35. Chapter 35

While Nicole recuperated from her ordeal, Nedley had taken a leave from his retirement so that there would still be a Sheriff, until Nicole could return fully to her duties. Waverly loved having Nicole around the house, even if Nicole still worked on cases in the office, while their son’s played around Nicole’s desk. Every now and again Waverly could hear Nicole giggling along with Nicolas and Alberto, which meant that there was none, or very little work being done, but lots of playing as Nicole was making up for lost time with her sons.

Nicolas and Alberto were also becoming aware of their Ma’s growing belly, especially when they hugged her, they could feel the pup’s when they moved. They also noticed that Waverly would become emotional at the littlest of things, such as when she was folding their clothes. Nicole also noticed how the boys reacted when Waverly would cry when she was either folding or washing the boy’s clothes. Whenever the twins spotted their Ma crying, Nicolas and Alberto would drop what they were doing and run to their Ma whenever she started to cry and give her a hug.

Nicole also was noticing that with this pregnancy, things were different with Waverly, as the smaller Earp started being clingier and needing to be touching some part of Nicole’s body, which would mean that Nicole had to be willing to have her waist wrapped by smaller arms in the supermarket, or her hand being held as she tried to pay for their meal at the dinner. Nicole normally would not be too worried about Waverly wanting to touch her, but when she grabbed her ass in the middle of the station, which was the day that Nicole returned to work and Waverly would not remove her hand even after Nicole gave her a stern look.

After being back at work a month, one day Nicole while standing in the middle of her office cringed when she gingerly asked, “Waverly, at our next check-up with the Doctor, do you think we should ask if it’s normal for you to cry when folding the boy’s clothes, or your need to be always touching me?”

Waverly stood staring at Nicole, shocked at what her wife had just asked. It was not her fault that her hormones were playing games with her emotions. Without saying a word Waverly turned on her heels and stormed out of Nicole’s office, making sure she slammed the door so hard that the window panels shook. Nicolas and Alberto were sitting on their Mummy’s work couch and just looked at the door, which their Ma had stormed out of. Nicolas’ bottom lip dropped and started to quiver before he broke down and screamed his lungs out. Alberto sat and looked at his brother crying and then at his Mummy, before turning his attention back to the shut door.

Nicole knelt so that she could hold Nicolas and comfort him by rubbing his back, like she did when he was a little baby in her arms. Once Nicolas had settled, he started to rub his eyes, so Nicole tucked him in on the couch, with one of the numerous blankets she kept for Waverly and the boys. Then she sat down and let Alberto climb onto her lap and envelope him in her arms and soothed him by stroking his hair. It was right then as she looked at her son’s that she realised, just how much they have grown and that they were no longer babies anymore. Nicole now understood as to why Waverly cried, it was not about the clothes, it was that her babies, were not longer babies, they were growing up.

“It’s alright Bubba, your Mummy just screwed up big this time.” Nicole whispered to Alberto, so not to wake Nicolas. Alberto raised his sleepy head from the crook of Nicole’s neck and looked into his Mummy’s brown eyes, as he smiled, Alberto placed his hand to the side of Nicole’s cheek, as he plopped his head back on to her shoulder before drifting off to sleep in her arms.

A very large 6-month pregnant Wynonna gingerly opened Nicole’s door, before poking her head around to check if Nicole was in there. “Oh, hey, um, you’re in?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? This is the Sheriff’s office and I am the Sheriff. What can I do for you Wynonna?” Nicole grumbled.

“I saw a very angry Baby Girl storming out of here and I thought that maybe a certain Haught rod was not around and she was just cranky because she didn’t get to ride your Haught gear shift.” Wynonna raised her eyebrows.

“Wynonna not everything between me and Waverly is always ‘sex’. And can you watch your language in front of my sons.” Nicole huffed in response at Wynonna.

Wynonna closed the door behind her, before taking a seat. “So, what happened for Waverly to be so mad. She looked like she was out to kill. Let me take a guess, you?”

“Uh, I screwed up. All I did was suggested that we talk to the Doctor at our next visit. I’m worried about her crying when she washes or folds the boy’s clothes, and her need to be continually touching me all the time. Instead of saying anything, Waverly just stormed out. Nicolas got upset and cried, while Alberto needed a hug. (Nicole runs her hand through her hair.) I just got it that our pups are no longer babies, they are growing into little boys. (Nicole waves her hand towards her son’s.)” Nicole sighs as she flings her head back, letting the back of her head hit the top of the couch.

