47. Chapter 47

The day of the exchange of the women that Doc and Dolls had ordered through Whiskey Jim had finally arrived. Dolls had called the whole team for a briefing the previous day to go through the plan, to secure the women but also to capture Whiskey Jim and his men. Nicole and Waverly had been given the responsibility of being the lookouts porched on top of the roof of the building opposite the so-called brothel. Waverly was armed with an AK-47 Machine Gun, which she positioned to rest on the edge of the building, while Nicole was armed with her Glock 22 pistol.

Wynonna was given the responsibility of being Dolls and Doc’s secretary, whose sole purpose was to make Whiskey Jim take this whole façade was the real deal. She made sure that she wore her shortest skirt and most cleavage revealing top. Inside the top drawer of the desk, Wynonna had placed Peacemaker, making it easier to grab when the sting went down.

Dolls and Doc had taken up their positions in the first room, where Wynonna would send Whiskey Jim to finalise the transaction. Doc always insisted on using his two Colt SA Army 5.5" pistols. While Dolls made sure that his Black Badge issued service revolver was loaded and ready. Jeremy was back at Black Badge office, keeping track of things via the surveillance cameras that Dolls had set up around the premises.

It was not long before Waverly and Nicole heard the distinct sound of a truck approaching their position. Waverly texted Wynonna to let her know that Whiskey Jim had arrived and to get ready for the taking down of one of the Werewolf’s pawns. Wynonna reads the text and lets Doc and Dolls know that it was Showtime.

“Doc and Dolls, it’s Showtime, Boys. Waverly’s just texted to say Whiskey Jim is here.” Wynonna says as she stands in the doorway. She walks back to her desk in the front office and gets ready to greet Whiskey Jim and his men.

The truck was large and was fully enclosed, with small windows along the sides. The back doors of the truck had a thick chain surrounding the bolt and then was padlocked with a large and heavy lock. When Waverly saw the state of the truck, she turned to Nicole and said, “Oh my God. We need to make sure that those women are still alive. It’s like Whiskey Jim only sees them as pieces of meat, rather than being human beings.”

“It will be alright Waves; we’ll get these girls back to their families.” Nicole says while rubbing the lower part of Waverly’s back. Then Nicole lowered her face and placed a kiss to the side of her wife’s cheek. Nicole takes a long hard look at her wife’s outfit and found her mind wandering off and thinking about how would love to lift Waverly’s skimpy skirt and take her right there and then. This only caused Nicole to groan as her cock hardened and pressed against her Police uniform pants.

“Sheriff, I think we had best be focusing our minds on the task at hand. There will be plenty of time for you to make love to me later. Get that mind of yours out of the gutter and back on taking down these creeps.” Waverly smirks as she looks through the scope and aims her gun at the men, alighting from the trucks cabin.

Whiskey Jim was the last of the three men to climb out of the truck’s cabin and headed to the front door of the brothel. Leaving the other two men guarding the truck’s back door, each of the men were armed with shotguns. Waverly was unable to see if Whiskey Jim was armed, so she sent a text to Wynonna, letting her know about the two-armed men outside.

Wynonna stood up from behind the desk and walked over to Whiskey Jim and greeted him with a handshake. “Welcome Mr Whiskey Jim. Mr Smith and Mr Weston are waiting for you in the first room, just down the hallway. Would you like something to drink or eat? We have an assortment of drinks to choose from.” Wynonna points over at a bar lined with several bottles of alcohol and glasses.

“I think for the moment, I’ll just wait till the transaction gone through, thank you.” Whiskey Jim replies just before he heads through the doorway and down the hallway. Coming to a stop in front of a door that has a number one sign nailed onto it, Whiskey Jim knocks as he opens the door.

“Hello, Whiskey Jim, come on in and have a seat.” Doc says as he holds out his hand to Whiskey Jim. Whiskey Jim extends his hand and gives it a shake and then he shakes Dolls’ hand.

