36. Chapter 36

Another month had passed, and Waverly and Wynonna’s pregnancies were progressing along excellent according to their Doctor. Both Nicole and Doc were being kept busy with making sure that their mates had everything that they needed, which meant having to drive into town during the middle of the night, because of a craving that could not be satisfied or put off. Even when Nicole had been worked a 12-hour shift and was out cold asleep, Waverly would pout and whimper at Nicole, that she needed to eat her ice cream with banana shaped candies and beef jerky, an item they were currently out of. Hence the reason why Nicole was seen stocking up on tubs of ice cream, bags of banana shaped candies and beef jerky during the early hours of the morning, at the 24-hour supermarket/petrol station.

Just like with her previous pregnancy, Waverly had started to crave meat, this meant that when they ate out as a family, Nicole would order the steak, while Waverly order a vegan meal, but when the meal came to the table, Nicole would tell the waitress that she was to have the vegan meal and Waverly had the steak. This would see the pair being given the most peculiar looks from the waitress, but by the third time, the waiting staff knew as to who had which order. Nicole loved being able to pamper Waverly, as she thought that it was the least that she could do, as she was not the one carrying their pups, and Waverly deceived to have the world.

Doc himself was continually being requested by Wynonna to bring home, at least 2 dozen iced doughnuts with sprinkles on top, along with 2 large tubs of ice cream, so that she and Alice could have ice cream for dessert. Another aspect of Wynonna’s pregnancy was that she had started to develop a liking of flowers, which Doc made sure that he brought home a bouquet of fresh flowers everyday and a small posy for Alice. After Alice had gone to bed at night, Doc would give Wynonna’s tired feet, a massage after giving her a foot spa. Alice was attentive towards her Mum and loved to sit on the couch, resting her head on her Mum’s baby belly as she felt her sibling moving and kicking. Alice would talk to her sibling and tell the baby all about the things she was going to teach them. The thing that really touched both Wynonna and Doc’s hearts, was when Alice would tell the baby, that she was going to look after them, just like how their Mum, looks after their Auntie Waverly.

Nicolas and Alberto were also growing and more adventurous with wanting to explore their environment, which at times would cause Waverly moments of anxiousness. While Wynonna worked half day at BBD, Waverly would take Alice, Nicolas and Alberto to the park. While the children played on the smaller play equipment, Waverly would take a seat on the bench, so that she could be close enough to come to their aid, when it was needed. Nicolas and Alberto had started to become more daring and decided to climb up to the top of the slippery slide, instead of using the ladder. When they reached the top, Nicolas thought it would be fantastic to dangle his head and torso over the side of the slide. Waverly saw her son hanging over the side of the slide and her heart jumped into her throat before speeding four times its normal rhythm.

“Nicolas Earp Haught, stop that young man.” Waverly screamed at Nicolas, while she walked fast towards the slide. Nicolas looked up at his Ma and smiled while flashing those adorable dimples.

“Just you wait till your Mummy hears about this.” Waverly says even though she knew that Nicole would be so proud of her son, for being adventurous. Although Nicole would rouse on Nicolas for causing his Ma grief, but still be filled with pride.

Later that day when Nicole was sitting in her office, she could smell Waverly’s scent before she entered the station. Nicole could already tell that Waverly was at her wits end with the boys and she braced herself for an angry and frustrated wife. So, when Waverly and the boys finally came into her office, Nicole was waiting with her arms stretched out for Waverly to fall into. After Waverly had told the Sheriff all about Nicolas and Alberto’s antics at the playground, Nicole looked at her son’s who were now sitting like little angels in their stroller.

“Now, Nicolas you didn’t scare your Ma today, did you?” Nicole asked as she knelt in front of Nicolas.

“Nope.” Nicolas said as he shook his head.

“Alice, did Nicolas dangle himself over the side of the slide?” Nicole turned to Alice, who was standing next to her Auntie.