After a short period of time Nicole stands up from the couch, still holding Alberto and moves back to sit behind her desk. Before looking down at an open file, she checks to make sure that the little boy in her arms is still sleeping, before saying, “I guess that Waverly is finding it harder to accept our babies are toddlers, especially now that she is 5 months along.”

“You know that carrying and growing one pup can be hard, I’d hate to think what it would be like to have TWO growing inside me. You’re going to have to apologise big time. Waverly loves you dude, as much as that makes me want to puke. Better get back to work, I can’t have Dolls thinking that I’m slacking off now.” Wynonna says as she lays a reassuring hand on Nicole’s arm as she stands and heads out the door.

An hour later, Nicole closes the file she had been working on and decides that while her son’s sleep on her couch, that she would go and grab a well-earned cup of coffee. While walking through the bullpen, a call comes across on the Police radio, a request for back up out near the local wood mill. Nicole and the receptionist were the only ones at the station at that moment, and the only officer close by was on Patrol. So, Nicole radio’s through to the officer on Patrol and tells them to go and assist at the wood mill, while she will take over their patrol.

Nicole heads into her office and lifts the sleeping boys off the couch and straps them into their stroller. She hopes that Wynonna has not left for the day, as Nicole has tried to reach Waverly by phone, but she was not answering. When she entered the BBD office, Nicole finds that Jeremy was the only one there.

“Hi, Jeremy are going to be busy for the next two hours? I need someone to watch Nicolas and Alberto, while I head out on Patrol.” Nicole asks.

Jeremy looks over the top of his computer screen and smiles at Nicole. “I’d love to. Dolls is out picking things up for the nursery. He won’t be back for a couple of hours. They can stay here with me.” Jeremy replies with the biggest grin.

Jeremy and Dolls had applied to adopt a baby and they received news that they were to become parents to a baby, whose parents had chosen that they couldn’t care for the baby. As the child’s conception was during an affair and the mother’s mate, had the same colour skin as her, whereas the child’s father’s skin colour was dark. It was decided that the best thing for the child was to place them into a family where they were going to be loved and accepted. The baby was due to be born during the next couple of weeks, so whenever Dolls and Jeremy had a day free, they would head off into the city to pick up items for the nursery.

“Dolls was in the city following a lead and he decided that he would pick up the cot we ordered online. So, minding the boys will help me with getting use to looking after a pup.” Jeremy said as Nicole quickly threw her service jacket on, before leaving her sons with kisses on their foreheads.

“You and Dolls are going to be great parents, you’re so natural with Nicolas, Alberto and Alice. Thanks again for your help.” Nicole says as she heads out the door.

Patrol duty was starting to become boring for Nicole as she sat in her cruiser by the side of the country road. She was just about to send Waverly another text, asking for her to call her and that she was sorry, but before Nicole could press the send button, she saw out of the corner of her eye a flash of red. When she looked up, Nicole saw the taillights of a certain red jeep speeding off down the road. Nicole flicked on her siren and lights and chased after the speeding vehicle, and when the driver noticed, the two vehicles pulled over to the side of the road.

Nicole grinned as she picked up her Stetson hat before climbing out of the cruiser. She knew that she had to be professional, even when the driver was her wife, so Nicole dropped the smile from her face, as she walked the short distance to the driver’s side of the jeep. Waverly looked in her side mirror and saw that it was Nicole and groaned and muttered, “Of course it would have to be her.”

“Step out of the car, Madam.” Nicole said with a serious tone in her voice.

“Nicole, it’s me.” Waverly replied while looking down at her hands in her lap.

“STEP OUT OF THE CAR, MADAM.” Nicole repeated with a tone of annoyance in her voice.

“You have to be kidding. What did I do wrong?” Waverly replied as she opened her car door and stepped out to face Nicole.

Nicole took the couple of steps to close the gap between her and Waverly, she then placed her hands on either side of Waverly, pinning her wife against the side of the closed door.

“You have not been answering your phone or returning my calls. I have a good mind to arrest you for ignoring your wife’s attempts of apologising.”

Waverly looked at Nicole and said, “You’re not serious? And I remember correctly it was you who got me mad in the first place.” Waverly stood with her arms crossed over her chest and with a stern look on her face.

Nicole couldn’t find it in her heart to be mad at Waverly, she leant down and captured Waverly’s lips with such force, so that Waverly was pressed back hard against the jeep. After they finally stopped kissing, Nicole wrapped her arms around Waverly’s waist and held her against her body.

