37. Chapter 37

A month later and Waverly had everything prepared for her proposal, Doc and Nicole’s Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff outfits had been made. Wynonna wanted to be dressed like a bar staff, but Waverly reminded her that it wouldn’t look right to have an 8-month pregnant bar staff. Wynonna begrudged and agreed to being dressed as in a blue frilly dress along with Alice and Waverly.

Nicole’s sheriff’s outfit included a black faux suede duster jacket with a split along the back, black vest with silver buttons and Velcro fasteners, a vest that adjusts to fit with a tie in back, dickie with a red bow tie and faux pearl button, a silver sheriff badge pins to lapel of jacket and an black Sheriff hat to finish off the outfit. Nicole walked out into the living room of their home, to show Wynonna and Waverly. As Nicole strut across the room with hands holding onto the silver belt buckle, she kept her head down.

“Howdy, there pretty lady. Do you come here often?” Nicole asks looking up with a seductive smile on her face. All Waverly could do was just stare at her sexy wife, she grabbed the back of the lounge to keep herself upright, as she felt her legs become weak at the sight of Nicole.

“Um, Baby girl, if you don’t want to climb this tall red, then I will.” Wynonna playfully tries to egg her sister on.

“Wynonna, if you don’t stop eyeing off my wife, so help me, I’ll ….” A jealous Waverly snips back at Wynonna, before moving over to Nicole and pulling her into a passionate kiss.

“Ew.” Wynonna complains and mimics throwing up by clutching her waist and making a face.

“Just you wait till Doc shows off his outfit.” Nicole replies as Doc walks out dressed in the same style outfit, the only difference was that he had a Deputy Sheriff badge and two-gun holsters on his hips.

The night of the Purgatory Council meeting arrived, and Waverly put forward to the panel along with her living props backing her up. To their surprise Mayor Bunny Loblaw was extremely supportive of the idea and commented on how dashing Doc Holliday appeared. As Doc walked over to the panel to let them have a good look at the outfit, Bunny Loblaw patted him on his ass, as he walked pass. When Doc turned around to see who had touched him, Bunny winked at him before smiling at him. After the presentation Doc felt in his back pocket and found a card, with Bunny’s phone number and a note, ‘Give me a call, anytime.’

Doc showed the card to Wynonna and expected her to laugh it off, but before he could stop her, Wynonna ripped out of Doc’s gun holsters one of the fake guns and stormed off in the direction of Bunny.

Doc was able to stop her before Wynonna reached Bunny, “Wyn, you know that you’re the one for me. Think about our pup and Alice, you don’t want to do this.”

“It’s bad enough that I am the size of a whale, I don’t need someone like Bunny to make a play for my mate.” Wynonna says angrily as she turns around to face Doc.

“Wyn, I love you and every day I am so happy that you chose me to be your mate. I could never look at another. You and Alice are my world. I love how you look, because your carrying our pup. Come here my pretty lady.” Doc pulls Wynonna close against his body and kisses her with passion.

Over the next couple of months, Waverly consults with Doc regarding organising the purchasing of several horse drawn buggies and a couple of stagecoaches, along with setting up an area of the Homestead for the housing of horses. Even though they had a lot to work on, regarding the museum, Waverly was determined to have everything planned out, so that when they did tend to begin, it was already to go.

Wynonna’s pregnancy was nearing the due date, and after consulting with her doctor, she was to take things easy. This meant that Doc took time off from the garage to be there for Wynonna and take care of Alice. Nicole was working at the station when she received a call from the weather bureau, advising her of a severe storm heading towards Purgatory and that they had 8 hours before it was due to arrive.

Nicole quickly rang Doc to advise him that he should take Wynonna to the hospital, just in case something happened during the storm. Nicole asked Doc to make sure that Max and Calamity Jane were safe before heading out. Waverly and the boys were in town and Nicole knew that the best place for them, would be for them to come to the station. There Nicole could keep an eye on Waverly and the boys, while they hid in the basement of the station. Nicole had to organise the rest of the town, which meant that her deputies had to head on out and advise the rest of the town, to plan to move to safety before the storm hit.

Dolls was out on a lead when Nicole called him, advising him of the approaching storm. Dolls knew that Jeremy was at home with Jessica and that he had their car, which meant Jeremy had no way of getting them to safety. Dolls finished what he was doing and set off towards his family, to take care of them and make sure that they were safe. Nearby their home was an old abandoned vineyard, with a wine cellar attached. Dolls arrived in time to collect Jeremy and Jessica, before having to head towards the old vineyard and take up shelter in the cellar. While they waited for the storm to hit and then pass by, Doc reassured a frightened Jeremy that they were safe and that he loved him and their baby girl.