“Yep.” Alice said with a smile. Nicole then looked back at Nicolas, who was now giving his Mummy, his best pout. Nicole could hear Waverly snickering and when she looked up at the brunette, she just shrugged her shoulders.

Nicole thought, ‘Just like Mother like son. Don’t you laugh, you give me the same look, when you do something wrong. Mrs Earp Haught.’ She knew that Waverly heard her in her mind, because when Nicole looked at Waverly, she was blushing and trying to not look in Nicole’s direction.

“Well my son, you are in trouble. And your punishment is going to be …. being tickled.” As Nicole started to tickle Nicolas on his tummy, causing the little boy to squirm and squeal in his seat.

Waverly was now in her 6th month of pregnancy and this coincided with the Fourth of July. Even though they were living in Canada, Nicole and Waverly decided to hold a party at their place, where Alice, Nicolas and Alberto could play together and have a dip in the lake behind their home. Nicole had decided that the boys needed to learn how to swim, so when Nicole came out of the house, dressed in a pair of swim shorts and a bikini top, Waverly could feel herself become rather warm between her legs. Nicole placed a kiss to Waverly’s lips and then whispered into her ear, “You’ll get your turn, later tonight.”

At first both boys just wanted to splash around in the water, as they were still able to stand, but when Nicole led Nicolas out into deeper water, that was when he grabbed around her neck and held on tight. Nicole was able to reassure her son that he was safe and that he had to listen to her. For the next 20 minutes, while Alberto sat on the bank of the lake with his Ma, Nicolas was shown by Nicole how to blow bubbles in the water and then how to use his arms and feet to stay afloat. Then it was Alberto’s turn, which he took to learning a lot quicker than Nicolas, which filled Nicole’s heart with pride, knowing that she had been able to show and teach her son’s the skills to stay safe in the water.

The day of the party arrived, and Alice was keen to go over to Aunty Waverly and Nicole’s place and go for a swim in her new costume. Nicolas was wearing Superman swim shorts, while Alberto wore Spiderman swim shorts. Nicole demanded that they all wear sunscreen cream before heading outside and going for a swim. Wynonna and Waverly sat on floating chairs and drifted around on the water, while Nicole and Doc played with the children. Doc would hold his hands together and let Alice stand on his hands, then he would lift his hands and flip her up into the air and she would then splash into the water. Nicolas and Alberto were hanging off Nicole’s neck and squealed when Alice made a large splash, which wet their Ma’s as they floated past.

Around about a couple of hours of playing in the water and staying cool, Nicole took the boys inside as they were starting to become antsy and grizzly, indicating that they were getting tired. Nicole got them changed into dry and cooler clothes, before bringing them back outside. Waverly had already some snacks for Alice and the boys, which were finished within minutes. Nicolas climbed up onto his Ma and clung onto her, sliding his arms around her waist as he lay his heavy head on her chest. Waverly held her son as he fell asleep in her arms, she placed a kiss to the top of his wet spiky red hair, while she looked over at Nicole. Alberto had mimicked his brother’s actions and was sleeping on Nicole’s chest as she and Waverly sat on their double deck chairs under the shade of an Eastern Hemlock Spruce tree.

Nicole looked at her watched and said, “We still have about 2 hours before Jeremy, Dolls and Jessica get here. You had a restless night, so why don’t you have a rest. You were up half the night with the boys teething and when you did get to bed, you couldn’t get comfortable because of the pups.”

Nicole stretched out her right arm and pulled Waverly closer to her side, allowing the brunette to relax and rest her head against her wife’s chest, before drifting off to sleep.

While Waverly and the boys slept in Nicole’s arms, Doc and Wynonna were resting on some deck chairs, while Alice played with Max, while Calamity Jane watched from the deck. Doc took a sip of his beer, before saying, “How does Waverly like the new GMC Yukon?”

“She likes the way it drives. You know with the pup’s coming and Nicolas and Alberto, we were going to need to get a larger car, that can take us all at once. And with the extra seats, we as a family can go on outings together.” Nicole replied as she pointed to Doc and Wynonna.

