39. Chapter 39

3 Months later

The spring morning sunlight radiated through the window as beams of light shone upon two sleeping bodies in the main bedroom of the Earp-Haught house. Waverly reached out her hand to grab hold of Nicole’s pyjama top, while she snuggled into Nicole’s chest. Nicole stirred and after blinking a couple of times, she turns her head so that she can look at her sleeping wife. Lifting her head, Nicole places a gentle kiss to Waverly’s cheek, which is all it takes to wake the sleeping brunette.

“Morning Baby, did you sleep well?” Nicole smiles.

“Yes, because I have the best bonus blanket.” Waverly raises up on her elbow to kiss Nicole on the lips.

“Mmm, I could stay in bed all day, with that kind of encouragement.” Nicole smirks as she runs her hands over Waverly’s back, pulling the smaller woman on top of her.

“Well Sheriff, I think you might be due for a day in bed.” Waverly begins to unbutton the first two buttons on Nicole’s pyjama top.

Before they could get carried away getting intimate with each other, there was a cry coming from down the corridor, indicating that one of the triplets were awake and wanting the attention of their parents. Nicole kisses Waverly before climbing out of the bed and headed out to find out the owner of the cry. Not long after leaving their bedroom, Nicole returned holding 6-month-old Bach in her arms, who was clinging to his Mummy, but when he saw Waverly, he reached out and began to giggle. Nicole handed Bach to Waverly to smother with kisses and hugs.

“I’ll get the others ready for you. Nicolas and Alberto are awake but happily playing in their cots. Walden and Winona are starting to stir, so I get them changed and bring them in to you.” Nicole says.

“Thank you and I’m sorry we got interrupted.” Waverly replies.

“You can make it up to me tonight after our run.” Nicole says as she wiggles her eyebrows.

Waverly begins to blush and surprises herself that Nicole still has this affect on her after all this time. And if anyone would have told her that she would find her true mate while working at Shorty’s and that she would be the mother to five beautiful children and still they were wanting more, Waverly would have told them that they were crazy. Although here she was married to her true mate and not the person her father had promised her to before she was born.

Nicole walks into the twin’s room and finds them standing in their cots, tucked in their arms were their teddy bears and their other arm reaching out for Nicole to pick them up. Nicole lifts them out one by one and quickly changes them out of their night clothes and diapers and dresses them in clean clothes and a fresh diaper, before they run off in the direction of their Ma. Meanwhile Nicole can hear the beginnings of whimpers coming from the next room, indicating that Walden and Winona were now awake. Nicole heads in after tidying up the twin’s room and first lifts Walden out of his cot and places him on the change table. As Walden lays on the table with his diaper off, before Nicole could put a fresh one on, he urinates on her top.

“Walden, you are very cheeky. You’re lucky that Mummy was not dressed in her uniform.” Nicole says in a soft and tender voice, while Walden smiles and giggles at her. Once Walden is dressed Nicole places him back into his cot and then attends to Winona, who smiles and giggles at her Mummy while she is being changed. Now that both babies are ready, Nicole takes them into Waverly, who becomes surrounded in the bed by all their children, Max and Calamity Jane, as she reads to them.

Nicole grabs her clothes and heads towards the bathroom, and not long after she re-emerges dressed in her new Sheriff uniform of a lighter blue button up shirt which comes with dark blue tie and dark blue trousers. Waverly looks up from the book she is reading to their children and catches Nicole in her uniform, which causes her to wish that their children had slept a bit longer, instead Waverly bites her bottom lip.

“Is Gus still coming to look after Walden, Bach and Winona tonight?” Nicole asks as she straightens her tie and finishes tucking in her shirt.

“Yes, she will be here at 5pm and she said we can take as long as we need, seeing that it’ll be their first time shifting.” Waverly points above Nicolas and Alberto’s heads.

