40. Chapter 40

Nicole crouched down and had a real good look at the headless body, lying in amongst the fallen leaves and tree branches on the floor of the Barren Pines Forrest. Dolls stood next Nicole and while the Deputy took photos of the body and the surround area, Dolls started to collect evidence from the area and placing it into evidence bags and labelled them.

“What do you think did this?” Dolls asks as he writes on an evidence bag.

“The markings around the neck, would indicate the head was torn off by a large animal. Look at the teeth marks on the flesh. My friend Sam has been working on a similar case, where women have had their heads bitten off by a large wolf like animal.” Nicole says as she stands up and runs her hands along her thighs.

“Do you think this could be related to Sam’s case? I’ll get this evidence examined and hopefully we’ll get an indication of what or who caused these bite marks.” Dolls says as he finishes collecting all the evidence, allowing the paramedic to place the deceased into a body bag.

For the next two nights and days, Nicole was locked away in her office going over the files that Sam had sent her, while waiting for the autopsy report to come back. As soon as Nicole had the name of the headless body, she typed the name into the Police database and found that the young woman, whose name was Kiersten Lesko had been reported as missing from Old Quebec, two years prior.

The evidence that Dolls collected revealed that the animal which bit the head off the woman, once it had been tested, was an alpha werewolf. Jeremy was then able to test the hair and discovered that this werewolf had black hair and was rather powerful. Dolls informed Nicole of this new information, so that Sam and his department could be told. Then Nicole called Doc and asked him to meet her later that night, so that they could patrol and mark the boundary of the homestead, and make sure that this werewolf knew not to come onto their land.

Nicole notified the Old Quebec Police department of the finding of their missing person and arranged for the transportation of the deceased. After making sure that all the paperwork had been filed out and faxed through, Nicole flung her tired self into her chair, while she ran her hands through her hair. As she glanced over her desk, Nicole noticed the date, it was her and Waverly’s Anniversary and she was yet to set her eyes on her beautiful wife. Knowing Waverly and how angry she can become for something as simple as missing the anniversary of when they first marked and mated each other, would mean that Nicole was going to be in the doghouse for the next two weeks.

On Nicole’s journey back home, she made a couple of stops along the way to purchase flowers, chocolates and Waverly’s favourite takeaway. It was late afternoon when Nicole parked her truck outside of her home, before Nicole could open the door to her house, she was pounced upon by her two-year-old sons. Nicolas and Alberto wrapped their arms around Nicole’s legs, before she leant down and lifted them up into her arms. The boys kissed their Mummy and said, “We good for Ma. Babies not.”

Waverly was just coming out of the nursery, when Nicole walked into the house, holding a large bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates and bags of takeout from Waverly’s favourite Chinese Restaurant, with the twins standing by her side. As Nicole looked at the living room, she noticed that the floor was cover with toys, when normally it was tidy, which indicated that Waverly had not had an easy time over the last couple of days. Waverly smiled at Nicole as she indicated for Nicole to be quiet, by raising her finger and placing it against her lips. The dining table was covered with the plans for the Wyatt Earp Museum, which indicated that Waverly had been going over them with the contractor. Nicole and Doc worked over a weekend to erect the fences which Doc planned to use to house the horses, to be used as part of the museum experience.

Waverly walked towards Nicole and kissed her wife on the lips, before Nicole could present to her the gifts she had bought. “Hello my best baby.” Waverly whispers.

“Hello my love. Happy 3-year Anniversary baby.” Nicole says as she holds out the gifts she had in her arms to Waverly.

“Anniversary? Our Wedding Anniversary is not for a while.” Waverly replies as she takes the flowers and buries her nose into the petals and smells the sweet aroma from the roses. She walks towards the kitchen, where Nicole places the takeout on the bench.

“It’s 3 years today since we first mated and marked each other.” Nicole says while she reaches out to place her hands onto Waverly’s hips and pull her closer to her body. Before she could kiss Waverly, they both hear crying coming from the nursery.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. I just put them down for their sleep.” Waverly groans into Nicole’s chest.

