46. Chapter 46

As Dolls and Doc walked behind the man through the door, they noticed that they were now being led down a brightly lit long hallway. Along the walls were images of women wearing nothing but their birthday suits, these women had been photographed in various sexually explicit positions. Dolls turned around and looked directly at Doc, who was pulling the front of his hat down to hide his eyes from the sight.

“I didn’t take you to be the shy type.” Dolls whispered as they followed behind the man.

“I’m not, it’s just that Wynonna has a way of knowing if I have looked at another woman. It’s best not to shake that hornets’ nest.” Doc replied.

It was not that much longer before Doc and Dolls were standing before a large dark brown wooden desk in the middle of an office. The walls had been painted in a dark leaf green colour, and hanging on the walls, were paintings that took on a more satanic persona. Dolls suddenly felt an urgent need to be violently sick, but instead found the ability to take control of the nausea. There were files strewn all over the top of the desk and sitting behind the desk in a black leather chair was a short and muscly brunette-haired man, who was puffing away on a cigar. Whiskey Jim wore an outfit which would have been more at home in the late 1930’s.

“Whiskey Jim, may I present to you, Mr Smith and Mr Weston.” The man said after he had knocked on the door, before walking through and indicating to Dolls and Doc to follow him.

“Hello Mr Smith and Mr Weston, please take a seat. Would you like anything to drink? Can I offer you a hot drink or maybe something harder?” Whiskey Jim says as he stands and walks around to shake Dolls and Doc’s hands.

“I’ll have a white coffee thank you.” Dolls replies.

“I’ll have a Whiskey, if that’s alright.” Doc answers.

“Cain, that will be one white coffee and two Whiskey’s. Now Gentlemen please take a seat and we can get down to discussing business.” Whiskey Jim points to two chairs positioned on the opposite side of his chair in front of his desk.

Cain returned with their drinks and then just as quickly, he exited the room, leaving the three men to discuss their business.

“Now how can I help you?” Whiskey Jim said as he sat down in his chair and then started to tidy up his desk.

“We have heard that you’re the person we need to speak to if we wanted to get our hands on some ‘fresh meat’. My partner and I are about to open up a new Gentlemen’s business club and need some women to come and work for us.” Doc says as he fidgets with his hat with his hands.

Mmmm, what types are you after? Are you after women with large or small breasts? Any hair colours? Or doesn’t it worry you.” Whiskey Jim rolls his chair over to a set of drawers that were hidden from view and pulled out a folder. Returning to his desk Whiskey Jim opened the folder, which displayed photos of different naked women and handed it over to Dolls to look through.

Dolls flicks through the plastic sleeves and saw that there were well and truly over a hundred of women in the folder. Some of these women had what looked like fresh wounds to various areas of their bodies, others looked extremely beaten and bruised. Dolls felt an anger towards the mistreatment of these poor individuals and sympathy for what ever lead them to flee their former lives. It was Dolls compassion for others, that lead him to becoming a law man and more importantly to Black Badge.

Doc cleared his throat before saying, “Well we would like about 20 women, it does not matter their body type or hair colour or their age. We are hoping to open our club in a weeks’ time. Would you be able to fill our order?”

“I think I can accommodate your needs, now let us talk about price. These women do not come cheap, they are going to cost you. At $20,000 a head, and you want 20, then that will come to $400,000 in cash.” Whiskey Jim says as he writes the transaction into a ledger.

Dolls places the folder back onto the desk and then removes from his pocket in his jacket a wad of money and started to count out $400,000 on the desk. Whiskey Jim licked his lips and once all the money had been dealt out, he took hold of it in his hands. He then turned in his chair and moved a picture on the wall to reveal a wall safe. After placing the money into the safe, Whiskey Jim shook Dolls and Doc’s hands before taking down the deliver address and organising a time and date. Dolls and Doc left knowing that they had just bought at least 20 women a second chance at life.