“I’m so sorry, baby. After you left, I realised as to why you cry. It’s not about the boy’s clothes, but it’s about them growing up and not being our little babies anymore.” Nicole looks into Waverly’s tear filled eyes and raises a hand to wipe away the tears.

“It’s just that I missed some of their milestones, it feels like everything is going by so fast and I just want to have more time with them being little. Can time just stand still for just a one freaking minute.” Waverly angrily says before breaking down and crying. Nicole pulls her close into her chest and holds her tight. Waverly feels safe and secure in Nicole’s arms. They stay like that for a short time before Waverly pulls back and looks down at her feet.

“Hey, it’s going to be ok. Now that not all that is bothering you is it? Baby?” Nicole lifts Waverly’s chin with her finger, so that she can look into her wife’s eyes.

“It’s just that since your fight with Bulshar, then coming home from the hospital and with you returning to work. Um, you’ve not touched me, and I am missing the feel of you against my naked body. That’s why I’m always wanting to be touching you.” Waverly blushes even after all this time since marking each other, the thought of Nicole making love to her still made her weak in the knees.

“Follow me.” Nicole said before placing a kiss to Waverly’s forehead and then walked back to her cruiser. Nicole pulled out onto the road and waited for Waverly to get into her jeep and follow her down the road. Waverly was not sure as to where Nicole was taking them at first, but then when the cruiser turned down a dirt side road, Waverly knew exactly where they were going. Nicole’s cruiser and Waverly’s jeep stopped in amongst a group of trees, which blocked their cars from the road.

Nicole walked around to the boot of the cruiser and removed a blanket, she let it drape over one of her arms before headed over to Waverly’s jeep, she held out her hand and waited for her wife to take her hand. Nicole then lead Waverly over to a patch of grass and lay down the blanket, before removing her Police uniform and folding it and placing it onto one of the edges of the blanket.

“I’ve always wanted to make love to you in my wolf form. I love you Waverly and will always be attracted to you. Would you like to um?” Nicole nervously tries to ask Waverly if she could shift into her wolf form and then make love to her.

“Ever since I saw you shift into your wolf form; I’ve always wondered what it would be like to make love to you in that form. I don’t want you to feel that we must, just because I said …. I miss feeling you, Yes Nicole make love to me in your wolf form.” Waverly replies as she moves towards Nicole and closes the gap between them.

Waverly takes Nicole’s hands and places them on her shirt, “Undress me, Baby.” Nicole smiles as she starts to unbutton her wife’s shirt, it doesn’t take her long to have Waverly naked before her. Then after sharing a heated kiss, they part so that they both can shift into their wolf forms.

Nicole stands tall and even in her wolf form, she towers over Waverly’s wolf. Nicole starts to chase after Waverly, as they run on all fours through the gaps in the trees, making sure to keep away from being seen from the road. Waverly allows Nicole to corner her and as the larger wolf, she nips at one of Waverly’s ears before pinning her mate to the ground. Even in her wolf form, Nicole was always gentle and tender. Waverly rolled over onto her back and exposed her round bulging belly, indicating that she was submitting to her mate.

Nicole leant down and nuzzled her jaw against Waverly’s mark before communicating through her thoughts, ‘If you feel uncomfortable at any time, tell me and I’ll stop. Ok baby. I want you to know how attracted to you I am. I love you and will always want to make love to you.’

Waverly looked down towards Nicole’s hard cock and realised that it was larger than when Nicole was not in her wolf form. This excited Waverly even that much more, as she licked her jaw with her tongue, before licking Nicole’s jaw, enticing her wife to make love to her. Waverly replied to Nicole’s thoughts, ‘Nicole, I want you so badly. Fill me please.”

Nicole raised herself, to allow Waverly to move out from beneath her and move back so that she was standing on all fours. The red-haired wolf moved herself, so that she could stand behind Waverly and with help from Waverly, who moved her tail, Nicole was able to line her hard cock up with Waverly’s wet sex. Waverly released a growl as Nicole entered her, filling her up and pumped her deep. Nicole thrusted against Waverly’s hips, as she placed her front paws around Waverly’s front, to help her to hold onto her mate. Nicole kept up a constant pace as she pumped Waverly deep and hard, which would cause the smaller wolf to growl and howl softly. It was after a while, when Nicole could feel the walls of her wife’s sex begin to tighten around her cock. Nicole knew that she was not that far from knotting and releasing deep inside of Waverly. With a couple more thrusts, both Waverly and Nicole howl out loudly and in unison as they cum. Nicole licks the back of Waverly’s neck as she helps them to lay down together, with Nicole still lock deep inside of Waverly.

