38. Chapter 38

3 months laterSince coming back from the hospital, Nicole and Waverly have finally settled into a routine, where Nicole would wake up early and attend to Nicolas and Alberto. After changing them, she would then heat up the bottles while she prepared coffee for her and Waverly. While Nicole stood in the kitchen, the boys would get down on their hands and knees, and practiced growling and pouncing with Max. As her sons worked on honing their inner wolf’s, Nicole looked on with a sense of pride.

“We wake Ma?” Nicolas would ask before Nicole handed him and Alberto their bottles, they then would quietly enter the main bedroom, where the twins would climb up onto the bed and make their way up towards Waverly. Waverly always looked forward to this part of the day, as she got to spend some quality time reading and cuddling with her son’s, while Nicole sat on her side of the bed, drinking her coffee.

Since the birth of the triplets, Waverly and Nicole decided that for the first four months, that they would sleep in their bedroom during the night. This way Nicole could get up to them overnight and hand them over to Waverly to breastfeed. After she had finished her coffee, Nicole then make her way over to the cots and check on the sleeping babies. As she listened to Waverly read to their sons, Nicole smiled at how her sleeping sons and daughter mimicked the same way their Ma slept. As soon as Nicole had spent adequate time watching their babies, she would then begin to get dressed for work.

While Waverly read to Nicolas and Alberto, they would lie on either side of her, sucking on their bottles and snuggling into their Ma’s side. Alberto loved to point at the different pictures on the pages, while Nicolas loved to hold the edge and help his Ma by turning the pages for her.

Waverly would lay in the bed, reading to her sons, but every now and then she would peek at her part naked wife and she could feel a desire to reach out and touch that hot body. As if her precious babies could read their Ma’s thoughts, it would be just then that the peacefulness of the house would be disturbed by the wails of crying babies. Nicole would turn and say, “It’s alright, I’ll get them for you. You stay there with Nicolas and Alberto.”

As Nicole’s arms reach into the first crib, she picks up a squirming crying little brunette boy into her arms, as she brought Walden close to her chest and cooed and soothed her son. By the time the pair reached Waverly’s side, Nicole placed a pacified baby into her arms, which Waverly proceeded to breastfeed her son, while she continued to read to her twins.

While Waverly feed Walden, Nicole heated up a bottle of breast milk, which she feed to Bach, who would grab hold of either his Mummy or Ma’s finger as he drank. After burping Walden and making sure that he was content, Waverly, Nicolas and Alberto would climb out of bed and place baby Walden into his crib, before reaching into the last crib and lift out her daughter. Waverly would call her, “Mini Nic” as she looked so much like her Mummy, that she knew that she would never be able to resist those adorable dimples.

After Waverly and Nicole were finished making sure that all of their children were feed and changed, it was time for them to grab a bite to eat for breakfast, which usually consisted of vegan pancakes or porridge, depending on what they felt like. Nicole would kiss the tops of her children’s heads before passionately kissing Waverly goodbye as she headed to work for the day.

Waverly’s day then would consist of spending time with Wynonna, Alice and baby Henry, after she had attended to washing the baby’s clothes and preparing some lunch for Nicole. Some days Wynonna would look after Nicolas and Alberto, while Waverly took Nicole her lunch and attend to some errands. Other days Nicole would be visited at the station by Waverly and their five children, of which Winona would always find her way into her Mummy’s arms as she worked.

Not long after the birth of the triplets, Nicole and Waverly during their baby’s check-up, inquired as to why the ultrasound only showed two children and not three. The doctor informed them that sometimes, during an ultrasound the babies will lie in positions that when the image appears, it looks like only one, when there is another laying behind. And that their heartbeats can also be in sync with each other, making it hard to pick up the other heartbeat.

For Nicole life at the station was filled with mountains of paperwork over the Canadian Autumn and Winter months leading up to the week before Christmas. Where the locals were being filled with the spirit of the season, which meant for Nicole and her Deputies having to either break up fist fights at Shorty’s or locking up drunks in the drunk tank at the station. Since the birth of the triplets, Nicole made it a priority to make it home for the evening meal and then to help Waverly with their children’s nightly routines.

