48. Chapter 48

It was 4 days later, and Nicole had just finished bathing Walden, Bach, and Winona before handing them over to Waverly to dress into their pyjama’s. Next it was Nicolas and Alberto’s turn in the bath, which Nicole had added lavender scented bubbles to the water. As Nicolas and Alberto played with their toy boats, Nicole saw to it that they were clean of the day’s dirt. Waverly and their pups had spent the day supervising the construction of the Wyatt Earp Museum, which Nicolas and Alberto ended up being covered from head to toes in dirt and mud, as they ran and jumped in mud puddles in between the different buildings. Walden, Bach, and Winona on the other hand, played in their pen that was tucked next to Waverly’s makeshift working table, that sat next to a large Spruce.

Nicole had organised the bathroom so that when she took Nicolas and Alberto out of the bath, she would be able to wrap them up in their little hooded Dinosaur towels. Although Nicolas had other ideas, because when his feet hit the floor, he took off running naked down the hallway, laughing, and squealing as he went. Nicole quickly wrapped Alberto up in his hooded towel and then ran after Nicolas, calling out, “Nicolas Earp-Haught stop right now.”

This only enticed Nicolas to run around into the living room and jump onto the couch. When he noticed that his Mummy had followed him, cheekily turned around and wiggled his naked bottom at his Mummy. Waverly was right behind Nicole holding Alberto in her arms, struggling to keep in the laughter that was bubbling up inside her.

Nicole stood with her hands on her hips, while using her best Police voice, “Nicolas Earp-Haught, you are under arrest for being a very cheeky boy. I’m going to have to pull out the tickle grip.” Nicolas stuck his little bottom out and wiggled it in front of his Mummy. Nicole reached out and picked up Nicolas and throw him over her shoulder before taking him back into the bathroom. Normally Nicole would play along, but tonight, her and Waverly were hosting dinner for Doc, Wynonna, Alice, Henry, Jeremy, Dolls, Jessica, Emily Faye (Purgatory Deputy), Louise Faye (Emily’s wife), Vicky Faye (Emily’s 4 mth old daughter), and Alison Faye (Emily’s 4 mth old daughter).

The purpose of the evening was for them to go over Dolls plan, where they would eventually get to see and trace Lou the Werewolf. Dolls had already spoken with Nicole to include one of her Deputies in the operation. Nicole chose her newest Deputy Emily to join the team, as they would need the extra hands to bring down this creature and his pack. Waverly then suggested that Emily should bring along her wife and their pups to dinner, as this would give them the chance to get to know Emily and her family more.

Nicole learned that Emily and Louise dated for a year before marrying, then right after their honeymoon, they found out that they were going to be parents. Emily had trained at the Academy and had graduated at the top of her class. Before arriving at Purgatory Emily worked for Old Quebec Police Department, where she excelled in undercover surveillance, but when she learned of the pregnancy, Emily decided that it would be the best thing for her growing family, was for her to transfer to a more peaceful community. When she noticed that there was a need for Police in Purgatory, she knew that this was the place for her family.

Emily and Louise were 22 years old, Emily stood at 5ft 9in tall, with black short hair and possessed a well-built muscular body. Louise was slightly shorter and had blonde shoulder length hair, she had a small post baby tummy bump, but as she was still breast feeding, her breasts were large and round. Their pups were cute as they had the slightest hint of blonde hair fluff and made the cutest faces while they slept in their carry capsules. Nicolas, Alberto, and Alice were keen to look into the capsules, which Waverly said, “The babies are sleeping now. You can have a look but not touch.”

Over dinner Waverly and Nicole were surprised to find out that Emily and Louise met, when Emily had to hire an 1880’s period dress to wear to a fancy-dress party. Louise was working as a seamstress and while fitting Emily, as they talked both of them sensed a strong connection, which was made that more stronger when Emily returned later with the dress and an invitation to go out on a date. Emily was an orphan and when Louise came into her life, she finally found the family, she had been longing for. Louise’s family were supportive of their daughter and had welcomed Emily into the family.

“As we drove in, I noticed the building construction next to your property. What are they going to be?” Louise asks while taking a sip of her soda.

“We are building a Museum that will focus on my Great Granddaddy Wyatt Earp. It has been designed to look like what Purgatory would have been like then. We are going to the staff dressed in the clothes from that time and visitors will be able to experience what life was like back then.” Waverly says with enthusiasm in her voice.

“That sounds wonderful.” Louise answers before glancing over at her sleeping pups.

“So, you’re a Seamstress? Would you be interested in coming over another day and have a look at the designs, I have put together for the staff outfits.” Waverly asks while she hands a bottle to Winona to drink in her highchair.

“Yes, I would love to. Since moving here, I have focused on setting up our house and settling these little ones into some sort of routine. We can text and arrange a day and our pups can have a play date.” Louise replies. Emily reaches over and takes her wife’s hand in hers and gives it a squeeze.