“It’s a good size vehicle and you can take it off road. Perfect for going on camping and fishing trips.” Doc smiled before Wynonna wacked his arm.

“Ouch, I was only saying.” Doc said as he rubbed his arm.

“Maybe Waverly and Nicole don’t want to go fishing and camping. They might like to go skiing instead.” Wynonna commented.

“Or maybe a camping and rock-climbing trip.” Nicole smirked as she knew that Doc didn’t like heights.

Dolls and Jeremy had welcomed into their family a newborn baby girl, whom they had named Jessica, and was now 3 weeks old. Waverly made sure that all the food for the barbeque had been prepared and ready to go. Jeremy and Dolls walked around the side of the house, with Dolls holding their baby girl in his arms, while Jeremy carried her baby bag and carrier. She had black tight curls for hair and the brightest blue eyes. Jeremy had made sure that she was always dressed in rainbow coloured dresses, but today their little girl was dressed in a pink overall with a white shirt underneath.

“Well, hello there pretty lady.” Doc said as he stood up and looked at the little girl in Dolls arms.

“She is adorable Jeremy; I love her little outfit.” Waverly says as she reaches out to hold the little girl’s hand. Secretly Waverly was hoping that she was carrying a girl, both her and Nicole had decided to not be told the sex of their pups, they wanted it to be a surprise.

“Baby, we want to see the baby.” Nicolas, Alberto and Alice said as they tried to get a look of the baby. Dolls kneeled so that they could have a look and Alberto reached out and gently touched the top of her head with his hand. While Nicolas and Alice placed tiny butterfly kisses to the side of her face.

The group of friends enjoyed each other’s company and over dinner, Waverly took it upon herself to take care of little Jessica, when it came time to feed her. Nicole sat back and watched Waverly holding the little girl and thought how beautiful her wife looked. She leant over and kissed her wife on the cheek and then whispered in her ear, “I want a baby girl too.” Waverly turned and looked at Nicole with tears in her eyes, as she realised that her secret desire was no longer a secret from her wife.

After all their friends and family had left for the night, Waverly was told by Nicole to take a rest on the couch, while she bathed the boys. Once they had been bathed and dressed, Nicole brought them out to the living room, so that they could have Waverly read to them before having their night cuddles as a family. After their cuddles and kisses, Nicole had got ready their bedtime bottles, which they would fall asleep with hanging out of their mouths. Nicole and Waverly would remove the bottles, when they checked on them before they retired to bed for the night.

Nicolas and Alberto’s first set of teeth were beginning to come through and they would wake up in the middle of the night in pain, which resulted in them screaming and waking up Nicole and Waverly. Nicole would go and collect the teething rings from the fridge, while Waverly would pick up Nicolas first and place him on the rocking chair, before collecting Alberto, then she and Nicole would sit and hold their sons on the chair, while the boys sucked on the rings. After an hour the boys would start to become tired and begin to drift off to sleep, so they would be returned to their little cots. Waverly and Nicole would go back to bed, but Nicole would wake only a couple of hours later, and instead of trying to get some more sleep, she would get up and get some work done on the new nursery before Waverly and the boys woke.

With Waverly being a planner, she had designed the new nursery, with walls that were painted in a light lavender colour, as it suits both genders. The main feature items in the room were to be two wooden handmade cots, which matched the change tables and furniture. Just like in Nicolas and Alberto’s room, there would be a double seated rocking chair with a little table situated next to it. Waverly had drawn and written her plans down, so that Nicole could have something to work off, as Nicole had told her wife that she was to do all the heavy work and Waverly was to do the smaller things. Nicole was becoming more and more protective of Waverly and her sons, as she saw it as her role as the Alpha. Although Nicole still made sure that Waverly was always treated with the upmost respect and consulted when it come to making decisions, that affected them and their family. Nicole saw Waverly as her equal partner and not just her mate.