Once Nicole arrived back at the homestead, she would climb the steps to her home with a sense of joy and energy. Even though she might have been exhausted from a long day at the station, the knowledge that she was going to be able to hold her children in her arms, so much that she couldn’t explain it. Once she was inside the door, Nicole would be greeted by the squeals from her toddler sons, as they ran towards her and wrapped their arms around each of her legs and held on as she walked them back into the living room. Where she would find Waverly either sitting on the lounge watching the sleeping triplets or folding the washing.

Nicole would approach Waverly and after exchanging a ‘welcome home and I’ve missed you’ kiss. She would sit with Waverly and her son’s and caught up on the day’s events. Then with the help of Nicolas and Alberto, Nicole then after making sure that her sons were dressed for the cold, they headed out towards the barn. Waverly looked out through the front window and watched her wife shovel snow from the driveway, with Nicolas and Alberto mimicking their Mummy’s actions with their toy shovels. Sometimes Nicolas or Alberto would slip and because Waverly had made sure that they were well padded, they didn’t hurt themselves when they fell on their bottoms.

Once the driveway was cleared of snow, Nicolas and Alberto helped their Mummy to bring in some small logs of wood in their arms, while Nicole pushed the wheelbarrow that was piled full of split logs. By this time the triplets would have woken and were cooing as they kicked and waved their limbs as they lay in their basinets in the living room. After all the wood had been stacked near the fireplace, Waverly and Nicole helped Nicolas and Alberto with getting into their highchairs and then their meal. During this time, either Nicole or Waverly would begin to heat up the bottles of breastmilk, that Waverly had expressed earlier. Nicole loved this time of the day, as she was able to feed Winona and plant kisses upon her chubby cheeks.

Meanwhile as the twins ate their evening meal, Waverly took turns at feeding Walden and then Bach. After all their children had been feed and were contented, Nicole heads into the bathroom and starts running the bath, where first the twins would be the first to be washed by Nicole. The boys spend their time playing with their rubber duckies, while Nicole washed their bodies and hair. While Waverly waited to dry her sons, she checks on her baby sons and daughter, laying on a couple of towels on the floor. The bathroom was filled with the sounds of toddlers laughing and babies cooing amongst the sounds of water splashing.

Nicole and Waverly worked as a well oiled team, as Waverly took charge of the twins as she got them dried and then dressed, while Nicole bathed one baby at a time, allowing each one of her sons and daughter some quality time with their Mummy. Once all their children were dressed, Nicole and Waverly then would head into the twin’s nursery and the five of them would sit on the rocking chair, so that Waverly could read a bedtime story, before singing them a lullaby.

A pair of sleepy boys would be given their bedtime kisses and cuddles before being laid down into their cots. Nicole would tuck under her son’s arms their teddy bears, while Waverly balanced 3 three-month old’s in both of her arms. After making sure that their sons were content, Nicole would lift one of the triplets out of her wife’s arms and the pair would walk towards their bedroom and gently place the babies into their cots. Waverly would tuck them in and just like their Ma, she made sure that they had an extra blanket, before planting a kiss to their foreheads.

As Nicole had not yet had a chance to change out of her uniform, she then made a bee line for the shower to wash away the grind from a hard-working day. The hot water was like a piece of heaven to Nicole’s skin, as she stood under the running water, allowing it to run over her head and then down her body. Her thoughts about the day, were interrupted by the feel of hands being wrapped around her waist and a kiss being pressed against the back of her shoulder. A smile crept across her face as she turned around and planted a kiss on Waverly’s lips. It had been over a week since the doctor had cleared her wife, stating that they could have sex, now that Waverly’s body had healed from giving birth to three pups.

Waverly’s hands roamed up Nicole’s chest and found their home around the back of her wife’s neck, where she locked her finger together before kissing Nicole back. It didn’t take Nicole and Waverly long before their kisses turned into heated passion and Nicole’s harden cock finding its home deep inside of her wife. While their children slept in their beds, Nicole and Waverly’s bodies worked their way towards reaching heights of ecstasy in each other’s arms.