Nicole had been trying to get in touch with Waverly and when it came to be about an hour before the storm was to hit. She decided to leave the station and head out looking for Waverly and the boys. With the storm fast approaching, Nicole was finding that her phone was continually dropping out and this was frustrating her, as she still had not been able to contact her wife. Nicole had driven up and down every street of Purgatory, and still she had not seen Waverly. Waverly told her that they would be heading to the park, after doing the grocery shopping. Nicole was just about to put through a call for all patrols to keep an eye out for Waverly and the boys, when she spotted them strolling through the park.

Rushing out of her cruiser Nicole ran over to Waverly, as she approached her wife, Nicolas called out, “Mummy Sheriff.” Waverly smiled at Nicole, but her smile turned into a look of concern, when she noticed that Nicole looked stressed.

“Nicole, what’s wrong?” Waverly asks.

“There’s a severe storm coming, and we have now less than an hour to get to safety. I’ve been trying to get in touch with you all day. Let’s get you all into the cruiser and to safety.” Nicole says as she picks up Nicolas and Alberto in her arms and then leads her 8 ½ -month pregnant wife towards the cruiser.

As Nicole pulls the cruiser to a halt in front of the station, she helps Waverly out of the car, before lifting the boys out and placing them onto the sidewalk. Nicole looks at her watch and then at the sky, which has now turned completely black and threatening to release its fury upon the town. Nicole rushes her family inside the station and before heading them all towards the basement, she rushed into her office and collected some bottles of water and a large gym bag, which contained a couple of bottles, baby formula, blankets and a couple of little pillows. With the couple of staff, who were unable to get back to their homes, Nicole and her family headed down the stairs, just before the storm hit.

“Now Nicolas and Alberto, we are going to have an adventure. We are going to have a camping trip down here under Mummy’s office. I have your blankets and pillows right in my bag.” Nicole sat her sons down on the floor of the basement and looked them in the eye. Nicolas and Alberto started to smile, as soon as they heard the word adventure and camping. Nicolas and Alberto helped their Mummy to pull out the blankets and pillows from the bag. With the help from her staff looking after and amusing her sons, Nicole was able to focus her attention on Waverly as they sat on an old wooden box.

After about a couple of hours of waiting for the storm to pass over the town, Nicole noticed the time and it was now the early hours of the next day. As Nicole sat and thought to herself, ‘What a way to start your Birthday’, but before she could attend to anything else, she felt Waverly’s hand tightly grip the sleeve of her uniform. Causing the red head to turn and ask, “Are you alright Waves?”

“Nicole, I’m wet.” Waverly says as she clings to Nicole’s arm while looking down to her lap.

“Baby now is not the time to tell me that your turned on.” Nicole whispers into Waverly’s ear.

“No Nicole, I think my waters have broken.” Waverly says as she grips onto Nicole’s shirt just as she feels a sharp pain take control of her.

“What! You’re not due for another couple of weeks. Ok, um, just let me find us somewhere more private, then I can have a look.” Nicole goes to stand, but Waverly won’t let go of her hold of Nicole.

“Lonnie, can you keep an eye on these two for me. Their formula is in their bottles, all you do is mix it with water from the water bottles. There’s something that I need to take care of.” Nicole asks before helping Waverly to stand as Lonnie nods, she then turns around and places butterfly kisses to the top of Nicolas and Alberto’s heads as they slept, before leading Waverly away towards an area where they would have more privacy.

Nicole leads Waverly towards a quieter section of the basement and helps her to lay down on a blanket. After helping with removing Waverly’s underwear, Nicole looked and found that Waverly was indeed fully dilated, Nicole looked up at Waverly and said, “Yep, it looks like it’s show time, baby.”

“Nicole, stay with me.” Waverly cries as she watches Nicole getting up from the floor.

“I’m not leaving you; I was just going to get us some more blankets and some water.” Nicole says as she heads off around a corner, but she returns with armfuls of blankets and what looked like a jug in her hand.

“Now Waves, I can see the head, I know you want to push. On the next contraction, I need you to push, but you’ll have to stop when I tell you. Alright.” Nicole says as she looks at Waverly with all her love reflecting through her eyes. Nicole reaches up to grab hold one of Waverly’s hands and as Waverly feels her contraction, Nicole braces herself for her hand to be squeezed so hard, that she loses feeling.

“Argh, this hurts so much. Remind me why I chose to do this again? Argh.” Waverly begins to scream as she feels the pain of her pup’s head being pushed out of her body.

“Baby, I need you to stop pushing now, the head is through. It won’t be long before we get to meet our pup’s. I love you.” Nicole says as she cradles in her hands, the head of their pup.