Once all the pups had fallen asleep, Dolls grabs himself a coffee before indicating to the team, that he was ready to discuss the mission. Louise withdrew from the group, to be able to feed her pups and to give the team space to talk.

Dolls addressed the team by saying as he handed out the Police identification sketch of Lou, “Tomorrow night Emily and myself will be heading to Pussy Willows, while Wynonna has been able to organise to reprise her former role as Aphrodite, as a one night only. Waverly is going to wait tables, as Whiskey Jim has told us that Lou likes to watch the new girls working through their routines.”

Nicole looked concerned at Waverly before saying, “What does waiting tables entail?” Waverly leant over and took Nicole’s hand in hers, “It will be alright, all I have to do is take people’s drink orders, just like when I worked at Shorty’s, the only difference is that the merchandise the customers are interested in, is on stage. Dolls and Emily will be there to keep an eye on me and Wynonna.” Nicole relaxed in her seat.

“Um, yes, I have arranged for Waverly to only work the area that Lou will be seated in. Whiskey Jim says that Lou seats in the same area of the club each time. Waverly will take his order and give him his change, which I got Black Badge to insert a tracking device inside the money. This way we can follow him to his hide out.” Dolls says while the rest of the team get acquainted with the sketch of Lou.

Dolls proceeded to give a more detailed description of Lou, he was a 30’s aged male, with short dark brown shabby hair. He stood about 5ft 6in tall and wore a full-face beard, which he always kept trimmed and tidy. Lou wears dark brown leather hippie style straight pants with a white native Indian style shirt with short bones used as buttons.

“Dolls, did Whiskey Jim tell you why Lou, targets kidnapped and missing women?” Doc asks while sitting next to Wynonna at the table.

“He said that apparently Lou and Bobo had been business partners when they were younger. Lou met a woman that turned out to be an Omega Werewolf, they fell in love and Lou let her turn him into an Alpha Werewolf. Bobo found out and forced Lou and his mate to leave the Ghost River Triangle forever. Although since Bobo is locked up, Lou has returned to salvage what was left. Whiskey Jim divulged that before Lou left, he vowed to create a large Werewolf pack and take over the Ghost River Triangle. Bringing with him and his Omega’s, death and fear to the region.” Dolls says with a straight face.

“Now what are Nicole and I to do?” Doc asks.

“Nicole, and Doc, I know that you both want to be there at Pussy Willows watching over your mates, but we need the less number of recognisable members of the team, to not alert Lou to the fact we’re on to him.” Dolls replies to Doc.

Waverly leaves the group discussion to head into the kitchen and starts preparing the coffee. Louise offers to help, “Do you need some help?” she stands holding baby Vicky close to her chest.

“Yes, that would be nice. She is so cute, they both are.” Waverly starts being cluckly and gently touches the back of Vicky’s head.

“Would you like to hold her? Yes, they are cute, but not at 2am in the morning and they both are crying to be feed.” Louise lowers Vicky into Waverly’s arms before going to the fridge to retrieve the milk.

Waverly coos at Vicky, while waiting for the kettle to boil. She then walks over to Emily and hands Vicky over to her to hold. Emily was already cradling Alison, so she manoeuvre’s Vicky so that the two babies can fall asleep in their mother’s arms.

“I’ve been wondering all night as to how do you cope with 5 pups to care for?” Louise asks while pouring hot water into the cups, while Waverly adds milk and sugar to the different cups.

“I wouldn’t be able to do it without Nicole. She is so great with them and they love her. We work together making sure that they all are feed, cleaned and loved.” Waverly replies while she thinks about nice it would be to have more girl pups.

After everyone has left for the night, Nicole sends Waverly off to attend to her nightly routine, while she attended to cleaning up the dishes. Nicole had watched Waverly’s reaction when she was holding baby Vicky earlier in the evening and she wondered if Waverly was wanting to start again for more pups. Nicole thought about how nice it would be if they were to be able to add some more girls to their brood.

Nicole finished her nightly routine before climbing into her bed and laid down next to Waverly and pulled up the three blankets over them. “Waves, when you were holding baby Vicky earlier, you looked so beautiful. Do you wish we had some more girl pups?” Nicole asks while planting a kiss to the top of Waverly’s head.

“Nicole, I want more pups, but not right now. We must first catch this Werewolf, then we must finish the construction of the Museum and then Walden, Bach, and Winona will be turning one. Would you be happy to wait till after the triplets first birthday?” Waverly looks at Nicole and waits for a reaction.

Nicole smiles back at Waverly, “I am happy to wait, it’s just that I saw that look in your eyes before and wondered that’s all. Although it would be nice to have some more girl pups around.”

