49. Chapter 49

Dolls drove down the dirt road, leading him and Wynonna further into the Pine Barrens Forrest. After parking his SUV, they climbed out and suited up into their bullet proof vests before heading through the thick Pine trees, following the tracking signal on Dolls phone. They soon came across a clearing which encroached upon a large two storey building, and from what Dolls and Wynonna could see, there were two entrances, one in the front and the other at the back of the house.

The house was light tan in colour, at the front door were two white pillars supporting the above awning. Dolls noticed that the front door had been painted a scarlet red and each window had shutters, which at that moment were shut. Off to the right side of the house, was a shed which firewood was stored, along with a storage shed for tools and vehicles.

“Wynonna, you take the front and I’ll go around the back. Met back here in an hour. And make sure that you don’t get caught.” Dolls said as he pulled his pistol out of its holster and cocked it, ready for action.

“You know me, Dolls. I’m always hot.” Wynonna said in a cocky tone.

Dolls headed off towards the back, while Wynonna made her way towards the front door, but before she could sneak her way inside, she was discovered by a group of women, who wore white hippie dresses that hung down around their ankles. As soon as the women saw Wynonna, a blonde-haired woman approached her and asked, “Are you seeking freedom?”

“Um, yeah.” Wynonna replied, while trying to hide Peacemaker.

“My name is Trixie and you are?” The blonde said while extending a handout to Wynonna.

“Um, Courtney. You talk about finding freedom, what exactly do you mean?” Wynonna asks.

Trixie leads Wynonna along with the other women inside the front door. Once inside Wynonna follows the women down a long corridor in the direction of a large spacious room, which contained what looked like an old-fashioned bathtub. Steam rose from the water within the tub, indicating the temperature of the water.

“Our mate will be here soon. He will want to meet you, but before you do, you must be cleaned of all impurities first. You’re going to need to undress and (points to the bath), then you’ll have to dress in this (holds up a white hippie dress).” Trixie says, while another brunette-haired woman moves over to assist Wynonna with undressing.

“Ok.” Wynonna quickly undresses and climbs into the bath, she allows Trixie to wash her body, knowing that she was about to meet Lou face to face. Trixie hands a towel to Wynonna to dry herself before dressing her new dress.

The group of women headed into the dining room that lead off the kitchen, in the middle of the room was a large wooden table with chairs around the edges. Wynonna smelt a delicious odour coming from the kitchen, where some of the other women headed into and soon returned with plates, cutlery, and trays of hot food, which was set out onto the table.

Then a man, whom Wynonna realised to be Lou, came walking into the room holding hands with a red-haired woman and two ginger haired pups following behind. Wynonna took a good look around the room and saw two highchairs located on both sides of the head of the table. Right then Wynonna knew exactly what Lou wanted with all these women, he was breeding his own pack of Werewolves.

“Well isn’t its Aphrodite. I guess you’ve grown tired of being chained to a stripper pole.” Lou says as he looks Wynonna up and down. With each stare Wynonna could feel her skin crawl and hoped that Lou would not pick up on her feelings.

“My real name is Courtney; Aphrodite is just my stage name.” Wynonna says.

Just then Lou walked up to Wynonna and started to sniff around her neck, “You’ve been mated (sniff’s near Wynonna’s mark on her neck) and been in pup (sniff’s several times around Wynonna’s body as he walked around her) twice.” Lou stares directly into Wynonna’s eyes.

“Yes, but my pups are with their father. We are no longer together; he didn’t like me going back to dancing.” Wynonna winks, hoping that Lou bought her story.

“All are welcome here, we don’t judge. You are free to choose your destiny by joining us and adding to our litter. But all of that will be discussed at another time. Let us eat our food, while it is still hot.” Lou says pointing at the table, before walking towards the head of the table. The red-haired woman lifts her pups and places them into their highchairs. Lou serves himself and the pups before anyone else. Over the meal, the women convey with Lou the details of their day’s activities, which consisted of gathering the vegetables from the garden and attending to the maintaining of the household chores.

Wynonna was shown to her new room and was surprised to find that her roommate was Trixie, she explains that Lou has a roster which tells the women, who he would spend 24 hours with, making love, but when any of them came into heat, Lou would breed them, to increase their numbers.

At present there was only two pups born to them, but two more women were in pup and were due within the next 4 months. Trixie explained that Lou does not force himself on the new recruits until they have chosen to be bitten by Lou and turned into a Werewolf, then he would mate with them for a week, securing their connection. Trixie described how if any of them crossed Lou in anyway, they would face being tortured to death by Lou, resulting in having their head bitten off.