Nicole and Waverly shift back to their human form, and Nicole holds her wife tight in her arms, as they lay on the blanket. It is not long before Nicole’s knot reduces, and her limp cock slides out of Waverly. Nicole places kisses to Waverly’s lips as she caresses her baby bump.

“Nicole, that was amazing. I love you Nicole Earp Haught, even though you can make me mad at times. You’re such a goof ball.” Waverly says as she caresses Nicole’s face

“I aim to please, my baby. I’m your goof ball and your married to me, so you can’t get rid of me. I love you too Waverly and our pups.” Nicole gives Waverly her goofiest grin.

After helping each other to redress, Nicole walks Waverly back to her jeep and the brunette promises to meet her back home. Nicole then waits till Waverly had driven off before leaving herself, back to finish her patrol duty.

After finishing up her duty, Nicole heads back to the station, where she finds Jeremy laying on his back on the floor, with Nicolas and Alberto trying to pin him down. She leans up against the doorframe and watches her boys playing, before Jeremy realises that she was there.

Before heading home, Nicole takes the boys to the local florist to purchase some flowers to take home, and they collect Chinese takeout before heading home. Once inside the boy’s rush over towards their Ma, each held onto small bouquets of Waverly’s favourite flowers. They wrap their little arms around their Ma and in unison, they say, “Love you MA. We got flowrs and food.”

Waverly kneels so that she can look her sons in the face. Nicolas touches his Ma’s face and says, “You no cry.” While Alberto places a kiss to her cheek, and they hold out their bouquets for her to take.

After dinner and the boys were bathed, dressed and given cuddle time, Nicole and Waverly carried their tired-out sons into their room and settled them into their cots. Waverly moved over to stand behind Nicole, as they both looked at their sleeping sons, she placed a hand to the middle of Nicole’s back and then moved it up towards her wife’s shoulders. Nicole turned around and smiled at Waverly before they held each other’s hands and moved to sit on the couch.

“Waverly, thank you.” Nicole says as she turns her body, so that she can look directly at Waverly.

“What for?” Waverly asks as Nicole runs her fingers through Waverly’s hair.

“For helping me in bringing up our pup’s, to become real men who value women. Today when we went to the florist, the older lady, tripped over when she was collecting your flowers. Before I could get over to help her, Nicolas and Alberto had run over and were making sure that she was ok. She had a cut on her hand, so Nicolas ran to me and asked me to fix her. She just needed a band aid, that was all. Alberto asked me to get her a drink. Our pups are not only the product of our love, but they also display what they see and learn from us. I couldn’t do this without you.” Nicole says as a tear falls from her eye.

“I’ll have to pay a visit to the florist tomorrow and check to see that she is alright. Oh, my babies are really becoming real men. I’m so proud. Nicole, it’s you that they are learning how to treat others from, it’s how you treat me that they see and learn from. I’m just glad that I get to love and help you with teaching our pups. Now Sheriff Earp Haught, I think it’s about time to give you, your bath.” Waverly says as she wiggles her eyebrows at Nicole.

Nicole sat in the bath waiting for Waverly to join her. As the brunette walked into the bathroom, Nicole smiled as she looked upon her pregnant wife’s body. “You look amazing, Waves.” Nicole said as she stood to help Waverly get into the bath. Once both were settled, Waverly lay back and melted into Nicole’s arms and they both looked at the baby belly, which looked like a mountain in the middle of a lake. Nicole took her time to wash Waverly’s back before she set her focus on her belly.

As Nicole ran her soaped hands over the top of Waverly’s belly, that was when she felt a kick against her hand. Nicole stopped in mid stroke, while Waverly took hold of her hand and laid it on top of her belly. Nicole could then feel how strong their pups were, as they moved and made their presence known to their Ma.

“It’s alright Nicole. They have moving for most of the day.” Waverly said as she tried to turn around in the bath.

“Does it hurt?” Nicole asks.

“No just like being tickled.” Waverly replied.

After having finished their bath and now dressed for bed, Nicole and Waverly checked in on Nicolas and Alberto, finding that they were sound asleep and Max was sleeping in his own little bed, although still alert and on duty. Nicole walked Waverly to their bed and pulled back the blankets before climbing in. Waverly snuggled in against her bonus blanket before drifting off to sleep, while Nicole read till, she felt tired.