay down, allowing her sons to climb off and be with their Mummy. She then shifted back into her human form, Waverly didn’t care that she was naked, but Wynonna had grabbed a couple of clothes from the back of the SUV and handed them to Waverly. “I just don’t want Haught shot to get turned on and you two start humping in front of everyone.” Wynonna reasoned.

“Wynonna, thanks for everything.” Waverly says while she quickly dresses, all the while she kept an eye on Nicole.

“Baby, you need … (sob) to stay with us. I can’t …. (sob) do this without you. We …. (sob) need you. I lov …(sob) e you.” Waverly says as she cries while holding Nicole’s hand. Nicolas and Alberto are trying to get their Mummy to open her eyes, but she is not playing their game. Alberto starts to cry loudly and shoves Nicole, but her body only moves slightly.

Waverly has a hard time trying to pull her sons off Nicole, so that the paramedics could attend her and assess the wounds. It was determined that Nicole had server bleeding and had to be rushed to hospital. Waverly and the boys were also assessed and allowed to travel with Nicole in the back of the Ambulance.

As soon as the Ambulance reaches the hospital, Nicole was rushed into the operating theatre, while Waverly, Nicolas, Alberto, Wynonna and Doc stayed in the waiting room. Nicolas and Alberto were restless and starting to become grizzly, so Doc offered to take the boys for a walk to collect them some food and coffee for Waverly and Wynonna. While Doc and the boys were away, Waverly was given a once over by a doctor and was told that apart from some cuts and bruises, she was going to be fine and that her pups were still alive. This news filled Waverly with joy as she was worried that she might have lost her and Nicole’s pups due to the beating from the beekeepers.

While they waited for the surgeon to come and tell them about Nicole, Alberto was more restless, and Waverly was finding it hard to keep him settled. Alberto was sitting on Waverly’s lap and every time she tried to hold him close to her chest, he would fuss and grizzle.

“Mummy, want Mummy.” Alberto said as he looked up at his Ma with tears with his eyes.

“I know Bubba, I know. But Mummy has a boo boo and the doctor must fix her. Shh, it’s alright.” Waverly tried to sooth her son, as he sat on her lap.

Just then Dolls came into the waiting room and held out to Waverly what looked like Nicole’s service jacket.

“I know how Alberto gets when Nicole is away at night, so I thought that he might appreciate holding onto her jacket. It still has her scent on it.” Dolls says as he wraps the jacket around Waverly’s shoulders. As soon as Alberto smelt his Mummy’s scent on the collar of the jacket, he grabbed hold of its edges and snuggled into his Ma’s chest and started to settle down, it was not long after that when he drifted off to sleep, pressed against his Ma’s chest. Nicolas was sleeping in Wynonna’s arms, like he knew that his Mummy was going to be alright.

About six hours later, Waverly is lost in her thoughts and is pulled back into the present as she heard her name being called by the surgeon that had operated on Nicole. “Mrs Waverly Earp Haught.”

“That’s me.” Waverly carefully stands so that she doesn’t disturb the sleeping child in her arms, she then makes her way over to the surgeon.

“Your wife is out of surgery. We were able to repair her stomach, which had sustained a cut from the knife that stabbed her. She is in recovery and you will be able to see her soon. She is going to need to stay in overnight. I will check on her in the morning and see how her wound is healing, then we will decided where to go from there. I’ll have the nurse come and collect you, when they move her into a room, then you can go and see her.” The surgeon says as he rubs Waverly’s upper arm with a hand.

“Thank you so much. How long before I can see her?” Waverly says as she looks over her shoulder and stares at Nicolas sleeping in Wynonna’s arms.

“It shouldn’t be more than an hour. I’ll tell the nurses where to find you.” The surgeon says just before he walks away. Waverly sits back down in her chair and places her head into hands and cries tears of joy, knowing that Nicole had pulled through the surgery. Waverly sits back up and runs her fingers through Nicolas’ hair, feeling close to her sons and Nicole in that moment. Her other hand rubs her belly, knowing that Nicole will be happy to know that their pups had survived and doing well according to the doctor.

An hour passed and still the nurse had not come to collect them, and this made Waverly feel unsettled as she held her sleeping son in her arms. Time passed and it was about another 2 hours before the surgeon came and saw Waverly.

“I’m so sorry Mrs Earp Haught, we have had to move your wife to the ICU. She has not woken up after coming out of surgery and so we want to keep an eye on her for the moment. She is breathing on her own, which is a good sign. The body needs some time to recuperate after a traumatic incident. We are going to keep her comfortable until she decides to wake up on her own. You can go and see her now.” The surgeon explained the reason for the time delay, but all Waverly heard was that Nicole had not woken up and was in the ICU.

As Waverly and Wynonna moved through the hospital corridors towards the ICU, the younger sister held tightly onto the sleeping child, that was clinging to and tucked under Nicole’s service jacket. It was only when she saw Nicole laying in the hospital bed, was when Waverly let go and collapsed into the chair next to Nicole’s bed and cried as she took hold of the hand of her wife, which was closest to her. Wynonna pulled a chair over to sit next to her sister and once when she was seated and made sure that Nicolas was still asleep in her arms, was when Wynonna wrapped an arm around her sister’s shoulder.

For the next couple of days, proved to be torture for Waverly and her sons, as the brunette refused to leave Nicole’s side. By the second day of Nicole being in the ICU, the doctor had decided that it would be alright to move her into a single room, with the staff keeping an eye on her progress. Waverly took care of her son’s in that room, they all ate, played and slept in that room, while their Mummy lay in her bed. Waverly told Wynonna that she wanted her sons to be around Nicole, that as she lay sleeping, she could at least be able to hear her sons.

Nicolas and Alberto would lay down next to Nicole and snuggle into her, breathing in her scent before falling asleep next to their Mummy. When they had fallen asleep, Waverly would lift them off the bed and place them onto the pull-out bed on the other side of the room. Then she climbed on the hospital bed and cuddled up to Nicole and wrapped her arms around her waist. Waverly would spend this time talking to Nicole, telling her about how much the boys missed her and that she wanted Nicole to be awake when their pups arrived in the world.