Meanwhile Dolls returned to the designated meeting place, he found that Wynonna had not returned within the timeframe, they had specified. He started to become concerned for Wynonna and headed towards the front of the house, where he found the door slightly ajar. Entering the house quietly, Dolls located Wynonna’s clothing strewn on the floor, beside the bathtub, from this he ascertained that Wynonna was inside the house and most properly being kept under guard. Dolls ventured further into the house and located Wynonna sitting on the edge of a single bed.

Upon seeing Dolls, Wynonna signalled to him to be careful by whispering, “Dolls, there are about 15 women and 2 pups living here with Lou. From what I have learned is that Lou only keeps the ones that want to be here, he murders the ones that don’t. He’s working on creating his own pack of Werewolves. (Just then Wynonna could hear faint footsteps coming towards the bedroom). Dolls you must leave, it’s not safe for you to be here. I’ve been told that Lou won’t try anything for a couple of days, so I’m safe for tonight. Go and bring back reinforcements tomorrow. Tell Doc …...” Wynonna says while pushing Dolls towards the window, which Dolls exits through, just in time, because that was when Trixie opened the door.

“I thought that you might want to change into warmer pyjamas for the night. It can get a bit cold overnight.” Trixie hands over to Wynonna a thermal full-length nightie.

“I haven’t worn one of these since I was little.” Wynonna giggles while changing her clothes.


DOLLS POVJumping from the ledge on the side of the building, Dolls landed on both his feet with a thud. Dolls took a quick glance back at the building, making sure that he had not been spotted by anyone. Certain that he had not been seen, Dolls headed back to the SUV and speed back towards Purgatory. Rushing into the station Dolls almost barged into Nicole, who was just stepping out of the Black Badge office.

“Sorry Sheriff Earp-Haught, I didn’t see you.” Dolls said in a frantic tone.

Hearing the tone of Dolls voice, caused Nicole’s instincts to become alert and worried. She noticed that Wynonna had not followed Dolls into the station. “Where’s Wynonna?” Nicole asks while looking towards the Black Badge office, knowing that an overly concerned Waverly was on the other side of the door.

Dolls avoided eye contact with Nicole before opening the door to the Black Badge office and walked inside with Nicole close behind. “Waverly, could you give Doc a call and ask him to come down.” Dolls asks walking over to his desk and takes his pistol out of its holster and lays it down on the desktop. Jeremy informed Dolls that the weapons and ammo had arrived along with both Agents Lucado and Shapiro, who were catching up on the case in their hotel room.

Waverly makes a call to Doc asking him to join them at the station, and while they waited Nicole took Waverly down to the café, to collect some coffees. Once coming back to the office, Doc had arrived, and Dolls was pacing the floor, while Agents Lucado and Shapiro arranged the specific weapons and silver ammo onto the table, preparing for action. Emily sat around the main table, looking at a map of the Pine Barrens, as she had been requested to come in for the team meeting.

Seeing how nervous the normally strong dark-skinned Alpha, Nicole took it upon herself to poke the Elephant in the room, by saying, “What happened out there? Agent Dolls?”

Clearing his throat, Dolls started off by saying, “We found where Lou and his pack are living. I headed around the back of the two-storey house, while Wynonna took the front. We planned to meet back at a spot in an hour, so when I returned to the area, there was no sign of Wynonna. Making my way inside, I was able to locate Wynonna, she was safe and sitting on the side of a bed. She told me that there were about 15 women, 2 pups, along with Lou living in the house. Wynonna told me to leave and come back tomorrow with reinforcements. I’m so sorry Doc.”

Tears well up in Doc’s eyes while he tried to speak, which he found it difficult to convey his frustration and fears for his wife’s safety. All Doc could do was play with his cowboy hat in his hands. Waverly started shaking in her chair, Nicole reached over and wrapped her arms around the brunette and held her tight.

“We have the coordinates for the location of the house and Agent Dolls has given a layout of the inside of the house. Agent Shapiro, Agent Dolls, and I will discuss the finer details of the operation to rescue Agent Earp-Holiday, along with the apprehension of the criminal Lou. Black Badge has also sent a formula, that reverses the effects of being bitten and turned into a Werewolf. I suggest that you all head home and get yourselves a good night’s sleep, before returning here at 8am in the morning.” Agent Lucado said with a straight face as she walked to the office door and opened it.

Realising that Agent Lucado was not going to discuss anything more that evening, Nicole stood and said, “We have some pups of our own that are waiting for us. They most probably have tired out Nedley by now. Doc, you all can stay with us tonight, that way your ….” Nicole stop speaking as Waverly gently touches her hand. Doc nods and follows the Sheriff and her wife out the door.