“I’ll get them, I’ve just got to put my gun away first.” Nicole says as she walks off towards their bedroom, where she stays for only a short moment, before exiting and entering the nursery.

Upon opening the door to the nursey, Nicole sees Walden, Bach and Winona sitting up in their cots and crying. As soon as Winona spots her Mummy, the little girl raises her arms and cries out, “Mummy.” Nicole picks her up and then walks over to the other cots and gently rubs her son’s heads, while she says, “It’s alright. Mummy’s home now.”

Waverly appears at the door and says, “They’ve been grumbling all day and have not slept. I had only just gotten them to go down. Their teething and just like their Ma, they don’t feel comfortable without their Mummy being around.”

“I’m sorry that I’ve been busy the last couple of days and not been here for you. I’m here now and we’ve got this ok, Baby.” Nicole holds Winona close to her chest as she whimpers, before picking up Walden from his crib, while Waverly picks up Bach in her arms.

“Let’s have some dinner before Doc and Wynonna come over.” Nicole says as she rubs Winona’s back.

“Why are Doc and Wynonna coming over?” Waverly says as the pair walk back out into the living room and sits the triplets in their bouncers.

“We worked out what killed the young lady in the woods, it’s an Alpha Werewolf and Doc and I are going to go and mark the boundary with our scent. I want to send it a message, ‘that it’s not to come on our land.’ All I want to do is keep you and the pups safe.” Nicole says with quiver in her voice.

“Nicole, I know that you will do everything in your power to keep us all safe. That’s one of the reasons why I fell in love with you and chose you as my true mate.” Waverly saunters over to Nicole and reached up and touched her wife’s face.

“Oh, is that so, what other reasons did have to fall in love with me?” Nicole smirks as she lays her hands-on Waverly’s hips.

“I do believe there is another reason why, but I think its best discussed outside of the hearing of little ears.” Waverly says as she wiggles her eyebrows at Nicole.

“Ma, we hungry. Can we eat now?” Nicolas says as he and Alberto begin to climb up onto chairs at the dinner table.

“Help Mummy to clear the table and then we can eat. But first what do we do before eating?” Nicole asks her sons.

“We wash hands.” Nicolas and Alberto get down from their seats and walk over to the sink, where Nicole lifts them up one at a time to wash their hands, so that they can help put out the cutlery for their meal of Chinese. Nicolas and Alberto have taken on their Ma’s habit of wanting Peanut Butter with their Chinese. While Nicole is dealing with the twins, Waverly heats up bottles for Walden, Bach and Winona, who now can hold their bottles and feed themselves.

A month before.Waverly had just finishing feeding the triplets before they settled for the night, when as she was heading towards her own bed, Waverly heard Nicolas calling out for her. Nicolas and Alberto had only just started to sleep in little beds, so Waverly thought that Nicolas just wanted to be reassured before falling asleep. As Waverly sat down on the edge of her eldest son’s bed, she didn’t expect him to grab onto her top and lift it up, so he could have a suck on her breast. She sat there while her son suckled on her now tender breast, until Waverly noticed that Alberto had gotten out of his bed and joined them. Once Alberto had finished suckling on his Ma’s other breast and both boys were tucked in their beds, was only then when Waverly could finally get some sleep.

As Waverly crawled into her bed that night, Nicole was waiting for her wife with open arms. Nicole pulled Waverly tightly against her chest, while she planted a kiss to the top of her mate’s forehead. Waverly’s leg brushed against Nicole’s groin, which stirred awake a sleeping cock between her wife’s legs. Nicole turned slightly so she could look into her beautiful wife’s eyes before connecting their lips together. It didn’t take much to ignite the passion between the pair, and when Nicole lowered her face to take Waverly’s harden nipple between her lips, Waverly cried out in pain. Nicole pulled away and looked at Waverly with concern in her eyes, before saying, “What’s wrong Baby?”

“It’s just that I’ve had five mouths attach themselves to my nipples tonight and they are really sore. You can touch me anywhere else, just not there.” Waverly cups Nicole’s face in her hands as she gives her wife a pleading look.