“This room makes me feel like I want to go to College, with all those Cheerleaders running around. I have picked you some lovely ladies who will suit this room.” Whiskey Jim smirks as he raises his eyebrows, while he takes a seat.

“Well now, we have five rooms set up, each of them has a different theme. We will take you for a tour, right after we close this deal. Now we have already paid you, all you have to do is deliver the goods.” Dolls says as he stares directly at Whiskey Jim.

“The goods are right outside in the truck; my men will unlock the truck’s back doors and then you can take control of the merchandise.” Whiskey Jim stands and indicates to Dolls and Doc to follow him outside to the truck. Once outside Whiskey Jim gives his men the signal to unlock the back doors.

As soon as the doors are opened, Dolls and Doc are overcome with rage, as they are confronted with the sight of 20 barely clothed women wearing ankle chains that were connected to the sides of the truck, preventing them from being able to move and they had been forced to stand up for the journey. As the windows to the truck had been nailed shut, the smell of urine and vomit was so overcoming, that Dolls struggled with not being physically ill. Doc on the other hand was struggling with the need to put his fist through Whiskey Jim and his men’s faces.

“You ordered 20.” Whiskey Jim said with a smug voice.

“Yes. OK GIRLS, let us get you out and inside, where its warm.” Doc said with an entheses on the words OK GIRLS, as this was the signal for Nicole and Wynonna to come and arrest Whiskey Jim and his men. Waverly was to stay on the roof so that if any of them tried to make a run for it, she could shoot and take them down.

“Do not move. You’re under arrest.” Nicole and Wynonna say as they press their weapons against the backs of Whiskey Jim and his men. Nicole and Wynonna snap handcuffs on all three men and drag them over to Dolls SUV. Once all the men are locked inside the cabin, Nicole stands guard, making sure that they do not escape.

Wynonna notices that Dolls is talking on his phone, thinking that he is talking to Jeremy, she makes her way over to the women and starts taking them inside the building. Once inside Wynonna says, “It is all going to be alright, you are safe now. Let us get you all some warm clothes to wear. Then we will get you some food. Just follow me.” As she leads them down the hallway towards the rooms, where they were able to find clothes to wear.

Waverly joined Nicole in guarding Whiskey Jim and his men. As they waited for Dolls to explain what was to happen next, they noticed a large people mover van pulling up behind Whiskey Jim’s Truck. Thinking that the occupants of the van were more of Whiskey Jim’s men, Waverly and Nicole raised up their weapons, ready for action. They did not expect to see two blonde haired women, one was mature and the other was a younger climb out of the vehicle. Both women were dressed in a black suit with an over the shoulder gun holster. Waverly noted that the windows of the van had all been blacked out.

“Agent Dolls.” The matured woman said as she walked over to shake Dolls hand.

“Agent Lucado and Agent Shapiro. The women are inside with my Deputy. Their getting changed. Whiskey Jim had them chained up and made them stand in their own vomit and urine. These women are going to need lots of tender care. I have Whiskey Jim and two of his men under arrest and locked in my SUV. Sheriff Earp-Haught is guarding them.” Dolls reported to Lucado and Shapiro

“You have done a great job Agent Dolls. Head office is going to be incredibly pleased. We have organised for all these women to receive medical treatment when we arrive back at headquarters.” Agent Lucado comments as Dolls leads both women inside to introduce them to the women and to explain as to what was to happen next for them.

After Agent Lucado and Agent Shapiro had all the women loaded onto the van, they bid farewell to Dolls. Waverly and Nicole watch as the van drives away, knowing that they had played a part in freeing these women from a life of suffering. Waverly looks at Nicole, thinking how lucky their babies were to have such a strong and protective mother in Nicole. Before the brunette could say anything, Nicole lent down and planted a kiss to Waverly’s cheek and whispered, “Our babies are blessed to have you as their Ma as well, not just me.”