For the next couple of minutes, Waverly experiences the pains of childbirth before she hears Nicole say, “We have another son.” Waverly and Nicole cry as they hear their male pup cry for the first time. Nicole cleans her son and then wraps him up in a blanket before handing him to his Ma. Waverly cries tears of joy as she holds her son for the first time, she leans down and places a kiss to his forehead, as they both notice that he has brunette hair. Nicole continually places kisses to Waverly’s cheek and wipes the tears that flow down her wife’s cheeks.

It doesn’t take long before Waverly feels another set of contractions, indicating that their next pup was making their way into the world. Nicole takes their son and places him on the floor next to Waverly, so that she can still look at him, while she delivers the next pup. Just like his brother, Nicole held her son in her arms as she cleaned him before wrapping him up in a blanket and then handing him to Waverly. This little boy cried but as soon as he was placed into Waverly’s arms, he stopped and looked at her and waved his arms at her. Waverly cried more this time as she was so happy to be holding her son’s in her arms and Nicole was there to once again to deliver their pup’s.

“They are so beautiful and take after their Ma with the colour of their hair. I love you so much Waverly Earp Haught. Thank you for carrying and giving life to all our pups.” Nicole tearfully says as she kisses Waverly. Waverly holds a son in each arm and her smile beams bright in that dim lit basement.

“I was thinking of Walden, as it means Forrest Valley. (Waverly indicates to her son in her right arm). And Bach for our other son, it means beside a stream in German. If that is alright with you Nicole?” Waverly asks as she looks at Nicole who is besotted with her newborn sons.

“Yes, those names are alright with me. Hello, Walden and Bach Earp Haught, I have been looking forward to meeting you, and your brothers are waiting to meet you as well. I’ll just …” Nicole was interrupted by Waverly letting out a scream.

“Argh.” Waverly screams at Nicole. Nicole moves back so that she was between Waverly’s legs as she was expecting that Waverly was delivering the after birth, but she was shocked to find that she was looking at the top of another head.

“Waves, it looks as though we are having another pup.” Nicole looks up at puzzled eyes looking back at her. For the next 10 or so minutes, Nicole guides Waverly as to when to push and soon they were blessed with a healthy red hair baby girl pup. Waverly’s tears now flowed freely down the side of her face, because she now had the little girl, she so much desired.

“Nicole, I’ve named our boys, I want you to name our baby girl.” Waverly says as she looks at Nicole with all her love on display for her wife.

“I’ve been thinking about Winona, it’s native American for the oldest daughter. It spoke to me while I was looking at girl’s names on the internet.” Nicole replies.

“Welcome to the world Winona Earp Haught, we are going to love you the same as we love your brothers. Your older brothers are going to look out for you and watch over you. Your Mummy is the Sheriff, so no one is going to mess with you, but pity help your future mate, when they come to court you.” Waverly whispers to her daughter, while Nicole laughs.

“Nicole, did you notice the time, our pups were born on your birthday. Happy Birthday Sweetie Pie.” Waverly says as she caresses the side of Nicole’s face,

“I can’t believe it; we have three baby pups. Two boys and a baby girl. I couldn’t want for a better gift, than to have ….” Nicole begins to say before breaking down in tears. Nicole leans down and places a kiss to her daughter’s forehead before handing her over to Waverly, who now had three babies snuggling in her arms. Nicole helps to deliver the afterbirth and after making sure that Waverly was alright, she headed back to Lonnie, so that she could check on her sons and maybe wake them so that they could meet their new brothers and sister.

“Nicolas and Alberto, you need to wake up.” Nicole kneels down to gently shake the boys awake and only after when they have fully woken, does she say, “Ma has something to show you. Ma just had the babies. You have two brothers and a sister.”

“What their names?” Alberto asks while he rubs his eyes, while Nicolas sits and stares off into space, as he takes time to wake up, especially when his sleep was interrupted.

“Walden, Bach and Winona. Now let’s go and see them.” Nicole stands up and holds out her hands, which her sons take hold of and they walked towards where Waverly was resting with the newborns.

As soon as Nicolas and Alberto saw their Ma, they run over to her and sat down next to her, one on each side of her. They gave their Ma a hug and a kiss to her cheek, before looking down at the three little babies laying on Waverly’s legs, with her arms supporting their heads. Nicolas and Alberto ask, “We kiss them.”

“Yes, but be careful, just like when we are with Calamity Jane.” Nicole says as she watches her sons, admiring their siblings. Nicolas and Alberto lean down and gently place a kiss to the tops of the heads of Walden, Bach and Winona, before sitting back and leaning into their Ma’s side.