“I’ll make sure that I’ll be home before then. I love you Waverly, Nicolas, Alberto, Walden, Bach and Winona.” Nicole places a kiss to each of their cheeks and a kiss to Waverly’s lips before leaving for the station.

Nicole was filled with pride as she drives to the station, as this was going to be the night her sons would shift into their wolf form for the first time. It was the first full moon since Nicolas and Alberto had turned two, and both Waverly and Nicole had been looking forward to this moment. Waverly had organised with Wynonna and Doc, to come over to the house with Alice and Henry. Gus was happy to watch the triplets and Henry, while their parents and older siblings shared this special moment together. Throughout the day, Nicole and Waverly communicated with each other, via their thoughts.

‘I can’t wait till I get to see your sexy wolf later tonight.’ Waverly sent.

‘Just wait till I get you home and we’ve put the pups to bed. I plan to take you back outside and let my wolf take you outside under the night sky.’ Nicole sent.

‘I’m going hold you to that, my big sexy beast.’ Waverly sent.

‘You can rest ashore that I plan to keep this promise.’ Nicole sent.

Just before Nicole left the station, she checked to make sure that there was nothing Waverly needed for the evening meal. And when she received the message that the only thing, she needed was Nicole, the red head smiled as she drove towards her home. As her truck pulled up outside of her house, Nicole was greeted with the sight of Nicolas, Alberto and Alice chasing each other on the porch, while Max sat chewing on his bone.

Upon seeing that their Mummy and Aunty had pulled up, the three children began to squeal in excitement, because their Ma and Aunty Waverly had told them that they would have dinner when Nicole was home. As soon as Nicole had climbed out of her truck, the boys and Alice raced over and hugged her legs while saying, “Mummy home, we eat now.”

With everyone finally inside, washed their hands and seated at the table, Waverly with help from Nicole placed in the middle of the table all the food. Gus feed Walden, while Nicole feed Bach and Waverly feed Winona. Nicolas and Alberto were now feeding themselves as they used their grown-up forks to pick up the cut-up pieces of food. Alice wanted to feed Henry, but Doc suggested that she could give her brother, his bedtime bottle, when they got home. After eating their meal and the dishes were cleaned and put away, Waverly and Nicole took Nicolas and Alberto and helped them change out of their clothes and into special dressing gowns that Waverly had specially made for her sons. These dressing gowns were lined inside with sheep’s wool, to keep their naked bodies warm, especially when they returned from their run. Nicolas’ gown had his name endorsed on the left side and on the back was written ‘Future Sheriff in training’. Alberto’s gown also had his name endorsed on the left side but on the back was the ‘Purgatory Sheriff Department’ crest.

As Nicole watched Waverly dress their sons only in their dressing gown, she was filled with a sense of pride, not just because her sons would be shifting into their wolf forms, but because her sons look up to her as the Sheriff. Recently when her sons played, they would choose to be Sheriff’s and wanted to have a belt, just like Mummy’s, one that held their toy gun.

Once the boys were ready, it was time for Nicole and Waverly to change into their dressing gowns, which matched their son’s, except Nicole’s had on the back ‘Sexy Sheriff’ and Waverly’s had ‘Sexy Sheriff’s Wife.’ Doc and Wynonna had changed and made sure that Alice was wearing her dressing gown that her Aunty Waverly had made her, with a Unicorn on the back. With everyone naked under their dressing gowns, Gus made them all pose for a photo, before they exited via Nicole and Waverly’s bedroom door and down the steps to the outside.

With the full moon now shining bright in the night sky, Nicole took a couple of steps so that she could unrobe and show her sons, how to shift into their wolf form. Wynonna called out, “Waves, now I know why your horny all the time.”

“Wynonna!” Waverly and Nicole sternly voiced at the same time.