Dolls approached the SUV and pulled open the back door, which made Whiskey Jim jump in his seat. “Now Whiskey Jim, you and your boys are going for a ride down to the station.” Now as all three had gags in their mouths, the only response to come from them, was grunting sounds.

Dolls, Wynonna, and Doc drag all three men in through the front doors, while Waverly and Nicole follow behind. Nicole stops by the front desk and asks one of her Deputy’s, “Are the interview rooms available? And did I miss anything happen while I was out?”

The newest and youngest Deputy stood up nervously, not knowing where to look, she runs her hands down her thighs, before saying, “Sure the rooms are free, but while you were out, we had another case come in.” Nicole notices her Deputy’s reaction, so she turns around and mentions to Dolls, “Take them right in, the rooms are free. I’ve got something to follow up on.” Nicole reaches over and places an arm around Waverly’s waist, pulling her in close to her side. Waverly has learnt over the past couple of years to notice when Nicole was anxious and this was one of those times, Waverly knew that eventually Nicole would talk to her sooner or later. Waverly watched as her wife walked through the swinging door through into the bullpen.

Waverly snuck in through the doors of Black Badge’s office to check that Jeremy had not gone stir crazy after looking after all of her, Wynonna’s, and his pups. The scene that she saw touched her heart and renewed her love for her family. Alberto, Alice, and Nicolas had dressed up in some of Jeremy’s old ‘superhero’ shirts, they were playing around and making the younger pups, sitting on the play mat, laughing at the antics of the older pups. Nicolas was the first to notice his Ma and run right over to her and hugged her legs. Alberto followed right behind saying, “Ma, we are playing for Walden, Bach, Winona, Henry, and Jessica.”

“Yes, it looks like they are enjoying your little show.” Waverly said as she bends down and gave her sons a hug each. Then walked over and gave each of her baby pups a kiss on the top of their heads. Waverly then sat down and planned with Jeremy about getting all of the children some food, along with some coffee for the troops.

Dolls, Wynonna, and Doc dragged all three into separate interview rooms, so to see as to which one was to crack first. Doc and Dolls took it in turns to interrogate each of the three, but none of them broke. It was not until when Wynonna came in and joined Dolls as he interrogated Whiskey Jim, that there was a change in Whiskey Jim’s attitude. He started to fidget in the chair that he was handcuffed to, then they noticed he was sweating bullets. Wynonna smiled as she could sense that Whiskey Jim was close to breaking and then he would squeal like a pig. That was when she pulled out Peacemaker and placed it on the table, Wynonna made sure that her gun was pointed in Whiskey Jim’s direction and her hand resting next to the trigger.

“Now you’re going to tell us everything you know about all the girls, you sent to the Pussy Willow, and then some how they all end up becoming dinner for a Werewolf.” Wynonna says as she drums her fingers against Peacemaker.

“All I can tell you, is that Bobo ordered a bunch of girls and specified that they were to be delivered to the Pussy Willow. I don’t know anything about a Werewolf.” Whiskey Jim says nervously, all the while staring at Peacemaker.

“Whiskey Jim, why do I get the feeling that you know a whole lot more. We have a recorded conversation between you and Bobo talking about someone called Lou. If you want to spend less time in jail, then I think it would be best to start talking.” Dolls says while pulling out a chair and sitting down.

Meanwhile Nicole is dealing with her own problems, but hers is lying on three Autopsy tables, located in the Police station morgue. The Police file which Nicole read before heading into the morgue, she noticed that this involved an adult and two toddlers, which looked like their heads had been bitten off. At first Nicole thought it was just a coincidence, but then she noticed from the photos of the deceased, how the bite marks were the same as on Kiersten’s body. She knew right then that the Werewolf has struck again and this time, he had claimed the lives of children.

Nicole gently stepped into the morgue and found the Forensic pathologists performing autopsy on the two toddlers. Nicole coughed before saying, “Um, what have you discovered?”