“We don’t have to do anything. We can just cuddle.” Nicole says.

“I want you to make love to me. Make me yours, my Big Haught Hunk.” Waverly says with a wink. That was all it took for Nicole, as for the next hour, the two lovers made sure that each other was well satisfied.

As Waverly lay in her wife’s arms before falling asleep, she raised herself so that she could look at Nicole. “Nicole, I want to start feeding the triplets formula. That way it we both can feed them, and I won’t have to express all the time. What do you think?”

“Baby, I am happy with your decision.” Nicole replied while she thought about how much she loved being able to bury her face in between her wife’s breasts, so if this meant their pups would be on the bottle from now on, it was the best thing.

Present time.As much as Nicole was tired and wanted nothing more than to climb into bed, she knew that her and Doc had to go and mark the boundary of the Homestead. After finishing dinner, Waverly laid a hand on Nicole’s shoulder and said, “Nicole, I’ll do the dishes later, lets just spend some time with our babies.” Nicole looks at her wife and smiles, knowing that this was just what she needed the most.

All Nicole has seen over the past two days and nights have been the images of a beheaded body and the gruesome wounds, knowing that an Alpha Werewolf was responsible for the untimely death of the young woman. So, spending time giving Nicolas and Alberto horse rides on her back, while the triplets watched their Mummy laugh and giggle along with them, was just what Nicole needed. Waverly took photos of Nicole acting like a horse, with Nicolas and Alberto taking turns at being the rider. Then Nicole had the triplets on the floor, and she was blowing raspberries on their tummies, while Waverly snapped images of their pups playing happily with their Mummy.

Doc, Wynonna, Alice and Henry arrived an hour later and Nicole’s whole personality changed from being happy to serious and determined within a second. Doc and Nicole existed the living room and entered the study, where Nicole kept a copy of the map of the Homestead and land. After deciding on the best strategy for their task, Nicole and Doc came out of the office and kissed their love ones. Nicole headed into her bedroom, while Doc exited the house via the front door. Waverly and Wynonna collected their pups and started to head outside to see off Nicole and Doc.

“Look Ma, Mummy puppy.” Nicolas and Alberto point towards Nicole, who was now in her Wolf form. Doc soon appeared in his Wolf form, before the pair headed off, they made their way over to their pups and rubbed their scent onto them and then Nicole raised herself onto her hind legs and placed her front paws on either side of Waverly’s shoulders before licking her mark. “I love you too, Nicole. Now go and hurry back, so we can celebrate our anniversary.”

Waverly scratched behind one of Nicole’s ears and when they heard giggling coming from behind them. Waverly looked over Nicole’s shoulder and noticed that as she scratched the fur of her wife, Nicole’s tail wagged faster, which kept hitting Winona, Bach and Walden’s faces. With every hit of fur in their faces, it caused them to giggle that much more and louder. Winona grabbed hold of her Mummy’s tail and gave it a tug, causing Nicole to give a small yelp. “Winona, honey you have to let go of Mummy’s tail. Here is your toy Unicorn.” Waverly says as she crouches down to hand Winona her stuffed Unicorn, while she pried Nicole’s tail from her daughter’s hand.

Nicole looked back over her shoulder at her wife, before letting out a howl and then both her and Doc rushed off into the woods under the light of the sunset. Wynonna and Waverly watched as Alice and the twins tried to chase after their Wolf parents, but when Waverly called out, “Your going to miss out on Ice cream.” Three toddler pups came running up the back stairs and into the house and only stopped when they crashed into the back of Wynonna’s legs.

Waverly and Wynonna spent the time with their pups and getting them ready for bedtime, when Nicole and Doc returned. Alice, Nicolas and Alberto chased each other around the house playing Cops and Robbers, with Alberto being the Cop while Alice and Nicolas played being the robbers. Alberto used Nicole’s old police hats to deputise his baby brothers and sister to help with keeping an eye on his prisoners.