“Well I could do some research to find out how to make that happen. I am sure there is something we can do to tip the scales in favour for some girl pups.” Waverly leans up and plants a passionate kiss to Nicole’s lips. Nicole hums into the kiss, before using her tongue to seek permission from Waverly to open her mouth. Waverly opens her lips and grants Nicole’s tongue access, which Waverly returns the favour, by slipping her tongue inside Nicole’s mouth.


Dolls and Emily take up their positions at different seats around Pussy Willows, both are wearing plain clothes so that they can blend in with all the other patrons. Meanwhile Waverly starts moving around the tables, taking patrons orders, and serving drinks. It was not long before Dolls and Emily caught sight of their target. Lou strolled through the front doors to Pussy Willows like he owned the place, his confidence was oozing, so strong that Waverly stopped in her tracks, when she caught a whiff of his scent.

Lou moved amongst the tables until he reached the one, that he always frequent. After sitting down, Waverly quickly moved towards her target and said, “What can I get you?” Lou turned slightly and took in the sight before him, Waverly was wearing a tight fitting dark blue mid riff top, which showed off her well-defined abs. Her cleavage was so low, that there was nothing left to imagine. Waverly’s denim blue skirt was so short, that she was afraid of having to bend over and revealing her underwear.

“Um, a coke please.” Lou eventually answers and watches as Waverly walks away with a wiggle in her hips, knowing that Lou was watching her.

Waverly quickly returned with Lou’s change and drink. She makes sure that Lou takes the note with the tracking device built into it. Lou’s attention was redirected back to the stage, when the announcer says, “Back by popular demand and for one night only. Please give your best welcome for Aphrodite.” A white spotlight shines on a spot on the stage to reveal Wynonna dressed in a bright red lacy sexy teddy with matching lace bra and underwear. She begins to dance and swing her body around the stripper pole, removing various items and throwing them into the crowd, which was cheering and whooping her on. Lou appeared to enjoy Aphrodite’s performance, as he stood up and clapped and yelled out for an encore.

Throughout the whole time Dolls and Emily kept an eye on their charges, Lou, Waverly, and Wynonna. As soon as Wynonna finishes the routine, she heads back to the dressing room to change back into her street clothes.

Emily notices Lou finishing his drink before leaving the building. She pulls out her phone and checks that the tracking device was working. It showed that Lou was making his way out of Purgatory and towards the Pine Barrens. The two Deputies waited for Waverly and Wynonna, before escorting both Earp women home safe, then Dolls dropped Emily back to her home, as Dolls told her that he would head back to Black Badge and would monitor the tracking device. Once back at the office using Jeremy’s computer, Dolls was able to pinpoint the exact location where Lou was at that moment in time, he was deep in the middle of the Pine Barrens.

Dolls spent the next couple of hours monitoring the tracking device, while sending an email through to Agent Lucado and Agent Shapiro, requesting their assistance in the bringing down of Lou and his gang. Dolls had fought Werewolves before and knew that if Lou had breed with the Omega’s, resulting in the birth of pups, he knew the Omega’s would fight tooth and nail to protect their offspring’s. Dolls sent a request through to Black Badge for the supply of weapons which fired silver bullets, which would not only harm but kill werewolves. As soon as Dolls was confident that Lou was not on the move, he decided to head home to Jeremy and Jessica.


The next day Nicole, Waverly, and Emily joined Dolls, Jeremy, and Wynonna in Black Badge’s office. Nedley had offered his and Chrissy’s services in minding all the pups, while the team worked through their plan.

“Now from the information we have from the tracking device, it looks like Lou has been hiding out in the Pine Barrens. Wynonna and I are going to investigate on foot. That way we can have a better understanding of what we are up against.” Dolls stands next to the information board that he created earlier that morning.

“Dolls, from the research that I did just before going to Pussy Willows last night, the only thing that will render a Werewolf dead is the use of Silver bullets. Do we have Silver bullets? And do you think we are going to be enough? (Waverly waves a hand around at everyone in the room)” Waverly pulls written notes out from her satchel and places them on the table.

“I sent a request through to Black Badge for large amounts of Silver bullets and weapons to fire them. I also have sent an email to Agent Lucado and Agent Shapiro to assist us. The weapons are due to arrive sometime today and Lucado and Shapiro are arriving tomorrow.” Dolls pins up on the board, photos of Lucado and Shapiro.

As Dolls and Wynonna head off in the SUV towards the Pine Barrens, Waverly stood on the footpath watching the vehicle become smaller. Something inside her made her be concerned that harm would befall her sister. Nicole must have sensed her wife’s concern as she walked up behind her and wrapped her arms around the brunette’s waist. Nicole pulled Waverly tight against her chest and rested her chin on Waverly’s shoulder, “It’ll be alright. Dolls won’t let anything happen to her.”