Dr Thomas looked up and placed down his scalpel on the medical tray beside him, “I found a photo in the woman’s wallet. It looks as those these (pointing to the two little bodies laying on the tables) two were her children. From my observations it looks as thou, these boys were about two years old.” Dr Thomas looks sorrowfully down at the bodies on the tables.

“Are you able to ascertain as to what or who caused their deaths?” Nicole askes as she holds back the tears which are welling up inside of her.

“I ran the name on the driver’s licence and found that she and her two twin sons, were reported as missing from Calvary. The woman’s name is Ethel Jones, her sons are John and Paul. I have already sent through a message through to the Calvary Police Department, so that they can notify the family. I can also tell you that this (pointing at the bite marks on Ethel’s neck), where made by an Alpha Werewolf, but this is the strange part, the bite marks on the necks of the boys, have been made by that of two Omega Werewolf’s.” Dr Thomas points at the marks on both necks on John and Paul. Nicole clutches the case file in her arms as she takes another look at Ethel, John, and Paul before leaving the morgue and headed back to her office.

The day that Nicole became Sheriff, Nedley had showed her where he kept his secret bottle of Whiskey. He explained to her that in all of his time as Sheriff, there were some cases that affected him so much, that he would come into his office, close and lock his door before pouring himself a glass of Whiskey. And this was one of those times, when Nicole realised exactly what Nedley meant. This case was personal because, it involved two innocent lives the same age as her and Waverly’s Nicolas and Alberto. She was overcome with a sense of heartache, because now the other parent of those two children in the morgue was going to have to now face the rest of their life, without the love of their life and children.

Nicole stood before the secret locker, staring at the bottle of Whiskey, before grabbing a glass and the unopened Whiskey bottle. After unscrewing the cap, Nicole pours herself a drink, she does not drink it straight away, Nicole thinks before moving the glass to her lips and taking a sip. Just at that moment Waverly opens the door to Nicole’s office, “Nicole, we are about to head on home. Are you coming with us?” Waverly stares at Nicole having a sip of alcohol.

Nicole drops her hand and places the glass onto her desk, next to Ethel Jones case file. Waverly walks further into the office and closes and locks the door behind her, before moving over towards Nicole. “We need to catch this Werewolf.” Nicole looks at Waverly and then down at the case file. She opens it up to reveal the photos of the crime scene and bodies.

“Nicole, tell me what is going on. What are you talking about?” Waverly stops while watching Nicole, she notices that Nicole is looking down at something on her desk. Once Waverly notices what she is seeing, she feels faint and feels around for Nicole’s chair to sit in before she fell.

“He killed a woman named Ethel Jones and two Omega Werewolves killed her two twins two-year-old sons. Their laying on three Autopsy tables in the morgue in the basement. I jus …” Nicole breaks down and slides down the wall and sits with her knees under her chin. Nicole cries the tears she has been holding in, since she saw the two toddler’s lifeless bodies.

Waverly gathers her senses and realises that Nicole needs her, the brunette rises from the chair and rushes over to knee before her wife on the floor. Taking Nicole’s hands in hers, Waverly pulls them into her lap, “Nicole, it is going to be alright. We are going to get these Werewolves.”

“Ethel couldn’t keep her sons safe; it makes me think that maybe, I can’t keep our pups safe.” Nicole says after she stopped crying. Waverly caresses Nicole’s cheek with her hand, while her other hand wipes away her wife’s tears.

“Nicole, when I first met you, I knew that you were going to be something special in my life. You always made me feel extraordinary and every time I was with you, you always made me feel safe. You are always making sure that our babies are kept safe and protected. They know that you love them and would fight anyone that would try and hurt them. I love you Nicole Earp-Haught more than you will ever know.” Waverly cradles her wife’s head in her arms. Nicole begins to relax and presses her body against Waverly, causing her wife to say, “Careful Sheriff, we wouldn’t want your pistol to go off.” in a cheek tone, while peering down at Nicole’s crouch.