One day while their sons were playing in the living room, Nicole was sitting in her office when she called Waverly to come in and see her. Waverly came in and saw that Nicole had a map of the Homestead land on her desk. Nicole said, “Come over here and have a look at this.” When Waverly reached her, Nicole pulled her so that she was now seated across Nicole’s lap.

“I was thinking that with all your knowledge on Wyatt Earp and your ability to research people’s history. That we could use some of the land around here (Nicole points out a section on the map) to create a museum which pays homage to Wyatt Earp’s contribution to the town’s history. With your knowledge and research skills, you could run it and have the staff dress up in clothes from Wyatt’s time. What do you think?” Nicole looks at Waverly, she runs her hand up Waverly’s spine, while her other hand now rests on her wife’s large belly.

“That sounds like a great idea, but why? I’m still working with Black Badge.” Waverly asks.

“I had a dream last night, where you were working as a curator of this museum based on the history of Wyatt Earp and it was built on the homestead land. You were dressed in a blue dress from that time period and it was Wyatt Earp day, where everyone was to dress in period clothes. You had me dress as the Sheriff and my deputies were Nicolas and Alberto and our daughters were dressed in miniature dresses like their Ma. Waverly you have helped me to fulfill my dreams, in becoming your mate, your wife, a mother and Sheriff. I just want to support you to reach your dream.” Nicole says before rubbing her mate mark against Waverly’s mark.

“Nicole, I love you. You know that we are going to have to talk with Wynonna and Doc about this. The homestead land is half theirs and we will need their permission. What about the money and how and where would we begin?” Waverly begins to start to rant.

“Baby, lets first talk with Wynonna and Doc. Then we can take things from there. But nothings happening until these little pups are born. I just don’t want anything to happen to you or them.” Nicole smiles as she looks back to the map. Waverly reaches down and places her hand on top of Nicole’s, and they interlock their fingers.

Waverly and Nicole discussed the idea of creating a museum based on the life of Wyatt Earp, with Wynonna and Doc over dinner one night. Wynonna and Doc loved the idea, as Doc was keen to have his Great, Great Grandfather Doc Holliday featured, and he even offered to portray his ancestor, when the museum had special occasions. On Nicole’s next day of work, Doc and she took Waverly’s jeep and surveyed the land where the museum was to be built. After taking measurements and photos for their proposal to the Purgatory Council, they returned to the homestead and started working out what was required for the building, while Waverly spent time researching the items which once belonged to Wyatt. It was not long before the outline and structure of the museum was set out on paper, Nicole suggested that it should be Waverly that presented the idea at the next Council meeting.

“I’m not so sure that Mayor Bunny Loblaw is going to go for it, considering that she doesn’t get that a female Alpha would mate with a female Omega. Have you forgotten the hard time she gave you after the boys were born?” Waverly says as she plays with the ends of Nicole’s hair, as they lay in bed one night.

“Baby look at me, Doc and I will be there backing you up. We will be dressed up in clothes from the period and who is going to able to resist saying no, after they get a look at how cute our sons are all dressed up as little deputy sheriff’s. Wynonna and Alice can wear blue frilly dresses, we could even place a little saddle on Max’s back. This is your vision, I only had a dream and encouraged you to go for it. I just want your dreams to shine bright.” Nicole smiles as she feels Waverly’s hands running through her hair and then her lips on hers.

“As long as you’re with me, I know that I can do anything. I love you. Now we have better get some sleep, because we have a big day tomorrow.” Waverly says.

“Big day? What are you planning Waves?” Nicole asks.

“We are going into the city, so that I can get the material to make the outfits for the presentation. The loves of my life are going to look so cute all dressed up. Especially you my sexy Sheriff.” Waverly runs her hands down the front of Nicole’s shirt, until her fingers reach the hem of the shirt. Nicole grins back at Waverly and pulls her so that Waverly is straddling her wife. Waverly leans down and kisses Nicole with passion and soon they forget about getting extra sleep.