MeanwhileWynonna and Waverly had arrived at the office building and found a semi furnished front foyer, with a desk and chair positioned up against the wall to the right of the room. On the opposite side of the desk was two basic chairs. Next to the desk was a door, which lead to a long hallway that the rest of the rooms sprung off. Waverly and Wynonna noticed before entering the building that from the outside, you would of thought that this was just any other office building. The outside gave no indication of what type of activities where supposably occur within its walls.

After venturing down the hallway, they found that five of the office rooms had each been furnished with a Queen-sized bed, two side tables, a lamp, and a love seat. Wynonna commented, “At least their got a good view of the alley way from the window.” She sat on the edge of one of the beds and bounced up and down.

“I’m glad we don’t have to use these. My truck’s suspension has more bounce.” Wynonna laughed as Waverly tested the lamps by turning them on and then off.

“We have our work cut out for us. Where did Dolls get all this from?” Waverly asked as she sat next to her sister on the bed.

“He said that Black Badge has a warehouse of resources for situations like this. He also gave me this, so we can spend as much as we need to make this look real.” Wynonna pulls out from her back pocket a credit card and waves it in front of Waverly. The younger Earp grins as she thinks about all the different things, they are going to need to purchase.

“So, what do you have in mind Baby Girl? Do you want to just go for the basic brothel look or something else?” Wynonna says while Waverly pulls out her laptop from its bag.

“I was thinking that maybe that each of the rooms could have a theme, like one could be made to look like a cheerleader’s college room, with all the pom-pom’s and stuff. Another could be bondage room with dark colour walls and leather and chains etc. What do you think?” Waverly asks as she types away on the laptop. Wynonna grins as she looks at her sister.

“Hey, one of the rooms could be made to look like a garage workshop, where the client could role play the part of a mechanic. Oh, and how about another room being set up to look like a Sheriff’s office, with hand cuffs hanging from the wall. This is going to be so much fun.” Wynonna suggests.

“Did Dolls tell you if we had a limit to what we could spend on decorating these rooms?” Waverly checks with Wynonna.

“No, he just said that we had no limit. It will all go back to Black Badge to use with other projects.” Wynonna answers.

“Well let’s get started with measuring up the windows, so we can order curtains.” Waverly says, while typing into her laptop.

“You just want to get Sheriff Haught all hot and bothered, when she comes over to help with hanging the curtains.” Wynonna uses her first two fingers on both hands to make inverted commas signs as she said the word “come”. Waverly blushes as she slaps her sister’s arm.

Over the next couple of hours Waverly browses through various websites and finally locates the items she needs to decorate the rooms in the different themes, that her and Wynonna had decided upon. The first was a college themed room, that was to be decorated with Pom Pom’s hanging on a wall alongside several college pendants. The next was to be set up to look like the inside of a garage mechanics office, with oil brands signs and a naked girl calendar displayed on the wall behind the desk/bed. Another room was to be decorated so that it looked like an hospital call room, Waverly even purchased Hospital scrubs to make it more authentic. The next room Wynonna insisted its theme being that of a Police station’s interview room, where the table was the bed and handcuffs attached to the bed’s headboard. Waverly researched into what a dominatrix’s room would look like and purchased the vital equipment of chains, whips, a body swing, and extra handcuffs.

Over the next couple of days between Waverly and Wynonna, the pair were able to have the rooms all set up and ready for use. It was on the last day that Waverly was making the last-minute touches to the College room, when Nicole came by to drop off the curtains, which had been delivered to the station.

“Wow, Baby you’ve done a fantastic job.” Nicole says as she places a kiss to Waverly’s cheek.

“Do you want me to help with hanging the curtains?” Nicole says as she places the package containing the curtains onto the bed.

“Yes, that would be great. I knew there was a reason, why I keep you hanging around.” Waverly jokes as she points up to the curtain rod, high above her head.

Nicole chuckles while pulling out her pocketknife to open the package. Once Waverly had found the right curtains for the room and placed it onto the curtain rod, Nicole then reach up and position it into place. As Waverly watched Nicole stretching, the brunette caught sight of Nicole’s abs and before she could stop it, she felt her underwear becoming soaked with her arousal. Nicole must have been able to sense her wife’s need, because as soon as she finished with the curtain, Nicole turned and wrapped her arms around Waverly and pulled her tight against her groin. Waverly bit her bottom lip as she felt Nicole’s hard cock pressing into her.