Nicole’s body started to shift as she transitioned from human into wolf. Waverly crouched down next to her sons and explained to them, what was happening to their Mummy and that it was alright. After Nicole had fully shifted, she walked on all fours towards her sons, allowing them to run over to her and wrap their arms around her red fur neck. Then Nicole nuzzles the side of her neck along the boy’s cheeks, to mark them with her scent. As Nicole is spending this time with her pups, Waverly helps to remove the boys dressing gowns before removing her gown and taken the time to shift into her brunette-haired wolf form. Nicolas and Alberto are nudged by Nicole over towards their Ma and they allow her to mark them with her scent.

Up on the balcony Gus stands next to the triplets, who were sitting in their stroller. Walden squealed when he caught sight of what he thought were two big puppies and waved his arms around indicating he wanted to touch the ‘doggies’. Nicole moved up the stairs and made her way over to the stroller and lowered her face, so that Walden then Bach and Winona could touch her fur. Nicole also wanted to be able to mark them with her scent, showing that they were hers. Once all of the triplets had their turn at touching and running their hands through Nicole’s fur, she turned and made her way back to stand next to Waverly, who was sitting on her back legs next to Nicolas and Alberto.

With Waverly beside her, Nicole let out a howl that called to Nicolas and Alberto’s inner wolf, drawing them to begin to shift and transform into miniature versions of Nicole’s wolf. There was a difference between the two boys, as Nicolas had a white patch of fur on the top of his four paws. As soon as the boys had shifted, they started to chase each other around the edge of the lake behind their home. Alice soon joined them jumping and chasing each other, before taking turns at playfully nipping each other on the ears. Wynonna, Doc, Waverly, Nicole and Gus looked on at the pups playing in their wolf forms and were filled with a sense of joy and pride, as their pups didn’t have a painful transition. Gus collected her camera and said, “Now I need you all to come together, so I can take a photo.”

Nicole herded the pups over towards the older wolfs and Alice who had darker brunette coloured fur stood in front of her parents. Nicolas and Alberto stood between Nicole’s red fur wolf and Waverly’s brunette fur wolf. After Gus had taken several photos, Nicole howled loudly indicating that it was time for them to head off on their run. Waverly made sure that she ran behind Nicolas and Alberto, while Nicole took the lead, leading them through the trees which stood behind the homestead land.

For Nicole and Waverly, they had to keep their run to a slow canter, as the boys had smaller legs and wouldn’t be able to keep up with Nicole’s sprint. About halfway the group of wolves came to a clearing, where Nicole lay down on her belly, indicating to the group, that they were going to let the pups have a rest before heading further into the forest. While the pups lay down and had a rest snuggling up against their Ma’s, Nicole and Doc sat on their hind legs, keeping watch over their pups and mates.

Upon the wind came a strange scent that hit Nicole and Doc’s sensitive wolf senses. What Nicole smelt was like something had been freshly killed and the aroma of fresh blood filled the air and her nose. After sending a message to Waverly, Nicole headed off towards the scent and came across a sight that would have haunted a normal human being. She was confronted by what looked like a female body, which had its head severed and nowhere to be found. The body was still fully clothed, but there were knife wounds to the torso of the body. Nicole took notice of the location of the body, so that when she returned home, she could call it in to the station and then assist with the gathering of evidence. Nicole quickly headed back to Waverly and the look on Nicole’s face, told her wife that there was something wrong.

Wanting to get back and started on finding out who or what had committed this crime in her community, Nicole started the group back towards the homestead, where they could change back into their human forms and warm clothing. Waverly had organised to have cups of warm hot chocolate with marshmallows and sprinkles on top. As soon as Nicole had finished her drink and kissed all her children and Waverly, she phoned into the station and gave the location of the body, while she drove towards the sight.

While waiting for one of her Deputies to arrive, Nicole sat in her truck and checked her phone and found that she had a message from Sam. He was asking her to assist him on a case in which several girls from his district had gone missing and then were later found killed with their heads severed. Just reading the text, Nicole started to wonder if this body might have a link with Sam’s case, and if so, it would mean that a serial killer was now killing women within her district.