Meanwhile at Purgatory Hospital, Gus and Alice were sitting in the waiting room as Wynonna was experiencing her own labour pains and with Doc’s by her side, they welcomed a son into the world. Wynonna held their son in her arms while she looked at Doc and said, “I would like to call him, Henry after you. You’re my world and I want our son to grow up taking after his father. I love you, Alice and now our son.”

Doc was so moved that he could not speak, all he could do was nod, while tears welled up in his eyes. Wynonna handed over to Doc his son to hold in his arms before the nurse came to take the baby boy to be cleaned, weight and measured. Which the little baby did not enjoy as his cries let everyone his disapproval of being removed from the security of his parents. Once the nurse was finished with the screaming boy, he was returned to the waiting arms of both parents, as Doc was now sitting on the edge of the bed, with an arm wrapped around Wynonna’s shoulder. As the nurse placed Henry into Wynonna’s arms, Doc surrounded this part of his family in his arms, as he and Wynonna shared a kiss, before returning their attention back onto the son before them.

Doc went out into the waiting room to deliver the news, that both Wynonna and their baby boy were doing fine. Alice jumped up into her father’s arms and gave him a hug, before saying, “Can I see Mummy and Henry?”

“Yes, my princess, we must wait till Mummy is returned to her room, then we can see her and Henry. Thank you, Gus, for looking after Alice for me, I hope she was not too much trouble.” Doc stands holding Alice in his arms.

“Alice was no problem. I think your going to need this.” Gus, hands Doc a cup of coffee.

“I have to ring Waverly to tell her the news.” Doc says as he pulls out his phone and dials Waverly’s number.

Back at the station, Nicole is sitting on the floor, facing Waverly who is now resting with the triplets tucked in under each arm and Nicolas and Alberto had pulled their blankets around so that they could sleep with their parents. As Nicole sat admiring her family, the thought came to her, that they had been told they were only expecting two and not three. This meant that she was going to have purchase an extra of everything, a cot etc. Before she could bring herself to look up prices on the internet, her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing from Waverly’s phone.

“Hello, Sheriff Nicole Earp Haught, speaking.”

“Nicole, it’s Doc. Is Waverly there?”

“Yes, but she is sleeping now. She gave birth to two boys and a girl. We named them Walden, Bach and Winona. How is Wynonna?”

“Congratulations to you and Waverly. What a great birthday present to receive. That’s what I was ringing about, we have a son and his name is Henry Holliday. Wynonna and the baby are doing well, their resting too along with Alice. The Doctor is going to keep her in for a couple of days. Hold on, I thought Waverly said that at her last ultrasound, there was two babies and not three?”

“Thanks Doc and Congratulations to you and Wynonna. I know, it was a shock to both of us, but we have three healthy babies and they appear to be alright so far. After I check to see if there is any damage to the station, I’ll call an Ambulance to come and take Waverly and the babies to the Hospital to have them checked out.”

Nicole waited till it was morning before heading up to check on the station and BBD offices and once she was able to ascertain that the building had sustained minor damage, which consisted of a broken front door and some water leakage in the corridor. She decided that it would be best to phone for an Ambulance and have Waverly and all the children taken to the hospital, where she knew they would be safer.

Once the Ambulance arrived, Nicolas and Alberto were excited to see the flashing lights, which reminded them of the lights on their Mummy’s cruiser. The Paramedics organised for Waverly, Nicolas, Alberto to ride in the back, while Waverly held the babies in her arms, as she lay on the stretcher. Nicole kissed her family goodbye and told them that she would see them at the hospital, just after she secures the station.

As Nicole drove to the hospital, her thoughts were on her family who were waiting for her at the hospital. She took this time to say a small prayer of thanks for the gift of her now expanded family, as she was grateful for safe arrival of her pups. Before she realised the cruiser was out the front of the hospital, where she parked and then enquired at administration.

“I’m here to see my wife, Waverly Earp Haught, she came in an Ambulance with three newborn babies and our two older sons.” Nicole said with a yawn, as she had been awake for over 24 hours.

“Sheriff, your wife is in Room 253, she is in the room next to Wynonna. Congratulations on the birth of your children.” The receptionist said as she directed Nicole to where Waverly and her family were.

As Nicole entered the room, she found Waverly lying in the bed, with Nicolas and Alberto tucked under each of her arms, while the babies were sleeping in their little cots, next to Waverly’s bed. When Waverly saw Nicole, the smile on her face, lit up the room and Nicole could have sworn that her heart had jumped up into her throat and then back to its usual place. It didn’t take Nicole much effort to walk over and place a kiss on Waverly’s lips, before taking a seat on the edge of the bed, she tried to not wake her sleeping sons.