Back at the homestead Nicole begins the makings of a fire in the living room’s fireplace, while Waverly took care of the food, Doc took charge of bathing Alice, Nicolas, and Alberto. Henry, Walden, Bach, and Winona had already been bathed and dressed in their pyjamas and were happily playing in the playpen.

After the meal had been served and eaten, Nicole suggested to Waverly and Doc that they tuck all the pups into bed for the night, while she took care of the dishes. Waverly and Doc throughout the meal had pushed the food around on their plates and taking small bites every now and then. As she washed up the dishes, Nicole could hear Alice crying out for her Mum and then Doc’s voice providing a comforting tone for his daughter and son.

Half an hour later, Doc ventured back out into the living room, looking tired and worn out, seeing his demeanour, Nicole pulled down three whiskey glasses and a bottle of the good stuff. Pouring three shots, Nicole handed a glass to Waverly and then one to Doc. Once they all settled on the couch, all three of them took a swig of the liquor, none of them speaking but staring at the flames dancing in the fireplace. Doc finished his drink and excused himself and headed out the door, saying he needed a cigar before heading to bed.

Waverly headed off to get ready for bed as Nicole made sure that all the fireplaces were filled with enough wood to last through the night. Nicole walked into their bedroom and found Waverly dressed in her nightwear, pacing up and down at the end of the bed. “Hey there pretty lady.” Nicole says with a cheeky grin.

Waverly stops dead in her tracks and with a quizzing look on her face, she says, “What?”

“Come on and let’s see if we can get that brain of yours to focus on something else other than Wynonna.” Nicole slides her hands onto Waverly’s hips and pulls her against her body.

“Nicole, she’s my sister and I’m worried about what Lou might do to her? I can’t turn off my brain. You know that Champ said that to me once in High School. He couldn’t walk properly for over a week for saying that.” Waverly says in an annoyed tone. She crosses her arms over her breasts and glares directly at Nicole.

“No, baby, I didn’t mean it that way, I know you too well. You’ll worry all night and not any sleep. Then when we need the most tomorrow, you won’t be able to bring your best to the team. I just thought you could (Nicole leans down and places a kiss to Waverly’s lips) tell me all about the research you’ve (Nicole then kisses Waverly’s pulse point) done into how we can (Nicole gently pushes Waverly back towards the bed and then applied enough pressure to Waverly’s hips to lower the brunette onto the bed.

Before Waverly could attack her wife, they were interrupted by little voices calling out, “Mummy”. Nicole offered to go and see to their pups, so that Waverly could make herself comfortable in bed. Nicole found both Nicolas and Alberto sitting up in their cots and saying, “Mummy, no bot bot.”

Nicole smiled as she walked in between the cots, “Oh, did Mummy forget your bot bots? Why don’t I go and get them ready for you?”

While Nicole was waiting for the microwave to finish heating up the bottles, a thought came to mind. She left the bottles sitting on the bench before going into Nicolas and Alberto’s room and lifting them out of their cots. “Ma is sad. Let’s go and try and make her less sad.” Nicolas and Alberto nod before following their Mummy into the kitchen, where Nicole hands them the bottles. Nicole walks into her bedroom and says, “I thought you might like some extra cuddles from these two.” Nicolas and Alberto stand next to Nicole, holding their bedtime bottles in one hand and in the other, their little Sheriff bears.

Seeing her sons being so cute, melted all of Waverly’s fears away. Opening her arms Waverly beckoned her toddler sons into her bed and into her arms. Nicole quickly changes into her nightwear before joining her wife and sons in bed. It didn’t take much time before all four of them had drifted off to sleep.

The next morning all the team converged at the station and after Agent Lucado filled them all in on the plan to rescue Wynonna and bring down Lou. Agent Dolls divided out to the team all the weapons and silver bullet ammo. It was decided that both Doc and Nicole would take on their wolf forms, but Waverly insisted that both wore bullet proof vests over their fur. The rest of the team included Emily, Lucado, Shapiro, Dolls, and Jeremy who would be keeping in touch with the team from the station.

Nicole drove the Police Van to the location within the Pine Barrens, along with Lucado following behind with van, in which they plan to transport the women, the rest of the team rode amongst the two vehicles.

Dolls lead them to the outskirts of the building, which Wynonna was being held captive. Nicole and Doc changed into their wolf forms, and then Waverly made sure that the bullet proof vests were secured and in place over their fur. Waverly lent down and placed a kiss to the side of Nicole’s muzzle while her hands ran through Nicole’s red fur. Nicole made a purring sound, causing her wife to grin.