Nicole holds tightly onto Waverly before they are interrupted by a knock on the door, causing the pair to separate and Nicole cleared her throat and wiped her face, before saying, “Come in.”

Dr Thomas stood at the door waiting to give Nicole the final report on the Autopsies on the Jones case. “Do you have some time to give you my final report on the Jones case?”

Nicole indicated for Dr Thomas to come into the office, while Waverly said, “Goodbye, we’ll see at home.” Nicole watched as Waverly walked away with a sway in her hips.

Later that night at the Earp-Haught home, Nicole walked into her home, feeling exhausted as she took her coat off and hung it up beside the front door. She heard her children giggling and chattering, but when she looked down the hallway there was no lights on in the nurseries. “Mummy home.” Nicolas and Alberto call as they rush to her.

Nicolas leads Nicole over to the table and says, “We have dinner. We got Ma’s favourite. She sad.” Alberto says, “Ma had water in eyes, after see you. Nicolas and I asked for tak out.” Waverly walks over and slides her arm around Nicole’s waist, “We walked into the restaurant and they said to the waiter, ‘they needed food to make Ma happy’. The waiter said she knew what that meant and so we have Sweet and Sour soup, Lemon Chicken, dumplings, and fried rice. The waiter then called Nicolas and Alberto, ‘The Little Sheriff’s’.”

Nicole chuckled to herself as she saw the Chinese take out containers on the table. Walden, Bach, and Winona were sitting in their bounces, while Max sat looking eagerly at the table. Nicole and Waverly walk over to their babies and pick them up and place them into their highchairs. Nicolas and Alberto climb up onto their chairs and wait for their parents to serve the food. Waverly took some Dumplings and mashed them before mixing them with some of the Fried Rice, once finished, she divided the mixture into three bowls for the triplets.

Nicolas and Alberto were served Dumplings and some Fried Rice before Nicole served herself and Waverly, who scooped a tablespoon of Peanut Butter into her soup. The happy little family joyfully eat their meal, and then afterwards settled onto the couch to watch a movie. Nicole made sure that all their pups were wedged between herself and Waverly, wrapped up under blankets to keep them all warm as they watch ‘The Lion King.’

Nicolas and Alberto especially enjoyed watching the animated version of ‘The Lion King’, as they particularly enjoyed the scene where young Simba tried roaring. The boys would kneel on the couch and show their Mummy and Ma, how well they roar. Nicole would fake a scared look, while Waverly would pull back and act as if they really frightened her.

It was not that much longer before their pups, started to rub their eyes and yawn. As Nicole was changing Walden into his pyjama’s, she was surprised to hear him say, “Mummy.” She never thought that her heart could ever feel fuller of love until that moment. Waverly was tugging Bach and Winona into their cots when she heard Walden speak. As she turned around Waverly noticed the tears in Nicole’s eyes and she felt her body being pulled towards her wife and a desire to show her redhaired wife, how much she absolutely loves her.

Nicole walked into their bedroom, fresh from the shower and only wearing a towel around her body. Waverly was filled with a desire between her legs, which only Nicole can fulfill. The brunette made her way over to Nicole and connected their lips together while walking Nicole back towards the bed. Once the back of Nicole’s knees hit the side of the bed, she reached with her hand to guide herself to sit on the bed. Waverly removes the towel from around Nicole and licks her lips as she takes in the sight of her wife’s naked body.

Nicole reaches around Waverly’s waist and slides her hands under her wife’s top and slips it off over Waverly’s head, revealing her naked breasts. Then Nicole removed Waverly’s shorts, so that she could see and touch her wife’s sex, which was glistering from her arousal. Nicole pulled Waverly onto her lap and they feel back onto the mattress and let their animal desires take them to the edge of pleasure several times that night. After satisfying each other’s needs, Nicole pulled Waverly into her chest and ran her fingers through the brunette’s hair. It was long before they both fell asleep in each other’s embrace and remained that way until the morning.