Waverly turned Nicole around so that she could walk the redhead back towards the bed and then placed her hands onto Nicole’s shoulders, then pushing her wife so that Nicole was now sitting on the edge. Waverly leant down and captured Nicole’s lips with her own, before saying, “Sheriff Earp-Haught, I believe you have earned yourself a special treat. I want you to undress yourself down to your underwear and wait for me to come back.” Waverly wiggles her hips as she exits the room. Leaving Nicole to do as she was instructed to do, she removed her uniform, after folding it she placed it onto the top of the desk then returning to sit on the bed.

Waverly returned a short time later, wearing her old High School Blue Devils Cheerleaders outfit. Nicole struggled with the urge to just grab her wife and nail her on the bed, but she found that what was to come next was worth the wait. Waverly pressed a button on her phone and the song, ‘Addicted to Love’ by Robert Palmer started to play. With each beat Waverly moved her body in such a way, that Nicole could only moan and groan, indicating that she was very much enjoying Waverly’s Cheerleading routine. Towards the end of the song, Waverly made her way over towards Nicole, placing her fingers on the edge of the elastic of Nicole’s shorts.

Looking directly into Nicole’s eyes, Waverly says, “Now Sheriff, I think we had better release the pressure against your pistol.” Nicole lifted her hips, giving Waverly room to slide her shorts down her legs and onto the floor. As soon as her shorts were gone from around her rock-hard cock, it sprung free and clear pre cum was seeping from its tip. Waverly then removed Nicole’s bra, leaving her wife naked before her on the bed. Waverly licked her lips while Nicole reached out and slipped her hands under the Cheerleading skirt and lowered Waverly’s knickers.

For the next couple of hours Nicole made love to Waverly several times, until they both were spent and satisfied. Nicole had fallen into a deep sleep after her last climax with the goofiest smile on her face. Waverly lay there admiring her wife and thinking about how lucky she was to be married and loved by this amazing Alpha. Someone who always put others before herself, protected the people she loved and would throw herself into the line of danger if anyone or anything threatened Waverly or their pups.

Waverly quietly slipped out of Nicole’s embrace and headed out towards the bathroom, so that she could freshen herself up as Nicole and her were due to have dinner at Gus’s that evening. As much as Waverly loved working for Black Badge, she missed her pups and that afternoon Gus was looking after them for her and Nicole. Waverly was busy thinking about her pup’s, that she did not hear the front door to the office building being opened, until she heard Dolls and Nicole yelling.

Dolls: “Sheriff Earp-Haught.”

Nicole: “Dolls, don’t look at me.”

Dolls: “Why are you naked and ……”

Nicole: “It’s a long sto …..”

Dolls: “I saw.”

Waverly rushed out now wearing her everyday clothes and she found Nicole struggling to dress herself in her Police uniform and was zipping up and buttoning her trousers. Waverly wrapped an arm around Nicole’s waist and pressed her head into the crook of Nicole’s neck.

“I sorry Dolls, I thought I would umm …” Waverly rubbed the back of her neck as she tried to explain what her and Nicole had been up to.

“It’s ok Waverly, I’ve been wanting to do the same thing with Jeremy. I only came by to hang up the sign outside, and then I noticed the door was still open. I thought I had better check to make sure that no body was inside.” Dolls replied.

Later that night as Waverly and Nicole lay in bed talking, “Nicole, do you think that Whiskey Jim is going to come through with the delivery?” Waverly asked Nicole who was in the middle of reading Dolls’ case file on Whiskey Jim. Placing the folder down in her lap, Nicole turned towards Waverly.

“Waverly, I think Whiskey Jim will turn over like a dog, begging for their belly to be rubbed. He has been inside that many times, that I think He would want to stay on the outside. He has so many enemies that are still inside, that its best for him to be on the other side of the bars.” Nicole replies.