Meanwhile Nicole and Doc ran all around the boundary line of the homestead, making sure that they marked every blade of grass and tree. Making sure that the mystery Alpha Werewolf got the message to keep away from their land, or there would be trouble. Upon arriving back at the homestead, Nicole stopped at the bottom of the stairs to her and Waverly’s bedroom and howled loudly. Before Waverly could get up to meet her wife, Nicolas and Alberto ran out through the door and onto the deck to greet their Mummy.

“Wolf Mummy, home.” Alberto says while Nicolas hugs Nicole around the neck. Waverly stands on the deck with Walden and Bach sitting in their stroller still wearing their Police caps, while she held Winona on her hip.

“Yeh, Wolf Mummy is home. When Mummy changes back, she will tuck you into bed. Now come on Boo and Bubba, lets go and get you changed for bed. Mummy can look after your brothers for Ma.” Waverly runs a hand through Nicole’s fur, checking for any signs of injury before she led Nicolas and Alberto inside to change into their pyjamas. Nicole changed back into her human form before heading up the stairs and taking her son’s inside, so that she could dress.

Doc had gone around the front of the house and before he could change back, Wynonna and Alice appeared on the front porch. “Daddy, can I have a ride back home?” Alice asks as she walks up to Doc and hugs him. Doc looks up at Wynonna seeking permission, which she gives, by nodding her head. Doc glances in Alice’s direction and lowers himself down, to allow Alice easy access to his back. Once Alice was safely sitting on his back, Doc stood up and began to run slowly towards the old homestead home, with Wynonna following carrying Henry on her hip.

Waverly had gotten the twins dressed and ready for Nicole to come in and read to them, before she tucked them in for the night. Nicole and Waverly then set about getting the triplets changed and feed before their pups drifted off to sleep in their arms. As soon as they both were happy that all their pups were safe in their beds and sound asleep. Nicole took hold of Waverly’s hands and lead them both into the living room, where she headed over towards the kitchen and retrieved two wine glasses and a bottle of wine.

“How about we take this into the bathroom and take a bath together!” Nicole says in a husky voice, while brushing two fingers across Waverly’s mating mark.

Waverly swallows the lump in her throat as she moves in closer to Nicole and brushes herself against Nicole’s groin, “Um, yes. I remember that afternoon when we gave each other these.” Waverly ran her fingers over Nicole’s mating mark.

“It was and still is the best day of my life. The day when I made love for the first time to my true mate. You made me the happiest Alpha in the world, when you said Yes and took me as yours.” Nicole says just before leaning in and kisses Waverly with all the passion in her heart.

After undressing each other and lighting candles in the bathroom, Nicole turned on the baby monitor, so that they could hear if their pups woke. Nicole helped Waverly into the bath before getting in herself. They drank a toast to their love for each other before giving into their passion by reliving the day when they made love for the first time. Nicole kissed her way down Waverly’s body till she reached her wife’s sex. Waverly soon felt all the pleasure that only her wife could provide with her tongue. After cuming hard against Nicole’s face, Waverly begged for Nicole to take her, fill her with her knot and hot cum.

Waverly gently pushed Nicole back against the bath and straddled her hips, before taking all of Nicole’s 12 inches inside of her. Nicole groaned and moaned as she thrusted her hard cock deep inside of Waverly’s pussy and with every thrust, Waverly whimpered for Nicole to “fuck me hard and make me your.” That was all it took for Nicole, as she began to feel her knot build and the walls of Waverly’s pussy begin to tighten around her. As soon as her knot was set and Waverly came again around her cock, was when Nicole shot hot thick strings of cum deep inside of her wife.

As soon as Nicole was able to pull out of Waverly, she helped to lift Waverly out of the bath and back into their bedroom, but instead of leading them to the bed, Nicole took them outside. This was where Nicole changed into her wolf form and her cock was larger and harder than when she was in her human form. Waverly changed into her wolf form and crouched down, so that Nicole could mate her from behind. Nicole thrusted into Waverly hard and strong until they both came; it was then that Nicole bit down hard in Waverly’s mating mark on her shoulder, then Nicole moved her own neck, so that Waverly could bite her on her mating mark.